I value any contribution to Color you can provide: a bug report, a feature request, or code contributions.
Code contributions to Color are especially <del>welcome</del>encouraged. Because Color is a complex codebase, there are a few guidelines:
Changes <strong>will not</strong> be accepted without tests.
Match my coding style.
Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your commits into logical chunks as necessary.
Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release is made, the version will be updated at that point.
Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes.
New features require new documentation.
To run the test suite, you will need to install the development dependencies for Color. If you have Bundler, you can accomplish this easily:
$ bundle install
Color uses Ryan Davis’s excellent Hoe to manage the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be interested in:
$ rake
which runs the tests the same way that:
$ rake spec $ rake test $ rake travis
will do.
Here’s the most direct way to get your work merged into the project:
Fork the project.
Clone down your fork (+git clone git://github.com/<username>/color.git+).
Create a topic branch to contain your change (+git checkout -b my_awesome_feature+).
Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order.
Make sure everything still passes by running ‘rake`.
If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors.
Push the branch up (+git push origin my_awesome_feature+).
Create a pull request against halostatue/color and describe what your change does and the why you think it should be merged.
Austin Ziegler created color-tools.
Matt Lyons created color.
Dave Heitzman (contrast comparison)
Thomas Sawyer
Aaron Hill (CIE94 colour matching)
Luke Bennellick
Matthew Draper