(darknet:65): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 15:28:37.223: gst_element_get_state: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed VIDEOIO ERROR: V4L: device v4l2src ! video/x-raw, framerate=30/1, width=640, height=360 ! videoconvert ! appsink: Unable to query number of channels
Means USB Cam wasn't found, make sure it is connected and restart your jetson Another reason could be that the usbcamera is not in the standard path. Try to add e.g.
. -
Installing opendatacam docker image Stop any running docker container... "docker stop" requires at least 1 argument.
Happens if the opendatacam is installed after a clean flash. Run
$ sudo docker run hello-world
so that there is a container to stop. -
If it happens, that the docker service is not active on startup (which means the container is not starting automatically). Run
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
set the docker service active on startup -
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345
Try restarting the docker service:
sudo service docker restart
, also try to restart your machine. -
Error generated. /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/multimedia/nvgstreamer/gst-nvarguscamera/gstnvarguscamerasrc.cpp, execute:521 No cameras available
Rasberry Pi Cam isn't working, try rebooting your device / plug it again.