- Julia package for simulation of large scale QSP models supporting Heta syntax: HetaSimulator.jl
- Command line tool compiling Heta and JS package: heta-compiler
- Syntax highlighting for VSCode: heta-highlight-vscode
- Syntax highlighting for Sublime text: heta-highlight-sublime
- Parsing of Heta language code in JavaScript: heta-parser
Heta syntax and Heta infrastructure were utilized for the development of web-based tools.
- Heta API A public API for Heta language compilation.
- Heta compiler online Web based compiler and editor of Heta code.
- SbmlViewer A tool for fast and easy reading of biological models written in SBML format. It allows you to open SBML in any browser.
- Immune Response Template A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) platform of immune system and tool for development of QSP and mechanistic models related to immune response.
- mAb-app PK/RO simulator for anti-PD-1 monoclonal Antibodies (Shiny app)
- ery PK/PD simulator for Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (Shiny app)
- sbml-mrgsolve-case An RMarkdown example demonstrating format conversion from SBML into mrgsolve
The examples of Heta-based QSP platforms with CI/CD capabilities are shared on GitHub.
- heta-case-mini A demo example of QSP platform developed in the framework of Heta.
- insulin-signaling-t2d Dynamic notebooks for QSP usage case: Insulin Signaling in Type 2 Diabetes
- FAAH inhibitor model A platform describing Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase inhibition in human.
- Drug Loaded Nanoparticles PBPK Modeling For Therapeutic Nanoparticles Loaded With Drug.
- COVID-19 QSP model QSP model describing SARS-CoV-2 virus and host cell life cycles, immune response and therapeutic treatments
- Alcohol PK Simple model of alcohol PK build on published data
- ANT model Adenine Nucleotide Translocase model reproduces from published resources
The Heta language and Heta-based QSP framework were used in several “real world” projects for the development of middle-scale and large-scale models.
To get started with Heta-based platforms, we recommend installing a minimal set of tools for full functionality. This setup ensures an efficient workflow, especially for medium- to large-scale QSP platforms. Usage of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is optional but highly beneficial.
For a guided introduction, check out the Heta tutorial's Lesson #1.
- Download and Install: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Install with extensions manager: Heta Highlight Plugin
- Installation Guide: https://hetalang.github.io/#/heta-compiler/?id=installation
- Install Julia: https://julialang.org/downloads/
- Install the package: https://hetalang.github.io/#/HetaSimulator.jl/
Git (optional)
- Download: https://git-scm.com/
- Provides Bash console and Git synchronization for version control.
If you prefer, you can use Sublime Text instead of VSCode:
- Download and install: https://www.sublimetext.com/download
- Install the Heta highlighter plugin via:
- Open
Package Control
>Install Package
> Search forHeta
- Open