This project uses docker for testing and bootstrapping locally.
First, download docker at and set it up.
Then, cd into the main open elections repo:
docker-compose build api
docker-compose up api
#logs will show here
The project will be available via localhost:3000/
- Typescript - The project is built and served using tsc and ts-node.
- TypeOrm - We use as our ORM to interact with Postgres
- Amazon SES - To send emails. In develop mode, all emails are logged to the console
- Postgres - All data is stored in Postgres.
- Redis - Caching and PubSub is handled through redis
- JWT Token - Project uses JWT Tokens for permissioning
- Mocha & Chai - Project uses Mocha and Chai
controller/ - all route actions are placed here. name the file after the route. i.e. /api/users, would be users.ts
models/ - location of all database abstractions
entity/ - table abstraction model files
seeds/ - seeds for development database
db.ts - main typeorm connnection file
redis.ts - exports the redis client
routes/ - localtion of all app routes
helpers - router middleware
index.ts - setups up middleware on app, and master location of all routes
services/ - location of all complex business logic
test/ - all test files
types/ - any typescript types necessary
app.ts - very simple express setup
Dockerfile - production build
Dockerfile.development - used for development and test builds - a script used to wait for port connections
Controllers - All route paths are placed in controllers. If the name of the route path is /users, name the file users.ts. Each action inside the controller file should be the same as the second path. I.e. /users/invite -> users.ts#function invite.
Models - All table abstraction models are located in models/entities. The files should be uppercase (they export a class). Any types specific to the model data should be added to the file. Any complex joins and queries should be placed in the file. Do not place controller or service level objects into the file.
Routes - All routes are located in routes/index.ts. Middleware on the app is applied in the routes/index.ts. If a cookie session has 'token', its parsed and the request object has request.currentUser
Services - All complex business logic effecting multiple models, permissions, etc are located here.
test - All test files/folders follow the top level directories. Note, controllers are not tested separately. They are tested via routes. If test files get too long, create a new folder for the master test area, and smaller named files -> test/routes/users/invite.spec.ts
If you need to add a new library via npm, you do so normally:
npm install something --save-dev
Then, you will need to stop, rebuild and start the app.
docker-compose stop api
docker-compose build api
docker-compose up api
This project is coded with a TDD mindset. You can run the tests using our docker-compose travis file:
cd openelections
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run api bash
> npm test
If you would like to change code and run tests, first, uncomment out volumes in docker-compose-test.yml
# volumes:
# - ./api:/app
Do not commit that change, otherwise Travis will break.
Now, you can run tests
cd openelections
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run api bash
> npm test
# change file
> npm test
To test one method or file, you can use testone:
cd openelections
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml run api bash
> npm testone tests/file/to/test.spec.ts
# add testme to descriptor of test
> npm testone tests/file/to/test.spec.ts -- -g testme #will the files' test for testme, and just test that one
If you need to see DB queries, update the models/db.ts file, setting the logging to true.
If you are seeing an error like, ERROR: for testdb Cannot start service testdb: network xxxx not found
, try running the following command and trying again:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml down