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Template Repository Configuration

ddurnev edited this page Aug 1, 2012 · 1 revision

Common properties

genesis.template.repository.mode: Type of environment template repository to use. Possible values: git, classpath (default), filesystem. genesis.template.repository.charset: Environment template files character set. Default value: UTF-8.
genesis.template.repository.wildcard: Environment template files mask. Default value: *.genesis genesis.template.repository.pull.period.seconds: Interval between checking for updates in the remote template repository. Default value: 3600
genesis.template.repository.pull.on.start: Pull changes from the remote repository to the local one on application startup. Possible values: true (default), false

Git template repository specific properties

genesis.template.repository.git.uri: URL pointing to Git repository to use as a template repository
genesis.template.repository.git.identity: Git repository access identity
genesis.template.repository.git.credential: Git repository access credential
genesis.template.repository.git.branch: Git branch to use as a template repository File system path to use as a local Git repository

Classpath template repository specific properties

genesis.template.repository.classpath.urls Comma separated urls (absolute path) to jars containing templates

Filesystem template repository specific properties

genesis.template.repository.fs.path Absolute path to folder with templates. Recursive reading is not supported.

Git template repository example

Here is an example configuration for a GitHub repository:

genesis.template.repository.mode = git
genesis.template.repository.git.uri = https://[email protected]/griddynamics/genesis.git
genesis.template.repository.git.identity = {GitHub user}
genesis.template.repository.git.credential = {GitHub user credential}
genesis.template.repository.git.branch = master = /tmp/hudson/git/amazon
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