Healthy cotwins share gut microbiome signatures with their inflammatory bowel disease twins and unrelated patients
Author of code: Marjolein A.Y. Klaassen, Ranko Gacesa, Eelco C. Brand
Year: 2020
Aim: Study gut microbiomes of IBD-discordant and -concordant twin pairs, which offers the unique opportunity to assess individuals at risk of developing IBD, namely healthy cotwins from IBD-discordant twin pairs.
1a. Filtering steps (taxa)
# ================================================================================
# ================================================================================
# function for filtering microbiome (metaphlan) results
# - takes dataframe (any)
# - replaces NAs with 0.0
# - filters OUT taxa present in less then presPerc samples
# - filters OUT taxa with mean releative abundance < minMRelAb
# - filters OUT taxa with median relative abundance < minMedRelAb
# - filters OUT taxonomic levels not in keepLevels ()
# -> keepLevels should be vector of following: T = strain, S = species, G = Genera, F = families
# O = Orders, C = classes, P = phyla, K = Kingdoms
# -> example: keepLevels=c('S','G') keeps only species and genera
# - filters OUT domains not in keepDomains:
# -> input is vector of following: Eukaryota, Bacteria, Viruses, Archaea
# -> example: keepDomains=c('B') keeps only bacteria, removes viruses, archaea and eukarya
# - if rescaleTaxa = True, rescales relative abundancies after filtering
# returns modified dataframe
# - assumes metaphlan encoding (k__<kingdom>.o__<order> ... ); it will mess stuff
# up if non-metagenome rows are encoded like this!
# - removes non-bacteria
# - keeps all except kingdoms
# ================================================================================
inDF = relative_abundance_data_frame
filterMetaGenomeDF <- function(inDF,presPerc = 0.1,minMRelAb = 0.01,minMedRelAb=0.0, rescaleTaxa=F,verbose=T,
keepLevels=c('T','S','G','F','O','C','P')) {
tCols = grep('k__',colnames(inDF)) # colums with microbiome
tColsNMG = grep('k__',colnames(inDF),invert = T) # colums with microbiome
# replaces NAs in microbiome with 0s
for (c in tCols) {
inDF[,c][[,c])] <- 0.0
# filter for presence
# -----------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in tCols) {
nrnZ = as.numeric(sum(inDF[,c]!=0.0))
if ( (nrnZ/as.numeric(nrow(inDF))) < presPerc) {
if (verbose) {
print (paste('col',c,': ',colnames(inDF)[c],'; nr non Zero:',nrnZ,'=',nrnZ/as.numeric(nrow(inDF)),'>> Column removed!'))
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
inDF <- inDF[,-toRemove]
tCols = grep('^[dgtspcfko]__',colnames(inDF)) # colums with microbiome
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > presence filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'taxa!, ',length(tCols),'taxa left!')); }
# filter for abundance (mean)
# ---------------------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in tCols) {
mn = mean(inDF[,c])
if ( mn < minMRelAb) {
#if (verbose) {
# print (paste('col',c,': ',colnames(inDF)[c],'; mean rel abundance:',mn,' >> Column removed!'))
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
inDF <- inDF[,-toRemove]
tCols = grep('k__',colnames(inDF)) # colums with microbiome
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > mean abundance filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'taxa!, ',length(tCols),'taxa left!')); }
# filter for abundance (median)
# -----------------------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in tCols) {
mn = median(inDF[,c])
if ( mn < minMedRelAb) {
#if (verbose) {
# print (paste('col',c,': ',colnames(inDF)[c],'; median rel abundance:',mn,' >> Column removed!'))
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
inDF <- inDF[,-toRemove]
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > median abundance filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'taxa!, ',length(tCols),'taxa left!')); }
# keep domains
# -----------------------------
if (keepDomains!='All' & keepDomains !="") {
toKeep = grep('k__',colnames(inDF),invert = T)
for (d in keepDomains) {
#d print(d)
toKeep = c(toKeep,grep(paste('k__',d,sep=''),colnames(inDF)))
inDF <- inDF[,toKeep]
# remove taxonomic levels
# -----------------------------
inDFnonTaxa <-[,grep('k__',colnames(inDF),invert=T)])
colnames(inDFnonTaxa) <- colnames(inDF)[grep('k__',colnames(inDF),invert=T)]
inDF2 <- inDF[,grep('k__',colnames(inDF),invert=F)]
# pick strains (T)
taxaTCols <- grep('t__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaT <- inDF2[,taxaTCols]
if (length(taxaT) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaTCols]}
# pick species (S)
taxaSCols <- grep('s__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaS <- inDF2[,taxaSCols]
if (length(taxaS) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaSCols]}
# pick genera (G)
taxaGCols <- grep('g__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaG <- inDF2[,taxaGCols]
if (length(taxaG) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaGCols]}
# pick families (F)
taxaFCols <- grep('f__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaF <- inDF2[,taxaFCols]
if (length(taxaF) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaFCols]}
# pick orders (O)
taxaOCols <- grep('o__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaO <- inDF2[,taxaOCols]
if (length(taxaO) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaOCols]}
# pick classes (C)
taxaCCols <- grep('c__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaC <- inDF2[,taxaCCols]
if (length(taxaC) > 0) {inDF2 <- inDF2[,-taxaCCols]}
# pick phyla (P)
taxaPCols <- grep('p__',colnames(inDF2))
taxaPColsKeep <- grep('p__',colnames(inDF2),invert = T)
taxaPColsKeepN <- colnames(inDF2)[grep('p__',colnames(inDF2),invert = T)]
taxaP <- inDF2[,taxaPCols]
if (length(taxaP) > 0) {inDF2 <-[,taxaPColsKeep])}
colnames(inDF2) <- taxaPColsKeepN
taxaK <- inDF2
# pick
oDF <- inDFnonTaxa
if (verbose) {print ('Keeping following taxonomic levels:'); print(keepLevels)}
if ('K' %in% keepLevels) {
if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaK),'Kingdoms'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaK <- taxaK/rowSums(taxaK)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaK)}
if ('P' %in% keepLevels) {
if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaP),'Phyla'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaP <- taxaP/rowSums(taxaP)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaP)}
if ('C' %in% keepLevels) {
if (verbose) {print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaC),'Classes'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaC <- taxaC/rowSums(taxaC)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaC)}
if ('O' %in% keepLevels) {
if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaO),'Orders'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaO <- taxaO/rowSums(taxaO)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaO)}
if ('F' %in% keepLevels) {
if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaF),'Families'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaF <- taxaF/rowSums(taxaF)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaF)}
if ('G' %in% keepLevels) {if (verbose){ print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaG),'Genera'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaG <- taxaG/rowSums(taxaG)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaG)}
if ('S' %in% keepLevels) {if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaS),'Species'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaS <- taxaS/rowSums(taxaS)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaS)}
if ('T' %in% keepLevels) {if (verbose){print(paste(' -> kept',ncol(taxaT),'Strains'))}
if (rescaleTaxa) {taxaT <- taxaT/rowSums(taxaT)}
oDF <- cbind(oDF,taxaT)}
if (verbose) {print ('data processing done, returning Dataframe')}
# Using the aforementioned function on our data
Taxa_filtered_dataframe <- filterMetaGenomeDF(taxa_dataframe,presPerc = -1,minMRelAb = -1,minMedRelAb = -1,rescaleTaxa = T,verbose = T,keepDomains = c("Bacteria"),keepLevels = c("S"))
# ================================================================================
1b. Filtering steps (pathways)
inDF = relative_abundance_data_frame
# In MetaCyc, the names of most pathways start with "PWY_.....". However, part of the pathways do not start with this prefix, and could therefore be missed by our function. Therefore, we added "PWY_" to all pathways (resulting in some pathways having "PWY_PWY_" as prefix).
colnames(inDF) = paste0('PWY_', colnames(inDF))
filterHumannDF <- function(inDF,presPerc = 0.05,minMRelAb = 0.001,minMedRelAb=0.0,minSum=90.0, rescale=T,verbose=T,type='MetaCyc') {
nonPWYpwys <- c("ARG+POLYAMINE-SYN: superpathway of arginine and polyamine biosynthesis",
"CHLOROPHYLL-SYN: chlorophyllide a biosynthesis I (aerobic, light-dependent)",
"GLYCOLYSIS-E-D: superpathway of glycolysis and Entner-Doudoroff",
"GLYCOLYSIS-TCA-GLYOX-BYPASS: superpathway of glycolysis, pyruvate dehydrogenase, TCA, and glyoxylate bypass",
"GLYCOLYSIS: glycolysis I (from glucose 6-phosphate)",
"GLYOXYLATE-BYPASS: glyoxylate cycle",
"HEME-BIOSYNTHESIS-II: heme biosynthesis I (aerobic)",
"MANNOSYL-CHITO-DOLICHOL-BIOSYNTHESIS: protein N-glycosylation (eukaryotic, high mannose)",
"NAD-BIOSYNTHESIS-II: NAD salvage pathway II",
"REDCITCYC: TCA cycle VIII (helicobacter)",
"TCA-GLYOX-BYPASS: superpathway of glyoxylate bypass and TCA",
"TCA: TCA cycle I (prokaryotic)")
colnames(inDF)[colnames(inDF) %in% nonPWYpwys] <- paste0('PWY_',colnames(inDF)[colnames(inDF) %in% nonPWYpwys])
if (type=='MetaCyc') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('PWY',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('PWY',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='EC') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('^EC_',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('^EC_',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='RXN') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('RXN',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('RXN',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='PFAM') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('^PF[01]',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('^PF[01]',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='GO') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('^GO',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('^GO',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='KEGG') {
nonPWYdf <-[,-grep('^K[012]',colnames(inDF))])
cnsNonPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[-grep('^K[012]',colnames(inDF))] ])
colnames(nonPWYdf) <- cnsNonPWYdf
if (type=='MetaCyc') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('PWY',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('PWY',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='EC') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('^EC_',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('^EC_',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='RXN') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('RXN',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('RXN',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='PFAM') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('^PF[01]',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('^PF[01]',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='GO') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('^GO',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('^GO',colnames(inDF))] ])
} else if (type=='KEGG') {
yesPWYdf <-[,grep('^K[012]',colnames(inDF))])
cnsYesPWYdf <- colnames(inDF[colnames(inDF)[grep('^K[012]',colnames(inDF))] ])
# replaces NAs with 0s
for (c in colnames(yesPWYdf)) {
yesPWYdf[,c][[,c])] <- 0.0
# rescale to rel ab (if rescale = T)
if (rescale==T) {
if (verbose) {print (' >> rescaling')}
rsums <- rowSums(yesPWYdf)
rsums[rsums==0] <- 1.0
yesPWYdf <- yesPWYdf/rsums
# filter for presence
# -----------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in colnames(yesPWYdf)) {
nrnZ = as.numeric(sum(yesPWYdf[,c]!=0.0))
if (nrnZ/as.numeric(nrow(yesPWYdf)) < presPerc) {
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
yesPWYdf <- yesPWYdf[,!(colnames(yesPWYdf) %in% toRemove)]
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > presence filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'pathways!, ',length(colnames(yesPWYdf)),'pathways left!')); }
# filter for abundance (mean)
# ---------------------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in colnames(yesPWYdf)) {
mn = mean(yesPWYdf[,c])
if ( mn < minMRelAb) {
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
yesPWYdf <- yesPWYdf[,!(colnames(yesPWYdf) %in% toRemove)]
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > mean abundance filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'pathways!, ',length(colnames(yesPWYdf)),'pathways left!')); }
# filter for abundance (median)
# -----------------------------
nrRemoved = 0
toRemove = c()
for (c in colnames(yesPWYdf)) {
mn = median(yesPWYdf[,c])
if ( mn < minMedRelAb) {
nrRemoved = nrRemoved + 1
toRemove <- c(toRemove,c)
if (length(toRemove) > 0) {
yesPWYdf <- yesPWYdf[,!(colnames(yesPWYdf) %in% toRemove)]
if (verbose) {print (paste(' > median abundance filter: Removed',nrRemoved,'pathways!, ',length(colnames(yesPWYdf)),'pathways left!')); }
# do final rescale
if (rescale==T) {
if (verbose) {print (' >> rescaling')}
rsums <- rowSums(yesPWYdf)
rsums[rsums==0] <- 1.0
yesPWYdf <- yesPWYdf/rsums
inDF <-,yesPWYdf)
if (verbose) {print ('> DONE')}
# Using the aforementioned function on our data
pwy_filtered_dataframe = filterHumannDF(pwy_dataframe,presPerc = -1,minMRelAb = -1,minMedRelAb = -1,rescale = T,minSum = 1,verbose = T)
2. PCoA analyses
# Calculating Bray-Curtis distances between samples
Beta = vegdist(taxa_file, pwy_file, method="bray")
PCoA=cmdscale(Beta, k = 5) # R uses cmdscale() to calculate classical multi-dimensional scaling, a synonym for principal coordinates analysis.
# PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy --> dataframes including Bray-Curtis distances and phenotypes based on respectively the taxonomic and functional composition.
# Calculate centroids as the mean of the first principal components (v1 and v2)
centroids <- aggregate(cbind(PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy$V1,PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy$V2)~PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy$groups,PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy,mean)
# Plotting PCoAs based on Bray_Curtis distances
ggplot(PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy, aes(x=V1,y=V2, geom= "blank", color=PCoA_taxa/PCoA_pwy$ColorsDots)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("") + theme_classic() + geom_point (data=centroids, size=8, alpha=0.9, col=centroids$colors) + labs(x="PCoA1", y="PCoA2") + scale_color_identity ("", breaks=c("green3", "black", "blue2", "orangered"), labels=c("healthy controls (n=495)", "healthy twins (n=38)", "IBD twins (n=61)", "IBD controls (n=99)"), guide="legend")
## p-values between Bray-Curtis distances per group
Microbiome_data_frame = dataframe[,c(columns_including_microbiome_features)]
Phenotype_data_frame = dataframe[,c(columns_including_clinical_features)]
my_results <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow=ncol(Phenotype_data_frame))
#For each column in Phenotype_data_frame (factor)
for (i in 1:ncol(Phenotype_dat)) {
#Create a table for complete cases
final_factor_table <- Phenotype_data_frame[complete.cases(Phenotype_data_frame[,i]),]
filter_tax_table <- Microbiome_data_frame[rownames(final_factor_table),]
ad <- adonis(formula = filter_tax_table ~ final_factor_table[,i] , data = final_factor_table, permutations = 10000, method = "bray")
aov_table <- ad$
rownames(my_results) = colnames(Phenotype_dat)
colnames(my_results) = c("Df", "R2", "Pr(>F)")
Adonis_my_results <-
# P-value correction
p_correction_fdr <-$`Pr(>F)`, method = "fdr"))
rownames(p_correction_bonferroni) <- rownames(Adonis_my_results)
#Merge with adonis_results table
final_adonis_results <- merge(Adonis_my_results, p_correction_fdr, by="row.names")
rownames(final_adonis_results) <- final_adonis_results[,1]
final_adonis_results <- final_adonis_results[,-1]
colnames(final_adonis_results)[4] <- "FDR_p_value"
3. Alpha-diversity and gene richness
# Calculating alpha-diversity (Shannon Index) of each sample
dataframe_taxa["ShannonIndex"] = diversity(dataframe_taxa, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 1)
# Calculating the gene richess (ie number of genes) in each sample
dataframe_pwy["GeneRichness_persample"] = rowSums(dataframe_pwy > 0)
4.Similarity in gut microbiome composition
## 1. Firstly, we created a dataframe containing the Bray-Curtis distances between individuals from the same twin pair.
Beta = vegdist(db_twins, method="bray")
betaMat <- as.matrix(Beta)
PCoA=cmdscale(Beta, k = 5) # R uses cmdscale() to calculate classical multi-dimensional scaling, a synonym for principal coordinates analysis.
PCoA_df =
resDF <- NULL
for (tID in unique(c(PCoA_df$Twin_pair_number)) ) {
# iterate over twins
babyDF <- PCoA_df[PCoA_df$Twin_pair_number==tID, ]
# test if twin is actually two samples
if (nrow(babyDF) != 2) {
print(paste0('WARNING:',tID,' has ',nrow(babyDF),' samples!'))
} else {
# calculate distance between twins
twinDist <- betaMat[ babyDF$Record.Id[1],babyDF$Record.Id[2] ]
# make one result
# collect disease type
diseaseTypeL <- unique(babyDF$Disease_status)
if ("Ulcerative Colitis" %in% diseaseTypeL) {
disT <- "UC"
} else {
disT <- "CD"
oneResult <- data.frame(ID1=babyDF$Record.Id[1],
# collect one result
resDF <-,oneResult)
# 2. Secondly, we created random pairs of unrelated twins, ensuring that both twin individuals did not originate from the same twin pair.
Beta = vegdist(db_Twin_Beta, method="bray")
betaMat <- as.matrix(Beta)
betaMat2 <- betaMat
betaMat2[lower.tri(betaMat2,diag = T)] <- 0
flatDM <- subset(melt(betaMat2),value !=0)
randomPairs <- sample(x=row.names(flatDM),size = 1000,replace = F)
# In this dataframe, there were 2 columns containing information on to which twin pair, a twin individual belonged --> "Twin_1_pair", and "Twin_2_Pair".
# To delete real twins from this inter-twin dataframe, we removed the lines in the dataframe in which the twin individuals belonged to the same twin pair.
randomPairs_not_related =randomPairs[ !randomPairs$Twin_1_TwinPair==randomPairs$Twin_2_TwinPair, ] # delete twin pairs
# 3. Lastly, we created random pairs within the healthy controls, IBD controls and unrelated twin pairs:
Beta = vegdist(db_Twin_Beta, method="bray")
betaMat <- as.matrix(Beta)
betaMat2 <- betaMat
betaMat2[lower.tri(betaMat2,diag = T)] <- 0
flatDM <- subset(melt(betaMat2),value !=0)
randomPairs <- sample(x=row.names(flatDM),size = 1000,replace = F)
# 4. After merging these dataframes (leading to one big dissimilarity matrix including phenotypes), we plotted it.
ggplot(merged_dataframe ,aes(x=groups,y=value,col=coloring_column)) + geom_boxplot(size=1.5) + geom_jitter(alpha=0.1) + scale_x_discrete(limits=c("dag3_NoIBD.NoIBD", "twin_NoIBD.NoIBD", "twin_NoIBD.UC", "twin_NoIBD.CD", "twin_UC.UC", "twin_CD.CD", "twin_CD.UC", "twin_concordant.Monozygous", "twin_disconcordant.Monozygous", "twin_concordant.Dizygous", "twin_disconcordant.Dizygous", "dag3_unrelated.IBD.controls)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90)) + scale_color_identity ("", breaks=merged_dataframe$groups, labels=merged_dataframe$coloring_column, guide="legend")
5. MaAsLin2 analyses
### 1. Comparing gut microbiomes between healthy twins and their IBD cotwins
#a. Taxa
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_twinsH_twinsIBD_taxa.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_twinsH_twinsIBD_metadata.tsv'),"res_rev1_v22_taxa_IBDtwins_vs_TwinsHC_prev10_rndeff",
fixed_effects = c("IBDorHC","IBD_type_chart_review","zyg_def","DiseaseLocation_UCCD","Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T,
#b. Pathways
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_twinsH_twinsIBD_pwys.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_twinsH_twinsIBD_metadata.tsv'),"res_rev1_v22_pwys_IBDtwins_vs_TwinsHC_prev10_rndeff",
fixed_effects = c("IBDorHC","IBD_type_chart_review","zyg_def","DiseaseLocation_UCCD", "Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, random_effects=c("Twin_pair_number"), plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T)
### 2. Comparing gut microbiomes between healthy controls vs. unrelated IBD patients, the IBD-twins and the healthy cotwins.
#a. Taxa
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_allCohorts_taxa.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_allCohorts_metadata.tsv'), "res_rev1_v22_allCohorts_taxa_prev10_norndeff",
fixed_effects = c("Cohort","IBD_type_chart_review", "Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T)
#b. Pathways
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_allCohorts_pwys.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_allCohorts_metadata.tsv'), "res_rev1_v22_allCohorts_pwys_prev10_norndeff",
fixed_effects = c("Cohort","IBD_type_chart_review", "Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T)
### 3. Comparing gut microbiomes between IBD twins and unrelated IBD controls
#a. Taxa
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_dagIBD_twinsIBD_taxa.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_dagIBD_twinsIBD_metadata.tsv'),"res_rev1_v22_taxa_DAG3IBD_vs_TwinsIBD_prev10_norndeff",
fixed_effects = c("Cohort", "IBD_type_chart_review", "Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T)
# b. Pathways
Maaslin2(paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_dagIBD_twinsIBD_pwys.tsv'), paste0(dataFolder,'/maaslin_input_dagIBD_twinsIBD_metadata.tsv'),"res_rev1_v22_pwys_DAG3IBD_vs_TwinsIBD_prev10_norndeff",
fixed_effects = c("Cohort", "IBD_type_chart_review", "Sex", "Age_years_calculated", "Antibiotics_past_3_months", "PPI_current", "BMI_survey","READ.NR"),
normalization = "NONE",transform = "AST", min_prevalence = 0.10, min_abundance = 0.0000001, plot_heatmap = T, plot_scatter = T)
6. Visualization of MaAsLin2 results
####Visualize the MaAsLin2 results in Venn-diagrams and balloon plots###
#Example code shown here is for the species analyses.
#Graphs for pathways can be constructed in the same way.
#The data file used is the all_results.tsv files from the MaAsLin2 run
#The dataframe df.spec.all contains the outcomes of te MaAsLin2 run
#Open libraries needed
##Select the associations of interest from the MaAsLin2 results
#Select only Cohort comparison
df.spec.all.sel <- subset(df.spec.all, metadata == "Cohort")
##Make sure that both the species and the direction of the beta are considered for the Venn-diagrams
#Add a variable describing whether the beta is "up" or "down" compared to HC
df.spec.all.sel$direction <- with(df.spec.all.sel,ifelse(coef > 0,
ifelse(coef <0,
#Make a variable that combines the featurename and direction
df.spec.all.sel$feature_direction <- paste(df.spec.all.sel$feature,df.spec.all.sel$direction,sep="_")
#Select only the twin-IBD vs. HC comparison
df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel <- subset(df.spec.all.sel, value == "IBD_IBDTWINS_IBD")
#Select only the Healthy cotwins vs. HC comparison
df.twinHealthyvHC.spec.all.sel <- subset(df.spec.all.sel, value == "HC_IBDTWINS_HC")
#Select only the unrelated IBD patients vs. HC comparison
df.IBDCvHC.spec.all.sel <- subset(df.spec.all.sel, value == "IBD_DAG3_IBD")
####Select only the features with an FDR < 0.10 than the threshold
fdr.cutoff <- 0.10
###IBD-twin vs HC
df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel.sign <- subset(df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel, qval < fdr.cutoff)
###Healthy twin vs HC
df.twinHealthyvHC.spec.all.sel.sign <- subset(df.twinHealthyvHC.spec.all.sel, qval < fdr.cutoff)
###IBD control vs HC
df.IBDCvHC.spec.all.sel.sign <- subset(df.IBDCvHC.spec.all.sel, qval < fdr.cutoff)
####Venn diagrams####
#Make a venn diagram for the overlapping relatively abundant species with FDR<0.10
#Make the venn object
venn.spec <- list(df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel.sign$feature,
#Plot the venn diagram
venn(venn.spec.0.10,ilabels = T,
snames=c("IBD-twins","Healthy\ncotwins","Unrelated IBD\npatients"),
zcolor = c("firebrick3","gold","dodgerblue3"),opacity=0.5, ilcs = 1.5,sncs=1.1,box=FALSE,ggplot=F)
text(x=500,y=1025,paste("Differentially relative abundant species (FDR < ",format(fdr.cutoff,nsmall=2),")
compared to healthy controls",sep=""),cex=1.3,font=2)
####Combining the data for the significant associations
#Add an extra variable to be able to specify which comparison is used
df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel.sign$group <- "IBD-twins"
df.twinHealthyvHC.spec.all.sel.sign$group <- "Healthy cotwins"
df.IBDCvHC.spec.all.sel.sign$group <- "Unrelated IBD patients"
#Combine all dataframes into one
df.spec.sign <- rbind(df.twinIBDvHC.spec.all.sel.sign,
#Order the "group" variable in the way you want it to appear in the plot
df.spec.sign$group <- factor(df.spec.sign$group,levels=c(
"Unrelated IBD patients","IBD-twins","Healthy cotwins"))
#Make an extra short feature variable to make the y-axis readable
#The feature variable contains the names of the species
df.spec.sign$feature.extrashort <- paste(substring(df.spec.sign$feature, regexpr(".s__", df.spec.sign$feature) +4))
#Order the species in the way you want them to appear in the plot
#It is now ordered based on the mean coefficients over the 3 datasets
table.extrashort<-aggregate( coef ~ feature.extrashort, df.spec.sign, mean )
df.spec.sign$feature.extrashort <- factor(df.spec.sign$feature.extrashort, levels=c(order.feature.extrashort))
####Select only the overlapping relatively abundant species####
#Check the count of each species
spec.counts <- count(df.spec.sign$feature)
#Only keep those with a count >1 (those are shared between at least 2 comparisons)
spec.shared <- subset(spec.counts,freq > 1)
#Select these species in the dataset
df.spec.sign.shared <- df.spec.sign[df.spec.sign$feature%in%spec.shared$x,]
#Plot the actual balloonplot
####all differentially abundant species that are shared between at least 2 comparisons
p.balloon.spec.shared <- ggballoonplot(data=df.spec.sign.shared, x = "group",
y = "feature.extrashort",
size = "qval",
fill = "coef",
ylab = "Species",
xlab = "Compared to healthy controls",
ggtheme = theme_bw())+
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "darkblue",
mid = "white",
high = "darkred",
midpoint = 0,
space = "Lab",
na.value = "grey50",
guide = "colourbar",
aesthetics = "fill"
scale_size(range = c(5,1)) + guides(size = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) +
labs(fill = "Beta coefficient",
size = "False discovery rate")+
ggtitle(label=paste("Shared differentially relative abundant species (FDR < ",format(fdr.cutoff,nsmall=2),")
compared to healthy controls",sep=""))+
theme(plot.title=element_text(size=8,face="bold",hjust = 0.75),
#The final balloonplot