An unofficial, modern, very much work-in-progress client for Twitter APIs.
- ITwitterDataProvider
- Tweet
- TweetAnnotationEntity
- TweetAttachements
- TweetBaseEntity
- TweetContextAnnotation
- TweetEntities
- TweetKeyOrValue
- TweetMentionEntity
- TweetMetrics
- TweetTagEntity
- TweetUrlEntity
- TwitterConfiguration
- #ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- #ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- #ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- #ctor(consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- #ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- #ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,consumerKey,consumerSecret)
- ConsumerKey
- ConsumerSecret
- MaxCallsPerMinute
- OAuth2TokenUrl
- ResultsPerRequest
- SearchRecentTweetsFields
- SearchRecentTweetsUrl
- GetResultsPerRequest(resultsPerRequest)
- TwitterDataProvider
- TwitterDataProviderException
- TwitterImage
- TwitterMetaData
- TwitterResponse
Defines a blueprint for a data provider that connects to and can call APIs.
Configures this ITwitterDataProvider so that it can successfully communicate with the APIs.
Name | Type | Description |
twitterConfiguration | BarbezDotEu.Twitter.TwitterConfiguration | The TwitterConfiguration to configure this ITwitterDataProvider with. |
Configuration is required before any APIs can be called.
Queries for occurences of the given topic found in tweets from the past 7 days.
A list of MicroBlogEntry items corresponding to the given topic.
Name | Type | Description |
topic | System.String | The topic for which to query. |
Implements the Tweet DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the attachements.
Gets or sets the author ID.
Gets or sets the context annotations.
Gets or sets the conversation ID.
Gets or sets the time when the tweet was created,
Gets or sets the ID.
Gets or sets the language.
Gets or sets whether the tweet is possibly sensitive.
Gets or sets the public metrics.
Gets or sets the reply settings.
Gets or sets the source.
Gets or sets the text.
Gets or sets the entities.
Implements the TweetAnnotationEntity DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the normalized text.
Gets or sets the probability.
Gets or sets the type.
Implements the TweetAttachements DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the media keys.
Gets the MediaKeys in CSV format.
The MediaKeys in CSV format.
This method has no parameters.
Implements the TweetBaseEntity DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or set the index of the last character of the entity in the tweet.
Gets or set the index of the first character of the entity in the tweet.
Implements the TweetContextAnnotation DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the domain.
Gets or sets the entity.
Implements the TweetEntities DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the annotations.
Gets or sets the cashtags.
Gets or sets the hashtags.
Gets or sets the mentions.
Gets or sets the URLs.
Returns any CashTags in CSV format.
The CashTags in CSV format.
This method has no parameters.
Returns any HashTags in CSV format.
The HashTags in CSV format.
This method has no parameters.
Returns any Mentions in CSV format.
The Mentions in CSV format.
This method has no parameters.
Implements the TweetKeyOrValue DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the description.
Gets or sets the ID.
Gets or sets the name.
Implements the TweetMentionEntity DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the user name.
Implements the TweetMetrics DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the number of likes.
Gets or sets the number of quotes.
Gets or sets the number of replies.
Gets or sets the number of retweets.
Implements the TweetTagEntity DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the hash- or cashtag.
Implements the TweetUrlEntity DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the description.
Gets or sets the display URL.
Gets or sets the expanded URL.
Gets or sets the images.
Gets or sets the status.
Gets or sets the title.
Gets or sets the unwound URL.
Gets or sets the URL.
Implements and houses configuration parameters to correctly connect to and communicate with's services.
#ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret) constructor
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerMinute | System.String | The maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the developer website for current rates). |
resultsPerRequest | System.Int64 | The maximum number of results to return per request. |
searchRecentTweetsUrl | System.String | The fully-qualified URL to use to search for topics in recent tweets. However, omits the actual search query and query fields. |
searchRecentTweetsFields | System.String | The query fields to query the SearchRecentTweetsUrl with. |
oAuth2TokenUrl | System.String | The OAuth 2 Token URL for authentication. |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
#ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret) constructor
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerMinute | System.String | The maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the developer website for current rates). |
resultsPerRequest | System.String | The maximum number of results to return per request. |
searchRecentTweetsUrl | System.String | The fully-qualified URL to use to search for topics in recent tweets. However, omits the actual search query and query fields. |
searchRecentTweetsFields | System.String | The query fields to query the SearchRecentTweetsUrl with. |
oAuth2TokenUrl | System.String | The OAuth 2 Token URL for authentication. |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
#ctor(maxCallsPerMinute,resultsPerRequest,searchRecentTweetsUrl,searchRecentTweetsFields,oAuth2TokenUrl,consumerKey,consumerSecret) constructor
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerMinute | System.Int64 | The maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the developer website for current rates). |
resultsPerRequest | System.Int64 | The maximum number of results to return per request. |
searchRecentTweetsUrl | System.String | The fully-qualified URL to use to search for topics in recent tweets. However, omits the actual search query and query fields. |
searchRecentTweetsFields | System.String | The query fields to query the SearchRecentTweetsUrl with. |
oAuth2TokenUrl | System.String | The OAuth 2 Token URL for authentication. |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters and using some default settings.
Name | Type | Description |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters and using some default settings.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerMinute | System.Int64 | The maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the developer website for current rates). |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
Constructs a new TwitterConfiguration using given parameters and using some default settings.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerMinute | System.String | The maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the developer website for current rates). |
consumerKey | System.String | The consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
consumerSecret | System.String | The secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website) |
A constant representing this package's default assumption of the maximum number of calls allowed per minute.
A constant representing this package's default implementation of the OAuth 2 Token URL for authentication.
A constant representing this package's default assumption of the maximum number of results to return per request.
A constant representing this package's default implementation for the query fields to query the SearchRecentTweetsUrl with.
A constant representing this package's default implementation for the fully-qualified URL to use to search for topics in recent tweets. However, omits the actual search query and query fields.
Gets the consumer key for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website)
Gets the consumer secret for authentication. (Get yours from the developer website)
Gets the maximum number of calls allowed per minute (see the Twitter developer website for current rates).
Gets the OAuth 2 Token URL for authentication.
Gets the maximum number of results to return per request.
Gets the query fields to query the SearchRecentTweetsUrl with.
Gets the fully-qualified URL to use to search for topics in recent tweets. However, omits the actual search query and query fields.
From a given string, parses the max. number of results to return per request. If not possible to parse, returns DEFAULTRESULTSPERREQUEST.
The maximum number of results to return per request.
Name | Type | Description |
resultsPerRequest | System.String | The string representation of the value of the maximum number of results per request. |
Implements a data provider that connects to and can call APIs.
Constructs a new TwitterDataProvider.
Name | Type | Description |
logger | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger | A ILogger to use for logging. |
httpClientFactory | System.Net.Http.IHttpClientFactory | The IHttpClientFactory to use. |
Gets the TwitterConfiguration this TwitterConfiguration uses to communicate to the APIs.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Gets the authentication header value parameter.
The access token.
This method has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Returns a list of Tweets as collection of MicroBlogEntry items.
A list of Tweets as collection of MicroBlogEntry items.
This method has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This constructor has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This constructor has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This constructor has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This constructor has no parameters.
Implements the TwitterImage DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the height.
Gets or sets the URL.
Gets or sets the width.
Implements the TwitterMetaData DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the newest ID.
Gets or sets the token for the next results.
Gets or sets the oldest ID.
Gets or sets the result count.
Implements the TwitterResponse DTO as defined by the third-party provider.
Gets or sets the data.
Gets or sets the meta data.