=> Directory with ansible playbooks and logicconfigs
=> Configuration directory with mapping and serverList
=> Splunk Enterpriseuf
=> Splunk Universal Forwarderclm
=> cluster masterdep
=> deployment managerlic
=> License mastershc
=> search head clustersta
=> standalone splunk enterpriseidx
=> indexerfwd
=> forwarder
- Software Stack => Docker, Docker-compose, Python, Ansible, Linux or MacOs
- Permissions => Root Permissions or equivalent (become in Ansible, to port forward etc, Ability to add your user to docker)
- Load the relevant Splunk and Universal Forwarder docker image into your docker (
docker pull splunk/splunk
;docker pull splunk/universalforwarder
) - Ensure that images are tagged latest (eg: splunk/splunk:latest)
- Ensure ansible (v2.3+) and ansible-playbook (v2.3+) are installed
- Compute of 16GB RAM & 8 Cores Minimum
- Atleast 20GB of available space in /tmp (or chosen) filesystem (for creating Splunk artefacts.)
Clone the Repository and then follow steps below
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
cd ansible
# Standalone
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local main_playbooks/sta.yml -K
# SHC - Search Head Cluster
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local main_playbooks/shc.yml -K
- Please wait until the application starts by checking the Status (
docker ps
# Cleanup running containers
cd ansible
# Standalone
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local adhoc_playbooks/docker_cleanup_sta.yml
sudo rm -rf /tmp/jinja
# SHC - Search Head Cluster
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local adhoc_playbooks/docker_cleanup_shc.yml
The above will run and create a Splunk Standalone environment. The script can accept parameters to build shc
Refer to ansible/example_commands.txt
for further options to run including cluster
- Below is NOT applicable to
, but only for clusteredshc
- Run
docker ps
and find the mapping of server to Port. This port is as per mapping in configs - To access UI as localhost: (eg
) - Cluster Master & Search Heads will have UI enabled.
- Password is modified to
. Please refer to ansiblegroup_vars
to change this. - Note this may take 5 minutes or so as it has to restart few times to configure cluster. Be patient..
- Ensure you always run docker clean command before you exit. Otherwise the docker containers might start automatically in your workstation next time. Clean commands examples in
- If you get permission denied errors for
it is better to delete the whole directory/tmp/jinja
and start again
- Find solution to make Management Console Distributed mode on start. Currently it comes-up as standalone
- Distribute PEM keys to all search Heads. Partially done.
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local adhoc_playbooks/app_build.yml -e "inputTag=$inputTag"
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local adhoc_playbooks/compose_build.yml -e "inputTag=$inputTag" --skip-tags=copy_apps