This example uses the LSM6DSO sensor on the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 shield that is part of the Helium Developer Kit to detect "double-tap" events and relay them over the Helium Network.
As mentioned within the source file for this project the LoRa runtime used by this project requires the
following for the network credential formats:
// This EUI must be in little-endian format, so least-significant-byte first. When copying an EUI from
// the Helium Console, this means to reverse the bytes.
// This should also be in little endian format, see above.
// This key should be in big endian format so most-significant-byte first. (or, since it is not really
// a number but a block of memory, endianness does not really apply). In practice, a key taken from
// the Helium Console can be copied as-is.