diff --git a/company_linkage/README.md b/company_linkage/README.md
index 6a585284..b9ededab 100644
--- a/company_linkage/README.md
+++ b/company_linkage/README.md
@@ -14,42 +14,7 @@ script to get top conference papers and total papers, these tests will work for
This code is dependent on internal CSET BigQuery datasets; without access to these datasets, you will not be able to
run some of this code as-is.
-## Tasks to build visualization data
-1. [organizations.sql](sql/organizations.sql)
-2. [ai_publications.sql](sql/ai_publications.sql)
-3. [linked_ai_patents.sql](sql/linked_ai_patents.sql)
-4. [top_conference_pubs.sql](sql/top_conference_pubs.sql)
-5. [pubs_in_top_conferences.sql](sql/pubs_in_top_conferences.sql)
-6. [all_publications.sql](sql/all_publications.sql)
-7. `python3 aggregate_organizations.py aggregated_organizations.jsonl`
-8. Replace `high_resolution_entities.aggregated_organizations` with the data from `aggregated_organizations.jsonl` using the [aggregated_organizations_schema](schemas/aggregated_organizations_schema.json)
-9. `python3 get_ai_counts.py data/ai_company_papers.jsonl data/ai_company_patents.jsonl`
-10. Upload `ai_company_papers.jsonl` to `ai_companies_visualization.ai_company_pubs` using the [ai_papers_schema](schemas/ai_papers_schema.json)
-11. Upload `ai_company_patents.jsonl` to `ai_companies_visualization.ai_company_patents` using the [ai_patents_schema](schemas/ai_patents_schema.json)
-12. `python3 top_papers.py top_paper_counts.jsonl`
-13. Upload `top_paper_counts.jsonl` to `ai_companies_visualization.top_paper_counts` using the [top_papers_schema](schemas/top_papers_schema.json)
-14. `python3 all_papers.py all_paper_counts.jsonl`
-15. Upload `all_paper_counts.jsonl` to `ai_companies_visualization.total_paper_counts` using the [all_papers_schema](schemas/all_papers_schema.json)
-16. [initial_visualization_data.sql](sql/initial_visualization_data.sql)
-17. [visualization_data_with_by_year.sql](sql/visualization_data_with_by_year.sql)
-18. [visualization_data_with_top_papers.sql](sql/visualization_data_with_top_papers.sql)
-19. [visualization_data_with_all_papers.sql](sql/visualization_data_with_all_papers.sql)
-20. [initial_patent_visualization_data.sql](sql/initial_patent_visualization_data.sql)
-21. [patent_visualization_data_with_by_year.sql](sql/patent_visualization_data_with_by_year.sql)
-22. [initial_paper_visualization_data.sql](sql/initial_paper_visualization_data.sql)
-23. [paper_visualization_data_with_mag.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data_with_mag.sql)
-24. [paper_visualization_data_with_clusters.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data_with_clusters.sql)
-25. [paper_visualization_data_with_company_references.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data_with_company_references.sql)
-26. [paper_visualization_data_with_tasks.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data_with_tasks.sql)
-27. [paper_visualization_data_with_methods.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data_with_methods.sql)
-28. [initial_workforce_visualization_data.sql](sql/initial_workforce_visualization_data.sql)
-29. [workforce_visualization_data_with_ai_jobs.sql](sql/workforce_visualization_data_with_ai_jobs.sql)
-30. [visualization_data_omit_by_rule.sql](sql/visualization_data_omit_by_rule.sql)
-31. [visualization_data.sql](sql/visualization_data.sql)
-32. [patent_visualization_data.sql](sql/patent_visualization_data.sql)
-33. [paper_visualization_data.sql](sql/paper_visualization_data.sql)
-34. [workforce_visualization_data.sql](sql/workforce_visualization_data.sql)
+To view the order of tasks necessary to build visualization data, see the airflow DAG.
# Deployment
diff --git a/company_linkage/parat_data_dag.py b/company_linkage/parat_data_dag.py
index 4cfcd805..07058eb6 100644
--- a/company_linkage/parat_data_dag.py
+++ b/company_linkage/parat_data_dag.py
@@ -153,7 +153,8 @@
arguments=["-c", (f"echo 'getting AI counts!' ; rm -r ai || true ; "
f"mkdir -p ai && "
- f"python3 get_ai_counts.py ai/ai_company_papers.jsonl ai/ai_company_patents.jsonl && "
+ f"python3 get_ai_counts.py ai/ai_company_papers.jsonl ai/ai_company_patents.jsonl "
+ f"ai/ai_company_patent_grants.jsonl && "
f"gsutil -m cp -r ai gs://{DATA_BUCKET}/{tmp_dir}/ ")],
@@ -199,6 +200,17 @@
+ load_ai_patent_grants = GCSToBigQueryOperator(
+ task_id=f"load_ai_company_patent_grants",
+ bucket=DATA_BUCKET,
+ source_objects=[f"{tmp_dir}/ai/ai_company_patent_grants.jsonl"],
+ schema_object=f"{schema_dir}/ai_patents_schema.json",
+ destination_project_dataset_table=f"{staging_dataset}.ai_company_patent_grants",
+ source_format="NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON",
+ create_disposition="CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
+ write_disposition="WRITE_TRUNCATE"
+ )
run_papers = []
for paper_type in ["top", "all"]:
@@ -350,6 +362,7 @@
>> run_get_ai_counts
>> load_ai_papers
>> load_ai_patents
+ >> load_ai_patent_grants
>> run_papers
>> load_top_papers
>> load_all_papers
diff --git a/company_linkage/parat_scripts/get_ai_counts.py b/company_linkage/parat_scripts/get_ai_counts.py
index 681f704d..5df57e13 100644
--- a/company_linkage/parat_scripts/get_ai_counts.py
+++ b/company_linkage/parat_scripts/get_ai_counts.py
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ def run_query_id_papers(self, table_name: str, test: bool = False) -> list:
"nlp": element["nlp"], "robotics": element["robotics"]})
return company_rows
- def run_query_id_patents(self):
+ def run_query_id_patents(self, table_name: str):
Get patent counts one by one using CSET_ids.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def run_query_id_patents(self):
- staging_ai_companies_visualization.linked_ai_patents
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.{table_name}
WHERE regexp_contains(assignee, r'(?i){regexes[0]}') """
# if we have more than one regex for an org, include all of them
if len(regexes) > 1:
@@ -274,8 +274,12 @@ def write_output(self, row_list: list, output_file) -> None:
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("output_papers", type=str, help="A jsonl file for writing output paper data to create new tables")
- parser.add_argument("output_patents", type=str, help="A jsonl file for writing output patent data to create new tables")
+ parser.add_argument("output_papers", type=str,
+ help="A jsonl file for writing output paper data to create new tables")
+ parser.add_argument("output_patents", type=str,
+ help="A jsonl file for writing output patent data to create new tables")
+ parser.add_argument("output_patent_grants", type=str,
+ help="A jsonl file for writing output patent grants data to create new tables")
args = parser.parse_args()
if "jsonl" not in args.output_papers or "jsonl" not in args.output_patents:
@@ -287,10 +291,14 @@ def main() -> None:
company_rows = count_getter.run_query_id_papers(table_name)
print("Writing results")
count_getter.write_output(company_rows, args.output_papers)
- print("Fetching patent data")
- patent_companies = count_getter.run_query_id_patents()
+ print("Fetching patent applications data")
+ patent_companies = count_getter.run_query_id_patents("linked_ai_patents")
print("Writing results")
count_getter.write_output(patent_companies, args.output_patents)
+ print("Fetching patent grants data")
+ patent_grant_companies = count_getter.run_query_id_patents("linked_ai_patents_grants")
+ print("Writing results")
+ count_getter.write_output(patent_grant_companies, args.output_patent_grants)
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/company_linkage/sequences/initial_data.csv b/company_linkage/sequences/initial_data.csv
index c1a10432..b7aa753e 100644
--- a/company_linkage/sequences/initial_data.csv
+++ b/company_linkage/sequences/initial_data.csv
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/company_linkage/sequences/visualization_data.csv b/company_linkage/sequences/visualization_data.csv
index 09ae1630..30a711cf 100644
--- a/company_linkage/sequences/visualization_data.csv
+++ b/company_linkage/sequences/visualization_data.csv
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ staging_ai_companies_visualization,visualization_data_with_top_papers
diff --git a/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents.sql b/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents.sql
index ee7360b2..fd15d8de 100644
--- a/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents.sql
+++ b/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--- Pulling every AI-associated patent family id linked to every grid id of any assignee for that patent, and all the assignee names
+-- Pulling every AI-associated patent family id linked to every ror id of any assignee for that patent, and all the assignee names
-- We also pull in the AI subcategories and the years
-- We also attempt to add in "fake" families for the patents that are missing patent families
with patents_orig as (
- -- Pulling in the current assignee ror ids from dimensions
+ -- Pulling in the current assignee ror ids
diff --git a/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents_grants.sql b/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents_grants.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8948d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/company_linkage/sql/linked_ai_patents_grants.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- Pulling every AI-associated patent family id linked to every grid id of any assignee for that patent, and all the assignee names
+-- We also pull in the AI subcategories and the years
+-- We also attempt to add in "fake" families for the patents that are missing patent families
+with patents_orig as (
+ -- Pulling in the current assignee ror ids from dimensions
+ patent_id,
+ assignees_normalized.family_id,
+ assignee,
+ ror_id,
+ granted
+ unified_patents.assignees_normalized
+ unified_patents.metadata
+ (patent_id)),
+all_ai as (
+ -- Selecting all the family ids and patent IDs to get AI patents
+ -- Also select the year so we can get counts by year
+ patent_id,
+ Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering,
+ Life_Sciences,
+ Security__eg_cybersecurity,
+ Transportation,
+ Industrial_and_Manufacturing,
+ Education,
+ Document_Mgt_and_Publishing,
+ Military,
+ Agricultural,
+ Computing_in_Government,
+ Personal_Devices_and_Computing,
+ Banking_and_Finance,
+ Telecommunications,
+ Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc,
+ Business,
+ Energy_Management,
+ Entertainment,
+ Nanotechnology,
+ Semiconductors,
+ Language_Processing,
+ Speech_Processing,
+ Knowledge_Representation,
+ Planning_and_Scheduling,
+ Control, Distributed_AI,
+ Robotics,
+ Computer_Vision,
+ Analytics_and_Algorithms,
+ Measuring_and_Testing,
+ Logic_Programming,
+ Fuzzy_Logic,
+ Probabilistic_Reasoning,
+ Ontology_Engineering,
+ Machine_Learning,
+ Search_Methods
+ unified_patents.ai_patents),
+ patent_years as (
+ patent_id,
+ EXTRACT(year FROM first_priority_date) as priority_year
+ unified_patents.dates
+ )
+ -- If the family id is null we can't group by family id so we create a fake family id using the patent id
+ -- Since we can't group by family id there should only be one patent id in these cases
+ -- We're just doing this so our counts aren't blank
+ COALESCE(family_id, "X-" || patent_id) as family_id,
+ assignee,
+ ror_id,
+ MIN(priority_year) as priority_year,
+ LOGICAL_OR(granted) as granted,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering) as Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Life_Sciences) as Life_Sciences,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Security__eg_cybersecurity) as Security__eg_cybersecurity,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Transportation) as Transportation,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Industrial_and_Manufacturing) as Industrial_and_Manufacturing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Education) as Education,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Document_Mgt_and_Publishing) as Document_Mgt_and_Publishing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Military) as Military,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Agricultural) as Agricultural,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Computing_in_Government) as Computing_in_Government,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Personal_Devices_and_Computing) as Personal_Devices_and_Computing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Banking_and_Finance) as Banking_and_Finance,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Telecommunications) as Telecommunications,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc) as Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Business) as Business,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Energy_Management) as Energy_Management,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Entertainment) as Entertainment,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Nanotechnology) as Nanotechnology,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Semiconductors) as Semiconductors,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Language_Processing) as Language_Processing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Speech_Processing) as Speech_Processing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Knowledge_Representation) as Knowledge_Representation,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Planning_and_Scheduling) as Planning_and_Scheduling,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Control) as Control,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Distributed_AI) as Distributed_AI,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Robotics) as Robotics,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Computer_Vision) as Computer_Vision,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Analytics_and_Algorithms) as Analytics_and_Algorithms,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Measuring_and_Testing) as Measuring_and_Testing,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Logic_Programming) as Logic_Programming,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Fuzzy_Logic) as Fuzzy_Logic,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Probabilistic_Reasoning) as Probabilistic_Reasoning,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Ontology_Engineering) as Ontology_Engineering,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Machine_Learning) as Machine_Learning,
+ LOGICAL_OR(Search_Methods) as Search_Methods
+ -- Only including patents if their ids are in or AI patent set, ensuring we have AI patents
+ FROM ( all_ai
+ LEFT JOIN patents_orig
+ USING (patent_id)
+ LEFT JOIN patent_years
+ USING (patent_id))
+ WHERE priority_year IS NOT NULL and granted is true
+ ror_id,
+ assignee,
+ family_id
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data.sql b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data.sql
index 8047506a..475c5460 100644
--- a/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data.sql
+++ b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data.sql
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ WITH
- staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_by_year
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_grants_by_year
USING (cset_id)
WHERE visualization_data_omit_by_rule.cset_id IS NULL)
- staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_by_year
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_grants_by_year
diff --git a/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants.sql b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb1546f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ aipats AS (
+ -- Pulling all the patents from any of our companies
+ *
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.ai_company_patent_grants),
+ pattable AS (
+ -- Getting the count of patents
+ CSET_id,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT family_id) AS ai_patents_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Life_Sciences IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Life_Sciences_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Security__eg_cybersecurity IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Transportation IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Transportation_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Industrial_and_Manufacturing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Education IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Education_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Document_Mgt_and_Publishing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Military IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Military_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Agricultural IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Agricultural_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Computing_in_Government IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Computing_in_Government_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Personal_Devices_and_Computing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Banking_and_Finance IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Telecommunications IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Telecommunications_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Business IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Business_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Energy_Management IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Energy_Management_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Entertainment IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Entertainment_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Nanotechnology IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Nanotechnology_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Semiconductors IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Semiconductors_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Language_Processing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Language_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Speech_Processing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Speech_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Knowledge_Representation IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Planning_and_Scheduling IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Control IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Control_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Distributed_AI IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Distributed_AI_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Robotics IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Robotics_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Computer_Vision IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Computer_Vision_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Analytics_and_Algorithms IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Measuring_and_Testing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Logic_Programming IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Logic_Programming_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Fuzzy_Logic IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Probabilistic_Reasoning IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Ontology_Engineering IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Machine_Learning IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Machine_Learning_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Search_Methods IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Search_Methods_pats_grants
+ FROM aipats
+ CSET_id),
+grants_all as
+ -- Pulling CSET_id and name, plus ai_pats
+ CSET_id,
+ COALESCE(ai_patents_grants, 0) as ai_patents_grants,
+ COALESCE(Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants, 0) as Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Life_Sciences_pats_grants, 0) as Life_Sciences_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants, 0) as Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Transportation_pats_grants, 0) as Transportation_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants, 0) as Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Education_pats_grants, 0) as Education_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants, 0) as Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Military_pats_grants, 0) as Military_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Agricultural_pats_grants, 0) as Agricultural_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Computing_in_Government_pats_grants, 0) as Computing_in_Government_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants, 0) as Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants, 0) as Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Telecommunications_pats_grants, 0) as Telecommunications_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants, 0) as Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Business_pats_grants, 0) as Business_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Energy_Management_pats_grants, 0) as Energy_Management_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Entertainment_pats_grants, 0) as Entertainment_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Nanotechnology_pats_grants, 0) as Nanotechnology_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Semiconductors_pats_grants, 0) as Semiconductors_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Language_Processing_pats_grants, 0) as Language_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Speech_Processing_pats_grants, 0) as Speech_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants, 0) as Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants, 0) as Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Control_pats_grants, 0) as Control_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Distributed_AI_pats_grants, 0) as Distributed_AI_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Robotics_pats_grants, 0) as Robotics_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Computer_Vision_pats_grants, 0) as Computer_Vision_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants, 0) as Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants, 0) as Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Logic_Programming_pats_grants, 0) as Logic_Programming_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants, 0) as Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants, 0) as Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants, 0) as Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Machine_Learning_pats_grants, 0) as Machine_Learning_pats_grants,
+ COALESCE(Search_Methods_pats_grants, 0) as Search_Methods_pats_grants,
+ high_resolution_entities.aggregated_organizations
+ pattable
+ (CSET_id)
+ viz.*,
+ grants_all.* EXCEPT (CSET_id)
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_by_year AS viz
+ grants_all
+ (CSET_id)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants_by_year.sql b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants_by_year.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f83ec62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/company_linkage/sql/patent_visualization_data_with_grants_by_year.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ aipats AS (
+ -- Pulling all the patents from any of our companies
+ *
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.ai_company_patent_grants),
+ pattable AS (
+ -- Getting the count of patents
+ CSET_id,
+ priority_year,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT family_id) AS ai_patents,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Life_Sciences IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Life_Sciences_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Security__eg_cybersecurity IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Transportation IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Transportation_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Industrial_and_Manufacturing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Education IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Education_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Document_Mgt_and_Publishing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Military IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Military_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Agricultural IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Agricultural_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Computing_in_Government IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Computing_in_Government_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Personal_Devices_and_Computing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Banking_and_Finance IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Telecommunications IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Telecommunications_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Business IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Business_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Energy_Management IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Energy_Management_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Entertainment IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Entertainment_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Nanotechnology IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Nanotechnology_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Semiconductors IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Semiconductors_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Language_Processing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Language_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Speech_Processing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Speech_Processing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Knowledge_Representation IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Planning_and_Scheduling IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Control IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Control_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Distributed_AI IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Distributed_AI_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Robotics IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Robotics_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Computer_Vision IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Computer_Vision_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Analytics_and_Algorithms IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Measuring_and_Testing IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Logic_Programming IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Logic_Programming_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Fuzzy_Logic IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Probabilistic_Reasoning IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Ontology_Engineering IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Machine_Learning IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Machine_Learning_pats_grants,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Search_Methods IS TRUE THEN family_id END) as Search_Methods_pats_grants
+ FROM aipats
+ CSET_id,
+ priority_year),
+ by_year as (
+ -- Get the counts by year
+ CSET_id,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ ai_patents)
+ priority_year) AS ai_patents_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Life_Sciences_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Life_Sciences_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Security__eg_cybersecurity_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Transportation_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Transportation_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Industrial_and_Manufacturing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Education_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Education_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Document_Mgt_and_Publishing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Military_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Military_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Agricultural_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Agricultural_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Computing_in_Government_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Computing_in_Government_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Personal_Devices_and_Computing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Banking_and_Finance_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Telecommunications_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Telecommunications_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Business_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Business_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Energy_Management_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Energy_Management_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Entertainment_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Entertainment_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Nanotechnology_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Nanotechnology_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Semiconductors_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Semiconductors_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Language_Processing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Language_Processing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Speech_Processing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Speech_Processing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Knowledge_Representation_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Planning_and_Scheduling_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Control_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Control_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Distributed_AI_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Distributed_AI_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Robotics_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Robotics_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Computer_Vision_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Computer_Vision_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Analytics_and_Algorithms_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Measuring_and_Testing_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Logic_Programming_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Logic_Programming_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Fuzzy_Logic_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Probabilistic_Reasoning_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Ontology_Engineering_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Machine_Learning_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Machine_Learning_pats_grants_by_year,
+ ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(priority_year,
+ Search_Methods_pats_grants)
+ priority_year) AS Search_Methods_pats_grants_by_year,
+ high_resolution_entities.aggregated_organizations
+ pattable
+ (CSET_id)
+ CSET_id
+ -- Pulling CSET_id and name, plus ai_pats_grants
+ viz.*,
+ by_year.* EXCEPT (CSET_id)
+ staging_ai_companies_visualization.patent_visualization_data_with_grants AS viz
+ by_year
+ (CSET_id)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 7551a29c..4473fe92 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ google-auth
diff --git a/web/gui-v2/src/components/DetailViewPatents.jsx b/web/gui-v2/src/components/DetailViewPatents.jsx
index d571818d..5ec53561 100644
--- a/web/gui-v2/src/components/DetailViewPatents.jsx
+++ b/web/gui-v2/src/components/DetailViewPatents.jsx
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ const DetailViewPatents = ({
text: <>growth in {data.name}'s AI patenting ({yearSpanNdash})>,
- key: "ai-patent-applications",
- stat: <>{commas(data.patents.ai_patent_applications.total)}>,
- text:
AI patent applications were filed by {data.name} ({yearSpanNdash})
+ key: "ai-patent-grants",
+ stat: <>{commas(data.patents.ai_patents_grants.total)}>,
+ text: AI patents were granted to {data.name} ({yearSpanNdash})
key: "ai-focused-percent",
diff --git a/web/gui-v2/src/components/ListView.test.js b/web/gui-v2/src/components/ListView.test.js
index 30fc4f5e..5a027a79 100644
--- a/web/gui-v2/src/components/ListView.test.js
+++ b/web/gui-v2/src/components/ListView.test.js
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ describe("ListView", () => {
// Filter by Europe and verify that the count updates
- expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 1760 companies')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 1779 companies')).toBeVisible();
const regionHeader = screen.getByRole('columnheader', { name: /country/i });
await user.click(getByRole(regionHeader, 'button'));
const menu = screen.getByRole('listbox');
await user.click(getByText(menu, 'China'));
- expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 267 of 1760 companies')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 269 of 1779 companies')).toBeVisible();
// Reset the filters and verify that the count updates
await user.click(screen.getByRole('button', { name: /reset filters/i }));
- expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 1760 companies')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 1779 companies')).toBeVisible();
}, 20000);
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ describe("ListView", () => {
await user.click(getByRole(companyHeader, 'combobox'));
const menu = screen.getByRole('listbox');
await user.click(getByText(menu, 'S&P 500'));
- expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 499 of 1760 companies')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.getByText('Viewing 503 of 1779 companies')).toBeVisible();
}, 20000);
diff --git a/web/gui-v2/src/static_data/data.js b/web/gui-v2/src/static_data/data.js
index a2e7122b..0d540c82 100644
--- a/web/gui-v2/src/static_data/data.js
+++ b/web/gui-v2/src/static_data/data.js
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-const company_data = [{"cset_id": 803, "country": "Ireland", "website": "https://www.accenture.com/us-en", "crunchbase": {"text": "0d5171b3-68b3-37c3-cb50-8cd8ccb8930b", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/accenture"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/accenture"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Accenture PLC", "patent_name": "accenture plc", "continent": "Europe", "local_logo": "accenture_plc.png", "aliases": "Accenture; Andersen", "permid_links": [{"text": 4295903017, "url": "https://permid.org/1-4295903017"}], "parent_info": null, "agg_child_info": null, "unagg_child_info": null, "market_filt": [{"text": "NYSE:ACN", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/acn:nyse"}], "market_full": [{"text": "FRA:CSA", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/csa:fra"}, {"text": "FWB:CSA", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/csa:fwb"}, {"text": "MEX:ACNN", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/acnn:mex"}, {"text": "LSE:0Y0Y", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/0y0y:lse"}, {"text": "NYSE:ACN", "url": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/acn:nyse"}], "crunchbase_description": "Accenture is a professional services company, providing services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations.", "groups": {"sp500": true, "global500": true}, "fields": [{"field_name": "Deep learning", "field_count": 9}, {"field_name": "Convolutional neural network", "field_count": 5}, {"field_name": "Artificial neural network", "field_count": 5}, {"field_name": "Sentence", "field_count": 4}, {"field_name": "Topic model", "field_count": 4}, {"field_name": "Cluster analysis", "field_count": 4}, {"field_name": "Semantic similarity", "field_count": 3}, {"field_name": "Sentiment analysis", "field_count": 3}, {"field_name": "Biometrics", "field_count": 3}, {"field_name": "Robot", "field_count": 3}], "clusters": [{"cluster_id": 12638, "cluster_count": 9}, {"cluster_id": 7496, "cluster_count": 5}, {"cluster_id": 5109, "cluster_count": 5}, {"cluster_id": 19500, "cluster_count": 3}, {"cluster_id": 1149, "cluster_count": 3}, {"cluster_id": 20825, "cluster_count": 3}, {"cluster_id": 75688, "cluster_count": 2}, {"cluster_id": 12712, "cluster_count": 2}, {"cluster_id": 2621, "cluster_count": 2}, {"cluster_id": 53938, "cluster_count": 2}], "company_references": [{"ref_CSET_id": 101, "referenced_count": 194}, {"ref_CSET_id": 163, "referenced_count": 119}, {"ref_CSET_id": 115, "referenced_count": 73}, {"ref_CSET_id": 87, "referenced_count": 59}, {"ref_CSET_id": 803, "referenced_count": 31}, {"ref_CSET_id": 6, "referenced_count": 14}, {"ref_CSET_id": 127, "referenced_count": 14}, {"ref_CSET_id": 1126, "referenced_count": 13}, {"ref_CSET_id": 792, "referenced_count": 13}, {"ref_CSET_id": 21, "referenced_count": 12}], "tasks": [{"referent": "classification", "task_count": 29}, {"referent": "artificial_intelligence_and_machine_learning", "task_count": 14}, {"referent": "decision_making", "task_count": 11}, {"referent": "information_extraction", "task_count": 7}, {"referent": "system_identification", "task_count": 6}, {"referent": "natural_language_processing", "task_count": 6}, {"referent": "software_defect_prediction", "task_count": 6}, {"referent": "knowledge_base", "task_count": 6}, {"referent": "multi_task_learning", "task_count": 6}, {"referent": "image_processing", "task_count": 5}], "methods": [{"referent": "mad_learning", "method_count": 27}, {"referent": "vqa_models", "method_count": 17}, {"referent": "q_learning", "method_count": 16}, {"referent": "recurrent_neural_networks", "method_count": 14}, {"referent": "convolutional_neural_networks", "method_count": 12}, {"referent": "auto_classifier", "method_count": 12}, {"referent": "double_q_learning", "method_count": 10}, {"referent": "symbolic_deep_learning", "method_count": 10}, {"referent": "griffin_lim_algorithm", "method_count": 9}, {"referent": "natural_language_processing", "method_count": 9}], "articles": {"highly_cited": {"counts": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], "total": 22, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 1, "sp500_rank": 1, "fortune500_rank": 1}, "all_publications": {"counts": [114, 112, 107, 129, 137, 167, 173, 192, 161, 67, 4], "total": 1363, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 156, "sp500_rank": 120, "fortune500_rank": 57}, "ai_publications": {"counts": [7, 10, 6, 20, 14, 32, 27, 44, 46, 7, 1], "total": 214, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 77, "sp500_rank": 60, "fortune500_rank": 23}, "ai_publications_growth": {"counts": [], "total": -5.758063729078221, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 1238, "sp500_rank": 299, "fortune500_rank": 356}, "ai_pubs_top_conf": {"counts": [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 1, 0], "total": 19, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 82, "sp500_rank": 44, "fortune500_rank": 27}, "citation_counts": {"counts": [29, 49, 78, 71, 99, 162, 254, 400, 562, 361, 20], "total": 2085, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 130, "sp500_rank": 81, "fortune500_rank": 39}, "cv_pubs": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 2, 0], "total": 19, "isTopResearch": true, "rank": 143, "sp500_rank": 89, "fortune500_rank": 40}, "nlp_pubs": {"counts": [4, 5, 2, 7, 4, 14, 5, 10, 16, 1, 1], "total": 69, "isTopResearch": true, "rank": 36, "sp500_rank": 26, "fortune500_rank": 14}, "robotics_pubs": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0], "total": 11, "isTopResearch": true, "rank": 106, "sp500_rank": 77, "fortune500_rank": 29}, "citations_per_article": {"counts": [4.142857142857143, 4.9, 13.0, 3.55, 7.071428571428571, 5.0625, 9.407407407407407, 9.090909090909092, 12.217391304347826, 51.57142857142857, 20.0], "total": 9.742990654205608, "isTopResearch": false, "rank": 550, "sp500_rank": 205, "fortune500_rank": 159}}, "patents": {"ai_patents": {"counts": [7, 11, 25, 60, 116, 161, 143, 167, 48, 0, 0], "total": 738, "table": null, "rank": 37, "sp500_rank": 30, "fortune500_rank": 9}, "ai_patents_growth": {"counts": [], "total": 14.798732002630056, "table": null, "rank": 314, "sp500_rank": 147, "fortune500_rank": 100}, "ai_patent_applications": {"total": 42, "table": null, "rank": 1, "sp500_rank": 1, "fortune500_rank": 1}, "all_patents": {"counts": [70, 110, 250, 600, 1160, 1610, 1430, 1670, 480, 0, 0], "total": 7380, "table": null, "rank": 37, "sp500_rank": 30, "fortune500_rank": 9}, "Physical_Sciences_and_Engineering": {"counts": [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], "total": 4, "table": null, "rank": 88, "sp500_rank": 72, "fortune500_rank": 28}, "Life_Sciences": {"counts": [0, 2, 0, 1, 7, 12, 5, 11, 2, 0, 0], "total": 40, "table": null, "rank": 28, "sp500_rank": 22, "fortune500_rank": 10}, "Security__eg_cybersecurity": {"counts": [1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 11, 14, 18, 3, 0, 0], "total": 58, "table": "industry", "rank": 21, "sp500_rank": 17, "fortune500_rank": 7}, "Transportation": {"counts": [0, 2, 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0], "total": 17, "table": null, "rank": 79, "sp500_rank": 62, "fortune500_rank": 23}, "Industrial_and_Manufacturing": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0], "total": 14, "table": null, "rank": 57, "sp500_rank": 42, "fortune500_rank": 16}, "Education": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0], "total": 8, "table": null, "rank": 18, "sp500_rank": 13, "fortune500_rank": 5}, "Document_Mgt_and_Publishing": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "total": 0, "table": null, "rank": 11, "sp500_rank": 7, "fortune500_rank": 9}, "Military": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "total": 0, "table": null, "rank": 17, "sp500_rank": 13, "fortune500_rank": 6}, "Agricultural": {"counts": [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "total": 3, "table": null, "rank": 29, "sp500_rank": 25, "fortune500_rank": 8}, "Computing_in_Government": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "total": 0, "table": null, "rank": 102, "sp500_rank": 67, "fortune500_rank": 27}, "Personal_Devices_and_Computing": {"counts": [7, 6, 15, 40, 88, 117, 91, 114, 26, 0, 0], "total": 504, "table": "industry", "rank": 17, "sp500_rank": 14, "fortune500_rank": 5}, "Banking_and_Finance": {"counts": [0, 1, 2, 6, 11, 16, 6, 8, 0, 0, 0], "total": 50, "table": "industry", "rank": 21, "sp500_rank": 16, "fortune500_rank": 10}, "Telecommunications": {"counts": [6, 5, 2, 17, 29, 27, 35, 29, 6, 0, 0], "total": 156, "table": "industry", "rank": 29, "sp500_rank": 26, "fortune500_rank": 13}, "Networks__eg_social_IOT_etc": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], "total": 12, "table": null, "rank": 15, "sp500_rank": 11, "fortune500_rank": 8}, "Business": {"counts": [0, 5, 5, 21, 48, 58, 35, 46, 13, 0, 0], "total": 231, "table": "industry", "rank": 13, "sp500_rank": 13, "fortune500_rank": 5}, "Energy_Management": {"counts": [0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0], "total": 7, "table": null, "rank": 62, "sp500_rank": 58, "fortune500_rank": 15}, "Entertainment": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "total": 1, "table": null, "rank": 60, "sp500_rank": 38, "fortune500_rank": 23}, "Nanotechnology": {"counts": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "total": 0, 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IBM is incorporated in New York.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-17", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 806, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.cognizant.com", "crunchbase": {"text": "86537fe4-b762-e63a-8969-2223e1185a2a", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/cognizant-technology-solutions"}, "child_crunchbase": [{"text": "9eaaaec6-6158-93d7-fe81-9ede0cd452ff", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/advanced-technology-group-inc"}], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/cognizant", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/advanced-technology-group-atg-"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Cognizant", "patent_name": "Cognizant", "continent": "North America", "local_logo": "cognizant.png", "aliases": "Cognizant; Cognizant Technology Solutions; Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation", "permid_links": 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The company began by leading in the desktop publishing revolution of the mid-eighties, went on to lead in animation and multi-media through its acquisition of Macromedia, from which it acquired animation technology Adobe Flash, Developed inDesign and subsequently gained a leadership position in publishing over Quark and PageMaker, developed video editing and compositing technology in Premiere, pioneered low-code web development with Muse, and emerged with a suite of solutions for marketing management. 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It was founded by William C. Durant on September 16, 1908, as a holding company, and the present entity was established in 2009 after its restructuring. The company is the largest American automobile manufacturer and one of the world's largest automobile manufacturers.\nAt its peak, GM had a 50% market share in the United States and was the world's largest automaker from 1931 through 2007. 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headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. 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Since August 2018, Walmart holds only a minority stake in Walmart Brasil, which was renamed Grupo Big in August 2019, with 20 percent of the company's shares, and private equity firm Advent International holding 80 percent ownership of the company.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walmart", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-17", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 846, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.honeywell.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "04c517e9-aa90-b096-7977-9a5e53d7bbdb", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/honeywell"}, "child_crunchbase": [{"text": "7ed01dc7-8aed-8795-ae49-13cec8f0544c", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/tetra-tech"}], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/tetra-tech", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/honeywell"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Honeywell, Inc.", "patent_name": "honeywell, inc.", 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Kaiser and physician Sidney Garfield. Kaiser Permanente is made up of three distinct but interdependent groups of entities: the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (KFHP) and its regional operating subsidiaries; Kaiser Foundation Hospitals; and the regional Permanente Medical Groups. 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Neuman introduced the business practice of \"overhead value analysis\" that contributed to a downsizing trend that eliminated many jobs in middle management.McKinsey is the oldest and biggest of the \"Big Three\" management consultancies (MBB), it is seen as one of the most prestigious employers in the industry and has been recognized by Vault as the most prestigious consulting firm in the world.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKinsey_%26_Company", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-16", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 639, "country": "United States", "website": "https://us.pg.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "5d910027-649d-c49c-2aa0-863ddc47183f", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/procter-and-gamble"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/procter-and-gamble"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Procter & Gamble", "patent_name": "procter 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One of the successor companies of Standard Oil, it is headquartered in San Ramon, California, and active in more than 180 countries. Chevron is engaged in every aspect of the oil, natural gas, including hydrocarbon exploration and production; refining, marketing and transport; chemicals manufacturing and sales; and power generation. Chevron is one of the world's largest companies; as of March 2020, it ranked fifteenth in the Fortune 500 with a yearly revenue of $146.5 billion and market valuation of $136 billion. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Chevron was ranked as the 61st -largest public company in the world. It was also one of the Seven Sisters that dominated the global petroleum industry from the mid-1940s to the 1970s. 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Netflix was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California. The company's primary business is a subscription-based streaming service offering online streaming from a library of films and television series, including those produced in-house. In January 2021, Netflix reached 203.7 million subscribers, including 73 million in the United States. It is available worldwide except in the following: mainland China (due to local restrictions), Syria, North Korea, and Crimea (due to US sanctions). It was reported in 2020 that Netflix's operating income is $1.2 billion. The company has offices in France, Brazil, the Netherlands, India, Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Netflix is a member of the Motion Picture Association (MPA), producing and distributing content from countries all over the globe.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflix", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-18", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 2241, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.cadence.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "fd32fa80-742c-f5a6-027d-2bec7c74ee3b", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/cadence-design-systems"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/cadence-design-systems"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Cadence Design Systems", "patent_name": "cadence design systems", "continent": "North America", "local_logo": "cadence_design_systems.png", "aliases": "Cadence Design Systems Inc; Cadence Design Systems, Inc", "permid_links": [{"text": 4295903637, "url": "https://permid.org/1-4295903637"}], "parent_info": 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Ltd., is a Chinese internet security company known for its antivirus software (360 Safeguard, 360 Mobile Safe), Web browser (360 Secure Browser), and mobile application store (360 Mobile Assistant). It was founded by Zhou Hongyi and Qi Xiangdong in June 2005. 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Waterman), glue (Elmer's, Krazy Glue), children's products (Aprica, Nuk, Tigex, Babysun, Baby Jogger and Graco), First Alert alarm systems, Calphalon cookware and kitchen electrics, Sunbeam, Rival, Crock-Pot, Holmes, FoodSaver, Oster, Osterizer, and Mr. Coffee small kitchen appliances as well as Yankee Candle, Chesapeake Bay Candle, Millefiori Milano, and WoodWick home fragrance products.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newell_Brands", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-17", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 2331, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.21cf.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "eba39c57-aa93-4c66-a0ba-e12f21736918", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/fox-corporation"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/fox-corporation"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Fox Corporation Class B", "patent_name": "fox corporation 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The company has manufacturing facilities at the Irvine headquarters, as well as in Draper, Utah; Costa Rica; the Dominican Republic; Puerto Rico; and Singapore; and is building a new facility due to be completed in 2021 in Limerick, Ireland.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_Lifesciences", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-17", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 1818, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.phillips66.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "f48612e0-d1f9-98cb-55ab-e04b64597334", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/phillips-66-2"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/phillips66co"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Phillips 66", "patent_name": "phillips 66", "continent": "North America", "local_logo": "phillips_66.png", "aliases": "Phillips 66 Company", "permid_links": [{"text": 5037128948, "url": 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The company\u2019s patented technology can identify businesses visiting websites through the use of their network IP address, without the use of cookies and in real-time.\nHeadquartered in San Francisco, Demandbase was founded in 2006 by CEO Chris Golec.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demandbase", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-18", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 2461, "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.pplweb.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "e7d48747-e528-42a1-94d6-3f4c1e7d586a", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/ppl-corporation"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/ppl-corporation"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "PPL Corp.", "patent_name": "ppl corp.", "continent": "North America", "local_logo": "ppl_corp.png", "aliases": "PPL Corporation; Pennsylvania Power & Ligh; Pp&L; Ppl", "permid_links": [{"text": 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Prologis created a venture capital arm in 2016.\nSince 2016, the company has published white papers and its own market research, including the quarterly Industrial Business Indicator and the annual Prologis Logistics Rent Index.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prologis", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-16", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 2456, "country": "Ireland", "website": "https://www.perrigo.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": "12560415-33e1-9d4c-7314-f71db33b8e5b", "url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/perrigo"}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/perrigo"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Perrigo", "patent_name": "perrigo", "continent": "Europe", "local_logo": "perrigo.png", "aliases": "Perrigo Company Plc", "permid_links": [{"text": 5040203322, "url": "https://permid.org/1-5040203322"}], "parent_info": null, "agg_child_info": 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In 2013, Perrigo completed the 6th-largest U.S. corporate tax inversion in history when it reregistered its tax status to Ireland to avoid U.S. corporate taxes.\nPerrigo engages in the acquisition (for repricing), manufacture, and sale of consumer healthcare products, generic prescription drugs, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), primarily in the United States, from its base in Ireland. On 21 December 2018, Perrigo suffered its biggest one-day share price fall in its history after the Irish Revenue Commissioners issued a tax claim against Perrigo that equated to half of its market value.", "wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perrigo", "company_site_description": null, "company_site_link": null, "description_retrieval_date": "2021-03-16", "company_site_description_translation": null}, {"cset_id": 1979, "country": "Singapore", "website": "https://www.wilmar-international.com/", "crunchbase": {"text": " e8a8e7cc-3570-4818-fd6a-d41c5ddb09c1 ", "url": " https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/wilmar-international "}, "child_crunchbase": [], "linkedin": ["https://www.linkedin.com/company/wilmar-international"], "stage": "Mature", "name": "Wilmar International", "patent_name": "Wilmar International", "continent": "Asia", "local_logo": null, "aliases": "Wilmar; Wilmar International", "permid_links": [{"text": 4295887677, "url": 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