- Use multiple('select').refresh() to refresh/reload the Multiple Select. If you're dynamically adding/removing
- option tags on the original select via AJAX or DOM manipulation methods, call refresh to reflect the changes.
Use filterPlaceholder: 'The filter placeholder' to set the filter placeholder.
- Filter Accept On Enter
- Code
- html
- |
- ts
- Use filterAcceptOnEnter: true option to speed up keyboard use. Enter filter text and then hit
- ENTER or SPACE will auto click select all and close the dropdown.
- Filter By Data Length
- Code
- html
- |
- ts
- Use filterByDataLength: 10 option to auto enable filter when the data length is more than 10.
- Use showOkButton to show the OK button at bottom of the list when using multiple selection to easily close the
- drop. A single select will not show the OK button.
- Use labelTemplate to custom the optgroup label template and renderOptionLabelAsHtml to render
- selected labels as HTML.
- Auto-Adjust Drop Position
- Code
- html
- |
- ts
- Use autoAdjustDropPosition to automatically adjust the drop position from available space (top, bottom).
- Auto-Adjust Drop Height/Width
- Code
- html
- |
- ts
- Use autoAdjustDropWidthByTextSize to automatically adjust the drop width by the largest option width from the
- found in the list.
- Use autoAdjustDropHeight to automatically adjust the drop max height calculated from the available space.
- Use Select Option as Label
- Code
- html
- |
- ts
- Use useSelectOptionLabel to display select option value as
- <option label=""></option> to display shorter text as the selected values in the parent select.
- Use useSelectOptionLabelToHtml which is the same as "useSelectOptionLabel" but will also render html option
- values.
- Use sanitizer callback option to sanitize all html code and prevent cross-site scripting attack. We can easily
- configure it with external library like DOMPurify or a simple regular
- expression.