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Timothy Duffy edited this page May 31, 2014 · 10 revisions


####Mobile App####

There are two flows for how data moves between the mobile app and the website.

  1. Question(s) are sent via the website to mobile app users to inquire about a specific topic (such as 'do you use public transportation to get to work each day?'). App users are presented with the question(s) and can choose to respond to them via radio button, and/or including a media response (text, audio, video, picture) to the question.
  2. Mobile app users send feedback about a topic to the website without prompt. Media (text, audio, video, picture) is sent to the website without any prompt.


  1. The app will poll for a question
  2. If there is a question, it will show a notification so the user can answer it
  3. The user will respond to the question and include media
  4. The app will upload all media types and get ID's for them from the HTTP POST response json
  5. The app will upload the response payload with the media id's within it
  • or -
  1. The user will generate a post to set to the website. <see 4 and 5 above>


The mobile app will poll (once a day or less) the website for available questions to present to the user. Here is what the response from that polling will look like:

    "question_available": true,
    "question_id": "0123456789ABCDEF",
    "question_utc_date_time": "2014-05-13 11:43:78",
    "question_texts": [
            "question_language_id": 1,
            "question_text": "Do you use public transportation to get to work each day?"
            "question_language_id": 2,
            "question_text": "¿Utiliza el transporte público para ir a trabajar todos los días?"
    "question_type": 0,
    "answer_values": [
            "answer_text": "Yes",
            "answer_value": "Yes",
            "answer_meta": {}
            "answer_text": "No",
            "answer_value": "No",
            "answer_meta": {}
            "answer_text": "Not every day, but sometimes",
            "answer_value": "Not every day",
            "answer_meta": {}
    "allowed_media": [

Breakdown of fields:

    type: boolean
    valid values:
    description: field to test to see if there is a question that is available for display

    type: text
    description: unique id of the question.

    type: UTC time
    format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    description: date/time of the posted question.

    type: array
    description: array of dictionaries holding question text.

    type: int
    description: the id of the language that the question is in.

    type: int
    description: what type of question is it? multiple choice, radio, free-field text, etc.

    type: array
    description: an array of possible answer values.  in the event of free-field text, this 
                 is empty.
    type: text
    description: the display text for the possible answer

    type: text
    description: a unique value for the question answer.  this may be different than the
                 answer_text field

    type: dictionary
    description: can hold anything.  placeholder for future work.
    type: array
    description: an array of strings of valid media types for this question.  this really should
                 almost always all four types: text, video, audio, image

Once the mobile app has received this information, it can send a response back to the website. Note that the interface from the mobile app to the website is identical for both flow 1 and flow 2. Since three of the four media types that can be posted are not text, but binary blobs, they will have their own API. Media files will be pushed to the web with a simple HTTP POST.

Here are the fields that need to exist for the HTTP POST (ref here):

Unique App ID
    name: unique_app_id
    type: text

Media Type
    name: media_type
    type: text

Media Payload
    name: media_payload
    type: file

Example HTML:

<form action="media_upload.json">
    <input type="text" name="unique_app_id">
    <input type="text" name="media_type">
    <input type="file" name="media_payload">
    <input type="submit" value="submit">

Here is what that upload API response looks like:

    "success": true,
    "media_type": "video",
    "media_id": "0011223344556677",
    "upload_utc_date_time": "2014-05-13 18:22:07",

Breakdown of fields:

    type: boolean
    description: true/false value of a successful upload.

    type: text
    description: type of the media that was uploaded (same as HTTP POST field)

    type: text
    description: unique id for the media that was uploaded.  this is used within the user
                 response/post json document in the media_id field.

    type: UTC time
    format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    description: date/time of the posted question.

Here is what a users response looks like to a question:

    "unique_app_id": "0102030405060708",
    "response_to_question": true,
    "question_id": "0123456789ABCDEF",
    "question_answer": {
        "answer_text": "Yes",
        "answer_value": "Yes",
        "answer_meta": {}
    "post_utc_date_time": "2014-05-13 18:22:07",
    "post_language_code": 1,
    "media": {
        "text": {
            "text_value": "It's cheap, and it's just a 5 minute ride ... why wouldn't I!?"
        "video": {
            "video_id": ""
        "audio": {
            "audio_id": ""
        "image": {
            "image_id": "98765F4E3D2C1B0A"

If this was not a response to a question, it may look like this:

    "unique_app_id": "0102030405060708",
    "response_to_question": false,
    "question_id": "",
    "question_answer": {
    "post_utc_date_time": "2014-05-13 18:22:07",
    "post_language_code": 1,
    "media": {
        "text": {
            "text_value": "Abandoned, decrepit building at 1234 Rose St."
        "video": {
            "media_id": ""
        "audio": {
            "media_id": ""
        "image": {
            "media_id": "AABBCCDDEEFF0123"




    type: text
    description: the display text for the possible answer.  this is the same values as that
                 existed within the question json dictionary from the website.

    type: text
    description: a unique value for the question answer.  this may be different than the
                 answer_text field.  this is the same values as that existed within the question
                 json dictionary from the website.

    type: dictionary
    description: can hold anything.  placeholder for future work. this is the same values as that
                 existed within the question json dictionary from the website.
    type: UTC time
    format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    description: date/time of the posted response.

    type: int
    description: the id of the language that the question is in
    type: dictionary
    description: a dictionary of dictionaries that hold the values or id's of the media that was 
                  included in the response/post.
    type: dictionary
    description: holds the text of the text media.

    type: text
    description: the text that was included with the response/post.  this field will always be
                 here, however may be empty.

    type: dictionary
    description: holds the id of the video media.

    type: dictionary
    description: holds the id of the audio media.

    type: dictionary
    description: holds the id of the image media.

     type: text
     description: holds the id of of the uploaded media.  this id comes from the HTTP POST json
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