diff --git a/docs/essential-modding/shader-fixes.en.md b/docs/essential-modding/shader-fixes.en.md
index fd2d2aab..99f602f2 100644
--- a/docs/essential-modding/shader-fixes.en.md
+++ b/docs/essential-modding/shader-fixes.en.md
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ You can either install this mod as a standalone, as a part of [IV Tweaker](../..
* Extract the files from the :material-folder:==1. Main== to the :material-folder:==update==, replacing all files if prompted.
??? tip "Console-like Gamma"
If you also want to have console-like gamma and ==you're not using FusionFix==, extract :material-folder:==2. Addons\Console-like Gamma== to :material-folder:==update==, replacing all files when prompted.
=== "Part of IV Tweaker"
!!! warning ""