diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.md b/RELEASE_NOTES.md
index 750b352..7bf4c2a 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+### 3.0.0-beta4
+* Fix bugs
+* Improve performance
+* Change seliarization library to MessagePack from FsPickler
### 3.0.0-beta3
* Add flexible type matching
* Improve results display
diff --git a/src/FSharpApiSearch/FSharpApiSearch.fsproj b/src/FSharpApiSearch/FSharpApiSearch.fsproj
index 7569bda..9236df5 100644
--- a/src/FSharpApiSearch/FSharpApiSearch.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharpApiSearch/FSharpApiSearch.fsproj
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- --warnon:1182
+ --warnon:1182 --sig:sig.fsi
diff --git a/src/FSharpApiSearch/sig.fsi b/src/FSharpApiSearch/sig.fsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9d907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSharpApiSearch/sig.fsi
@@ -0,0 +1,2052 @@
+namespace System
+ module internal AssemblyVersionInformation = begin
+ []
+ val AssemblyTitle : string
+ []
+ val AssemblyProduct : string
+ []
+ val AssemblyDescription : string
+ []
+ val AssemblyVersion : string
+ []
+ val AssemblyFileVersion : string
+ []
+ val AssemblyConfiguration : string
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ type Lens<'a,'b> =
+ {Get: 'a -> 'b;
+ Set: 'b -> 'a -> 'a;}
+ module internal OptionModule = begin
+ type OptionBuilder =
+ class
+ new : unit -> OptionBuilder
+ member Bind : x:'c option * f:('c -> 'd option) -> 'd option
+ member Return : x:'b -> 'b option
+ member ReturnFrom : x:'a -> 'a
+ end
+ val option : OptionBuilder
+ end
+ module internal Seq = begin
+ val foldOptionMapping : f:('a -> 'b option) -> xs:seq<'a> -> seq<'b> option
+ end
+ module internal String = begin
+ val equalsWithComparer :
+ cmp:System.StringComparer -> x:string -> y:string -> bool
+ end
+ module internal Extensions = begin
+ type StringBuilder with
+ member
+ Append : print:(System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder
+ type StringBuilder with
+ member
+ AppendJoin : sep:string * xs:seq<'a> *
+ print:('a -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder
+ type StringBuilder with
+ member
+ AppendJoin : sep:string * xs:seq -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ end
+ module internal IDictionary = begin
+ val empty<'k,'v when 'k : equality> :
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<'k,'v> when 'k : equality
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal Hack = begin
+ val genericArguments :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType ->
+ Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType list
+ val inferredFloatFullName : string option
+ val measureOneFullName : string option
+ val isFloat : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ val isAbbreviation : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ val isMeasure : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ val isUnitOnlyParameter :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue -> bool
+ val isTupleType : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ val isStructTupleType : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ []
+ type TypeVariable =
+ {Name: string;
+ IsSolveAtCompileTime: bool;}
+ module TypeVariable = begin
+ val ofString : v:string -> TypeVariable
+ end
+ []
+ type NamePart =
+ | SymbolName of name: string
+ | OperatorName of name: string * compiledName: string
+ | WithCompiledName of name: string * compiledName: string
+ []
+ type DisplayNameItem =
+ {Name: NamePart;
+ GenericParameters: TypeVariable list;}
+ type DisplayName = DisplayNameItem list
+ module internal DisplayName = begin
+ val private splitName : name:string -> (string * TypeVariable list) list
+ val ofString : name:string -> DisplayNameItem list
+ val ofString2 : name:string -> compiledName:string -> DisplayNameItem list
+ val ofOperatorString : name:string -> DisplayNameItem list
+ end
+ []
+ type Name =
+ | LoadingName of assemblyName: string * accessPath: string * DisplayName
+ | DisplayName of DisplayName
+ module internal Name = begin
+ val ofString : name:string -> Name
+ val ofCompiledName : name:string -> compiledName:string -> Name
+ val ofOperatorName : name:string -> Name
+ val loadingNameError : unit -> 'a
+ val toDisplayName : _arg1:Name -> DisplayName
+ end
+ []
+ type PartialIdentity =
+ {Name: DisplayName;
+ GenericParameterCount: int;}
+ []
+ type FullIdentity =
+ {AssemblyName: string;
+ Name: Name;
+ GenericParameterCount: int;}
+ []
+ type Identity =
+ | PartialIdentity of PartialIdentity
+ | FullIdentity of FullIdentity
+ []
+ type VariableSource =
+ | Query
+ | Target
+ []
+ type LowType =
+ | Wildcard of string option
+ | Variable of VariableSource * TypeVariable
+ | Identity of Identity
+ | Arrow of LowType list
+ | Tuple of TupleType
+ | Generic of LowType * LowType list
+ | TypeAbbreviation of TypeAbbreviation
+ | Delegate of delegateType: LowType * LowType list
+ | ByRef of isOut: bool * LowType
+ | Flexible of LowType
+ | Choice of LowType list
+ []
+ and TypeAbbreviation =
+ {Abbreviation: LowType;
+ Original: LowType;}
+ []
+ and TupleType =
+ {Elements: LowType list;
+ IsStruct: bool;}
+ []
+ type Accessibility =
+ | Public
+ | Private
+ []
+ type PropertyKind =
+ | Get
+ | Set
+ | GetSet
+ []
+ type MemberKind =
+ | Method
+ | Property of PropertyKind
+ | Field
+ []
+ type MemberModifier =
+ | Instance
+ | Static
+ []
+ type Parameter =
+ {Type: LowType;
+ Name: string option;
+ IsOptional: bool;
+ IsParamArray: bool;}
+ module internal Parameter = begin
+ val ofLowType : t:LowType -> Parameter
+ end
+ type ParameterGroups = Parameter list list
+ type Function = Parameter list list
+ module internal Function = begin
+ val toLowTypeList : fn:Parameter list list -> LowType list
+ val toArrow : fn:Parameter list list -> LowType
+ end
+ []
+ type Member =
+ {Name: string;
+ Kind: MemberKind;
+ GenericParameters: TypeVariable list;
+ Parameters: ParameterGroups;
+ ReturnParameter: Parameter;}
+ with
+ []
+ member IsCurried : bool
+ end
+ module internal Member = begin
+ val toArrow : m:Member -> LowType
+ val toFunction : m:Member -> Parameter list list
+ end
+ []
+ type TypeDefinitionKind =
+ | Class
+ | Interface
+ | Type
+ | Union
+ | Record
+ | Enumeration
+ []
+ type Constraint =
+ | SubtypeConstraints of LowType
+ | NullnessConstraints
+ | MemberConstraints of MemberModifier * Member
+ | DefaultConstructorConstraints
+ | ValueTypeConstraints
+ | ReferenceTypeConstraints
+ | EnumerationConstraints
+ | DelegateConstraints
+ | UnmanagedConstraints
+ | EqualityConstraints
+ | ComparisonConstraints
+ []
+ type TypeConstraint =
+ {Variables: TypeVariable list;
+ Constraint: Constraint;}
+ []
+ type ConstraintStatus =
+ | Satisfy
+ | NotSatisfy
+ | Dependence of TypeVariable list
+ []
+ type FullTypeDefinition =
+ {Name: DisplayName;
+ FullName: string;
+ AssemblyName: string;
+ Accessibility: Accessibility;
+ Kind: TypeDefinitionKind;
+ BaseType: LowType option;
+ AllInterfaces: LowType list;
+ GenericParameters: TypeVariable list;
+ TypeConstraints: TypeConstraint list;
+ InstanceMembers: Member list;
+ StaticMembers: Member list;
+ ImplicitInstanceMembers: Member list;
+ ImplicitStaticMembers: Member list;
+ SupportNull: ConstraintStatus;
+ ReferenceType: ConstraintStatus;
+ ValueType: ConstraintStatus;
+ DefaultConstructor: ConstraintStatus;
+ Equality: ConstraintStatus;
+ Comparison: ConstraintStatus;}
+ with
+ []
+ member internal FullIdentity : FullIdentity
+ []
+ member internal LowType : LowType
+ end
+ []
+ type TypeAbbreviationDefinition =
+ {Name: DisplayName;
+ FullName: string;
+ AssemblyName: string;
+ Accessibility: Accessibility;
+ GenericParameters: TypeVariable list;
+ Abbreviated: LowType;
+ Original: LowType;}
+ with
+ []
+ member internal FullIdentity : FullIdentity
+ []
+ member internal TypeAbbreviation : TypeAbbreviation
+ end
+ []
+ type TypeExtension =
+ {ExistingType: LowType;
+ Declaration: DisplayName;
+ MemberModifier: MemberModifier;
+ Member: Member;}
+ []
+ type ApiKind =
+ | ModuleValue
+ | Constructor
+ | Member of MemberModifier * MemberKind
+ | TypeExtension of MemberModifier * MemberKind
+ | ExtensionMember
+ | UnionCase
+ | ModuleDefinition
+ | TypeDefinition
+ | TypeAbbreviation
+ | ComputationExpressionBuilder
+ []
+ type ActivePatternKind =
+ | ActivePattern
+ | PartialActivePattern
+ []
+ type UnionCaseField =
+ {Name: string option;
+ Type: LowType;}
+ []
+ type UnionCase =
+ {DeclaringType: LowType;
+ Name: string;
+ Fields: UnionCaseField list;}
+ module UnionCase = begin
+ val toFunction : uc:UnionCase -> Parameter list list
+ end
+ []
+ type ModuleDefinition =
+ {Name: DisplayName;
+ AssemblyName: string;
+ Accessibility: Accessibility;}
+ with
+ []
+ member internal LowType : LowType
+ end
+ []
+ type ComputationExpressionBuilder =
+ {BuilderType: LowType;
+ ComputationExpressionTypes: LowType list;
+ Syntaxes: string list;}
+ []
+ type ApiSignature =
+ | ModuleValue of LowType
+ | ModuleFunction of Function
+ | ActivePatten of ActivePatternKind * Function
+ | InstanceMember of LowType * Member
+ | StaticMember of LowType * Member
+ | Constructor of LowType * Member
+ | ModuleDefinition of ModuleDefinition
+ | FullTypeDefinition of FullTypeDefinition
+ | TypeAbbreviation of TypeAbbreviationDefinition
+ | TypeExtension of TypeExtension
+ | ExtensionMember of Member
+ | UnionCase of UnionCase
+ | ComputationExpressionBuilder of ComputationExpressionBuilder
+ []
+ type Api =
+ {Name: Name;
+ Signature: ApiSignature;
+ TypeConstraints: TypeConstraint list;
+ Document: string option;}
+ with
+ []
+ member Kind : ApiKind
+ end
+ []
+ type ApiDictionary =
+ {AssemblyName: string;
+ Api: Api [];
+ TypeDefinitions:
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary;
+ TypeAbbreviations: TypeAbbreviationDefinition [];}
+ with
+ []
+ member PublicApiNumber : int
+ end
+ []
+ type ActivePatternSignature =
+ | AnyParameter of LowType * LowType
+ | Specified of LowType
+ []
+ type ActivePatternQuery =
+ {Kind: ActivePatternKind;
+ Signature: ActivePatternSignature;}
+ []
+ type ComputationExpressionQuery =
+ {Syntaxes: string list;
+ Type: LowType;}
+ []
+ type SignatureQuery =
+ | Wildcard
+ | Signature of LowType
+ []
+ type NameMatchMethod =
+ | StringCompare
+ | Regex
+ | StartsWith
+ | EndsWith
+ | Contains
+ | Any
+ module NameMatchMethod = begin
+ val ofString : str:string -> string * NameMatchMethod
+ end
+ type ByName =
+ {Expected: string;
+ GenericParameters: string list;
+ MatchMethod: NameMatchMethod;}
+ []
+ type QueryMethod =
+ | ByName of ByName list * SignatureQuery
+ | BySignature of SignatureQuery
+ | ByActivePattern of ActivePatternQuery
+ | ByComputationExpression of ComputationExpressionQuery
+ []
+ type Query =
+ {OriginalString: string;
+ Method: QueryMethod;}
+ type OptionStatus =
+ | Enabled
+ | Disabled
+ type Language =
+ | FSharp
+ | CSharp
+ module Language = begin
+ val tryParse : str:string -> Language option
+ end
+ type SearchOptions =
+ internal {GreedyMatching: OptionStatus;
+ RespectNameDifference: OptionStatus;
+ IgnoreParameterStyle: OptionStatus;
+ IgnoreCase: OptionStatus;
+ SwapOrderDepth: int;
+ ComplementDepth: int;
+ Parallel: OptionStatus;
+ Language: Language;}
+ module SearchOptions = begin
+ val defaultOptions : SearchOptions
+ val private statusToInt : enabledValue:int -> _arg1:OptionStatus -> int
+ val private intToStatus : _arg1:int -> OptionStatus
+ val GreedyMatching : Lens
+ val RespectNameDifference : Lens
+ val IgnoreParameterStyle : Lens
+ val IgnoreCase : Lens
+ val SwapOrderDepth : Lens
+ val SwapOrder : Lens
+ val ComplementDepth : Lens
+ val Complement : Lens
+ val Parallel : Lens
+ val Language : Lens
+ end
+ type Result =
+ {Api: Api;
+ AssemblyName: string;
+ Distance: int;}
+ module internal SpecialTypes = begin
+ val arrayRegexPattern : string
+ val mscorlib : string
+ val fscore : string
+ val UnitLoadingName : Name
+ val UnitDisplayName : Name
+ module LoadingFullIdentity = begin
+ val ofDotNetType : t:System.Type -> FullIdentity
+ end
+ module FullIdentity = begin
+ val ofDotNetType : t:System.Type -> FullIdentity
+ val private tuple' : typeName:string -> n:int -> Name
+ val tupleName : n:int -> Name
+ val valueTupleName : n:int -> Name
+ end
+ module Identity = begin
+ val ofDotNetType : t:System.Type -> Identity
+ val tupleN : n:int -> Identity
+ val tuples : Identity list
+ val valueTupleN : n:int -> Identity
+ val valueTuples : Identity list
+ val byref : Identity
+ module CSharp = begin
+ val aliases : (string * Identity) list
+ end
+ end
+ module LowType = begin
+ val ofDotNetType : t:System.Type -> LowType
+ val Unit : LowType
+ val unit : LowType
+ val Double : LowType
+ val float : LowType
+ val isUnit : x:LowType -> bool
+ val Boolean : LowType
+ val FSharpFunc : LowType
+ module Patterns = begin
+ val ( |Unit|_| ) : x:LowType -> unit option
+ val ( |Array|_| ) : x:LowType -> (string * LowType) option
+ val private b : LowType
+ val ( |Boolean|_| ) : LowType -> unit option
+ val ( |NonTuple|_| ) : x:LowType -> LowType option
+ val ( |AbbreviationRoot|_| ) : x:LowType -> LowType option
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module internal Identity = begin
+ []
+ type IdentityEqualityResult =
+ | Matched
+ | GenericParameter of int * int
+ | Name
+ | AssemblyName
+ val ( <&&> ) :
+ x:(unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult) ->
+ y:(unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult) ->
+ Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val testee : x:DisplayNameItem -> string
+ val private forall :
+ f:('a -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult) ->
+ xs:seq<'a> -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val private testGenericParameterCount :
+ x:int -> y:int -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val private testString :
+ cmp:System.StringComparer ->
+ x:string -> y:string -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val private testDisplayName :
+ cmp:System.StringComparer ->
+ xs:DisplayName ->
+ ys:DisplayName -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val private testAssemblyName :
+ x:FullIdentity ->
+ y:FullIdentity -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val testFullIdentity :
+ x:FullIdentity ->
+ y:FullIdentity -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val fullIdentityComparer :
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer
+ val private testPartialAndFullIdentity :
+ cmp:System.StringComparer ->
+ partial:PartialIdentity ->
+ full:FullIdentity -> unit -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val private sameName' :
+ cmp:System.StringComparer ->
+ x:Identity -> y:Identity -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ type Equality = Identity -> Identity -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val sameName : x:Identity -> y:Identity -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val sameNameIgnoreCase :
+ x:Identity -> y:Identity -> Identity.IdentityEqualityResult
+ val equalityFromOptions : opt:SearchOptions -> Identity.Equality
+ end
+ module LowTypeVisitor = begin
+ type Visitor = LowType -> LowType
+ val accept_Parameter :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) -> p:Parameter -> Parameter
+ val accept_ParameterGroups :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ groups:ParameterGroups -> Parameter list list
+ val accept_Function :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ func:ParameterGroups -> Parameter list list
+ val accept_Member : visitor:(LowType -> LowType) -> member':Member -> Member
+ val accept_TypeConstraint :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) -> c:TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
+ val accept_FullTypeDefinition :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ fullTypeDef:FullTypeDefinition -> FullTypeDefinition
+ val accept_TypeAbbreviationDefinition :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ abbDef:TypeAbbreviationDefinition -> TypeAbbreviationDefinition
+ val accept_TypeExtension :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ typeExtension:TypeExtension -> TypeExtension
+ val accept_UnionCaseField :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) -> field:UnionCaseField -> UnionCaseField
+ val accept_UnionCase :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) -> uc:UnionCase -> UnionCase
+ val accept_ComputationExpressionBuilder :
+ visitor:(LowType -> LowType) ->
+ builder:ComputationExpressionBuilder -> ComputationExpressionBuilder
+ val accept_ApiSignature :
+ visitor:Visitor -> _arg1:ApiSignature -> ApiSignature
+ end
+ module internal LowType = begin
+ val applyVariable :
+ source:VariableSource ->
+ replacements:Map -> _arg1:LowType -> LowType
+ val applyVariableToTargetList :
+ source:VariableSource ->
+ replacements:Map ->
+ xs:LowType list -> LowType list
+ val collectWildcardGroup : x:LowType -> LowType list
+ val collectVariables : x:LowType -> LowType list
+ val collectVariableOrWildcardGroup : x:LowType -> LowType list
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module Printer = begin
+ module internal FSharpImpl = begin
+ val printPropertyKind : _arg1:PropertyKind -> string
+ val printMemberKind : _arg1:MemberKind -> string
+ val printMemberModifier : _arg1:MemberModifier -> string
+ val printApiKind :
+ kind:ApiKind ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val typeVariablePrefix : v:TypeVariable -> string
+ val toDisplayName : _arg1:NamePart -> string
+ val printNameItem :
+ n:DisplayNameItem ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printDisplayName_full :
+ xs:DisplayNameItem list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printName_full :
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printApiName :
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printAccessPath :
+ depth:int option ->
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printIdentity_full :
+ identity:Identity ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printIdentity_short :
+ identity:Identity ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printVariableSource : _arg1:VariableSource -> string
+ val printTypeVariable :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ source:VariableSource ->
+ v:TypeVariable ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printLowType :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ lowType:LowType ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printGeneric :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ id:LowType ->
+ args:LowType list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printArrow :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ xs:LowType list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printTuple :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ xs:LowType list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printStructTuple :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ xs:LowType list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printChoice :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ printIdentity:(Identity -> System.Text.StringBuilder ->
+ System.Text.StringBuilder) ->
+ xs:LowType list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printLowType_short :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ t:LowType -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printLowType_full :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ t:LowType -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printParameter :
+ tupleParen:bool ->
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ p:Parameter ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printParameterGroups :
+ tupleParen:bool ->
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ func:Parameter list list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printMember :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printConstraint :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ c:TypeConstraint ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printFullTypeDefinition :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ x:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val pringTypeAbbreviation :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ x:TypeAbbreviationDefinition ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printUnionCaseField :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ uc:UnionCaseField ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printUnionCase :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ uc:UnionCase ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printModule :
+ m:ModuleDefinition ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printComputationExpressionBuilder :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ builder:ComputationExpressionBuilder ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printApiSignature :
+ isDebug:bool ->
+ apiSig:ApiSignature ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ end
+ module FSharp = begin
+ val printFullName : api:Api -> string
+ val printApiName : api:Api -> string
+ val printAccessPath : depth:int option -> api:Api -> string
+ val printSignature : api:Api -> string
+ val printKind : api:Api -> string
+ val tryPrintTypeConstraints : api:Api -> string option
+ end
+ module internal CSharpImpl = begin
+ val toDisplayName : _arg1:NamePart -> string
+ val printNameItem :
+ n:DisplayNameItem ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printDisplayName_full :
+ xs:DisplayNameItem list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printName_full :
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printApiName :
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printAccessPath :
+ depth:int option ->
+ name:Name -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val csharpAlias :
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ val printIdentity :
+ identity:Identity ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val toFSharpFunc : xs:LowType list -> LowType
+ val nestedArray :
+ acc:string list -> _arg1:LowType -> string list * LowType
+ val printRef : isOut:bool -> string
+ val printLowType :
+ t:LowType -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printParameter :
+ p:Parameter -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printPropertyParameter :
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printProperty :
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printReturnParameter :
+ p:Parameter -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printMethodParameter :
+ m:Member ->
+ isExtension:bool ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printMethod :
+ m:Member ->
+ isExtension:bool ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printField :
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printMember :
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printConstructor :
+ m:Member -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printModuleValue :
+ t:LowType -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printFunction :
+ fn:Function -> sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printFullTypeDefinition :
+ td:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printApiSignature :
+ apiSig:ApiSignature ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val filterCSharpTypeConstraint :
+ xs:TypeConstraint list -> TypeConstraint list
+ val printConstraints :
+ xs:TypeConstraint list ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val printPropertyKind : _arg1:PropertyKind -> string
+ val printMemberKind : _arg1:MemberKind -> string
+ val printMemberModifier : _arg1:MemberModifier -> string
+ val printApiKind :
+ kind:ApiKind ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ end
+ module CSharp = begin
+ val printFullName : api:Api -> string
+ val printApiName : api:Api -> string
+ val printAccessPath : depth:int option -> api:Api -> string
+ val printSignature : api:Api -> string
+ val tryPrintTypeConstraints : api:Api -> string option
+ val printKind : api:Api -> string
+ end
+ type TypeVariable with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type DisplayNameItem with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type Name with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type LowType with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type LowType with
+ member internal Debug : unit -> string
+ type ApiSignature with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type ApiSignature with
+ member internal Debug : unit -> string
+ type TypeConstraint with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type TypeConstraint with
+ member internal Debug : unit -> string
+ type FullTypeDefinition with
+ member Print : unit -> string
+ type FullTypeDefinition with
+ member internal Debug : unit -> string
+ module internal LowType = begin
+ val debug : x:LowType -> string
+ end
+ module internal ApiSignature = begin
+ val debug : x:ApiSignature -> string
+ val print : x:ApiSignature -> string
+ end
+ module internal TypeConstraint = begin
+ val debug : x:TypeConstraint -> string
+ end
+ module internal FullTypeDefinition = begin
+ val debug : x:FullTypeDefinition -> string
+ end
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal QueryParser = begin
+ val inline trim :
+ p:FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b> -> FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b>
+ val inline pcharAndTrim : c:char -> FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val inline pstringAndTrim : s:string -> FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val inline sepBy2 :
+ p:FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b> ->
+ sep:FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'c,'b> ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a list,'b>
+ val compose :
+ firstParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b> ->
+ ps:(FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b> ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b> ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b>) list ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser<'a,'b>
+ val parray : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ module FSharp = begin
+ val struct' : string
+ val keywords : string list
+ val pidentifier : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val partialName : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val fsharpSignatureRef : FParsec.Primitives.Parser ref
+ val fsharpSignature : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val identity : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val variable : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val wildcard : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val genericId : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val createGeneric : id:LowType -> parameters:LowType list -> LowType
+ val dotNetGeneric : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val flexible : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val ptype : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val array :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val structTuple :
+ self:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val mlGeneric :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val tuple :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val arrow :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val activePatternKind : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val allPatterns : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val activePattern : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val activePatternQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val opName : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val memberNamePartial : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val signatureWildcard : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val anyOrSignature : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val nameQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val signatureQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val computationExpressionSyntax : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val computationExpressionQuery :
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val query : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val parse : queryStr:string -> Query
+ end
+ module CSharp = begin
+ val ref : string
+ val out : string
+ val keywords : string list
+ val punit : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val pidentifier : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val partialName : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val csharpSignatureRef : FParsec.Primitives.Parser ref
+ val csharpSignature : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val identity : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val wildcard : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val genericId : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val createGeneric : id:LowType -> parameters:LowType list -> LowType
+ val generic : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val flexible : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val ptype : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val array :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val structTuple :
+ self:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val byref :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val arrow :
+ 'a ->
+ typeParser:FParsec.Primitives.Parser ->
+ FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val replaceWithVariable :
+ variableNames:Set -> _arg1:LowType -> LowType
+ val signatureWildcard : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val genericPart : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val memberNamePartial : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val anyOrSignature : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val nameQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val genericQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val signatureQuery : FParsec.Primitives.Parser
+ val query : (FParsec.CharStream -> FParsec.Reply)
+ val parse : queryStr:string -> Query
+ end
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal MatcherTypes = begin
+ type Equations =
+ {Equalities: (LowType * LowType) list;
+ Inequalities: (LowType * LowType) list;}
+ module Equations = begin
+ val debugEquality : left:LowType * right:LowType -> string
+ val debugInequality : left:LowType * right:LowType -> string
+ val debug : x:Equations -> string
+ val empty : Equations
+ end
+ type SubtypeResult =
+ | Subtype of LowType
+ | Contextual of LowType option
+ | NonSubtype
+ type SubtypeCache =
+ System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<(LowType * LowType),
+ SubtypeResult>
+ module SubtypeCache = begin
+ val create :
+ unit ->
+ System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<(LowType * LowType),
+ SubtypeResult>
+ end
+ type Context =
+ {Distance: int;
+ Equations: Equations;
+ QueryTypes: Map;
+ ApiDictionaries: Map;
+ SubtypeCache: SubtypeCache;}
+ module Context = begin
+ val addDistance : reason:string -> x:int -> ctx:Context -> Context
+ val newEquations :
+ oldCtx:Context -> newCtx:Context -> (LowType * LowType) list
+ end
+ type MatchingResult =
+ | Matched of Context
+ | Continue of Context
+ | Failure
+ module MatchingResult = begin
+ val inline bindContinue :
+ f:(Context -> MatchingResult) -> x:MatchingResult -> MatchingResult
+ val inline bindMatched :
+ f:(Context -> MatchingResult) -> x:MatchingResult -> MatchingResult
+ val inline mapMatched :
+ f:(Context -> Context) -> x:MatchingResult -> MatchingResult
+ val toBool : _arg1:MatchingResult -> bool
+ end
+ type ILowTypeMatcher =
+ interface
+ abstract member Test : LowType -> LowType -> Context -> MatchingResult
+ abstract member
+ TestAll : seq -> seq -> Context -> MatchingResult
+ abstract member
+ TestAllExactly : seq ->
+ seq -> Context -> MatchingResult
+ end
+ module Extensions = begin
+ val private paramsAndRet : xs:seq<'a> -> 'a [] * 'a
+ type ILowTypeMatcher with
+ member
+ TestArrow : leftTypes:seq ->
+ rightTypes:seq -> ctx:Context -> MatchingResult
+ type ILowTypeMatcher with
+ member
+ TestReceiver : left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType -> ctx:Context -> MatchingResult
+ end
+ type IApiMatcher =
+ interface
+ abstract member
+ Test : ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ QueryMethod -> Api -> Context -> MatchingResult
+ abstract member Name : string
+ end
+ type Rule<'Left,'Right> =
+ ILowTypeMatcher -> 'Left -> 'Right -> Context -> MatchingResult
+ module Rule = begin
+ val run :
+ rule:Rule<'a,'b> ->
+ matcher:ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:'a -> right:'b -> ctx:Context -> MatchingResult
+ val terminator : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> MatchingResult
+ val continueFailure :
+ rule:Rule<'a,'b> ->
+ matcher:ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:'a -> right:'b -> ctx:Context -> MatchingResult
+ val compose :
+ xs:Rule<'a,'b> [] ->
+ test:ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:'a -> right:'b -> ctx:Context -> MatchingResult
+ end
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal TypeHierarchy = begin
+ val transferVariableArgument :
+ inheritArgs:Map -> baseType:LowType -> LowType list
+ val instantiate : t:FullTypeDefinition -> args:LowType list -> LowType
+ val getSuperTypes :
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ t:FullTypeDefinition -> args:LowType list -> seq
+ val fullTypeDef :
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> _arg1:Identity -> FullTypeDefinition []
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal LowTypeMatcher = begin
+ module Context = begin
+ val setEquations :
+ eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.Context
+ end
+ module Equations = begin
+ val sortTerm : x:'a -> y:'a -> 'a * 'a when 'a : comparison
+ val containsEquality :
+ left:LowType -> right:LowType -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> bool
+ val containsInequality :
+ left:LowType -> right:LowType -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> bool
+ val findEqualities :
+ left:LowType -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> (LowType * LowType) list
+ val testInequality :
+ left:LowType -> right:LowType -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> bool
+ val isRecirsive : left:LowType -> right:LowType -> bool
+ val isCircular :
+ left:LowType -> right:LowType -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> bool
+ val tryAddEquality :
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ end
+ module Rules = begin
+ val terminator :
+ MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ LowType ->
+ LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testLeftEqualities :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftEqualities:('a * LowType) list ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testVariableEquality :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ type Swapped = bool
+ val swappedToInt : swapped:Swapped -> int
+ val contains :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ testee:LowType ->
+ back:LowType [] ->
+ forward:LowType [] ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ (MatcherTypes.Context * LowType [] * LowType [] * Swapped) option
+ val containsWildcard : xs:LowType [] -> bool
+ val testAllWithComplementAndSwap :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ complementNumberLimit:int ->
+ swapNumberLimit:int ->
+ leftTypes:seq ->
+ rightTypes:seq ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testAllExactly :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftTypes:seq ->
+ rightTypes:seq ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val choiceRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val typeAbbreviationRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testIdentity :
+ nameEquality:Identity.Equality ->
+ leftIdentity:Identity ->
+ rightIdentity:Identity ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val identityRule :
+ nameEquality:Identity.Equality ->
+ 'a ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val variableRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val distanceFromVariable : _arg1:LowType -> int
+ val seqDistance : xs:LowType list -> int
+ val greedyVariableRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val tupleRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testArrow :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftElems:seq ->
+ rightElems:seq ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val arrowRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testArrow_IgnoreParameterStyle :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftElems:LowType list ->
+ rightElems:LowType list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val arrowRule_IgnoreParameterStyle :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val genericRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val wildcardRule :
+ 'a ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val wildcardGroupRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val delegateRule :
+ nameEquality:Identity.Equality ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val delegateAndArrowRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val delegateAndArrowRule_IgnoreParameterStyle :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val byrefRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val flexibleTarget :
+ ctx:'a -> _arg1:LowType -> (Identity * LowType list) option
+ val ( |FlexibleTarget|_| ) :
+ ctx:'a -> (LowType -> (Identity * LowType list) option)
+ val testFlexible :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ flexible:LowType ->
+ targetId:Identity ->
+ targetArgs:LowType list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ (MatcherTypes.Context * LowType) option
+ val flexibleCacheValue :
+ contextualType:(unit -> bool) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ flexible:LowType ->
+ targetId:Identity ->
+ targetArgs:LowType list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.SubtypeResult
+ val flexibleRule :
+ isContextual:(LowType -> bool) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:LowType ->
+ right:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ end
+ val instance : options:SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal NameMatcher = begin
+ type StringOptions =
+ {StringComparer: System.StringComparer;
+ StringComparison: System.StringComparison;
+ RegexOptions: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions;}
+ val stringOptions : ignoreCase:OptionStatus -> StringOptions
+ val test' :
+ strOpt:StringOptions ->
+ expected:ByName list -> actualNames:DisplayNameItem list -> bool
+ val test :
+ strOpt:StringOptions ->
+ query:QueryMethod ->
+ api:Api -> ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val instance : options:SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal SignatureMatcher = begin
+ module Rules = begin
+ val choiceRule :
+ runRules:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> SignatureQuery ->
+ ApiSignature -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val moduleValueRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val ( |WildcardOrVariable|_| ) : _arg1:LowType -> unit option
+ val trimOptionalParameters :
+ leftElems:LowType list ->
+ rightElems:Parameter list list -> Parameter list list
+ val testArrow :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftElems:LowType list ->
+ rightElems:Parameter list list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val ( |Right_CurriedFunction|_| ) :
+ xs:Parameter list list -> LowType list option
+ val ( |Right_NonCurriedFunction|_| ) :
+ xs:Parameter list list -> LowType list option
+ val ( |Right_TupleFunction|_| ) :
+ xs:Parameter list list -> LowType list option
+ val ( |Left_CurriedFunction|_| ) : xs:LowType list -> LowType list option
+ val ( |Left_NonCurriedFunction|_| ) :
+ xs:LowType list -> LowType list option
+ val testArrow_IgnoreParamStyle :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ leftElems:LowType list ->
+ rightElems:Parameter list list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val moduleFunctionRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list -> Function ->
+ MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val arrowQueryAndDelegateRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val activePatternRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list -> Function ->
+ MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val breakArrow : _arg1:LowType -> LowType list
+ val ( |StaticMember|_| ) : _arg1:ApiSignature -> Member option
+ val ( |NoArgsMember|_| ) : _arg1:Member -> Member option
+ val extensionMemberRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list ->
+ Parameter list list -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val staticMemberRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list ->
+ Parameter list list -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val constructorRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list ->
+ Parameter list list -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val methodPart : queryParams:'a list -> queryReturnType:'a -> 'a list
+ val ( |InstanceMember|_| ) :
+ _arg1:ApiSignature -> (LowType * Member) option
+ val arrowAndInstanceMemberRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list ->
+ Parameter list list -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val unionCaseRule :
+ testArrow:(MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher -> LowType list ->
+ Parameter list list -> MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val typeDefRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val moduleDefRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val typeAbbreviationRule :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ left:SignatureQuery ->
+ right:ApiSignature ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ end
+ val tryGetSignatureQuery : _arg1:QueryMethod -> SignatureQuery option
+ val instance : options:SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal ActivePatternMatcher = begin
+ val testAllParameter :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ activePatternType:LowType ->
+ returnType:LowType ->
+ right:Function ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val test :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ query:ActivePatternQuery ->
+ api:Api -> ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val instance : SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal ConstraintSolver = begin
+ val ( |ConstraintTestee|_| ) :
+ _arg1:LowType -> (Identity * LowType list) option
+ val createConstraintSolver :
+ title:string ->
+ testConstraint:(FullTypeDefinition -> LowType list ->
+ MatcherTypes.Context -> #seq) ->
+ testeeType:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> seq
+ val firstMatched :
+ f:('a -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult) ->
+ xs:seq<'a> -> seq
+ val testSubtypeConstraint :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ parentType:LowType ->
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val addGenericMemberReplacements :
+ m:Member ->
+ replacements:Map -> Map
+ val normalizeGetterMethod : m:Member -> LowType
+ val normalizeSetterMethod : m:Member -> LowType
+ val normalizeMethod : m:Member -> LowType
+ val testMemberConstraint :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ modifier:MemberModifier ->
+ expectedMember:Member ->
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val createConstraintStatusSolver :
+ name:string ->
+ get:(FullTypeDefinition -> ConstraintStatus) ->
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testNullnessConstraint :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testDefaultConstructorConstriant :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testValueTypeConstraint :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testReferenceTypeConstraint :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testEqualityConstraint :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val testComparisonConstraint :
+ (LowType -> MatcherTypes.Context -> seq)
+ val solve' :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ constraints:TypeConstraint list ->
+ initialCtx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ testEqualities:(LowType * LowType) list ->
+ MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val solve :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ constraints:TypeConstraint list ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val instance : SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal NonPublicFilter = begin
+ val testAccessibility :
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ _arg1:Accessibility -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val test :
+ api:Api -> ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val instance : SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal CSharpFilter = begin
+ val test :
+ api:Api -> ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val instance : SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal ComputationExpressionMatcher = begin
+ module Filter = begin
+ val instance : SearchOptions -> MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher
+ end
+ val private collect :
+ options:SearchOptions -> f:('a -> #seq<'c>) -> xs:#seq<'a> -> seq<'c>
+ val private choose :
+ options:SearchOptions -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> xs:seq<'a> -> seq<'b>
+ val private append :
+ options:SearchOptions -> xs:seq<'a> -> ys:seq<'a> -> seq<'a>
+ val test :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ builderTypes:LowType ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> api:Api -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val testComputationExpressionTypes :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context ->
+ queryCeType:LowType -> ceTypes:seq -> bool
+ val search :
+ options:SearchOptions ->
+ targets:seq ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ query:ComputationExpressionQuery ->
+ initialContext:MatcherTypes.Context -> seq
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal MatcherInitializer = begin
+ val buildMatchers :
+ options:SearchOptions ->
+ apiMatchers:(SearchOptions -> 'a) list ->
+ MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher * 'a list
+ val collectFromSignatureQuery :
+ getTarget:(LowType -> 'a option) -> query:Query -> 'a list
+ when 'a : equality
+ val collectVariables : (Query -> LowType list)
+ val collectWildcardGroups : (Query -> LowType list)
+ val collectPartialIdentities : (Query -> PartialIdentity list)
+ val initialEquations :
+ options:SearchOptions ->
+ query:Query -> eqs:MatcherTypes.Equations -> MatcherTypes.Equations
+ val queryTypes :
+ query:Query ->
+ dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] ->
+ Map
+ val initializeContext :
+ dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] ->
+ options:SearchOptions -> query:Query -> MatcherTypes.Context
+ val private replaceTypeAbbreviation' :
+ nameEquality:(Identity -> Identity -> bool) ->
+ table:TypeAbbreviation list -> query:Query -> Query
+ val replaceTypeAbbreviation :
+ table:TypeAbbreviation list ->
+ options:SearchOptions -> query:Query -> Query
+ val typeAbbreviationTableFromApiDictionary :
+ dictionaries:seq -> TypeAbbreviation list
+ type IInitializeStorategy =
+ interface
+ abstract member
+ InitialContext : Query * ApiDictionary [] * SearchOptions ->
+ MatcherTypes.Context
+ abstract member
+ InitializeQuery : Query * ApiDictionary [] * SearchOptions -> Query
+ abstract member
+ Matchers : SearchOptions ->
+ MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher *
+ MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher list
+ abstract member ParseQuery : string -> Query
+ end
+ type FSharpInitializeStorategy =
+ class
+ interface IInitializeStorategy
+ new : unit -> FSharpInitializeStorategy
+ end
+ val csharpAliases : TypeAbbreviation list
+ type CSharpInitializeStorategy =
+ class
+ interface IInitializeStorategy
+ new : unit -> CSharpInitializeStorategy
+ end
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module Matcher = begin
+ val internal test :
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ apiMatchers:MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher list ->
+ query:Query ->
+ ctx:MatcherTypes.Context -> api:Api -> MatcherTypes.MatchingResult
+ val private choose :
+ options:SearchOptions -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> xs:seq<'a> -> seq<'b>
+ val internal search' :
+ targets:seq ->
+ options:SearchOptions ->
+ lowTypeMatcher:MatcherTypes.ILowTypeMatcher ->
+ apiMatchers:MatcherTypes.IApiMatcher list ->
+ query:Query -> initialContext:MatcherTypes.Context -> seq
+ val internal storategy :
+ options:SearchOptions -> MatcherInitializer.IInitializeStorategy
+ val search :
+ dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] ->
+ options:SearchOptions ->
+ targets:seq -> queryStr:string -> seq
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module AssemblyLoader = begin
+ type AssemblyResolver =
+ {FSharpCore: string;
+ Framework: string list;
+ Directories: string list;}
+ with
+ member Resolve : assemblyName:string -> string option
+ end
+ val internal ignoreFSharpCompilerServiceError : unit -> unit
+ val load :
+ assemblyResolver:AssemblyResolver ->
+ references:seq -> Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpAssembly []
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal CompilerOptimization = begin
+ type ImplicitMember =
+ {InstanceMembers: Member list;
+ StaticMembers: Member list;}
+ module FullIdentity = begin
+ val Boolean : FullIdentity
+ val Byte : FullIdentity
+ val Char : FullIdentity
+ val Decimal : FullIdentity
+ val Double : FullIdentity
+ val Single : FullIdentity
+ val Int32 : FullIdentity
+ val Int16 : FullIdentity
+ val Int64 : FullIdentity
+ val IntPtr : FullIdentity
+ val SByte : FullIdentity
+ val String : FullIdentity
+ val UInt16 : FullIdentity
+ val UInt32 : FullIdentity
+ val UInt64 : FullIdentity
+ val UIntPtr : FullIdentity
+ end
+ module LowType = begin
+ val Boolean : LowType
+ val Byte : LowType
+ val Char : LowType
+ val Decimal : LowType
+ val Double : LowType
+ val Single : LowType
+ val Int32 : LowType
+ val Int16 : LowType
+ val Int64 : LowType
+ val IntPtr : LowType
+ val SByte : LowType
+ val String : LowType
+ val UInt16 : LowType
+ val UInt32 : LowType
+ val UInt64 : LowType
+ val UIntPtr : LowType
+ end
+ module Parameter = begin
+ val Boolean : Parameter
+ val Byte : Parameter
+ val Char : Parameter
+ val Decimal : Parameter
+ val Double : Parameter
+ val Single : Parameter
+ val Int32 : Parameter
+ val Int16 : Parameter
+ val Int64 : Parameter
+ val IntPtr : Parameter
+ val SByte : Parameter
+ val String : Parameter
+ val UInt16 : Parameter
+ val UInt32 : Parameter
+ val UInt64 : Parameter
+ val UIntPtr : Parameter
+ end
+ val table : Map
+ val implicitMembers : id:FullIdentity -> Member list * Member list
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module internal ComputationExpressionLoader = begin
+ val ( |P| ) : p:Parameter -> LowType
+ module Extract = begin
+ val bind : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val return' : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val returnFrom : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val run : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val zero : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val source : m:Member -> LowType list
+ val customOperation : m:Member -> LowType
+ end
+ module BuilderMethod = begin
+ val bind : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val delay : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val return' : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val returnFrom : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val combine : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val for' : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val tryFinally : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val tryWith : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val using : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val while' : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val yield' : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val yieldFrom : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ val zero : _arg1:Member -> bool
+ end
+ val extractTypes :
+ typeDef:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ customOperations:seq -> seq
+ val hasMethod :
+ builderTypeDef:FullTypeDefinition -> f:(Member -> bool) -> bool
+ val syntaxMethods : (string * (Member -> bool) list) list
+ val hasSyntax :
+ builderTypeDef:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ expectedMethods:(Member -> bool) list -> bool
+ val extractSyntaxes : builderTypeDef:FullTypeDefinition -> Set
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ module ApiLoader = begin
+ type TypeForward =
+ {Type: string;
+ From: string;
+ To: string;}
+ module internal Impl = begin
+ type XmlDocCache = System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ val createXmlDocCache :
+ xml:System.Xml.Linq.XElement ->
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ val VariableSource : VariableSource
+ val inline tryGetXmlDoc :
+ cache:XmlDocCache option -> symbol: ^a -> string option
+ when ^a : (member get_XmlDocSig : ^a -> string)
+ val genericSuffix : System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
+ val inline compiledName :
+ symbol: ^a -> string
+ when ^a : (member get_CompiledName : ^a -> string)
+ type FSharpGenericParameter with
+ member IsAutoGeneric : bool
+ type FSharpGenericParameter with
+ member TypeVariable : TypeVariable
+ val genericParameters :
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> TypeVariable list
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member TypeAbbreviationFullName : string
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member LoadingFullIdentity : FullIdentity
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member Identity : LowType
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member IsTuple : bool
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member IsCompilerInternalModule : bool
+ type FSharpEntity with
+ member GetDisplayName : unit -> DisplayNameItem
+ type FSharpType with
+ member TryIdentity : LowType option
+ type FSharpType with
+ member TryFullIdentity : FullIdentity option
+ val compiledNameOfProperty :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue -> string
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member IsStaticMember : bool
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member IsMethod : bool
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member IsCSharpExtensionMember : bool
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member MemberModifier : MemberModifier
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member PropertyKind : PropertyKind
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member TargetSignatureConstructor : (LowType -> Member -> ApiSignature)
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member GenericParametersAsTypeVariable : TypeVariable list
+ type FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue with
+ member GetDisplayName : DisplayNameItem
+ type FSharpField with
+ member TargetSignatureConstructor : (LowType -> Member -> ApiSignature)
+ val accessibility :
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> Accessibility
+ val autoGenericVariableLen : int
+ val isByRef : t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> bool
+ val fsharpTypeToLowType :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> LowType option
+ val delegateArrow :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> LowType list option
+ val abbreviationRoot :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> LowType option
+ val toFlatArrow :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType -> LowType list option
+ val listLowType :
+ ts:seq -> LowType list option
+ val fsharpEntityToLowType :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> LowType
+ val collectTypeConstraints :
+ genericParamters:seq ->
+ TypeConstraint list
+ val private ( |Fs_option|_| ) : _arg1:LowType -> LowType option
+ val private ( |Fs_Option|_| ) : _arg1:LowType -> LowType option
+ val private ( |IsOption|_| ) : _arg1:LowType -> LowType option
+ val unwrapFsOptionalParameter : _arg1:LowType -> LowType
+ val loadByRef :
+ p:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpParameter -> t:LowType -> LowType
+ val curriedParameterGroups :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Parameter list list option
+ val complementUnitParameter :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ ps:Parameter list list -> Parameter list list
+ val toMemberName : name:DisplayNameItem -> string
+ val methodMember :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ (DisplayNameItem * Member) option
+ val propertyMember :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ (DisplayNameItem * Member) option
+ val toModuleValue :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ declaringModuleName:DisplayName ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val toTypeExtension :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ declaringModuleName:DisplayName ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val toFSharpApi :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ declaringModuleName:DisplayName ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val constructorSignature :
+ isFSharp:bool ->
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ declaringSignatureName:DisplayName ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val memberSignature :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ loadMember:(Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ (DisplayNameItem * Member) option) ->
+ declaringSignatureName:DisplayName ->
+ declaringEntity:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val isConstructor :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue -> bool
+ val toTypeMemberApi :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ declaringSignatureName:DisplayName ->
+ declaringEntity:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType ->
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ Api option
+ val toFieldApi :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ declaringEntity:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType ->
+ field:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpField -> Api option
+ val toUnionCaseField :
+ length:int ->
+ n:int * field:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpField ->
+ UnionCaseField option
+ val toUnionCaseApi :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ declaringEntity:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType ->
+ unionCase:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpUnionCase ->
+ Api option
+ val resolveConflictGenericArgumnet :
+ replacementVariables:LowType list ->
+ m:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ (TypeVariable * LowType) list
+ val genericParametersAndArguments :
+ t:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpType ->
+ (TypeVariable * LowType) list
+ val updateInterfaceDeclaringType :
+ declaringSignatureName:DisplayName ->
+ declaringSignature:LowType -> api:Api -> Api
+ val collectTypeAbbreviationDefinition :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> seq
+ val boolToConstraintStatus : _arg1:bool -> ConstraintStatus
+ val supportNull : e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> bool
+ val isStruct : e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> bool
+ val hasDefaultConstructor : xs:seq -> bool
+ type EqualityAndComparisonLoaderBuilder =
+ {ConditionalAttrName: string;
+ CustomAttrName: string;
+ NoAttrName: string;
+ SatisfyTypes: string list;
+ ExpectedInterfaces: string list;}
+ val loadEqualityAndComparison :
+ builder:EqualityAndComparisonLoaderBuilder ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ Map * ConstraintStatus
+ val equality :
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ Map * ConstraintStatus
+ val comparison :
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ Map * ConstraintStatus
+ val typeDefKind :
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> TypeDefinitionKind
+ val fullTypeDef :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ name:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity ->
+ members:seq -> (Api * FullTypeDefinition) option
+ val moduleDef :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ name:DisplayName -> e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> Api
+ val tryExtractSyntaxes :
+ typeDef:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ customOperations:seq -> Set option
+ val computationExpression :
+ xml:string option ->
+ typeDef:FullTypeDefinition ->
+ customOperations:seq -> Api option
+ val isCustomOperation :
+ x:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue ->
+ string option
+ val collectApi :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> seq
+ val collectFromNestedEntities :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> seq
+ val collectFromModule :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> seq
+ val collectFromType :
+ xml:XmlDocCache option ->
+ accessPath:DisplayName ->
+ e:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpEntity -> seq
+ val tryGetXml :
+ assembly:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpAssembly ->
+ System.Xml.Linq.XElement option
+ val typeDefsDict :
+ xs:seq ->
+ System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
+ val makeDefAndAbb : api:ApiDictionary -> ApiDictionary
+ val load :
+ assembly:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpAssembly -> ApiDictionary
+ module NameResolve = begin
+ type AssemblyCache =
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ type NameCache = (string * AssemblyCache) []
+ module NameCache = begin
+ val tryGetValue :
+ key:string -> cache:NameCache -> AssemblyCache option
+ val getValue : key:string -> cache:NameCache -> AssemblyCache
+ end
+ type Context =
+ {Cache: NameCache;
+ ForwardingLogs:
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary;}
+ val tryGetValue :
+ key:'a ->
+ dict:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<'a,'b> -> 'b option
+ val tryResolve_Name :
+ name:Name -> assemblyCache:AssemblyCache -> Name option
+ val typeForwarding :
+ context:Context -> fromAssemblyName:string -> name:Name -> Name option
+ val resolve_Name : context:Context -> name:Name -> Name
+ val resolve_LowType : context:Context -> _arg1:LowType -> LowType
+ val resolve_Identity : cache:Context -> _arg2:Identity -> Identity
+ val resolve_Signature :
+ context:Context -> apiSig:ApiSignature -> ApiSignature
+ val resolve_TypeConstraint :
+ context:Context -> constraint':TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
+ val resolve_Api : context:Context -> api:Api -> Api
+ val resolve_ApiDictionary :
+ cache:NameCache ->
+ apiDic:ApiDictionary -> ApiDictionary * seq
+ val resolveLoadingName :
+ dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] -> (ApiDictionary * seq) []
+ end
+ module AutoGenericResolve = begin
+ val variables : name:Name -> TypeVariable list
+ val replaceVariables :
+ table:Map ->
+ variables:TypeVariable list -> TypeVariable list
+ val replaceName :
+ table:Map -> name:Name -> Name
+ val resolve_TypeConstraint :
+ variableTable:Map ->
+ lowTypeTable:Map ->
+ constraint':TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
+ val resolve_ApiSignature :
+ table:Map -> apiSig:ApiSignature -> ApiSignature
+ val resolve_Api : api:Api -> Api
+ val resolveAutoGeneric : apiDict:ApiDictionary -> ApiDictionary
+ end
+ end
+ val loadWithLogs :
+ assemblies:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpAssembly [] ->
+ (ApiDictionary * seq) []
+ val load :
+ assemblies:Compiler.SourceCodeServices.FSharpAssembly [] ->
+ ApiDictionary []
+ val databaseName : string
+ module internal Serialization = begin
+ type T = (string * Api []) []
+ val toDumpObj : xs:ApiDictionary [] -> T
+ val fromDumpObj : xs:T -> ApiDictionary []
+ end
+ val internal initMessagePack : Lazy
+ val internal saveStream :
+ stream:System.IO.Stream -> dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] -> unit
+ val save : path:string -> dictionaries:ApiDictionary [] -> unit
+ val internal loadFromStream : stream:System.IO.Stream -> ApiDictionary []
+ val loadFromFile : path:string -> ApiDictionary []
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ type TargetSummary =
+ {AssemblyName: string;
+ PublicApiNumber: int;}
+ type FSharpApiSearchClient =
+ class
+ new : targets:seq * dictionaries:seq ->
+ FSharpApiSearchClient
+ member Search : query:string * options:SearchOptions -> seq
+ member Sort : results:seq -> seq
+ member TargetAssemblies : string list
+ member Targets : TargetSummary list
+ static member DefaultReferences : string list
+ static member DefaultTargets : string list
+ end
+namespace FSharpApiSearch
+ type LinkGenerator = Api -> string option
+ module LinkGenerator = begin
+ val internal genericParameters : api:Api -> TypeVariable list
+ val internal toLower : str:string -> string
+ val internal urlEncode : str:string -> string
+ val urlName : n:DisplayNameItem -> string
+ module internal FSharp = begin
+ val fullOpReplaceTable :
+ System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ val opReplaceTable : System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
+ val isActivePattern : api:Api -> bool
+ val replaceOp : name:string -> string
+ val isArray : n:DisplayNameItem -> bool
+ val generate : api:Api -> string option
+ end
+ module internal Msdn = begin
+ val isGeneric : api:Api -> bool
+ val canGenerate : api:Api -> bool
+ val generate : api:Api -> string option
+ end
+ module internal DotNetApiBrowser = begin
+ type VariableMemory = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
+ val variableId :
+ kind:ApiKind ->
+ name:DisplayName ->
+ System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
+ val nameElementsAndVariableId :
+ api:Api ->
+ string [] * System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary
+ val urlPart :
+ elems:seq ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val parameterElement :
+ api:Api ->
+ variableMemory:LinkGenerator.DotNetApiBrowser.VariableMemory ->
+ t:LowType ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val hasParameter : member':Member -> bool
+ val hashPart :
+ nameElems:string [] ->
+ variableMemory:LinkGenerator.DotNetApiBrowser.VariableMemory ->
+ member':Member ->
+ api:Api ->
+ sb:System.Text.StringBuilder -> System.Text.StringBuilder
+ val generate : view:string -> api:Api -> string option
+ end
+ val fsharp : baseUrl:string -> api:Api -> string option
+ val msdn : baseUrl:string -> api:Api -> string option
+ val dotNetApiBrowser :
+ baseUrl:string -> view:string -> api:Api -> string option
+ end