- 101. Symmetric Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 🔗 📝
- 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 993. Cousins in Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 110. Balanced Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree 🔗 📝
- 1376. Time Needed to Inform All Employees 🔗 📝
- 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Binary Search Tree 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 🔗 📝
- 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Binary Search Tree 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 🔗 📝
- 2196. Create Binary Tree From Descriptions 🔗 📝
- 110. Balanced Binary Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 🔗 📝
- 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 112. Path Sum 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 113. Path Sum II 🔗 📝
- 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 🔗 📝
- 437. Path Sum III 🔗 📝
- 666. Path Sum IV 🔗 📝
- 113. Path Sum II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Backtracking 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 112. Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 257. Binary Tree Paths 🔗 📝
- 437. Path Sum III 🔗 📝
- 666. Path Sum IV 🔗 📝
- 2096. Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another 🔗 📝
- 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Stack 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List 🔗 📝
- 1660. Correct a Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 115. Distinct Subsequences 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 1987. Number of Unique Good Subsequences 🔗 📝
- 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 🔗 📝
- 199. Binary Tree Right Side View 🔗 📝
- 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 🔗 📝
- 118. Pascal's Triangle 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 119. Pascal's Triangle II 🔗 📝
- 119. Pascal's Triangle II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 118. Pascal's Triangle 🔗 📝
- 2221. Find Triangular Sum of an Array 🔗 📝
- 120. Triangle 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 53. Maximum Subarray 🔗 📝
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 🔗 📝
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 🔗 📝
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 🔗 📝
- 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 🔗 📝
- 2012. Sum of Beauty in the Array 🔗 📝
- 2016. Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements 🔗 📝
- 2291. Maximum Profit From Trading Stocks 🔗 📝
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Greedy 🔗
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 🔗 📝
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 🔗 📝
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 🔗 📝
- 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 🔗 📝
- 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee 🔗 📝
- 2291. Maximum Profit From Trading Stocks 🔗 📝
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 🔗 📝
🆓 |
👀 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 🔗 📝
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 🔗 📝
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 🔗 📝
- 689. Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 🔗 📝
- 2291. Maximum Profit From Trading Stocks 🔗 📝
- 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 112. Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 🔗 📝
- 666. Path Sum IV 🔗 📝
- 687. Longest Univalue Path 🔗 📝
- 1376. Time Needed to Inform All Employees 🔗 📝
- 125. Valid Palindrome 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Two Pointers 🔗
- String 🔗
- 234. Palindrome Linked List 🔗 📝
- 680. Valid Palindrome II 🔗 📝
- 2002. Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Subsequences 🔗 📝
- 2108. Find First Palindromic String in the Array 🔗 📝
- 2330. Valid Palindrome IV 🔗 📝
- 126. Word Ladder II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Backtracking 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- 127. Word Ladder 🔗 📝
- 2157. Groups of Strings 🔗 📝
- 127. Word Ladder 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- 126. Word Ladder II 🔗 📝
- 433. Minimum Genetic Mutation 🔗 📝
- 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Union Find 🔗
- 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence 🔗 📝
- 2177. Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number 🔗 📝
- 2274. Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special Floors 🔗 📝
- 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 112. Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 988. Smallest String Starting From Leaf 🔗 📝
- 130. Surrounded Regions 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Union Find 🔗
- Matrix 🔗
- 200. Number of Islands 🔗 📝
- 286. Walls and Gates 🔗 📝
- 131. Palindrome Partitioning 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Backtracking 🔗
- 132. Palindrome Partitioning II 🔗 📝
- 1745. Palindrome Partitioning IV 🔗 📝
- 132. Palindrome Partitioning II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 131. Palindrome Partitioning 🔗 📝
- 1745. Palindrome Partitioning IV 🔗 📝
- 133. Clone Graph 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Graph 🔗
- 138. Copy List with Random Pointer 🔗 📝
- 1485. Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer 🔗 📝
- 1490. Clone N-ary Tree 🔗 📝
- 134. Gas Station 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Greedy 🔗
- 2202. Maximize the Topmost Element After K Moves 🔗 📝
- 135. Candy 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Greedy 🔗
- 2371. Minimize Maximum Value in a Grid 🔗 📝
- 136. Single Number 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Bit Manipulation 🔗
- 137. Single Number II 🔗 📝
- 260. Single Number III 🔗 📝
- 268. Missing Number 🔗 📝
- 287. Find the Duplicate Number 🔗 📝
- 389. Find the Difference 🔗 📝
- 137. Single Number II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Bit Manipulation 🔗
- 136. Single Number 🔗 📝
- 260. Single Number III 🔗 📝
- 138. Copy List with Random Pointer 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Linked List 🔗
- 133. Clone Graph 🔗 📝
- 1485. Clone Binary Tree With Random Pointer 🔗 📝
- 1490. Clone N-ary Tree 🔗 📝
- 139. Word Break 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Trie 🔗
- Memoization 🔗
- 140. Word Break II 🔗 📝
- 140. Word Break II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Backtracking 🔗
- Trie 🔗
- Memoization 🔗
- 139. Word Break 🔗 📝
- 472. Concatenated Words 🔗 📝
- 141. Linked List Cycle 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Linked List 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- 142. Linked List Cycle II 🔗 📝
- 202. Happy Number 🔗 📝
- 142. Linked List Cycle II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Linked List 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- 141. Linked List Cycle 🔗 📝
- 287. Find the Duplicate Number 🔗 📝
- 143. Reorder List 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- Stack 🔗
- Recursion 🔗
- 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List 🔗 📝
- 144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Stack 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree 🔗 📝
- 589. N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Stack 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 590. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 146. LRU Cache 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Linked List 🔗
- Design 🔗
- Doubly-Linked List 🔗
- 460. LFU Cache 🔗 📝
- 588. Design In-Memory File System 🔗 📝
- 604. Design Compressed String Iterator 🔗 📝
- 1756. Design Most Recently Used Queue 🔗 📝
- 147. Insertion Sort List 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Sorting 🔗
- 148. Sort List 🔗 📝
- 708. Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List 🔗 📝
- 148. Sort List 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Linked List 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Sorting 🔗
- Merge Sort 🔗
- 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists 🔗 📝
- 75. Sort Colors 🔗 📝
- 147. Insertion Sort List 🔗 📝
- 2046. Sort Linked List Already Sorted Using Absolute Values 🔗 📝
- 149. Max Points on a Line 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Math 🔗
- Geometry 🔗
- 356. Line Reflection 🔗 📝
- 2152. Minimum Number of Lines to Cover Points 🔗 📝
- 2280. Minimum Lines to Represent a Line Chart 🔗 📝
- 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Math 🔗
- Stack 🔗
- 224. Basic Calculator 🔗 📝
- 282. Expression Add Operators 🔗 📝
- 151. Reverse Words in a String 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Two Pointers 🔗
- String 🔗
- 186. Reverse Words in a String II 🔗 📝
- 152. Maximum Product Subarray 🔗 📝
🆓 |
👀 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 53. Maximum Subarray 🔗 📝
- 198. House Robber 🔗 📝
- 238. Product of Array Except Self 🔗 📝
- 628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers 🔗 📝
- 713. Subarray Product Less Than K 🔗 📝
- 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Binary Search 🔗
- 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array 🔗 📝
- 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II 🔗 📝
- 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Binary Search 🔗
- 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 🔗 📝
- 155. Min Stack 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Stack 🔗
- Design 🔗
- 239. Sliding Window Maximum 🔗 📝
- 716. Max Stack 🔗 📝
- 156. Binary Tree Upside Down 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 206. Reverse Linked List 🔗 📝
- 157. Read N Characters Given Read4 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Simulation 🔗
- Interactive 🔗
- 158. Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times 🔗 📝
- 158. Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Simulation 🔗
- Interactive 🔗
- 157. Read N Characters Given Read4 🔗 📝
- 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Sliding Window 🔗
- 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 🔗 📝
- 239. Sliding Window Maximum 🔗 📝
- 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 🔗 📝
- 992. Subarrays with K Different Integers 🔗 📝
- 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Linked List 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- 599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists 🔗 📝
- 161. One Edit Distance 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Two Pointers 🔗
- String 🔗
- 72. Edit Distance 🔗 📝
- 162. Find Peak Element 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Binary Search 🔗
- 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array 🔗 📝
- 1901. Find a Peak Element II 🔗 📝
- 2137. Pour Water Between Buckets to Make Water Levels Equal 🔗 📝
- 2210. Count Hills and Valleys in an Array 🔗 📝
- 163. Missing Ranges 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- 228. Summary Ranges 🔗 📝
- 164. Maximum Gap 🔗 📝
🆓 |
👀 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Sorting 🔗
- Bucket Sort 🔗
- Radix Sort 🔗
- 2274. Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special Floors 🔗 📝
- 165. Compare Version Numbers 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Two Pointers 🔗
- String 🔗
- 166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- Math 🔗
- String 🔗
- 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- Binary Search 🔗
- 1. Two Sum 🔗 📝
- 653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 🔗 📝
- 1099. Two Sum Less Than K 🔗 📝
- 168. Excel Sheet Column Title 🔗 📝
🆓 |
👀 |
⭐️ |
- Math 🔗
- String 🔗
- 171. Excel Sheet Column Number 🔗 📝
- 2194. Cells in a Range on an Excel Sheet 🔗 📝
- 169. Majority Element 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Sorting 🔗
- Counting 🔗
- 229. Majority Element II 🔗 📝
- 1150. Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array 🔗 📝
- 170. Two Sum III - Data structure design 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Hash Table 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- Design 🔗
- Data Stream 🔗
- 1. Two Sum 🔗 📝
- 288. Unique Word Abbreviation 🔗 📝
- 653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 🔗 📝
- 171. Excel Sheet Column Number 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Math 🔗
- String 🔗
- 168. Excel Sheet Column Title 🔗 📝
- 2194. Cells in a Range on an Excel Sheet 🔗 📝
- 172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Math 🔗
- 233. Number of Digit One 🔗 📝
- 793. Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function 🔗 📝
- 2117. Abbreviating the Product of a Range 🔗 📝
- 2245. Maximum Trailing Zeros in a Cornered Path 🔗 📝
- 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Stack 🔗
- Tree 🔗
- Design 🔗
- Binary Search Tree 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- Iterator 🔗
- 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 🔗 📝
- 251. Flatten 2D Vector 🔗 📝
- 281. Zigzag Iterator 🔗 📝
- 284. Peeking Iterator 🔗 📝
- 285. Inorder Successor in BST 🔗 📝
- 1586. Binary Search Tree Iterator II 🔗 📝
- 174. Dungeon Game 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- Matrix 🔗
- 62. Unique Paths 🔗 📝
- 64. Minimum Path Sum 🔗 📝
- 741. Cherry Pickup 🔗 📝
- 2214. Minimum Health to Beat Game 🔗 📝
- 2304. Minimum Path Cost in a Grid 🔗 📝
- 175. Combine Two Tables 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 577. Employee Bonus 🔗 📝
- 176. Second Highest Salary 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 177. Nth Highest Salary 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 2205. The Number of Users That Are Eligible for Discount 🔗 📝
- 178. Rank Scores 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 179. Largest Number 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- String 🔗
- Greedy 🔗
- Sorting 🔗
- 2165. Smallest Value of the Rearranged Number 🔗 📝
- 180. Consecutive Numbers 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 181. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 182. Duplicate Emails 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 183. Customers Who Never Order 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 184. Department Highest Salary 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 1112. Highest Grade For Each Student 🔗 📝
- 185. Department Top Three Salaries 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 186. Reverse Words in a String II 🔗 📝
💰 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Two Pointers 🔗
- String 🔗
- 151. Reverse Words in a String 🔗 📝
- 189. Rotate Array 🔗 📝
- 187. Repeated DNA Sequences 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Hash Table 🔗
- String 🔗
- Bit Manipulation 🔗
- Sliding Window 🔗
- Rolling Hash 🔗
- Hash Function 🔗
- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 🔗 📝
- 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 🔗 📝
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 🔗 📝
- 2291. Maximum Profit From Trading Stocks 🔗 📝
- 189. Rotate Array 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Math 🔗
- Two Pointers 🔗
- 61. Rotate List 🔗 📝
- 186. Reverse Words in a String II 🔗 📝
- 190. Reverse Bits 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Bit Manipulation 🔗
- 7. Reverse Integer 🔗 📝
- 191. Number of 1 Bits 🔗 📝
- 2119. A Number After a Double Reversal 🔗 📝
- 191. Number of 1 Bits 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️ |
- Divide and Conquer 🔗
- Bit Manipulation 🔗
- 190. Reverse Bits 🔗 📝
- 231. Power of Two 🔗 📝
- 338. Counting Bits 🔗 📝
- 401. Binary Watch 🔗 📝
- 461. Hamming Distance 🔗 📝
- 693. Binary Number with Alternating Bits 🔗 📝
- 762. Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation 🔗 📝
- 192. Word Frequency 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Shell 🔗
- 347. Top K Frequent Elements 🔗 📝
- 193. Valid Phone Numbers 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Shell 🔗
- 194. Transpose File 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Shell 🔗
- 195. Tenth Line 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Shell 🔗
- 196. Delete Duplicate Emails 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 197. Rising Temperature 🔗 📝
🆓 |
⭐️ |
- Database 🔗
- 198. House Robber 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Dynamic Programming 🔗
- 152. Maximum Product Subarray 🔗 📝
- 213. House Robber II 🔗 📝
- 256. Paint House 🔗 📝
- 276. Paint Fence 🔗 📝
- 337. House Robber III 🔗 📝
- 600. Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones 🔗 📝
- 656. Coin Path 🔗 📝
- 740. Delete and Earn 🔗 📝
- 2140. Solving Questions With Brainpower 🔗 📝
- 2320. Count Number of Ways to Place Houses 🔗 📝
- 199. Binary Tree Right Side View 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Tree 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Binary Tree 🔗
- 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 🔗 📝
- 545. Boundary of Binary Tree 🔗 📝
- 200. Number of Islands 🔗 📝
🆓 |
✅ |
⭐️⭐️ |
- Array 🔗
- Depth-First Search 🔗
- Breadth-First Search 🔗
- Union Find 🔗
- Matrix 🔗
- 130. Surrounded Regions 🔗 📝
- 286. Walls and Gates 🔗 📝
- 305. Number of Islands II 🔗 📝
- 323. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph 🔗 📝
- 694. Number of Distinct Islands 🔗 📝
- 695. Max Area of Island 🔗 📝
- 1905. Count Sub Islands 🔗 📝
- 1992. Find All Groups of Farmland 🔗 📝
- 2316. Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph 🔗 📝