0.1.0 - 2017-11-07
- Fixed layouts to work when not logged in (@hiqsol)
- Redone lockscreen page and mini layout (@hiqsol, @tafid, [[email protected]])
- Fixed language menu (@tafid, @hiqsol)
- Reorganized config files (@hiqsol)
- Fixed minor issues (@tafid, @SilverFire)
0.0.1 - 2017-01-10
- Fixed according to changes in
(@hiqsol, @SilverFire, @tafid) - Fixed translations (@hiqsol, @SilverFire)
- Fixed login and password reset pages (@SilverFire, @hiqsol, @tafid)
- Changed: redone with composer-config-plugin (@hiqsol)
- Fixed build with asset-packagist (@hiqsol)
- Fixed bugs (@tafid, @SilverFire, @hiqsol)
- Added passwordResetPage and signupPage parameters to change 'I forgot my password' and 'Register' links (@hiqsol)
- Added balance recharge button (@tafid)
- Changed (redesigned) user menu, error page, searching (@hiqsol, @tafid)
- Added TopCart widget (@tafid, @hiqsol)
- Changed deposit link to @pay/deposit <- @bill/deposit (@hiqsol)
- Added use of yii2-asset-pictonic (@hiqsol)
- Added more login related pages (@hiqsol, @BladeRoot)
- Fixed getting menu items (@hiqsol)
- Added css style for Pace widget (@tafid)
- Fixed PHP warnings (@SilverFire, @hiqsol)
- Changed: renamed to AdminLteTheme (@hiqsol)
- Added views and layouts to make this theme generally usable (@hiqsol)
- Changed: moved to src (@hiqsol)
- Added basics (@hiqsol)