Native Bitcoin Vault Uniform Resource Encoder/Decoder
Enables the encoding/decoding of various Bitcoin related components from/to Uniform Resource encoding
To install run the following command:
npm i --save @smontero/nbv-ur-codec
Import the Decoder, Encoder objects
import { Decoder, Encoder } from '@smontero/nbv-ur-codec'
Create an instance of the objects:
const decoder = new Decoder()
const encoder = new Encoder()
const result = decoder.decodeXPub('UR:CRYPTO-ACCOUNT/OEADCYA...')
const result = decoder.decodePSBT(['UR:CRYPTO-PSBT/1-8/LPADAYC...', 'UR:CRYPTO-PSBT/2-8/LPAOAYCFAHP...'])
const vault = {threshold: 2,
cosigners: [
xfp: '0CDB4EE2',
xpub: 'Zpub753Wkfem...',
derivation_path: "m/48'/0'/0'/2'"
xfp: 'D6B372CE',
xpub: 'Zpub74mtS5wc9ewL5...',
derivation_path: "m/48'/0'/0'/2'"
const vaultName = 'Test Vault'
const result = encoder.vaultToQRCode(vault, 'Test Vault')
const psbt = '70736274ff0100890100000001f1c6c4e36ef3789...'
const fragmentLength = 200
const fragments = encoder.psbtToQRCode(psbt, fragmentLength)
Generation of new cosigners:
Import the GenerateCosigner object
import { GenerateCosigner } from '@smontero/nbv-ur-codec'
Get a Zpub address with a m/48'/0'/0'/2'
derivation path:
GenerateCosigner.getCosigner().then((cosigner) => {
This returns an object with the following properties:
seed: 'only cherry ... wreck sail hope tunnel',
Zpub: 'Zpub74FhSyrzAe2FiWxkEGU1pd...efcxqRNvJgzWeCLMQ9WcugGp1SdHb',
xfp: 'C82DBD9A',
path: "m/48'/0'/0'/2'"
The data is ready to be imported into the form to add a multi-signature XPUB.