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usage: iam-request-ssh-key-signature --lambda-arn=LAMBDA-ARN [<flags>]

Request a signature for a SSH key from lambda-sign-ssh-key.

      --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --lambda-arn=LAMBDA-ARN  ARN of the lambda function signing the SSH key.
                               Path to the SSH key to add to the agent.
                               Path to the SSH key to sign.
      --environment=""         Name of the environment to sign the key for.
      --duration=1m            Duration of validity of the signature.
      --dump                   Dump the event JSON instead of calling lambda.
      --output=agent           Where to store the generated certificate.
      --source-address=SOURCE-ADDRESS ...
                               Set the IP restriction on the cert in CIDR format, can be repeated.
                               Configuration for the ssh ProxyCommand host:port.
                               Role to assume
                               External ID of the role to assume
                               Role session name
      --region=REGION          AWS Region
                               MFA Serial Number
                               MFA Token Code
      --session-duration=1h    Session Duration
  -v, --version                Display the version
      --log-level=warn         Log level
      --log-format=text        Log format


Create the lambda-sign-ssh-key function Lambda with the associate config.


Default keys and ssh agent

The simplest usage is to sign the default SSH keys, the only required arguments are the Lambda ARN and the environment name:

$ iam-request-ssh-key-signature --environment prod \
  --lambda-arn arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:sign-ssh-key

If all works the command won't print any output and the keys should be in the ssh agent. You can check the certificate is there with

$ ssh-add -L | ssh-keygen -L -f -
(stdin):1 is not a certificate
        Type: [email protected] user certificate
        Public key: RSA-CERT SHA256:CW8pTPIANte2HWEt+bwUs/DoH46utEEXQ5vUV60nMVg
        Signing CA: RSA SHA256:Bg3ycPpoLNi/NTT2nxgG5g5KMrO8ELMV0IBgnUZwACM
        Key ID: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/hamstah/29c50c35-c5aa-67e7-c956-ca3bf2949f3b"
        Serial: 6878956844034323525
        Valid: from 2019-07-25T01:35:33 to 2019-07-25T01:37:33
        Critical Options:

You can see the default values from the Lambda config are used for the source address and expiry.

Store the certificate outside the ssh agent

Change the --output option to stdout

$ iam-request-ssh-key-signature \
  --environment prod   \
  --lambda-arn arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:sign-ssh-key \
  --output stdout | jq .
  "certificate": "[email protected] 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\n",
  "duration": 60,
  "valid_before": "2019-07-24T23:40:45Z"

The certificate can be extracted by piping the command to jq .certificate > cert.pem then connect with -i cert.pem.

Overwrite source addresses

Use --source-address with a CIDR to restrict the source addresses to a specific address. The option can be repeated to have more than one source addresses. This is useful for jumping through a bastion with an external IP for the bastion and an internal one for the internal servers.

The CIDR must be a subset of the source addresses set in the environment configuration in the Lambda.

Overwrite the session duration

Use --duration with the duration to use. The value must be shorter than the default duration in the environment configuration in the Lambda.

Using ProxyCommand

To request the certificate as you connect the command can be used as an SSH ProxyCommand

$ ssh -o ProxyCommand="iam-request-ssh-key-signature --environment prod --lambda-arn arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:330428913683:function:sign-ssh-key --proxy-config %h:%p" [email protected]

Or add the ProxyCommand to ~/.ssh/config

     ProxyCommand iam-request-ssh-key-signature --environment prod --lambda-arn arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:330428913683:function:sign-ssh-key --proxy-config %h:%p

View the certificates

By default the certificates are stored in the ssh-agent, you can view them with ssh-add -L | ssh-keygen -L -f -. Note that the certificates are automatically removed from the ssh agent when expired.