OffensEval-TR 2020 is a shared task. The Turkish social media dataset by Çöltekin (2020) [link] is available here.
In this subtask, Turkish tweets, 31,756 and 3,528 in the training and test sets respectively, were coded as “Offensive” or “Not Offensive”. The state-of-the-art performance by the world’s best NLP experts for this subtask is 82.58% (Marco F1). Of course, it is quite impossible for this R package with default settings to obtain this performance. But it would be interesting to see how well the performance this package could get.
url <- ""
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
download.file(url, temp)
unzip(temp, exdir = here::here("paper"))
#> Loading required package: quanteda
#> Package version: 3.2.4
#> Unicode version: 13.0
#> ICU version: 66.1
#> Parallel computing: 16 of 16 threads used.
#> See for tutorials and examples.
#> Loading required package: readtext
input <- readtext::readtext(here::here("offenseval2020-turkish/offenseval-tr-training-v1/offenseval-tr-training-v1.tsv"), text_field = "tweet", quote = "") %>% corpus
The model is based on the BERTurk model by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 1.
model <- grafzahl(x = input,
y = "subtask_a",
model_type = "bert",
model_name = "dbmdz/bert-base-turkish-cased",
output_dir = here::here("turkmodel"))
saveRDS(model, here::here("turkmodel.RDS"))
test <- rio::import(here::here("offenseval2020-turkish/offenseval-tr-testset-v1/offenseval-tr-testset-v1.tsv"), quote = "")
labels <- rio::import(here::here("offenseval2020-turkish/offenseval-tr-testset-v1/offenseval-tr-labela-v1.tsv"), quote = "")
colnames(labels)[1] <- "id"
colnames(labels)[2] <- "subtask_a"
#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
test %>% left_join(labels) -> test
#> Joining, by = "id"
corpus(test, text_field = "tweet") -> test_corpus
preds <- predict(model, newdata = test_corpus)
sum(caret::confusionMatrix(table(preds, docvars(test_corpus, "subtask_a")), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "OFF")$byClass["F1"], caret::confusionMatrix(table(preds, docvars(test_corpus, "subtask_a")), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "NOT")$byClass["F1"]) / 2
#> [1] 0.7972064
Not bad (vs the SOTA: 82.58%)!