If you have already installed fail2ban to ban bad actors trying to break into your machine, good, if not
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install fail2ban
# service name
# turn on /off
enabled = true
# ports to ban (numeric or text)
port = 3001
# filter file
filter = cardano
# file to parse
logpath = /home/username/cardano/logs/relay.json
# ban rule:
# 3 times in 3 minutes
maxretry = 3
findtime = 180
# ban for 1 day
bantime = 86400
Adjust the port and logpath so it is in line with your Relay Node setup.
For normal logfiles use this configuration:
#Theses regex expressions capture nodes that are not on the latest fork and also
#nodes from other networks (testnets)
failregex = ^.*HardForkEncoderDisabledEra.*"address":"<HOST>:.*$
^.*version data mismatch.*"address":"<HOST>:.*$
^.*"address":"<HOST>:.*version data mismatch.*$
The logfile for the Relay Node must be in JSON mode for this regex expression to work!
If you use the systemd internal log-output, open up this pull-down ...
#Theses regex expressions capture nodes that are not on the latest fork and also
#nodes from other networks (testnets)
failregex = ^.*HardForkEncoderDisabledEra.*"address":"<HOST>:.*$
^.*version data mismatch.*"address":"<HOST>:.*$
^.*"address":"<HOST>:.*version data mismatch.*$
journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=<your systemd service name, i.e. cardano-node.service>
So make sure your config file for the Relay has something like this in:
"defaultScribes": [
"setupScribes": [
"scFormat": "ScJson",
"scKind": "FileSK",
"scName": "/home/username/cardano/logs/relay.json",
"scRotation": null
Also make sure that the
"TraceErrorPolicy": true,
is enabled in the config.json for the relay node.
Now you only have to restart your fail2ban service like:
$ sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
And if you have such Nodes you should see them getting banned away pretty soon like:
$ sudo fail2ban-client status cardano
Status for the jail: cardano
|- Filter
| |- Currently failed: 0
| |- Total failed: 2
| `- File list: /home/username/cardano/logs/relay.json
`- Actions
|- Currently banned: 9
|- Total banned: 9
`- Banned IP list:
This should improve the stability of your Relay Node until a new cardano-node version fixes this automatically.
Best regards, Martin - ATADA Stakepool Austria