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Building from source

To build the HOOMD-blue Python package from source:

  1. Install prerequisites:

    $ <package-manager> install cmake eigen git python numpy pybind11
  2. Obtain the source:

    $ git clone --recursive
  3. Configure:

    $ cmake -B build/hoomd -S hoomd-blue
  4. Build the package:

    $ cmake --build build/hoomd
  5. Install the package (optional):

    $ cmake --install build/hoomd

To build the documentation from source (optional):

  1. Install prerequisites:

    $ <package-manager> install sphinx sphinx-copybutton furo nbsphinx ipython


nbsphinx requires pandoc>=1.12.1, which you may need to install separately.

  1. Build the documentation:

    $ sphinx-build -b html hoomd-blue/sphinx-doc build/hoomd-documentation

The sections below provide details on each of these steps.

Install prerequisites

HOOMD-blue requires a number of tools and libraries to build. The options ENABLE_MPI, ENABLE_GPU, ENABLE_TBB, and ENABLE_LLVM each require additional libraries when enabled.


This documentation is generic. Replace <package-manager> with your package or module manager. You may need to adjust package names and/or install additional packages, such as -dev packages that provide headers needed to build hoomd.


Create a virtual environment, one place where you can install dependencies and HOOMD-blue:

$ python3 -m venv hoomd-venv

You will need to activate your environment before configuring HOOMD-blue:

$ source hoomd-venv/bin/activate


Some package managers (such as pip) and many clusters are missing some or all of pybind11, eigen, and cereal. will install these packages into your virtual environment:

$ python3 hoomd-blue/

General requirements:

  • C++17 capable compiler (tested with gcc 10 - 14 and clang 13 - 18)
  • Python >= 3.9
  • NumPy >= 1.19
  • pybind11 >= 2.12
  • Eigen >= 3.2
  • CMake >= 3.15

For MPI parallel execution (required when ENABLE_MPI=on):

  • MPI (tested with OpenMPI)
  • cereal >= 1.1

For GPU execution (required when ENABLE_GPU=on):

  • NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit >= 9.0


  • AMD ROCm >= 3.5.0 with additional dependencies:

    • HIP [with hipcc and hcc as backend]
    • rocFFT
    • rocPRIM
    • rocThrust
    • hipCUB, included for NVIDIA GPU targets, but required as an external dependency when building for AMD GPUs
    • roctracer-dev
    • Linux kernel >= 3.5.0
    • CMake >= 3.21

    For HOOMD-blue on AMD GPUs, the following limitations currently apply.

    1. Certain kernels trigger an unknown HSA error.
    2. Multi-GPU execution via unified memory is not available.


When ENABLE_GPU=on, HOOMD-blue will default to CUDA. Set HOOMD_GPU_PLATFORM=HIP to choose HIP.

For threaded parallelism on the CPU (required when ENABLE_TBB=on):

  • Intel Threading Building Blocks >= 4.3

For runtime code generation (required when ENABLE_LLVM=on):

  • LLVM >= 10.0
  • libclang-cpp >= 10.0

To build the documentation:

  • sphinx
  • sphinx-copybutton
  • furo
  • nbsphinx
  • ipython

Obtain the source

Clone using Git:

$ git clone --recursive

Release tarballs are also available as GitHub release assets: Download hoomd-4.8.2.tar.gz.

.. seealso::

    See the `git book`_ to learn how to work with Git repositories.


HOOMD-blue uses Git submodules. Clone with the --recursive to clone the submodules.

Execute git submodule update --init to fetch the submodules each time you switch branches and the submodules show as modified.


Use CMake to configure a HOOMD-blue build in the given directory. Pass -D<option-name>=<value> to cmake to set options on the command line. When modifying code, you only need to repeat the build step to update your build - it will automatically reconfigure as needed.


Use Ninja to perform incremental builds in less time:

$ cmake -B build/hoomd -S hoomd-blue -GNinja


Place your build directory in /tmp or /scratch for faster builds. CMake performs out-of-source builds, so the build directory can be anywhere on the filesystem.


Pass the following options to cmake to optimize the build for your processor: -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-march=native -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-march=native.


When using a virtual environment, activate the environment and set the cmake prefix path before running CMake: $ export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path-to-environment>.

HOOMD-blue's cmake configuration accepts a number of options.

Options that find libraries and executables only take effect on a clean invocation of CMake. To set these options, first remove CMakeCache.txt from the build directory and then run cmake with these options on the command line.

  • Python_EXECUTABLE - Specify which python to build against. Example: /usr/bin/python3.
  • CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER - Specify which nvcc or hipcc to build with.
    • Default: location of nvcc detected on $PATH.
  • MPI_HOME (env var) - Specify the location where MPI is installed.
    • Default: location of mpicc detected on the $PATH.
  • <package-name>_ROOT - Specify the location of a package.
    • Default: Found on the CMake search path.

Other option changes take effect at any time:

  • BUILD_HPMC - When enabled, build the hoomd.hpmc module (default: on).
  • BUILD_MD - When enabled, build the module (default: on).
  • BUILD_METAL - When enabled, build the hoomd.metal module (default: on).
  • BUILD_MPCD - When enabled, build the hoomd.mpcd module. must also be built. (default: same as BUILD_MD).
  • BUILD_TESTING - When enabled, build unit tests (default: on).
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Sets the build type (case sensitive) Options:
    • Debug - Compiles debug information into the library and executables. Enables asserts to check for programming mistakes. HOOMD-blue will run slow when compiled in Debug mode, but problems are easier to identify.
    • RelWithDebInfo - Compiles with optimizations and debug symbols.
    • Release - (default) All compiler optimizations are enabled and asserts are removed. Recommended for production builds.
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Directory to install HOOMD-blue. Defaults to the root path of the found Python executable.
  • ENABLE_LLVM - Enable run time code generation with LLVM.
  • ENABLE_GPU - When enabled, compiled GPU accelerated computations (default: off).
  • HOOMD_GPU_PLATFORM - Choose either CUDA or HIP as a GPU backend (default: CUDA).
  • HOOMD_SHORTREAL_SIZE - Size in bits of the ShortReal type (default: 32).
    • When set to 32, perform force computations, overlap checks, and other local calculations in single precision.
    • When set to 64, perform all calculations in double precision.
  • HOOMD_LONGREAL_SIZE - Size in bits of the LongReal type (default: 64).
    • When set to 64, store particle coordinates, sum quantities, and perform integration in double precision.
    • When set to 32, store particle coordinates, sum quantities, and perform integration in single precision. NOT RECOMMENDED, HOOMD-blue fails validation tests when HOOMD_LONGREAL_SIZE == HOOMD_SHORTREAL_SIZE == 32.
  • ENABLE_MPI - Enable multi-processor/GPU simulations using MPI.
    • When set to on, multi-processor/multi-GPU simulations are supported.
    • When set to off (the default), always run in single-processor/single-GPU mode.
  • ENABLE_TBB - Enable support for Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB).
    • When set to on, HOOMD-blue will use TBB to speed up calculations in some classes on multiple CPU cores.
  • PYTHON_SITE_INSTALL_DIR - Directory to install hoomd to relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Defaults to the site-packages directory used by the found Python executable.

These options control CUDA compilation via nvcc:

  • CUDA_ARCH_LIST - A semicolon-separated list of GPU architectures to compile.

Build the package

The command cmake --build build/hoomd will build the HOOMD-blue Python package in the given build directory. After the build completes, the build directory will contain a functioning Python package.

Install the package

The command cmake --install build/hoomd installs the given HOOMD-blue build to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PYTHON_SITE_INSTALL_DIR}. CMake autodetects these paths, but you can set them manually in CMake.

Build the documentation

Run Sphinx to build the documentation with the command sphinx-build -b html hoomd-blue/sphinx-doc build/hoomd-documentation. Open the file :file:`build/hoomd-documentation/index.html` in your web browser to view the documentation.


When iteratively modifying the documentation, the sphinx options -a -n -W -T --keep-going are helpful to produce docs with consistent links in the side panel and to see more useful error messages:

$ sphinx-build -a -n -W -T --keep-going -b html \
    hoomd-blue/sphinx-doc build/hoomd-documentation