This one Hardy just typed up, it's so simple. The ultimate late night snack.
2 Servings
- 1 C green or brown lentils
- water (enough to cover the lentils)
- salt and other spices, whatever you feel like
Lentils are the perfect snack and so easy to cook, this recipe feels a bit silly to type up. But, here you go: dump a cup of lentils on whatever you're cooking them in (an Instant Pot is fine, but so is a sauce pan on a stove, whatever you have handy will work). Add enough water to cover the lentils, and maybe an inch or two more. It's not precise, lentils are easy. If you're using an Instant Pot, press the manual button and set the timer for 8 minutes, lock the lid, you'll be eating in about 15 minutes or less. If you're cooking on the stove, put a lid on the pot (optional, but quicker), boil, turn down the pot to a simmer, and stir the lentils occasionally so they don't stick. They'll be done in about 45 minutes or less. Spice these with whatever you have, salt is good, so is curry power or cumin. But just salt is fine.