- TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.
- It is a transport layer protocol.
- The application layer sends a lot of raw data and the transport layer converts it into data segments meaning it is divided into chunks, adds headers, checksums, etc.
- It may also collect data from the network layer and then network layer divides these segments into smaller packets.
- This provides congestion control.
- It takes care of these things: - data received or not. - maintains order of the packets using the sequence numbers.
- Various other protocols use TCP such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP, etc.
- TCP is connection oriented meaning it first establishes the connection and then it starts processing the data.
- Provides error control.
- Provides congestion control.
- The established connection is
- This means that PC_a can send data to PC_b, PC_b can send data to PC_a, and both PC_a and PC_b can send data to each other simultaneously.
- Using a TCP connection, there can only be two end points.
- This is a pre connection process.
- First our computer will ask our friend's computer "Hey, I want to make a connection with you. Can I?".
- The friend's computer replies "Yeah, sure.".
- And then our computer will respond, "Okay!, I am creating a connection now.".
- And then the connection is established.
- This is known as Three Way Handshake.
Let's say we want to connect to a server.
We first send a connection request to the server. We send a
Synchronization Flag
which means we want to establish a connection (a value inside header of a packet). -
The packet also has a sequence number.
These sequence numbers are random because if they are not, then it can be hacked by hackers.
In return the server responds "I have got your request." and sends an
Acknowledgement Flag
with a sequence number as the sequence number from the previously sent packet by us and do some math with it. -
And then client acknowledges the flag sent by the server and again sends the acknowledgement flag to the server about we are establishing a connection.
There is acknowledgement number also in the packet's header which is previous sequence number + 1.