#Codebook for tidy data
The data for this project is available from here.
See here for more details.
The variables output in the tidyAverages.txt are all averages, per user/activity combination of the labelled variables. These variables are described, somewhat, in features_info.txt in the zipped collection of documents. This does not include information about the units used (!).
- SubjectId is an identifier for the subject
- ActivityName is one of
- Remaining columns are averages of measures of means/standard deviations
The data is constructed by combining the test and train data together. Each of these sets, test and train, is constructed by combining subject_test(train).txt, x_test(train).txt, and y_test(train).txt which contain a list of subject IDs, a large matrix of measures, and a list of activity IDs, respectively.
the matrix of measures have unhelpful column names, which are replaced in the final data set with the slightly more helpful names from features.txt. Only columns with mean() or std() are included in the final set.
The list of activity IDs are replaced with the names of the activies, read from the activity_labels.txt file.
All variables are included that contain "mean" or "std" in their names. There is some ambiguity as to which of these are actually means or standard deviations, I have erred on the side of inclusiveness.