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API access on behalf of your clients (web flow)

Vincent edited this page May 27, 2016 · 10 revisions

API access on behalf of your clients (web flow)

This guide will walk you through how to setup OAuth2 for API access on behalf of your clients using web flow.

Step 1 - Creating OAuth2 credentials

Follow the steps for the product you're using to generate a client ID and secret, then come back to this page.

Step 2 - Setting up the client library

  1. Setup the OAuth2 web flow.

    Using the client ID and secret you generated earlier, you can now initialize the OAuth2WebServerFlow instance that you can use to step through the web flow. If you were setting this up for use with AdWords, it would look like the following:

    from googleads import oauth2
    from oauth2client import client
    # Initialize the flow using the client ID and secret produced earlier.
    # Note: You can use the GetAPIScope helper function to retrieve the
    # appropriate scope for AdWords or DFP.
    flow = client.OAuth2WebServerFlow(

    Alternatively, see the OAuth2 Web App Guide for details on initializing the flow from a client_secrets.json file.

  2. Retrieve the url for Google's OAuth2 server and redirect the user there.

    You can retrieve the url with the following line of code:

    auth_uri = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()

    On redirecting the client there, it will display a prompt requesting that they allow you to access their AdWords or DFP account on their behalf.

    Consent screen allow

    Either selection will redirect them back to the redirect_uri specified earlier.

  3. Handle the OAuth2 server response.

    If the client opted to allow you to access their account, you will receive an authorization code in the response as a query string. This can be used to retrieve an access and refresh token with the following line of code:

    credentials = flow.step2_exchange(auth_code)
  4. Store the user's credentials in your database so you can retrieve it the next time they login to your system.

  5. You can now initialize either an AdWordsClient or DfpClient using the client's stored credentials. To do so, you should provide an initialized GoogleRefreshTokenClient to the AdWords/DFP client via the oauth2_client argument during initialization.

    For example, if you need to set up an AdWordsClient, it may look something like the following:

    from googleads import adwords
    from googleads import oauth2
    # Initialize the GoogleRefreshTokenClient using the credentials you received
    # in the earlier steps.
    oauth2_client = oauth2.GoogleRefreshTokenClient(
        client_id, client_secret, refresh_token)
    # Initialize the AdWords client.
    adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient(
        developer_token, oauth2_client, user_agent, client_customer_id)