A GDT is the base class of all almost all classes in the GDOv7 ecosystem. It means "gizmore data type".
Basically it is a collection of types who cover a lot of in and output formats.
Currently, GDOv7 supports the following output formats, called rendering methods.
- HTML (forms, tables, cards, lists, selects, headers, filters, and various UI HTML components)
- GDOWP GDOWebsocketProtocol
Input is accepted from various sources like the Dog Chatbot. Currently you can control a GDOv7 installation via:
- CLI ( gdo_adm.sh for the admin and and bin/gdo for normal users )
- HTTP ( like a the GDOv7-Website )
- Websocket (todoo)
- IRC (soon)
- Telegram (todo)
- SMS (todo)
- Email (todo)
- Twitter (todo)
Here is an overview of the core GDT class hierarchy.