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Migration Update

Sein Coray edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 19 revisions

The migration from Hashtopus is not a straight forward process. There were a lot of changes on the DB structure and a lot of new features got added.

We recommend that you set up a completely new instance of Hashtopussy and then migrate wordlists manually from your previous install.


Starting from version 0.2.0-beta we provide upgrade scripts (located in the install/updates/ folder) so later you can easily upgrade your Hashtopussy installation by just pulling updates from the repository and then run the provided upgrade scripts to apply changes in the DB structure or content.

Important: You need to run all update scripts starting from the old version number up to the newest version which you checked out.

Available Updates

  • v0.2.0-beta to v0.2.0
  • v0.2.0 to v0.3.0
  • v0.3.0 to v0.3.1