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File metadata and controls

471 lines (348 loc) · 15.2 KB


Heta is not a declarative language because it sequentially updates and changes the platform. The action property inside an "action statement" clarifies what platform should do with a statement.

The action shortened is designated by # symbol before the action name.

The closest analogue of the "action" in other programming languages is the name of function of command to execute.

If no statement is written the default statement is #upsert which is the equivalent of #insert if class property is stated or #update if not.

Action list


insert action adds a new component to the platform. When applying insert the class and id properties should be stated. If the component with the same index already exists it will be replaced by the new one. In this case the software should throw a warning. See also forceInsert action.

The insert action may be skipped in statement because this is the default action when class property exists.

property type required default ref description
class string true Class name of a component, see classes
id ID true The unique identifier of the component in namespace
space ID nameless namespace id An identifier of a namespace. The namespace must be created before usage.
... The other keys depending on class associated properties.

Example 1

// first insert
#insert c1 @Compartment { title: first } := 1;

// second insert with the same index
#insert c1 @Compartment { title: second };

The compartment with the index c1 will be replaced by the second action statement. The result of the two statements will be equivalent to the following

    id: c1,
    title: second,
    class: Compartment,
    assignments: {} 

Example 2

#insert S { compartment: comp1 };

This statement should throw the error because class property is not indicated.

Example 3

#insert space1::x1 @Record .= 0;

This statement throws the error because namespace with id space1 has not been declared.


The forceInsert do the same as insert but does not throw a warning if the component with the same index already exists. This action was included to clarify directly if user wants to replace the component.

Example 1

c1 @Record := 1;

// second insert with the same index, no warning
#forceInsert c1 @Compartment .= 1;


The update action only changes the properties of a previously created component without creating a new component.

If the updated property exists it will be rewritten by a new value. The current version of the Heta standard makes an exception for assignments property in Record instances. For these updates, the sub-property will be added to the assignments dictionary.

The update action cannot change its class. If you need so you have to create a new component using the insert action.

The update property may be skipped because this is the default action when class property is not declared in a statement.

property type required default ref description
id ID true The unique identifier of the component in namespace
space ID nameless namespace id An identifier of a namespace where the component is located.
... The other keys depending on the class of the component.

Example 1

// create a new component by #insert
#insert c1 @Compartment { title: first } := 1;

// update "title" property
#update c1 { title: second };

The result of two statements

    id: c1,
    class: Compartment,
    title: second,
    assignments: { ode_: 1 } 

Example 2

#update S @Species { compartment: c1 };

The statement throws the error because the component with index S was not created before.

Example 3

k1 @Const = 1.2 { aux: { group: one } };
k1 { aux: { human: true } };

The result will not include { group: one } because new aux sup-property rewrites all the content

    id: k1,
    class: Const,
    num: 1.2,
    aux: { human: true }

Example 4

p1 @Record { assignments: { start_: 0 } };
p1 { assignments: { ode_: x*y } };
p1 [sw]= 0;

The result will include all assignments because it is an exception for assignments:

    id: p1,
    class: Record,
    assignments: {
        start_: "0",
        ode_: "x*y",
        sw: "0"


The upsert action is the default action and works as #insert when class is stated and as #update otherwise.


#upsert k1 @Const = 1; // this works as #insert

#upsert k1 = 2; // this works as #update

k1 = 3; // this acts as #upsert -> #update


The delete action erases the element from the namespace. If the component with the index does not exist this throws an error.

property type required default ref description
id ID true The unique identifier of the component in namespace
space ID nameless namespace id An identifier of a namespace where the component is located.


#insert k1 @Const = 1;
#delete k1; // deletes k1 from namespace


The defineUnit sets a new unit of measurement which can be used inside QSP platform.

It extends the base list of units by the user defined unit. The created unit can be then used in units property of @Const, @Record or to define another unit. Units property can be undefined which means this is basic unit and cannot be expressed in terms of other units like meter, second, etc.

This is the action to create UnitDefinition class for implementation to use it inside UnitsExpr.

See more in Units chapter.

property type required default ref description
id ID true unique identifier of UnitDef
units UnitsExpr or UnitsComponent[] String describing components of complex units or array of complex unit components.

Example 1

kDa #defineUnit { units: [
    { kind: g, multiplier: 1e3, exponent: 1 },
    { kind: mole, exponent: -1 }

Da #defineUnit { units: g/mole };

Example 2

M #defineUnit {units: mole/litre};
uM #defineUnit {units: (1e-6 M)};
S_0 @Const {units: uM} = 1e-2;


The include action is an alternative to include statement.

The include action works at the modules level. It does not create or update the component but act like it loads another file inside the current one.

It uses virtual properties to set different files and formats.

property type required default ref description
source string true filepath Relative or absolute path to a file.
type string heta Type of include. Possible values are: "heta", "json", "yaml", "table", "xlsx", "sbml"
... The other properties depending on module type


#include { source: ./pk.heta, type: heta };
#include { source: ./annotation.xlsx, type: table, sheet: 2 };


The setNS action initializes namespace or updates namespaces properties. The alternative to the setNS action is the the namespace statement.

The setNS action (or the namespace statement) must be used prior to the creation of the first component in the namespace.

property type required default ref description
space string true Name of created or updated namespace
type string concrete namespace type: "concrete" or "abstract", see namespaces


The deleteNS action deletes the namespace from the platform. If the space does not exist it throws the error.

property type required default ref description
space string true nameless Namespace to delete


  #deleteNS;              // to delete namespace nameless
  #deleteNS {space: one}; // to delete namespace one
  #deleteNS two::*;       // delete namespace two


The setScenario action creates a "scenario" object that describes model simulations. Scenario describes the particular simulation conditions for a model with the updated constants, switchers, outputs and time ranges. Using Scenarios one can create a series of model variants which are based on the same expressions but must be simulated separately.

Scenarios have their own identifier and do not rewrites components. You can create scn1 scenario and scn @Const at the same time and use them independently.

The parameters property re-initializes the @Const numerical values for the particular simulation. If some parameter is not mentioned here the default value will used.

saveat or tspan properties must be set for the particular Scenario. If you set both only saveat will be used.

property type required default ref description
id ID true Unique identifier of a scenario.
model ID true nameless Namespace Reference to a concrete namespace that will be used for model creation
parameters object<ID,number> Const Object representing updated @Const numerical value. Keys inside the object are references to Const, values are the values for simulations.
saveat number[] An array of numerical values. The values states the time points for simulated output
tspan number[] Two numerical values declaring time range for simulation.
observables ID[] Record The property state the records that will be saved as simulation results. If not set the default observables will be used (output: true property in records).
events_active object<ID,boolean> Switcher Object representing Switchers that will be active or inactive in the scenario. Keys are Switcher's identifiers, values are boolean values displaying if the switcher is active.
events_save object<ID,array> Switcher User should define here is it necessary to save output before and after event. If not set both: before and after values will be saved. Key is switcher id, value is an array of two boolean values.

Example 1

// minimal set
scn1 #setScenario {tspan: [0, 120]};

Example 2

scn2 #setScenario {
  model: mouse,
  parameters: {weight: 20, kel: 1e-3},
  saveat: [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12],
  observables: [A0, C1, C2],
  events_active: {sw1: false, sw2: true},
  events_save: {sw2: [true, false]}


  1. The importNS clones all content of the namespace into another one. This action allows us to reuse components within different namespaces.

  2. When using importNS both namespaces declared in space and fromSpace must exist.

  3. Identifiers of components can be updated using prefix, suffix, rename properties. If no prefix, suffix, rename is declared identifiers remain the same.

  4. If prefix or suffix are declared (for example as pref_, _suf) the id changes follows the rules: old => pref_old_suf. prefix and suffix do not act on a component of classes: unitDef.

  5. rename states the rename rule directly. If rename set rule for id, suffix and prefix not used for the particular id.

  6. Renaming id rules updates also references.

property type required default ref description
space string true "nameless" Space name where to import
fromSpace string true Source space name. It must not be equal to space property.
prefix string "" prefix of new ids
suffix string "" suffix of new ids
rename Dictionary {} id matching table

Example 1

abstract namespace one begin
  k1 @Const = 1.1;
  k2 @Const = 3.3;
  p1 @Record := 3.3*k1*k2;

namespace two begin
  k1 @Const = 2.2;

#importNS {
  space: two,
  fromSpace: one,
  prefix: one_

This is equivalent to the following:

abstract namespace one begin
  k1 @Const = 1.1;
  k2 @Const = 3.3;
  p1 @Record := 3.3*k1*k2;

namespace two begin
  k1 @Const = 2.2;
  one_k1 @Const = 1.1;
  one_k2 @Const = 3.3;
  one_p1 @Record := 3.3 * one_k1 * one_k2;

Example 2

abstract namespace one begin
  k1 @Const = 1.1;
  k2 @Const = 3.3;
  p1 @Record := 3.3*k1*k2;

namespace two begin
  k1 @Const = 2.2;

#importNS {
  space: two,
  fromSpace: one,
  prefix: one_,
  rename: { k1: k1, k2: imported_k2 }

This is equivalent to the following:

abstract namespace one begin
  k1 @Const = 1.1;
  k2 @Const = 3.3;
  p1 @Record := 3.3*k1*k2;

namespace two begin
  k1 @Const = 1.1; // initial k1 was replaced
  imported_k2 @Const = 3.3; // uses rule from "rename"
  one_p1 @Record := 3.3 * k1 * imported_k2; // uses rule from "rename" for the right side


  1. import clone particular component changing it's id and space (if required).

  2. Renaming rules are the same as for #importNS excepting target component renaming rules.

property type required default ref description
id string true target id to import
fromId string true Source id
space string true "nameless" Space name where to import
fromSpace string true Source space name
prefix string "" prefix of new ids
suffix string "" suffix of new ids
rename Dictionary {} id matching table


The defineFunction action allows users to write a simple function in the platform and use it together with pre-defined functions from the list.

The math property of defineFunction may include arythmetic operators, pre-defined constants, identifiers of arguments, pre-defined functions and functions added with other defineFunction statements. It cannot include other identifiers like for components.

property type required default ref description
id ID true unique identifier of FunctionDef
arguments ID[] [] arguments
math string[] true single string representing math expression

Example 1

#defineFunction pow7 {
  arguments: [x],
  math: "pow(x, 7)"

Example 2

#defineFunction f3 {
  arguments: [x1, x2, x3],
  math: sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2)