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#' creates a canopy height model from generic Lidar las data using the lidR package
#' In addition the script cuts the area to a defined extent using the lidR catalog concept.
#' Furthermore the data is tiled into a handy format even for poor memory
#' and a canopy height model is calculated
#' Input: regular las LiDAR data sets
#' Output: Canopy heightmodel RDS file of the resulting catalog
title: "MakeCHMCatalog"
author: "Muench"
date: "17 12 2020"
output: html_document
Author: Chris Reudenbach, [email protected]
Copyright: Chris Reudenbach, Thomas Nauss 2017-2019, GPL (>= 3)
#' creates a canopy height model from generic Lidar las data using the lidR package
#' In addition the script cuts the area to a defined extent using the lidR catalog concept.
#' Furthermore the data is tiled into a handy format even for poor memory
#' and a canopy height model is calculated
#' Input: regular las LiDAR data sets
#' Output: Canopy heightmodel RDS file of the resulting catalog
0 - load packages
1 - source files
source(file.path(envimaR::alternativeEnvi(root_folder = "D:/Benutzer/Muench/edu/mpg-envinsys-plygrnd",
alt_env_id = "COMPUTERNAME",
alt_env_value = "PCRZP",
alt_env_root_folder = "F:/BEN/edu"),
2 - define variables
get viridris color palette
define current projection (It is not magic you need to check the meta data or ask your instructor)
ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N
proj4 = "+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
3 - start code
cut the origdata to the AOI
mof <- cut_mof(coord = c(477600.0,5632500.0,478350.0,5632500.0),
proj = proj4<- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:32632"),
envrmt = envrmt)
<Fehler in cut_mof(coord = c(477600, 5632500, 478350, 5632500), proj = proj4 <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:32632"), :
konnte Funktion "cut_mof" nicht finden
Fehler: Versuch einen Variablennamen der Länge 0 zu nutzen>
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