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Conformer for Speech Recognition

This PopART application implements a Speech Recognition model using Conformer blocks as described in this paper:

Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition.

Currently, training is based on Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC). For the implementation of the CTC loss, go to custom_operators/ctc_loss.

How to train a conformer model

  1. Prepare the environment.

    Install the poplar-sdk following the README provided. Make sure to source the scripts for poplar and popart.

  2. Setup a virtual environment

virtualenv venv -p python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install required packages like torchaudio and librosa.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Dataset: Currently, we use the LibriSpeech dataset which is a multi-speaker dataset of approximately 1000 hours of 16kHz English speech. For more details see

To download the default versions of the training and test sets, go to a suitable location and do:

tar -zxvf train-clean-100.tar.gz
tar -zxvf test-clean.tar.gz

More train, dev and test datasets can also be downloaded as listed here: .

  1. Build CTC custom op for training. Go to custom_operators/ctc_loss, and run
make all
  1. Run the training program. Use the --model-conf-file option to specify which model configuration to use. Use the --data-dir option to specify the path to the data and use the --model-dir option to specify a path to save the trained model. For e.g., to train the small model configuration, do:
python3 --model-conf-file  model_configs/small_model_conf_bs4.json --model-dir /path/to/trained/model --data-dir /path/to/librispeech

How to run inference with the conformer model

  1. To run inference, one needs to install the ctcdecode library for CTC beam search decoding.
  1. Run the inference program. Use the --model-file option to specify which trained model checkpoint to use. And use the --results-dir option to specify where to save the inference results. For e.g.. to test a trained model of small configuration, do:
python3 --model-conf-file  model_configs/small_model_conf_bs4.json --model-file /path/to/trained/model.onnx --data-dir /path/to/librispeech --results-dir /path/to/inference_results/

The ground-truth and model predictions will be saved in a .txt file at /path/to/inference_results/.

Run unit-tests

To run unit-tests, simply do:



Use --help to show the available options. Here are a few other options:

--dataset the dataset to use. For training, this can be one of train-clean-100, train-clean-360,train-other-500. For testing, this can be one of test-clean, test-other.

--num-epochs the number of epochs to run for training.

--select-ipu specifies the ID of the IPU or MultiIPU to use for the session.


This application is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file at the top-level of this repository.

The LibriSpeech dataset used here is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See

The code for this application uses the ctcdecode library which is licensed under the MIT license. See