Available commands as of version 1.0.0
- Utility commands
- User Commands
Utility functions used by the cli.
- If supplied a question it will ask it and read the answer
- Writes to the log file in logs/
Commands available for the user to use.
- If called with no follow up commands it defaults to xeta::help.
- Prints help information such as available commands.
- Prints credit and thanks to the authors of the technologies used in this project.
- Returns the current version of Xeta
- Reloads the current Zsh session inturn reloads Xeta
- Checks for the latest version of Xeta and updates or not accordingly
- Creates and archives a copy of Xeta and its current configuration.
- Uninstalls Xeta and optionally makes a backup
- Displays and saves the latest changes on the current branch.
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Deletes any existing pull request branches
- Test a pull request and optionally roll back changes
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Disables a plugin(s) by removing it from the plugins array in xeta.conf
- Eables a plugin(s) by adding it to the plugins array in xeta.conf
- Prints information about the specified plugin
- Lists all available plugins
- Loads the specified plugin(s) functions and completions
- Returns the absolute path to the plugin
- Permanently deletes a plugin(s) and removes it from the plugins array in xeta.conf
xeta::plugin::update (TODO: implement)
- Downloads updates a plugin(s) if there are any updates available
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- List all available themes
- Preview a single specified theme
- Print a preview of all themes to the command line.
- Set a theme to remain persistant in your Xeta configuration file (xeta.conf)
- Use a theme just for the current session
- Add a favorite theme to your favorites list (theme-favlist.conf)
- Remove a favorite theme from your favorites list (theme-favlist.conf)
- List all themes in your favorites list (theme-favlist.conf)
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- List all defined aliases
- Add an alias to aliases.conf
- Remove an alias from the current session and from aliases.conf
- Get the corresponding command for a specified alias name
- Get the corresponding alias name for a specified command
- Returns aliases containing the given word or command
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Extract over 10 different archive file types
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Edit your Zsh configuration file (.zshrc)
- Edit your Bash configuration file (.bashrc)
- Edit the favlist configuration file (theme-favlist.conf)
- Edit the Xeta configuration file (xeta.conf)
- Edit the aliases configuration file (aliases.conf)
- Edit the globals configuration file (globals.conf)
- Edit the key-binds configuration file (key-binds.conf)
- Edit the jump-points configuration file (jump-points.conf)
- Edit the path configuration file (path.conf)
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Prints stats on the top 20 most used commands
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Print the status of the currnt repository
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
- Commit all changes to the current branch
xeta::git::commit::specific (TODO: implement)
- Commit specific changes to te current branch
xeta::user (TODO: implement)
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
xeta::user::pin (TODO: implement)
- If called with no follow up commands it prints the usage message
- Resets your pin
- If called with no follow up commands it prints a usage message
xeta::toggle::sudo (TODO: implement)
- Activate/Deactivate automatic sudo commands via $SUDO in xeta.conf