- add more format to
- should
handle formats that require something other thanRGBA
for example R16I requires the data be integers most likely? - add
support - skip npot checks if webgl2 (setting for backward compatibility?)
- document arrays in one place
- make program attributes an option, not a optional argument?
- fix cone
- make other kind of sphere
- option to warn all unmatched uniforms and/or attributes?
support -
Update eslint
add new texture parameters
Fix createProgramInfo to take strings and not just ids
make createUniformBlock make a empty block (with warning?) for non-existent block
This is so a block that gets optimized out while debugging a shader doesn't break the system
disconnect blocks from their index so they can be used in a different program with a different index.
fix gawd damn docs
make uglyif strip names
remove "a_" prefix
make primitives bufferInfo creator generate array { numComponents: x, data: y } ? (decided not to change this)
make a augmentedTypedArray example that's lines so I know it works
make AMD test
add texture stuff
- loading
- setting filtering
- creation? {
- src: url/img/cav/array,
- width: height: Assumed Math.sqrt() or Wx1
- min: mag: wrap: wrapS: wrapT
- handle empty cubemap
- handle string cubemap
- handle string[] cubemap
- should we put img on options? or should we set width and height? (currently not provide)