Java client and JDBC driver for ClickHouse.
Use Java client when you prefer async and more "direct" way to communicate with ClickHouse. JDBC driver is actually a thin wrapper of the Java client.
<!-- you'll be able to use clickhouse-http-client and clickhouse-tcp-client as well in the near future -->
// declare a server to connect to
ClickHouseNode server = ClickHouseNode.of("server.domain", ClickHouseProtocol.GRPC, 9100, "my_db");
// run multiple queries in one go and wait until it's finished
"create database if not exists another_database",
"use another_database", // change current database from my_db to test
"create table if not exists my_table(s String) engine=Memory",
"insert into my_table values('1')('2')('3')",
"select * from my_table limit 1",
"truncate table my_table",
"drop table if exists my_table").get();
// query with named parameters
try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.GRPC);
ClickHouseResponse resp = client.connect(server)
.format(ClickHouseFormat.RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes).set("send_logs_level", "trace")
.query("select id, name from some_table where id in :ids and name like :name").params(Arrays.asList(1,2,3), "%key%").execute().get()) {
// you can also use resp.recordStream() as well
for (ClickHouseRecord record : resp.records()) {
int id = record.getValue(0).asInteger();
String name = record.getValue(1).asString();
ClickHouseResponseSummary summary = resp.getSummary();
long totalRows = summary.getRows();
// load data with custom writer
ClickHouseClient.load(server, "target_table", ClickHouseFormat.TabSeparated,
ClickHouseCompression.NONE, new ClickHouseWriter() {
public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
<!-- groupId and package name will be changed to com.clickhouse starting from 0.4.0 -->
URL syntax: jdbc:clickhouse://<host>:<port>[/<database>[?param1=value1¶m2=value2]]
, e.g. jdbc:clickhouse://localhost:8123/test?socket_timeout=120000
JDBC Driver Class:
(will be changed to com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver
starting from 0.4.0)
For example:
String url = "jdbc:clickhouse://localhost:8123/test";
ClickHouseProperties properties = new ClickHouseProperties();
// set connection options - see more defined in ClickHouseConnectionSettings
properties.setClientName("Agent #1");
// set default request options - more in ClickHouseQueryParam
ClickHouseDataSource dataSource = new ClickHouseDataSource(url, properties)
String sql = "select * from mytable";
Map<ClickHouseQueryParam, String> additionalDBParams = new HashMap<>();
// set request options, which will override the default ones in ClickHouseProperties
additionalDBParams.put(ClickHouseQueryParam.SESSION_ID, "new-session-id");
try (ClickHouseConnection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
ClickHouseStatement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql, additionalDBParams)) {
Additionally, if you have a few instances, you can use BalancedClickhouseDataSource
In order to provide non-JDBC complaint data manipulation functionality, proprietary API exists.
Entry point for API is ClickHouseStatement#write()
ClickHouseStatement sth = connection.createStatement();
.write() // Write API entrypoint
.table("default.my_table") // where to write data
.option("format_csv_delimiter", ";") // specific param
.data(new File("/path/to/file.csv.gz"), ClickHouseFormat.CSV, ClickHouseCompression.gzip) // specify input
ClickHouseStatement sth = connection.createStatement();
.sql("INSERT INTO default.my_table (a,b,c)")
.data(new MyCustomInputStream(), ClickHouseFormat.JSONEachRow)
.addDbParam(ClickHouseQueryParam.MAX_PARALLEL_REPLICAS, 2)
ClickHouseStatement sth = connection.createStatement();
sth.write().send("INSERT INTO test.writer", new ClickHouseStreamCallback() {
public void writeTo(ClickHouseRowBinaryStream stream) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
stream.writeString("Name " + i);
ClickHouseFormat.RowBinary); // RowBinary or Native are supported
Java 8 or higher is required in order to use Java client and/or JDBC driver.
TODO: a table
All active releases are supported. You can still use the JDBC driver for older versions like 18.14 or 19.16 but please keep in mind that they're no longer supported.
Use below command line to compile, test and generate packages.
mvn clean verify
You need a toolchains.xml under <home directory>/.m2/
, as multi-release jar will be generated.
mvn -Drelease clean verify
By default, docker container will be created automatically for integration test. In case you need to test against an existing server, you may put
under either test/resources or /.m2/clickhouse with content like below: