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83 lines (68 loc) · 5.73 KB

Plan for the first release

[+] make load_state_dict respect components of CplxParameter and allow promoting real-tensors to complex-tensors provided the state dict has no .real or .imag, but a correct key referring to the parameter.

[+] fix the incorrect naming of bayesain methods in nn.relevance

  • rename *ARD named layers in .real and .complex to *VD layers, since they use log-uniform prior and thus are in fact Variational Dropout layers
  • start deprecating importing *ARD named layers from .real and .complex
  • fix aliases of imported layers in .extensions
  • expose all base VD/ARD layers in \_\_init\_\ and require importing modifications from .extensions
  • fix the text in nn/relevance/

[+] fix the names for L0 regularized layer whith in fact performs probabilistic sparsification, and is not related to Variational inference

[+] check if has correct requirements and specifiy them explicitly

  • requires is not a keyword, use install_requires and tests_require

[+] investigate reordering base classes in LinearMasked(MaskedWeightMixin, Linear, _BaseRealMixin) and similar in nn.masked.

  • could moving it further into the bases result in a slower property lookup? It seems no:
    • from python decsriptors doc

    The implementation works through a precedence chain that gives data descriptors priority over instance variables, instance variables priority over non-data descriptors, and assigns lowest priority to __getattr__

    • lookup order is thus by __getattribute__: descriptors (aka @property), instance __dict__, class attributes __dict__, and lastly __getattr__.
  • moved MaskedWeightMixin into _BaseMixin

[+] get rid of torch_module from .utils and declare activations explicitly

[+] clean up the nn module itself

  • remove crap from .sequential: CplxResidualBottleneck, CplxResidualSequential and CplxBusResidualSequential must go, and move CplxSequential to base layers
  • split .layers, .activation, and .sequential
    • .modules.base : base classes (CplxToCplx, BaseRealToCplx, BaseCplxToReal), and parameter type (CplxParameter, CplxParameterAccessor)
    • .modules.casting : converting real tensors in various formats to and from Cplx (InterleavedRealToCplx, ConcatenatedRealToCplx, CplxToInterleavedReal, CplxToConcatenatedReal, AsTypeCplx)
    • .modules.linear : Linear, Bilinear, Identity, PhaseShift
    • .modules.conv : everything convolutional
    • .modules.activation : activations (CplxModReLU, CplxAdaptiveModReLU, CplxModulus, CplxAngle) and layers (CplxReal, CplxImag)
    • .modules.container : CplxSequential
    • .modules.extra : Dropout, AvgPool1d
  • move .batchnorm to modules, keep .init in .nn
  • fix imports from adjacent modules: nn.masked and nn.relevance.

[+] in nn.relevance.complex : drop Cplx(*map(torch.randn_like, (s2, s2))) and write Cplx(torch.randn_like(s2), torch.randn_like(s2)) explicitly

  • implemented cplx.randn and cplx.randn_like

[+] residual clean up in nn module

  • .activation : CplxActivation is the same as CplxToCplx[...]
    • CplxActivation promotes classic (real) torch functions to split activations, so yes.
    • See if it is possible to implement function promotion through CplxToCplx[...]
      • it is possbile: just reuse CplxActivation
    • Currently CplxToCplx promotes layers and real functions to inpdependently applied layers/functions (split)
      • how should we proceed with cplx. trig functions? a wrapper, or hardcoded activations?
        • the latter seems more natural, as the trig functions are vendored by this module
        • since torch is the base, and implements a great number of univariate tensor functions and could potentially be extended, it is more natural to use a wrapper (rationale behind CplxToCplx[...]).
  • .modules.extra : this needs thorough cleaning
    • drop CplxResidualBottleneck, CplxResidualSequential and CplxBusResidualSequential
    • abandon torch_module and code the trig activations by hand.
    • remove alias CplxDropout1d : use torch.nn names as much as possible
    • deprecate CplxAvgPool1d: it can be created in runtime with CplxToCplx[torch.nn.AvgPool1d]

[+] documentation for bayesian and maskable layers

  • in nn.relevance.base, making it like in nn.masked
  • classes in nn.relevance .real and .complex should be also documented properly, the same goes for .extensions

[+] restrucure the extensions and non-bayesian layers

  • new folder structure
    • take ard-related declarations and move them to relevance/, everythin else to a submodule
    • .extensions submodule:
      • complex for cplx specific etended layers: bogus penalties, approximations and other stuff, -- not directly related to variational dropout or automatic relevance determination
      • real for supplementary real-valued layers
  • decide the fate of lasso class in nn.relevance:
    • it is irrelevant to Bayesian methods: move it to extensions/real

[+] documentation

  • go through README-s in each submodule to make sure that info there is correct and typical use cases described
  • nn.init : document the initializations according to Trabelsi et al. (2018)
    • seems to be automatically documented using functools.wraps from the original torch.nn.init procedures.

[+] add missing tests to the unit test suite

  • tests for *state_dict api compliance of nn.masked and nn.base.CplxParameter
    • implementing these test helped figure out and fix edge cases and fix them, so yay for TDD!

[ ] Improve implementation

  • (Bernoulli Dropout) need 1d (exists), 2d and 3d
  • (Convolutions) implement 3d convolutions and 3d vardropout convolutions both real and complex
  • (Transposed Convolutions) figure out the math and implement var dropout for transposed convos