diff --git a/utils/tamedevil/README.md b/utils/tamedevil/README.md index a12247fd07..c0f626fe55 100644 --- a/utils/tamedevil/README.md +++ b/utils/tamedevil/README.md @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ If `obj` is potentially expensive code and you need to reference it multiple times (e.g. `` te`(${obj}.foo === 3 ? ${obj}.bar : ${obj}.baz)` ``) then you can use `tmp` to create a temporary variable that stores reference to it and return the result of calling `callback` passing this temporary reference. E.g. -`` te.tmp(obj, tmp => te`(${tmp}.foo === 3 ? ${tmp}.bar : ${tmp}.baz)`) `` means +``te.tmp(obj, tmp => te`(${tmp}.foo === 3 ? ${tmp}.bar : ${tmp}.baz)`)`` means that the potentially expensive expression in the original `obj` variable only need to be evaluated once, not 3 times.