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158 lines (128 loc) · 10.9 KB

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158 lines (128 loc) · 10.9 KB

Atlas Changelog


  • Initial public release of Atlas.


Public API Changes

  • Added property blockedParticipantIdentifiers to ATLParticipantTableViewController.


Public API Changes

  • Added addressBarViewControllerDidSelectWhileDisabled: to ATLAddressBarViewController.
  • Changed all class prefixes from LYRUI to ATL.
  • Added conversationListViewController:didSearchForText:completion to ATLConversationListViewController.


  • Added search functionality to the ATLConversationListViewController.


Public API Changes

  • Changed setPermanent to disable on LYRUIAddressBarViewController.
  • Changed isPermanent to isDisabled on LYRUIAddressBarViewController.
  • Changed updateWithConversationLabel: to updateWithConversationTitle: on LYRUIConversationPresenting.
  • Chanded shouldDisplayAvatarImage: to shouldDisplayAvatarItem: on LYRUIMessagePresenting.
  • LYRUIParticipant now inherits from the LYRUIAvatarItem protocol.
  • Changed presentParticipant:withSortType:shouldShowAvatarImage: to presentParticipant:withSortType:shouldShowAvatarItem: on LYRUIParticipantPresenting
  • Added avatarItem property to LYRUIAvatarImageView.
  • Removed setInitialsForFullName:
  • Changed conversationLabelColor to conversationTitleLabelColor in LYRUIConversationCell.
  • Changed conversationLabelFont to conversationTitleLabelFont in LYRUIConversationCell.
  • Added conversationListViewController:didSearchWithString:completion: to LYRUIConversationListViewController.


Public API Changes

  • Deprecated LYRUIParticipantPickerController.
  • Changed LYRUIParticipantTableViewController initailizer to participantTableViewControllerWithParticipants:sortType.


  • Added storyboard support for LYRUIParticipantTableViewController.
  • Added storyboard support for LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • Added storyboard support for LYRUIConversationListViewController.
  • layerClient property is no longer read only in LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • layerClient property is no longer read only in LYRUIConversationListViewController.


Public API Changes

  • Changed displaysConversationImage to displaysAvatarItem in LYRUIConversationListViewController.h.
  • Changed conversationListViewController:labelForConversation: to conversationListViewController:titleForConversation: in LYRUIConversationListViewController.h.
  • Added deletionModes to LYRUIConversationListViewController.h.
  • Removed conversationTitle property in LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • Removed conversationViewController:shouldMarkMessagesAsRead:
  • Added marksMessagesAsRead property.
  • Changed layerClient property to be readonly.
  • Changed conversationViewControllerWithConversation:layerClient: to conversationViewControllerWithLayerClient:


Backwards Incompatibility

  • LYRUIConversationViewController now sends mixed content (e.g. an image and text) in multiple messages, i.e. one message per piece of content (e.g. one message with an image part and another message with a text part). Correspondingly, it now displays one cell for each message. The previous behavior was to display one cell for each message part. The default message cells assume that each message only has one part. So a multi-part message (e.g. one sent with the previous behavior) will only have its first part displayed.

Public API Changes

  • Moved LYRUIUserDidTapLinkNotification from LayerUIKit.h to LYRUIMessageBubbleView.h.
  • Added message property to LYRUIConversationCollectionViewHeader.
  • Added LYRUIConversationDataSource.
  • Changed LYRUITypingIndicatorView to LYRUITypingIndicatorViewController.
  • Added LYRUIProgressView.
  • Removed method isGroupConversation: from LYRUIMessagePresenting.
  • Added LYRUIMIMETypeImageJPEGPreview and LYRUIMIMETypeImageSize to LYRUIMessagingUtilities.
  • Added LYRUIPhotoForLocation to LYRUIMessagingUtilities.
  • Changed conversationListViewController:imageForConversation: to conversationListViewController:avatarItemForConversation:.
  • Added LYRUIAvatarItem protocol.
  • Added imageViewBackgroundColor property to LYRUIAvatarImageView.
  • Added conversationViewController:messagesForContentParts: to LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • Removed conversationViewController:pushNotificationTextForMessagePart: from LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • Removed avatarImageViewCornerRadius property from LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell.
  • Added avatarImageViewDiameter property to LYRUIAvatarImageView.
  • Removed updateWithMessageSentState: method from LYRUIMessagePresenting. Message sent state can be inferred from the isSent property on LYRMessage.
  • Added LYRUIUserDidTapLinkNotification to LayerUIKit.
  • Added collectionViewCellForMessage: to LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • Added bubbleViewCornerRadius property to LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell.
  • Added avatarImageViewCornerRadius property to LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell.
  • Changed backgroundColor property to cellBackgroundColor on LYRUIConversationTableViewCell.
  • Removed updateWithBubbleViewWidth: from LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIConversationViewControllerDataSource> conversationViewController:pushNotificationTextForMessageParts:] to conversationViewController:pushNotificationTextForMessagePart:. That is, one message part is passed instead of an array of message parts.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIMessagePresenting> presentMessagePart:] to presentMessage:. That is, a message is passed instead of a message part.
  • Added isPermanent to LYRUIAddressBarViewController.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIAddressBarControllerDataSource> searchForParticipantsMatchingText:completion:] to addressBarViewController:searchForParticipantsMatchingText:completion:. That is, the view controller is now passed as the first parameter. This callback also now controls the order of search results by providing an NSArray instead of an NSSet in the completion block.
  • Changed -[LYRUIMessageInputToolbarDelegate messageInputToolbarDidBeginTyping:] to messageInputToolbarDidType:.
  • -[LYRUIMessageInputToolbar insertLocation:] has been removed since it was unused.
  • Removed maxHeight property from LYRUIMessageComposeTextView. Use the maxNumberOfLines property of LYRUIMessageInputToolbar instead.
  • Removed -[LYRUIMessageComposeTextView insertImage:]. Use -[LYRUIMessageInputToolbar insertImage:] instead.
  • Removed -[LYRUIMessageComposeTextView removeAttachements]. It doesn't have a replacement since it was meant for internal use only.
  • Changed placeHolderText property of LYRUIMessageComposeTextView to placeholder.
  • Removed pendingBubbleViewColor property of LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell.
  • Changed avatarImage property of LYRUIMessageCollectionViewCell to avatarImageView.
  • Removed initialViewBackgroundColor property of LYRUIAvatarImageView. Use backgroundColor instead.
  • Changed initialFont property of LYRUIAvatarImageView to initialsFont.
  • Changed initialColor property of LYRUIAvatarImageView to initialsColor.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIParticipantPickerControllerDelegate> participantSelectionViewControllerDidCancel:] to participantPickerControllerDidCancel:.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIParticipantPickerControllerDelegate> participantSelectionViewController:didSelectParticipant:] to participantPickerController:didSelectParticipant:.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIParticipantPickerDataSource> searchForParticipantsMatchingText:completion:] to participantPickerController:searchForParticipantsMatchingText:completion:.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIParticipantPickerDataSource> participants] to participantsForParticipantPickerController:.
  • Changed -[<LYRUIParticipantTableViewControllerDelegate> participantTableViewControllerDidSelectCancelButton] to participantTableViewControllerDidCancel:.
  • Removed selectionIndicator property from LYRUIParticipantTableViewController.
  • Added participantPickerController:didDeselectParticipant: to LYRUIParticipantPickerControllerDelegate.
  • Added participantTableViewController:didDeselectParticipant: to LYRUIParticipantTableViewControllerDelegate.
  • Replaced presentParticipant:, updateWithSortType: and shouldShowAvatarImage: on LYRUIParticipantPresenting with presentParticipant:withSortType:shouldShowAvatarImage:.
  • Changed LYRUIParticipantPickerControllerSortTypeFirst to LYRUIParticipantPickerSortTypeFirstName.
  • Changed LYRUIParticipantPickerControllerSortTypeLast to LYRUIParticipantPickerSortTypeLastName.
  • Changed LYRUIPaticipantSectionHeaderView to LYRUIParticipantSectionHeaderView.
  • Removed initWithKey: from LYRUIParticipantSectionHeaderView.
  • Changed keyLabel property to nameLabel on LYRUIParticipantSectionHeaderView.
  • Removed conversationListViewController:didSearchWithString:completion: from LYRUIConversationListViewControllerDataSource.
  • Changed layerClient property on LYRUIConversationListViewController from readwrite to readonly.
  • Changed lastMessageTextFont property on LYRUIConversationTableViewCell to lastMessageLabelFont.
  • Changed lastMessageTextColor property on LYRUIConversationTableViewCell to lastMessageLabelColor.
  • Added optional conversationViewController:conversationWithParticipants: method to LYRUIConversationViewControllerDataSource.
  • Changed selectedParticipants property on LYRUIAddressBarViewController from a readonly NSSet to a readwrite NSOrderedSet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug which allowed name labels to be truncated in LYRUIParticipantTableViewCell.
  • Fixed bug which would display an empty name string if the fullName property of LYRUIParticipant was nil in LYRUIParticipantTableViewCell.
  • Fixed bug which would display inaccurate initials if the fullName property of LYRUIParticipant was nil in LYRUIParticipantTableViewCell.
  • Fixed bug which allowed messages to be marked as read while app is in the background.
  • Removed duplicate MIMEType constant declarations.
  • Fixed possibility of customizations via UIAppearance being overridden.
  • Fixed issue related to sending a push notification with (null) text.
  • Fixed typo for property conversationLabelColor on LYRUIConversationTableViewCell.
  • Fixed typo in C function signature LYRUILightGrayColor().
  • Added logic to guard against messages with external content in applications using LayerKit v0.9.2 and previous.


  • LYRUIAddressBarViewController now shows only first names when set permanent.
  • Implemented progress view in LYRUIBubbleView.
  • Implemented pagination in the LYRUIConversationViewController.
  • LYRUIConversationTableViewCell no longer shows conversation image by default.
  • Implemented LayerUIKit unit test suite.
  • Re-implemented LayerUIKit mock objects.
  • Re-factored LayerUIKit sample app to use new mock objects.
  • Refactored internal constants.
  • Added support for external content.