You can verify contracts using Foundry in Hedera using our verification service.
See How to Deploy and Verify a Hedera Smart Contract with Foundry for more information.
Our public verification service instance is located at
Once you have a running Foundry example, you can deploy and verify it with our verification service, for example
forge create --rpc-url \
--private-key <your_private_key> src/Counter.sol:Counter \
--verify \
--verifier sourcify \
After the contract has been verified, you can check its sources in the verification repository, for example see
If you want to use the Verifier UI with Foundry, you need to upload the source contracts and the metadata file. See Verifying Smart Contracts - The Metadata File for more details.
Make sure you are running a local node instance and grab one of the alias ECDSA keys.
hedera start -d --network local
Then start the local verification service
npm run server:start
Create a new Foundry project
forge init hello_foundry
cd hello_foundry
Deploy and verify the contract locally
forge create --rpc-url http://localhost:7546 \
--private-key <your_private_key> src/Counter.sol:Counter \
--verify \
--verifier sourcify \
--verifier-url http://localhost:5555
You can also verify contracts using Hardhat with the hardhat-verify
plugin using our verification service.
There is a minor issue that might confuse users but that does not affect Sourcify verification. See NomicFoundation/hardhat#4776 for more details.
Create a new Hardhat project, install its dependencies and use the following hardhat.config.js
You can use the Hardhat starter project to work with a custom Sourcify instance.
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.19",
networks: {
testnet: {
url: '',
accounts: ["<your private key, go to to setup one>"],
chainId: 296,
sourcify: {
enabled: true,
apiUrl: "",
browserUrl: "",
etherscan: {
enabled: false,
Both apiUrl
and browserUrl
expect an URL without a trailing slash.
Having a trailing slash in the Sourcify URLs may cause unexpected errors.
Note that the hardhat-verify
plugin has Etherscan enabled by default, and Sourcify disabled by default, hence you need to set both flags as above in the configuration.
Then run
npx hardhat run --network testnet scripts/deploy.js
npx hardhat verify --network testnet <CONTRACT_ADDR>
Alternatively, to do so programmatically, invoke
to run the required task.
await'verify:sourcify', {
address: deployedAddress,
This is useful when you intend to run verification within a Hardhat script.
Your contract should be now verified.