A child theme of the excellent Comet Wordpress theme built by Frost Press.
- adds support for Image, Status post formats.
- makes the header less ridiculous
- makes the menus legible
- adds support for a favicon.ico
- "The Event Listing" plugin's event types won't look ridiculous.
- adds an attractive frame to images when the post format is "Image"
- automatically deletes "_transients" left in the database by the otherwise great Google Analytics Dashboard. This is only because I was too lazy to write a whole plugin for it, so I just shoved it in the theme.
The original Comet, without which this will not work, is available here:
Once Comet is installed, copy this comet-atjine directory into the wp-content/themes subdirectory of your Wordpress installation and activate the theme through the Wordpress Admin pages.
GPLv3. See the COPYING file for details.
If you have any questions, feel free to open a ticket on github: