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File metadata and controls

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There are a few key data structures that power Spellbook and make lookup fast and memory efficient.

Boxed slices

By default Spellbook prefers boxed slices (Box<[T]>) and boxed strs (Box<str>) rather than their resizable counterparts Vec<T> and String. Boxed slices can be used as drop-in replacements for the most part. For example you can index into a boxed slice and iterate on the elements. The difference is that boxed slices have a fixed size once created: you can push to a Vec but not a Box<[T]>. They also discard any excess capacity and don't need to track length and capacity separately, saving a very small amount of memory per instance. That memory adds up though across all of the words in the dictionary.

For some quick napkin math, this saves at least 784,928 bytes for the word list in en_US on a 64 bit target: 8 bytes for the stem's capacity field and another 8 bytes for the flag set's capacity field for each of the 49,058 stems in en_US.dic. In practice we can measure the difference with Valgrind's DHAT tool - a heap profiler. If we switch Spellbook's WordList type to store Strings and Vec<Flag>s instead of Box<str>s and Box<[Flag]>s, I see the total heap bytes allocated in a run of valgrind --tool=dhat ./target/debug/examples/check hello rise from around 3MB to around 4MB.

Flag sets

struct FlagSet(Box<[Flag]>);

Words in the dictionary are associated with any number of flags, like adventure/DRSMZG mentioned above. The order of the flags as written in the dictionary isn't important. We need a way to look up whether a flag exists in that set quickly. The right tool for the job might seem like a HashSet<Flag> or a BTreeSet<Flag>. Those are mutable though so they carry some extra overhead. A dictionary contains many many flag sets and the overhead adds up. So what we use instead is a sorted Box<[Flag]> and look up flags with slice::binary_search.

Binary searching a small slice is a tiny bit slower than slice::contains but we prefer slice::binary_search for its consistent performance on outlier flag sets. See examples/ for more details.


type Flag = core::num::NonZeroU16;

Spellbook represents flags with non-zero u16s. Non-zero numbers are special core types in Rust that enable a memory layout optimization: the size of a Option<NonZeroU16> is the same as the size of a u16 - you don't pay for the Option. This optimization isn't useful for flags in flag sets. Flags are also used in .aff files to mark stems as having some special properties though. For example en_US uses ONLYINCOMPOUND c to declare that stems in the dictionary with the c flag are only valid when used in a compound, for example 1th/tc, 2th/tc or 3th/tc. These stems are only correct when used in a compound like "11th", "12th" or "13th" and aren't correct alone. Internally Spellbook keeps a bunch of these Option<Flag>s so the layout optimization saves a small amount of space.

By default, flags are encoded in a dictionary with the UTF-8 flag type. For en_US that means that each character after the / in a word in the dictionary and any flags declared in en_US.aff are converted to a u16 (and then NonZeroU16). A 16 bit integer can't fit all unicode characters (UTF-8 characters may be up to 32 bits) but the lower 16 bits of UTF-8 are more than sufficient for declaring flags. Flags are only used to specify properties with the .aff file rather than stems. There are other encoding for flags used by some dictionaries. See the FlagType enum for more details.

Word list

type Stem = Box<str>;
type WordList = HashBag<Stem, FlagSet>;

The word list is one of the two central data structures. It's a lookup table for the pairs of (stem, flag_set) defined in a dictionary's .dic file. We need to look up whether a word is in the dictionary (and what flags it has) very quickly. A natural choice might be HashMap<String, FlagSet> or BTreeSet<String, FlagSet>. Unlike flag sets and boxed slices and strs mentioned above, it's ok for this type to be resizable. There's only one instance of it in a dictionary and the API can support adding words to the dictionary to enable building a personal dictionary feature. Instead the snag with this type is that there can be duplicate stems in the dictionary with different flag sets. Merging the flag sets together isn't correct: the combination of flags might allow one prefix/suffix to apply but not work in a compounds while another entry provides a different prefix/suffix which can compound.

So what we need is something closer to HashMap<String, Vec<FlagSet>>. The extra Vec is more overhead though that isn't necessary in most cases since duplicate stems are fairly rare. In other languages like C++ this is where a multi map might fit. It's the same idea as a hash map but allows for duplicate keys. Building a type like this in Rust is actually pretty straightforward with the hashbrown HashTable API. Insertion is slightly simpler than a HashMap: we don't need to check if the key is already in the table, we can just blindly insert. Reading from the table works very similarly to HashMap::get. Lookup in a regular hash map can stop searching the table when the first entry matching the key is found. For a multi map though we continue to look up until we find an entry that doesn't match.

See the implementation details for this in src/

Affix index

Affixes (i.e. prefixes and suffixes) are stored in an "index" that allows quick lookup. For example en_US has prefixes like these:

PFX C   0     de          .

PFX E   0     dis         .

Which might apply to a stem in the dictionary like pose/CAKEGDS to allow words "depose" and "dispose". When checking "depose" we look up in the set of prefixes to find any where the input word starts with the "add" part (for example "depose".starts_with("de")).

A prefix tree would allow very quick lookup. Trees and graph-like structures are not the most straightforward things to write in Rust though. Luckily Nuspell has a trick for this type which works well in Rust. Instead of a tree, we collect the set of prefixes into a Box<[Prefix]> table sorted by the "add" part of a prefix/suffix ("de" or "dis" above, for example). We can then binary search based on whether a prefix matches (str::starts_with). There are some additional optimizations like an extra lookup table that maps the first character in a prefix to the starting index in the Box<[Prefix]> table so that we can jump to the right region of the table quickly.