").append(m.parseHTML(a)).find(d) : a);
- })
- .complete(
- c &&
- function (a, b) {
- g.each(c, e || [a.responseText, b, a]);
- }
- ),
- this
- );
- }),
- m.each(
- [
- "ajaxStart",
- "ajaxStop",
- "ajaxComplete",
- "ajaxError",
- "ajaxSuccess",
- "ajaxSend",
- ],
- function (a, b) {
- m.fn[b] = function (a) {
- return this.on(b, a);
- };
- }
- ),
- (m.expr.filters.animated = function (a) {
- return m.grep(m.timers, function (b) {
- return a === b.elem;
- }).length;
- });
- var cd = a.document.documentElement;
- function dd(a) {
- return m.isWindow(a)
- ? a
- : 9 === a.nodeType
- ? a.defaultView || a.parentWindow
- : !1;
- }
- (m.offset = {
- setOffset: function (a, b, c) {
- var d,
- e,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i,
- j,
- k = m.css(a, "position"),
- l = m(a),
- n = {};
- "static" === k && (a.style.position = "relative"),
- (h = l.offset()),
- (f = m.css(a, "top")),
- (i = m.css(a, "left")),
- (j =
- ("absolute" === k || "fixed" === k) &&
- m.inArray("auto", [f, i]) > -1),
- j
- ? ((d = l.position()), (g = d.top), (e = d.left))
- : ((g = parseFloat(f) || 0), (e = parseFloat(i) || 0)),
- m.isFunction(b) && (b = b.call(a, c, h)),
- null != b.top && (n.top = b.top - h.top + g),
- null != b.left && (n.left = b.left - h.left + e),
- "using" in b ? b.using.call(a, n) : l.css(n);
- },
- }),
- m.fn.extend({
- offset: function (a) {
- if (arguments.length)
- return void 0 === a
- ? this
- : this.each(function (b) {
- m.offset.setOffset(this, a, b);
- });
- var b,
- c,
- d = { top: 0, left: 0 },
- e = this[0],
- f = e && e.ownerDocument;
- if (f)
- return (
- (b = f.documentElement),
- m.contains(b, e)
- ? (typeof e.getBoundingClientRect !== K &&
- (d = e.getBoundingClientRect()),
- (c = dd(f)),
- {
- top:
- d.top + (c.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop) - (b.clientTop || 0),
- left:
- d.left +
- (c.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft) -
- (b.clientLeft || 0),
- })
- : d
- );
- },
- position: function () {
- if (this[0]) {
- var a,
- b,
- c = { top: 0, left: 0 },
- d = this[0];
- return (
- "fixed" === m.css(d, "position")
- ? (b = d.getBoundingClientRect())
- : ((a = this.offsetParent()),
- (b = this.offset()),
- m.nodeName(a[0], "html") || (c = a.offset()),
- (c.top += m.css(a[0], "borderTopWidth", !0)),
- (c.left += m.css(a[0], "borderLeftWidth", !0))),
- {
- top: b.top - c.top - m.css(d, "marginTop", !0),
- left: b.left - c.left - m.css(d, "marginLeft", !0),
- }
- );
- }
- },
- offsetParent: function () {
- return this.map(function () {
- var a = this.offsetParent || cd;
- while (
- a &&
- !m.nodeName(a, "html") &&
- "static" === m.css(a, "position")
- )
- a = a.offsetParent;
- return a || cd;
- });
- },
- }),
- m.each(
- { scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" },
- function (a, b) {
- var c = /Y/.test(b);
- m.fn[a] = function (d) {
- return V(
- this,
- function (a, d, e) {
- var f = dd(a);
- return void 0 === e
- ? f
- ? b in f
- ? f[b]
- : f.document.documentElement[d]
- : a[d]
- : void (f
- ? f.scrollTo(
- c ? m(f).scrollLeft() : e,
- c ? e : m(f).scrollTop()
- )
- : (a[d] = e));
- },
- a,
- d,
- arguments.length,
- null
- );
- };
- }
- ),
- m.each(["top", "left"], function (a, b) {
- m.cssHooks[b] = Lb(k.pixelPosition, function (a, c) {
- return c
- ? ((c = Jb(a, b)), Hb.test(c) ? m(a).position()[b] + "px" : c)
- : void 0;
- });
- }),
- m.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function (a, b) {
- m.each(
- { padding: "inner" + a, content: b, "": "outer" + a },
- function (c, d) {
- m.fn[d] = function (d, e) {
- var f = arguments.length && (c || "boolean" != typeof d),
- g = c || (d === !0 || e === !0 ? "margin" : "border");
- return V(
- this,
- function (b, c, d) {
- var e;
- return m.isWindow(b)
- ? b.document.documentElement["client" + a]
- : 9 === b.nodeType
- ? ((e = b.documentElement),
- Math.max(
- b.body["scroll" + a],
- e["scroll" + a],
- b.body["offset" + a],
- e["offset" + a],
- e["client" + a]
- ))
- : void 0 === d
- ? m.css(b, c, g)
- : m.style(b, c, d, g);
- },
- b,
- f ? d : void 0,
- f,
- null
- );
- };
- }
- );
- }),
- (m.fn.size = function () {
- return this.length;
- }),
- (m.fn.andSelf = m.fn.addBack),
- "function" == typeof define &&
- define.amd &&
- define("jquery", [], function () {
- return m;
- });
- var ed = a.jQuery,
- fd = a.$;
- return (
- (m.noConflict = function (b) {
- return a.$ === m && (a.$ = fd), b && a.jQuery === m && (a.jQuery = ed), m;
- }),
- typeof b === K && (a.jQuery = a.$ = m),
- m
- );
diff --git a/scripts/jquery.colorbox-min.js b/scripts/jquery.colorbox-min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 36217e25..00000000
--- a/scripts/jquery.colorbox-min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
- Colorbox 1.6.3
- license: MIT
- http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox
-(function (t, e, i) {
- function n(i, n, o) {
- var r = e.createElement(i);
- return n && (r.id = Z + n), o && (r.style.cssText = o), t(r);
- }
- function o() {
- return i.innerHeight ? i.innerHeight : t(i).height();
- }
- function r(e, i) {
- i !== Object(i) && (i = {}),
- (this.cache = {}),
- (this.el = e),
- (this.value = function (e) {
- var n;
- return (
- void 0 === this.cache[e] &&
- ((n = t(this.el).attr("data-cbox-" + e)),
- void 0 !== n
- ? (this.cache[e] = n)
- : void 0 !== i[e]
- ? (this.cache[e] = i[e])
- : void 0 !== X[e] && (this.cache[e] = X[e])),
- this.cache[e]
- );
- }),
- (this.get = function (e) {
- var i = this.value(e);
- return t.isFunction(i) ? i.call(this.el, this) : i;
- });
- }
- function h(t) {
- var e = W.length,
- i = (A + t) % e;
- return 0 > i ? e + i : i;
- }
- function a(t, e) {
- return Math.round(
- (/%/.test(t) ? ("x" === e ? E.width() : o()) / 100 : 1) * parseInt(t, 10)
- );
- }
- function s(t, e) {
- return t.get("photo") || t.get("photoRegex").test(e);
- }
- function l(t, e) {
- return t.get("retinaUrl") && i.devicePixelRatio > 1
- ? e.replace(t.get("photoRegex"), t.get("retinaSuffix"))
- : e;
- }
- function d(t) {
- "contains" in x[0] &&
- !x[0].contains(t.target) &&
- t.target !== v[0] &&
- (t.stopPropagation(), x.focus());
- }
- function c(t) {
- c.str !== t && (x.add(v).removeClass(c.str).addClass(t), (c.str = t));
- }
- function g(e) {
- (A = 0),
- e && e !== !1 && "nofollow" !== e
- ? ((W = t("." + te).filter(function () {
- var i = t.data(this, Y),
- n = new r(this, i);
- return n.get("rel") === e;
- })),
- (A = W.index(_.el)),
- -1 === A && ((W = W.add(_.el)), (A = W.length - 1)))
- : (W = t(_.el));
- }
- function u(i) {
- t(e).trigger(i), ae.triggerHandler(i);
- }
- function f(i) {
- var o;
- if (!G) {
- if (((o = t(i).data(Y)), (_ = new r(i, o)), g(_.get("rel")), !$)) {
- ($ = q = !0),
- c(_.get("className")),
- x.css({ visibility: "hidden", display: "block", opacity: "" }),
- (I = n(
- se,
- "LoadedContent",
- "width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden"
- )),
- b.css({ width: "", height: "" }).append(I),
- (j = T.height() + k.height() + b.outerHeight(!0) - b.height()),
- (D = C.width() + H.width() + b.outerWidth(!0) - b.width()),
- (N = I.outerHeight(!0)),
- (z = I.outerWidth(!0));
- var h = a(_.get("initialWidth"), "x"),
- s = a(_.get("initialHeight"), "y"),
- l = _.get("maxWidth"),
- f = _.get("maxHeight");
- (_.w = Math.max((l !== !1 ? Math.min(h, a(l, "x")) : h) - z - D, 0)),
- (_.h = Math.max((f !== !1 ? Math.min(s, a(f, "y")) : s) - N - j, 0)),
- I.css({ width: "", height: _.h }),
- J.position(),
- u(ee),
- _.get("onOpen"),
- O.add(F).hide(),
- x.focus(),
- _.get("trapFocus") &&
- e.addEventListener &&
- (e.addEventListener("focus", d, !0),
- ae.one(re, function () {
- e.removeEventListener("focus", d, !0);
- })),
- _.get("returnFocus") &&
- ae.one(re, function () {
- t(_.el).focus();
- });
- }
- var p = parseFloat(_.get("opacity"));
- v
- .css({
- opacity: p === p ? p : "",
- cursor: _.get("overlayClose") ? "pointer" : "",
- visibility: "visible",
- })
- .show(),
- _.get("closeButton")
- ? B.html(_.get("close")).appendTo(b)
- : B.appendTo("
- w();
- }
- }
- function p() {
- x ||
- ((V = !1),
- (E = t(i)),
- (x = n(se)
- .attr({
- id: Y,
- class: t.support.opacity === !1 ? Z + "IE" : "",
- role: "dialog",
- tabindex: "-1",
- })
- .hide()),
- (v = n(se, "Overlay").hide()),
- (L = t([n(se, "LoadingOverlay")[0], n(se, "LoadingGraphic")[0]])),
- (y = n(se, "Wrapper")),
- (b = n(se, "Content").append(
- (F = n(se, "Title")),
- (R = n(se, "Current")),
- (P = t('
').attr({ id: Z + "Next" })),
- (S = n("button", "Slideshow")),
- L
- )),
- (B = t('
').attr({ id: Z + "Close" })),
- y
- .append(
- n(se).append(
- n(se, "TopLeft"),
- (T = n(se, "TopCenter")),
- n(se, "TopRight")
- ),
- n(se, !1, "clear:left").append(
- (C = n(se, "MiddleLeft")),
- b,
- (H = n(se, "MiddleRight"))
- ),
- n(se, !1, "clear:left").append(
- n(se, "BottomLeft"),
- (k = n(se, "BottomCenter")),
- n(se, "BottomRight")
- )
- )
- .find("div div")
- .css({ float: "left" }),
- (M = n(
- se,
- !1,
- "position:absolute; width:9999px; visibility:hidden; display:none; max-width:none;"
- )),
- (O = K.add(P).add(R).add(S))),
- e.body && !x.parent().length && t(e.body).append(v, x.append(y, M));
- }
- function m() {
- function i(t) {
- t.which > 1 ||
- t.shiftKey ||
- t.altKey ||
- t.metaKey ||
- t.ctrlKey ||
- (t.preventDefault(), f(this));
- }
- return x
- ? (V ||
- ((V = !0),
- K.click(function () {
- J.next();
- }),
- P.click(function () {
- J.prev();
- }),
- B.click(function () {
- J.close();
- }),
- v.click(function () {
- _.get("overlayClose") && J.close();
- }),
- t(e).bind("keydown." + Z, function (t) {
- var e = t.keyCode;
- $ && _.get("escKey") && 27 === e && (t.preventDefault(), J.close()),
- $ &&
- _.get("arrowKey") &&
- W[1] &&
- !t.altKey &&
- (37 === e
- ? (t.preventDefault(), P.click())
- : 39 === e && (t.preventDefault(), K.click()));
- }),
- t.isFunction(t.fn.on)
- ? t(e).on("click." + Z, "." + te, i)
- : t("." + te).live("click." + Z, i)),
- !0)
- : !1;
- }
- function w() {
- var e,
- o,
- r,
- h = J.prep,
- d = ++le;
- if (
- ((q = !0),
- (U = !1),
- u(he),
- u(ie),
- _.get("onLoad"),
- (_.h = _.get("height")
- ? a(_.get("height"), "y") - N - j
- : _.get("innerHeight") && a(_.get("innerHeight"), "y")),
- (_.w = _.get("width")
- ? a(_.get("width"), "x") - z - D
- : _.get("innerWidth") && a(_.get("innerWidth"), "x")),
- (_.mw = _.w),
- (_.mh = _.h),
- _.get("maxWidth") &&
- ((_.mw = a(_.get("maxWidth"), "x") - z - D),
- (_.mw = _.w && _.w < _.mw ? _.w : _.mw)),
- _.get("maxHeight") &&
- ((_.mh = a(_.get("maxHeight"), "y") - N - j),
- (_.mh = _.h && _.h < _.mh ? _.h : _.mh)),
- (e = _.get("href")),
- (Q = setTimeout(function () {
- L.show();
- }, 100)),
- _.get("inline"))
- ) {
- var c = t(e);
- (r = t("
- ae.one(he, function () {
- r.replaceWith(c);
- }),
- h(c);
- } else
- _.get("iframe")
- ? h(" ")
- : _.get("html")
- ? h(_.get("html"))
- : s(_, e)
- ? ((e = l(_, e)),
- (U = _.get("createImg")),
- t(U)
- .addClass(Z + "Photo")
- .bind("error." + Z, function () {
- h(n(se, "Error").html(_.get("imgError")));
- })
- .one("load", function () {
- d === le &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- var e;
- _.get("retinaImage") &&
- i.devicePixelRatio > 1 &&
- ((U.height = U.height / i.devicePixelRatio),
- (U.width = U.width / i.devicePixelRatio)),
- _.get("scalePhotos") &&
- ((o = function () {
- (U.height -= U.height * e), (U.width -= U.width * e);
- }),
- _.mw &&
- U.width > _.mw &&
- ((e = (U.width - _.mw) / U.width), o()),
- _.mh &&
- U.height > _.mh &&
- ((e = (U.height - _.mh) / U.height), o())),
- _.h &&
- (U.style.marginTop =
- Math.max(_.mh - U.height, 0) / 2 + "px"),
- W[1] &&
- (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) &&
- ((U.style.cursor = "pointer"),
- t(U).bind("click." + Z, function () {
- J.next();
- })),
- (U.style.width = U.width + "px"),
- (U.style.height = U.height + "px"),
- h(U);
- }, 1);
- }),
- (U.src = e))
- : e &&
- M.load(e, _.get("data"), function (e, i) {
- d === le &&
- h(
- "error" === i
- ? n(se, "Error").html(_.get("xhrError"))
- : t(this).contents()
- );
- });
- }
- var v,
- x,
- y,
- b,
- T,
- C,
- H,
- k,
- W,
- E,
- I,
- M,
- L,
- F,
- R,
- S,
- K,
- P,
- B,
- O,
- _,
- j,
- D,
- N,
- z,
- A,
- U,
- $,
- q,
- G,
- Q,
- J,
- V,
- X = {
- html: !1,
- photo: !1,
- iframe: !1,
- inline: !1,
- transition: "elastic",
- speed: 300,
- fadeOut: 300,
- width: !1,
- initialWidth: "600",
- innerWidth: !1,
- maxWidth: !1,
- height: !1,
- initialHeight: "450",
- innerHeight: !1,
- maxHeight: !1,
- scalePhotos: !0,
- scrolling: !0,
- opacity: 0.9,
- preloading: !0,
- className: !1,
- overlayClose: !0,
- escKey: !0,
- arrowKey: !0,
- top: !1,
- bottom: !1,
- left: !1,
- right: !1,
- fixed: !1,
- data: void 0,
- closeButton: !0,
- fastIframe: !0,
- open: !1,
- reposition: !0,
- loop: !0,
- slideshow: !1,
- slideshowAuto: !0,
- slideshowSpeed: 2500,
- slideshowStart: "start slideshow",
- slideshowStop: "stop slideshow",
- photoRegex: /\.(gif|png|jp(e|g|eg)|bmp|ico|webp|jxr|svg)((#|\?).*)?$/i,
- retinaImage: !1,
- retinaUrl: !1,
- retinaSuffix: "@2x.$1",
- current: "image {current} of {total}",
- previous: "previous",
- next: "next",
- close: "close",
- xhrError: "This content failed to load.",
- imgError: "This image failed to load.",
- returnFocus: !0,
- trapFocus: !0,
- onOpen: !1,
- onLoad: !1,
- onComplete: !1,
- onCleanup: !1,
- onClosed: !1,
- rel: function () {
- return this.rel;
- },
- href: function () {
- return t(this).attr("href");
- },
- title: function () {
- return this.title;
- },
- createImg: function () {
- var e = new Image(),
- i = t(this).data("cbox-img-attrs");
- return (
- "object" == typeof i &&
- t.each(i, function (t, i) {
- e[t] = i;
- }),
- e
- );
- },
- createIframe: function () {
- var i = e.createElement("iframe"),
- n = t(this).data("cbox-iframe-attrs");
- return (
- "object" == typeof n &&
- t.each(n, function (t, e) {
- i[t] = e;
- }),
- "frameBorder" in i && (i.frameBorder = 0),
- "allowTransparency" in i && (i.allowTransparency = "true"),
- (i.name = new Date().getTime()),
- (i.allowFullscreen = !0),
- i
- );
- },
- },
- Y = "colorbox",
- Z = "cbox",
- te = Z + "Element",
- ee = Z + "_open",
- ie = Z + "_load",
- ne = Z + "_complete",
- oe = Z + "_cleanup",
- re = Z + "_closed",
- he = Z + "_purge",
- ae = t("
- se = "div",
- le = 0,
- de = {},
- ce = (function () {
- function t() {
- clearTimeout(h);
- }
- function e() {
- (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) &&
- (t(), (h = setTimeout(J.next, _.get("slideshowSpeed"))));
- }
- function i() {
- S.html(_.get("slideshowStop")).unbind(s).one(s, n),
- ae.bind(ne, e).bind(ie, t),
- x.removeClass(a + "off").addClass(a + "on");
- }
- function n() {
- t(),
- ae.unbind(ne, e).unbind(ie, t),
- S.html(_.get("slideshowStart"))
- .unbind(s)
- .one(s, function () {
- J.next(), i();
- }),
- x.removeClass(a + "on").addClass(a + "off");
- }
- function o() {
- (r = !1),
- S.hide(),
- t(),
- ae.unbind(ne, e).unbind(ie, t),
- x.removeClass(a + "off " + a + "on");
- }
- var r,
- h,
- a = Z + "Slideshow_",
- s = "click." + Z;
- return function () {
- r
- ? _.get("slideshow") || (ae.unbind(oe, o), o())
- : _.get("slideshow") &&
- W[1] &&
- ((r = !0),
- ae.one(oe, o),
- _.get("slideshowAuto") ? i() : n(),
- S.show());
- };
- })();
- t[Y] ||
- (t(p),
- (J =
- t.fn[Y] =
- t[Y] =
- function (e, i) {
- var n,
- o = this;
- return (
- (e = e || {}),
- t.isFunction(o) && ((o = t("
")), (e.open = !0)),
- o[0]
- ? (p(),
- m() &&
- (i && (e.onComplete = i),
- o
- .each(function () {
- var i = t.data(this, Y) || {};
- t.data(this, Y, t.extend(i, e));
- })
- .addClass(te),
- (n = new r(o[0], e)),
- n.get("open") && f(o[0])),
- o)
- : o
- );
- }),
- (J.position = function (e, i) {
- function n() {
- (T[0].style.width =
- k[0].style.width =
- b[0].style.width =
- parseInt(x[0].style.width, 10) - D + "px"),
- (b[0].style.height =
- C[0].style.height =
- H[0].style.height =
- parseInt(x[0].style.height, 10) - j + "px");
- }
- var r,
- h,
- s,
- l = 0,
- d = 0,
- c = x.offset();
- if (
- (E.unbind("resize." + Z),
- x.css({ top: -9e4, left: -9e4 }),
- (h = E.scrollTop()),
- (s = E.scrollLeft()),
- _.get("fixed")
- ? ((c.top -= h), (c.left -= s), x.css({ position: "fixed" }))
- : ((l = h), (d = s), x.css({ position: "absolute" })),
- (d +=
- _.get("right") !== !1
- ? Math.max(E.width() - _.w - z - D - a(_.get("right"), "x"), 0)
- : _.get("left") !== !1
- ? a(_.get("left"), "x")
- : Math.round(Math.max(E.width() - _.w - z - D, 0) / 2)),
- (l +=
- _.get("bottom") !== !1
- ? Math.max(o() - _.h - N - j - a(_.get("bottom"), "y"), 0)
- : _.get("top") !== !1
- ? a(_.get("top"), "y")
- : Math.round(Math.max(o() - _.h - N - j, 0) / 2)),
- x.css({ top: c.top, left: c.left, visibility: "visible" }),
- (y[0].style.width = y[0].style.height = "9999px"),
- (r = { width: _.w + z + D, height: _.h + N + j, top: l, left: d }),
- e)
- ) {
- var g = 0;
- t.each(r, function (t) {
- return r[t] !== de[t] ? ((g = e), void 0) : void 0;
- }),
- (e = g);
- }
- (de = r),
- e || x.css(r),
- x.dequeue().animate(r, {
- duration: e || 0,
- complete: function () {
- n(),
- (q = !1),
- (y[0].style.width = _.w + z + D + "px"),
- (y[0].style.height = _.h + N + j + "px"),
- _.get("reposition") &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- E.bind("resize." + Z, J.position);
- }, 1),
- t.isFunction(i) && i();
- },
- step: n,
- });
- }),
- (J.resize = function (t) {
- var e;
- $ &&
- ((t = t || {}),
- t.width && (_.w = a(t.width, "x") - z - D),
- t.innerWidth && (_.w = a(t.innerWidth, "x")),
- I.css({ width: _.w }),
- t.height && (_.h = a(t.height, "y") - N - j),
- t.innerHeight && (_.h = a(t.innerHeight, "y")),
- t.innerHeight ||
- t.height ||
- ((e = I.scrollTop()), I.css({ height: "auto" }), (_.h = I.height())),
- I.css({ height: _.h }),
- e && I.scrollTop(e),
- J.position("none" === _.get("transition") ? 0 : _.get("speed")));
- }),
- (J.prep = function (i) {
- function o() {
- return (
- (_.w = _.w || I.width()), (_.w = _.mw && _.mw < _.w ? _.mw : _.w), _.w
- );
- }
- function a() {
- return (
- (_.h = _.h || I.height()),
- (_.h = _.mh && _.mh < _.h ? _.mh : _.h),
- _.h
- );
- }
- if ($) {
- var d,
- g = "none" === _.get("transition") ? 0 : _.get("speed");
- I.remove(),
- (I = n(se, "LoadedContent").append(i)),
- I.hide()
- .appendTo(M.show())
- .css({
- width: o(),
- overflow: _.get("scrolling") ? "auto" : "hidden",
- })
- .css({ height: a() })
- .prependTo(b),
- M.hide(),
- t(U).css({ float: "none" }),
- c(_.get("className")),
- (d = function () {
- function i() {
- t.support.opacity === !1 && x[0].style.removeAttribute("filter");
- }
- var n,
- o,
- a = W.length;
- $ &&
- ((o = function () {
- clearTimeout(Q), L.hide(), u(ne), _.get("onComplete");
- }),
- F.html(_.get("title")).show(),
- I.show(),
- a > 1
- ? ("string" == typeof _.get("current") &&
- R.html(
- _.get("current")
- .replace("{current}", A + 1)
- .replace("{total}", a)
- ).show(),
- K[_.get("loop") || a - 1 > A ? "show" : "hide"]().html(
- _.get("next")
- ),
- P[_.get("loop") || A ? "show" : "hide"]().html(
- _.get("previous")
- ),
- ce(),
- _.get("preloading") &&
- t.each([h(-1), h(1)], function () {
- var i,
- n = W[this],
- o = new r(n, t.data(n, Y)),
- h = o.get("href");
- h &&
- s(o, h) &&
- ((h = l(o, h)),
- (i = e.createElement("img")),
- (i.src = h));
- }))
- : O.hide(),
- _.get("iframe")
- ? ((n = _.get("createIframe")),
- _.get("scrolling") || (n.scrolling = "no"),
- t(n)
- .attr({ src: _.get("href"), class: Z + "Iframe" })
- .one("load", o)
- .appendTo(I),
- ae.one(he, function () {
- n.src = "//about:blank";
- }),
- _.get("fastIframe") && t(n).trigger("load"))
- : o(),
- "fade" === _.get("transition") ? x.fadeTo(g, 1, i) : i());
- }),
- "fade" === _.get("transition")
- ? x.fadeTo(g, 0, function () {
- J.position(0, d);
- })
- : J.position(g, d);
- }
- }),
- (J.next = function () {
- !q && W[1] && (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) && ((A = h(1)), f(W[A]));
- }),
- (J.prev = function () {
- !q && W[1] && (_.get("loop") || A) && ((A = h(-1)), f(W[A]));
- }),
- (J.close = function () {
- $ &&
- !G &&
- ((G = !0),
- ($ = !1),
- u(oe),
- _.get("onCleanup"),
- E.unbind("." + Z),
- v.fadeTo(_.get("fadeOut") || 0, 0),
- x.stop().fadeTo(_.get("fadeOut") || 0, 0, function () {
- x.hide(),
- v.hide(),
- u(he),
- I.remove(),
- setTimeout(function () {
- (G = !1), u(re), _.get("onClosed");
- }, 1);
- }));
- }),
- (J.remove = function () {
- x &&
- (x.stop(),
- t[Y].close(),
- x.stop(!1, !0).remove(),
- v.remove(),
- (G = !1),
- (x = null),
- t("." + te)
- .removeData(Y)
- .removeClass(te),
- t(e)
- .unbind("click." + Z)
- .unbind("keydown." + Z));
- }),
- (J.element = function () {
- return t(_.el);
- }),
- (J.settings = X));
-})(jQuery, document, window);
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--- a/scripts/main-scripts.js
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- * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.1
- * https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl
- * Released under the MIT license
- */
-function queryVars(url) {
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- (vars[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")));
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- ? define(["jquery"], factory)
- : "object" == typeof exports
- ? factory(require("jquery"))
- : factory(jQuery);
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- var pluses = /\+/g;
- function encode(s) {
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- return encode(config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value));
- }
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- ? s
- : (function (s) {
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- (s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, "\\"));
- try {
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- (s = decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, " "))),
- config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s
- );
- } catch (e) {}
- })(s);
- return $.isFunction(converter) ? converter(value) : value;
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- typeof (options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options)).expires
- ) {
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- "=",
- stringifyCookieValue(value),
- options.expires ? "; expires=" + options.expires.toUTCString() : "",
- options.path ? "; path=" + options.path : "",
- options.domain ? "; domain=" + options.domain : "",
- options.secure ? "; secure" : "",
- ].join(""));
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- var s,
- result = key ? void 0 : {},
- cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [],
- i = 0,
- l = cookies.length;
- i < l;
- i++
- ) {
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- key || void 0 === (cookie = read(cookie)) || (result[name] = cookie);
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- return result;
- });
- (config.defaults = {}),
- ($.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
- return (
- void 0 !== $.cookie(key) &&
- ($.cookie(key, "", $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 })),
- !$.cookie(key))
- );
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- (size_str = size.options[size.selectedIndex].text);
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- (qty_int = isNaN(qty) ? 0 : parseInt(qty)),
- _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "Add to Cart", item, size_str, qty_int]);
-function mmgPrintImg(imgURL) {
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- "",
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- "width=1000,height=600,scrollbars=yes,location=no,status=no"
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- opens.length)
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- _this.append("
Failed to load price table
- console.log(error);
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- anyHidden = 0;
- if (products.length) {
- var trs = $("#table_antibodyproducts tbody tr");
- (products = products.join(",")),
- trs.each(function () {
- var _this = $(this),
- id = _this.attr("id");
- products.indexOf(id) < 0 &&
- (_this.css("display", "none"), (anyHidden = 1));
- });
- }
- anyHidden &&
- $(".show-all-items")
- .click(function () {
- trs.show(),
- $(this).hide(),
- $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 });
- })
- .show();
- }
- });
- })(jQuery);
-//# sourceURL=https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/1769030/hub_generated/template_assets/3978463248/1695336486795/Coded_files/Custom/page/aldevron/Scripts.js
diff --git a/scripts/swiper-342.jquery.min.js b/scripts/swiper-342.jquery.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8cec3ad..00000000
--- a/scripts/swiper-342.jquery.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4134 +0,0 @@
- * Swiper 3.4.2
- * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
- *
- * http://www.idangero.us/swiper/
- *
- * Copyright 2017, Vladimir Kharlampidi
- * The iDangero.us
- * http://www.idangero.us/
- *
- * Licensed under MIT
- *
- * Released on: March 10, 2017
- */
-!(function () {
- "use strict";
- var e,
- a = function (t, s) {
- function r(e) {
- return Math.floor(e);
- }
- function i() {
- var e = x.params.autoplay,
- a = x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex);
- a.attr("data-swiper-autoplay") &&
- (e = a.attr("data-swiper-autoplay") || x.params.autoplay),
- (x.autoplayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
- x.params.loop
- ? (x.fixLoop(), x._slideNext(), x.emit("onAutoplay", x))
- : x.isEnd
- ? s.autoplayStopOnLast
- ? x.stopAutoplay()
- : (x._slideTo(0), x.emit("onAutoplay", x))
- : (x._slideNext(), x.emit("onAutoplay", x));
- }, e));
- }
- function n(a, t) {
- var s = e(a.target);
- if (!s.is(t))
- if ("string" == typeof t) s = s.parents(t);
- else if (t.nodeType) {
- var r;
- return (
- s.parents().each(function (e, a) {
- a === t && (r = t);
- }),
- r ? t : void 0
- );
- }
- if (0 !== s.length) return s[0];
- }
- function o(e, a) {
- a = a || {};
- var t = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver,
- s = new t(function (e) {
- e.forEach(function (e) {
- x.onResize(!0), x.emit("onObserverUpdate", x, e);
- });
- });
- s.observe(e, {
- attributes: void 0 === a.attributes || a.attributes,
- childList: void 0 === a.childList || a.childList,
- characterData: void 0 === a.characterData || a.characterData,
- }),
- x.observers.push(s);
- }
- function l(e) {
- e.originalEvent && (e = e.originalEvent);
- var a = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
- if (
- !x.params.allowSwipeToNext &&
- ((x.isHorizontal() && 39 === a) || (!x.isHorizontal() && 40 === a))
- )
- return !1;
- if (
- !x.params.allowSwipeToPrev &&
- ((x.isHorizontal() && 37 === a) || (!x.isHorizontal() && 38 === a))
- )
- return !1;
- if (
- !(
- e.shiftKey ||
- e.altKey ||
- e.ctrlKey ||
- e.metaKey ||
- (document.activeElement &&
- document.activeElement.nodeName &&
- ("input" === document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() ||
- "textarea" === document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()))
- )
- ) {
- if (37 === a || 39 === a || 38 === a || 40 === a) {
- var t = !1;
- if (
- x.container.parents("." + x.params.slideClass).length > 0 &&
- 0 === x.container.parents("." + x.params.slideActiveClass).length
- )
- return;
- var s = { left: window.pageXOffset, top: window.pageYOffset },
- r = window.innerWidth,
- i = window.innerHeight,
- n = x.container.offset();
- x.rtl && (n.left = n.left - x.container[0].scrollLeft);
- for (
- var o = [
- [n.left, n.top],
- [n.left + x.width, n.top],
- [n.left, n.top + x.height],
- [n.left + x.width, n.top + x.height],
- ],
- l = 0;
- l < o.length;
- l++
- ) {
- var p = o[l];
- p[0] >= s.left &&
- p[0] <= s.left + r &&
- p[1] >= s.top &&
- p[1] <= s.top + i &&
- (t = !0);
- }
- if (!t) return;
- }
- x.isHorizontal()
- ? ((37 !== a && 39 !== a) ||
- (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = !1)),
- ((39 === a && !x.rtl) || (37 === a && x.rtl)) && x.slideNext(),
- ((37 === a && !x.rtl) || (39 === a && x.rtl)) && x.slidePrev())
- : ((38 !== a && 40 !== a) ||
- (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = !1)),
- 40 === a && x.slideNext(),
- 38 === a && x.slidePrev()),
- x.emit("onKeyPress", x, a);
- }
- }
- function p(e) {
- var a = 0,
- t = 0,
- s = 0,
- r = 0;
- return (
- "detail" in e && (t = e.detail),
- "wheelDelta" in e && (t = -e.wheelDelta / 120),
- "wheelDeltaY" in e && (t = -e.wheelDeltaY / 120),
- "wheelDeltaX" in e && (a = -e.wheelDeltaX / 120),
- "axis" in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && ((a = t), (t = 0)),
- (s = 10 * a),
- (r = 10 * t),
- "deltaY" in e && (r = e.deltaY),
- "deltaX" in e && (s = e.deltaX),
- (s || r) &&
- e.deltaMode &&
- (1 === e.deltaMode
- ? ((s *= 40), (r *= 40))
- : ((s *= 800), (r *= 800))),
- s && !a && (a = s < 1 ? -1 : 1),
- r && !t && (t = r < 1 ? -1 : 1),
- { spinX: a, spinY: t, pixelX: s, pixelY: r }
- );
- }
- function d(e) {
- e.originalEvent && (e = e.originalEvent);
- var a = 0,
- t = x.rtl ? -1 : 1,
- s = p(e);
- if (x.params.mousewheelForceToAxis)
- if (x.isHorizontal()) {
- if (!(Math.abs(s.pixelX) > Math.abs(s.pixelY))) return;
- a = s.pixelX * t;
- } else {
- if (!(Math.abs(s.pixelY) > Math.abs(s.pixelX))) return;
- a = s.pixelY;
- }
- else
- a =
- Math.abs(s.pixelX) > Math.abs(s.pixelY) ? -s.pixelX * t : -s.pixelY;
- if (0 !== a) {
- if ((x.params.mousewheelInvert && (a = -a), x.params.freeMode)) {
- var r =
- x.getWrapperTranslate() + a * x.params.mousewheelSensitivity,
- i = x.isBeginning,
- n = x.isEnd;
- if (
- (r >= x.minTranslate() && (r = x.minTranslate()),
- r <= x.maxTranslate() && (r = x.maxTranslate()),
- x.setWrapperTransition(0),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(r),
- x.updateProgress(),
- x.updateActiveIndex(),
- ((!i && x.isBeginning) || (!n && x.isEnd)) && x.updateClasses(),
- x.params.freeModeSticky
- ? (clearTimeout(x.mousewheel.timeout),
- (x.mousewheel.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- x.slideReset();
- }, 300)))
- : x.params.lazyLoading && x.lazy && x.lazy.load(),
- x.emit("onScroll", x, e),
- x.params.autoplay &&
- x.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction &&
- x.stopAutoplay(),
- 0 === r || r === x.maxTranslate())
- )
- return;
- } else {
- if (new window.Date().getTime() - x.mousewheel.lastScrollTime > 60)
- if (a < 0)
- if ((x.isEnd && !x.params.loop) || x.animating) {
- if (x.params.mousewheelReleaseOnEdges) return !0;
- } else x.slideNext(), x.emit("onScroll", x, e);
- else if ((x.isBeginning && !x.params.loop) || x.animating) {
- if (x.params.mousewheelReleaseOnEdges) return !0;
- } else x.slidePrev(), x.emit("onScroll", x, e);
- x.mousewheel.lastScrollTime = new window.Date().getTime();
- }
- return (
- e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = !1), !1
- );
- }
- }
- function m(a, t) {
- a = e(a);
- var s,
- r,
- i,
- n = x.rtl ? -1 : 1;
- (s = a.attr("data-swiper-parallax") || "0"),
- (r = a.attr("data-swiper-parallax-x")),
- (i = a.attr("data-swiper-parallax-y")),
- r || i
- ? ((r = r || "0"), (i = i || "0"))
- : x.isHorizontal()
- ? ((r = s), (i = "0"))
- : ((i = s), (r = "0")),
- (r =
- r.indexOf("%") >= 0
- ? parseInt(r, 10) * t * n + "%"
- : r * t * n + "px"),
- (i = i.indexOf("%") >= 0 ? parseInt(i, 10) * t + "%" : i * t + "px"),
- a.transform("translate3d(" + r + ", " + i + ",0px)");
- }
- function u(e) {
- return (
- 0 !== e.indexOf("on") &&
- (e =
- e[0] !== e[0].toUpperCase()
- ? "on" + e[0].toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)
- : "on" + e),
- e
- );
- }
- if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, s);
- var c = {
- direction: "horizontal",
- touchEventsTarget: "container",
- initialSlide: 0,
- speed: 300,
- autoplay: !1,
- autoplayDisableOnInteraction: !0,
- autoplayStopOnLast: !1,
- iOSEdgeSwipeDetection: !1,
- iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold: 20,
- freeMode: !1,
- freeModeMomentum: !0,
- freeModeMomentumRatio: 1,
- freeModeMomentumBounce: !0,
- freeModeMomentumBounceRatio: 1,
- freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio: 1,
- freeModeSticky: !1,
- freeModeMinimumVelocity: 0.02,
- autoHeight: !1,
- setWrapperSize: !1,
- virtualTranslate: !1,
- effect: "slide",
- coverflow: {
- rotate: 50,
- stretch: 0,
- depth: 100,
- modifier: 1,
- slideShadows: !0,
- },
- flip: { slideShadows: !0, limitRotation: !0 },
- cube: {
- slideShadows: !0,
- shadow: !0,
- shadowOffset: 20,
- shadowScale: 0.94,
- },
- fade: { crossFade: !1 },
- parallax: !1,
- zoom: !1,
- zoomMax: 3,
- zoomMin: 1,
- zoomToggle: !0,
- scrollbar: null,
- scrollbarHide: !0,
- scrollbarDraggable: !1,
- scrollbarSnapOnRelease: !1,
- keyboardControl: !1,
- mousewheelControl: !1,
- mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: !1,
- mousewheelInvert: !1,
- mousewheelForceToAxis: !1,
- mousewheelSensitivity: 1,
- mousewheelEventsTarged: "container",
- hashnav: !1,
- hashnavWatchState: !1,
- history: !1,
- replaceState: !1,
- breakpoints: void 0,
- spaceBetween: 0,
- slidesPerView: 1,
- slidesPerColumn: 1,
- slidesPerColumnFill: "column",
- slidesPerGroup: 1,
- centeredSlides: !1,
- slidesOffsetBefore: 0,
- slidesOffsetAfter: 0,
- roundLengths: !1,
- touchRatio: 1,
- touchAngle: 45,
- simulateTouch: !0,
- shortSwipes: !0,
- longSwipes: !0,
- longSwipesRatio: 0.5,
- longSwipesMs: 300,
- followFinger: !0,
- onlyExternal: !1,
- threshold: 0,
- touchMoveStopPropagation: !0,
- touchReleaseOnEdges: !1,
- uniqueNavElements: !0,
- pagination: null,
- paginationElement: "span",
- paginationClickable: !1,
- paginationHide: !1,
- paginationBulletRender: null,
- paginationProgressRender: null,
- paginationFractionRender: null,
- paginationCustomRender: null,
- paginationType: "bullets",
- resistance: !0,
- resistanceRatio: 0.85,
- nextButton: null,
- prevButton: null,
- watchSlidesProgress: !1,
- watchSlidesVisibility: !1,
- grabCursor: !1,
- preventClicks: !0,
- preventClicksPropagation: !0,
- slideToClickedSlide: !1,
- lazyLoading: !1,
- lazyLoadingInPrevNext: !1,
- lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount: 1,
- lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart: !1,
- preloadImages: !0,
- updateOnImagesReady: !0,
- loop: !1,
- loopAdditionalSlides: 0,
- loopedSlides: null,
- control: void 0,
- controlInverse: !1,
- controlBy: "slide",
- normalizeSlideIndex: !0,
- allowSwipeToPrev: !0,
- allowSwipeToNext: !0,
- swipeHandler: null,
- noSwiping: !0,
- noSwipingClass: "swiper-no-swiping",
- passiveListeners: !0,
- containerModifierClass: "swiper-container-",
- slideClass: "swiper-slide",
- slideActiveClass: "swiper-slide-active",
- slideDuplicateActiveClass: "swiper-slide-duplicate-active",
- slideVisibleClass: "swiper-slide-visible",
- slideDuplicateClass: "swiper-slide-duplicate",
- slideNextClass: "swiper-slide-next",
- slideDuplicateNextClass: "swiper-slide-duplicate-next",
- slidePrevClass: "swiper-slide-prev",
- slideDuplicatePrevClass: "swiper-slide-duplicate-prev",
- wrapperClass: "swiper-wrapper",
- bulletClass: "swiper-pagination-bullet",
- bulletActiveClass: "swiper-pagination-bullet-active",
- buttonDisabledClass: "swiper-button-disabled",
- paginationCurrentClass: "swiper-pagination-current",
- paginationTotalClass: "swiper-pagination-total",
- paginationHiddenClass: "swiper-pagination-hidden",
- paginationProgressbarClass: "swiper-pagination-progressbar",
- paginationClickableClass: "swiper-pagination-clickable",
- paginationModifierClass: "swiper-pagination-",
- lazyLoadingClass: "swiper-lazy",
- lazyStatusLoadingClass: "swiper-lazy-loading",
- lazyStatusLoadedClass: "swiper-lazy-loaded",
- lazyPreloaderClass: "swiper-lazy-preloader",
- notificationClass: "swiper-notification",
- preloaderClass: "preloader",
- zoomContainerClass: "swiper-zoom-container",
- observer: !1,
- observeParents: !1,
- a11y: !1,
- prevSlideMessage: "Previous slide",
- nextSlideMessage: "Next slide",
- firstSlideMessage: "This is the first slide",
- lastSlideMessage: "This is the last slide",
- paginationBulletMessage: "Go to slide {{index}}",
- runCallbacksOnInit: !0,
- },
- g = s && s.virtualTranslate;
- s = s || {};
- var h = {};
- for (var v in s)
- if (
- "object" != typeof s[v] ||
- null === s[v] ||
- s[v].nodeType ||
- s[v] === window ||
- s[v] === document ||
- ("undefined" != typeof Dom7 && s[v] instanceof Dom7) ||
- ("undefined" != typeof jQuery && s[v] instanceof jQuery)
- )
- h[v] = s[v];
- else {
- h[v] = {};
- for (var f in s[v]) h[v][f] = s[v][f];
- }
- for (var w in c)
- if (void 0 === s[w]) s[w] = c[w];
- else if ("object" == typeof s[w])
- for (var y in c[w]) void 0 === s[w][y] && (s[w][y] = c[w][y]);
- var x = this;
- if (
- ((x.params = s),
- (x.originalParams = h),
- (x.classNames = []),
- void 0 !== e && "undefined" != typeof Dom7 && (e = Dom7),
- (void 0 !== e ||
- (e =
- "undefined" == typeof Dom7
- ? window.Dom7 || window.Zepto || window.jQuery
- : Dom7)) &&
- ((x.$ = e),
- (x.currentBreakpoint = void 0),
- (x.getActiveBreakpoint = function () {
- if (!x.params.breakpoints) return !1;
- var e,
- a = !1,
- t = [];
- for (e in x.params.breakpoints)
- x.params.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.push(e);
- t.sort(function (e, a) {
- return parseInt(e, 10) > parseInt(a, 10);
- });
- for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
- (e = t[s]) >= window.innerWidth && !a && (a = e);
- return a || "max";
- }),
- (x.setBreakpoint = function () {
- var e = x.getActiveBreakpoint();
- if (e && x.currentBreakpoint !== e) {
- var a =
- e in x.params.breakpoints
- ? x.params.breakpoints[e]
- : x.originalParams,
- t = x.params.loop && a.slidesPerView !== x.params.slidesPerView;
- for (var s in a) x.params[s] = a[s];
- (x.currentBreakpoint = e), t && x.destroyLoop && x.reLoop(!0);
- }
- }),
- x.params.breakpoints && x.setBreakpoint(),
- (x.container = e(t)),
- 0 !== x.container.length))
- ) {
- if (x.container.length > 1) {
- var T = [];
- return (
- x.container.each(function () {
- T.push(new a(this, s));
- }),
- T
- );
- }
- (x.container[0].swiper = x),
- x.container.data("swiper", x),
- x.classNames.push(
- x.params.containerModifierClass + x.params.direction
- ),
- x.params.freeMode &&
- x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "free-mode"),
- x.support.flexbox ||
- (x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "no-flexbox"),
- (x.params.slidesPerColumn = 1)),
- x.params.autoHeight &&
- x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "autoheight"),
- (x.params.parallax || x.params.watchSlidesVisibility) &&
- (x.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0),
- x.params.touchReleaseOnEdges && (x.params.resistanceRatio = 0),
- ["cube", "coverflow", "flip"].indexOf(x.params.effect) >= 0 &&
- (x.support.transforms3d
- ? ((x.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0),
- x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "3d"))
- : (x.params.effect = "slide")),
- "slide" !== x.params.effect &&
- x.classNames.push(
- x.params.containerModifierClass + x.params.effect
- ),
- "cube" === x.params.effect &&
- ((x.params.resistanceRatio = 0),
- (x.params.slidesPerView = 1),
- (x.params.slidesPerColumn = 1),
- (x.params.slidesPerGroup = 1),
- (x.params.centeredSlides = !1),
- (x.params.spaceBetween = 0),
- (x.params.virtualTranslate = !0)),
- ("fade" !== x.params.effect && "flip" !== x.params.effect) ||
- ((x.params.slidesPerView = 1),
- (x.params.slidesPerColumn = 1),
- (x.params.slidesPerGroup = 1),
- (x.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0),
- (x.params.spaceBetween = 0),
- void 0 === g && (x.params.virtualTranslate = !0)),
- x.params.grabCursor && x.support.touch && (x.params.grabCursor = !1),
- (x.wrapper = x.container.children("." + x.params.wrapperClass)),
- x.params.pagination &&
- ((x.paginationContainer = e(x.params.pagination)),
- x.params.uniqueNavElements &&
- "string" == typeof x.params.pagination &&
- x.paginationContainer.length > 1 &&
- 1 === x.container.find(x.params.pagination).length &&
- (x.paginationContainer = x.container.find(x.params.pagination)),
- "bullets" === x.params.paginationType &&
- x.params.paginationClickable
- ? x.paginationContainer.addClass(
- x.params.paginationModifierClass + "clickable"
- )
- : (x.params.paginationClickable = !1),
- x.paginationContainer.addClass(
- x.params.paginationModifierClass + x.params.paginationType
- )),
- (x.params.nextButton || x.params.prevButton) &&
- (x.params.nextButton &&
- ((x.nextButton = e(x.params.nextButton)),
- x.params.uniqueNavElements &&
- "string" == typeof x.params.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton.length > 1 &&
- 1 === x.container.find(x.params.nextButton).length &&
- (x.nextButton = x.container.find(x.params.nextButton))),
- x.params.prevButton &&
- ((x.prevButton = e(x.params.prevButton)),
- x.params.uniqueNavElements &&
- "string" == typeof x.params.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton.length > 1 &&
- 1 === x.container.find(x.params.prevButton).length &&
- (x.prevButton = x.container.find(x.params.prevButton)))),
- (x.isHorizontal = function () {
- return "horizontal" === x.params.direction;
- }),
- (x.rtl =
- x.isHorizontal() &&
- ("rtl" === x.container[0].dir.toLowerCase() ||
- "rtl" === x.container.css("direction"))),
- x.rtl && x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "rtl"),
- x.rtl && (x.wrongRTL = "-webkit-box" === x.wrapper.css("display")),
- x.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 &&
- x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "multirow"),
- x.device.android &&
- x.classNames.push(x.params.containerModifierClass + "android"),
- x.container.addClass(x.classNames.join(" ")),
- (x.translate = 0),
- (x.progress = 0),
- (x.velocity = 0),
- (x.lockSwipeToNext = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext = !1),
- x.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !1 &&
- x.params.grabCursor &&
- x.unsetGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.lockSwipeToPrev = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !1),
- x.params.allowSwipeToNext === !1 &&
- x.params.grabCursor &&
- x.unsetGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.lockSwipes = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext = x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !1),
- x.params.grabCursor && x.unsetGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.unlockSwipeToNext = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext = !0),
- x.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !0 &&
- x.params.grabCursor &&
- x.setGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.unlockSwipeToPrev = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !0),
- x.params.allowSwipeToNext === !0 &&
- x.params.grabCursor &&
- x.setGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.unlockSwipes = function () {
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext = x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !0),
- x.params.grabCursor && x.setGrabCursor();
- }),
- (x.setGrabCursor = function (e) {
- (x.container[0].style.cursor = "move"),
- (x.container[0].style.cursor = e
- ? "-webkit-grabbing"
- : "-webkit-grab"),
- (x.container[0].style.cursor = e ? "-moz-grabbin" : "-moz-grab"),
- (x.container[0].style.cursor = e ? "grabbing" : "grab");
- }),
- (x.unsetGrabCursor = function () {
- x.container[0].style.cursor = "";
- }),
- x.params.grabCursor && x.setGrabCursor(),
- (x.imagesToLoad = []),
- (x.imagesLoaded = 0),
- (x.loadImage = function (e, a, t, s, r, i) {
- function n() {
- i && i();
- }
- var o;
- e.complete && r
- ? n()
- : a
- ? ((o = new window.Image()),
- (o.onload = n),
- (o.onerror = n),
- s && (o.sizes = s),
- t && (o.srcset = t),
- a && (o.src = a))
- : n();
- }),
- (x.preloadImages = function () {
- function e() {
- void 0 !== x &&
- null !== x &&
- x &&
- (void 0 !== x.imagesLoaded && x.imagesLoaded++,
- x.imagesLoaded === x.imagesToLoad.length &&
- (x.params.updateOnImagesReady && x.update(),
- x.emit("onImagesReady", x)));
- }
- x.imagesToLoad = x.container.find("img");
- for (var a = 0; a < x.imagesToLoad.length; a++)
- x.loadImage(
- x.imagesToLoad[a],
- x.imagesToLoad[a].currentSrc ||
- x.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("src"),
- x.imagesToLoad[a].srcset ||
- x.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("srcset"),
- x.imagesToLoad[a].sizes ||
- x.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("sizes"),
- !0,
- e
- );
- }),
- (x.autoplayTimeoutId = void 0),
- (x.autoplaying = !1),
- (x.autoplayPaused = !1),
- (x.startAutoplay = function () {
- return (
- void 0 === x.autoplayTimeoutId &&
- !!x.params.autoplay &&
- !x.autoplaying &&
- ((x.autoplaying = !0), x.emit("onAutoplayStart", x), void i())
- );
- }),
- (x.stopAutoplay = function (e) {
- x.autoplayTimeoutId &&
- (x.autoplayTimeoutId && clearTimeout(x.autoplayTimeoutId),
- (x.autoplaying = !1),
- (x.autoplayTimeoutId = void 0),
- x.emit("onAutoplayStop", x));
- }),
- (x.pauseAutoplay = function (e) {
- x.autoplayPaused ||
- (x.autoplayTimeoutId && clearTimeout(x.autoplayTimeoutId),
- (x.autoplayPaused = !0),
- 0 === e
- ? ((x.autoplayPaused = !1), i())
- : x.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- x &&
- ((x.autoplayPaused = !1),
- x.autoplaying ? i() : x.stopAutoplay());
- }));
- }),
- (x.minTranslate = function () {
- return -x.snapGrid[0];
- }),
- (x.maxTranslate = function () {
- return -x.snapGrid[x.snapGrid.length - 1];
- }),
- (x.updateAutoHeight = function () {
- var e,
- a = [],
- t = 0;
- if ("auto" !== x.params.slidesPerView && x.params.slidesPerView > 1)
- for (e = 0; e < Math.ceil(x.params.slidesPerView); e++) {
- var s = x.activeIndex + e;
- if (s > x.slides.length) break;
- a.push(x.slides.eq(s)[0]);
- }
- else a.push(x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex)[0]);
- for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
- if (void 0 !== a[e]) {
- var r = a[e].offsetHeight;
- t = r > t ? r : t;
- }
- t && x.wrapper.css("height", t + "px");
- }),
- (x.updateContainerSize = function () {
- var e, a;
- (e =
- void 0 !== x.params.width
- ? x.params.width
- : x.container[0].clientWidth),
- (a =
- void 0 !== x.params.height
- ? x.params.height
- : x.container[0].clientHeight),
- (0 === e && x.isHorizontal()) ||
- (0 === a && !x.isHorizontal()) ||
- ((e =
- e -
- parseInt(x.container.css("padding-left"), 10) -
- parseInt(x.container.css("padding-right"), 10)),
- (a =
- a -
- parseInt(x.container.css("padding-top"), 10) -
- parseInt(x.container.css("padding-bottom"), 10)),
- (x.width = e),
- (x.height = a),
- (x.size = x.isHorizontal() ? x.width : x.height));
- }),
- (x.updateSlidesSize = function () {
- (x.slides = x.wrapper.children("." + x.params.slideClass)),
- (x.snapGrid = []),
- (x.slidesGrid = []),
- (x.slidesSizesGrid = []);
- var e,
- a = x.params.spaceBetween,
- t = -x.params.slidesOffsetBefore,
- s = 0,
- i = 0;
- if (void 0 !== x.size) {
- "string" == typeof a &&
- a.indexOf("%") >= 0 &&
- (a = (parseFloat(a.replace("%", "")) / 100) * x.size),
- (x.virtualSize = -a),
- x.rtl
- ? x.slides.css({ marginLeft: "", marginTop: "" })
- : x.slides.css({ marginRight: "", marginBottom: "" });
- var n;
- x.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 &&
- ((n =
- Math.floor(x.slides.length / x.params.slidesPerColumn) ===
- x.slides.length / x.params.slidesPerColumn
- ? x.slides.length
- : Math.ceil(x.slides.length / x.params.slidesPerColumn) *
- x.params.slidesPerColumn),
- "auto" !== x.params.slidesPerView &&
- "row" === x.params.slidesPerColumnFill &&
- (n = Math.max(
- n,
- x.params.slidesPerView * x.params.slidesPerColumn
- )));
- var o,
- l = x.params.slidesPerColumn,
- p = n / l,
- d = p - (x.params.slidesPerColumn * p - x.slides.length);
- for (e = 0; e < x.slides.length; e++) {
- o = 0;
- var m = x.slides.eq(e);
- if (x.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) {
- var u, c, g;
- "column" === x.params.slidesPerColumnFill
- ? ((c = Math.floor(e / l)),
- (g = e - c * l),
- (c > d || (c === d && g === l - 1)) &&
- ++g >= l &&
- ((g = 0), c++),
- (u = c + (g * n) / l),
- m.css({
- "-webkit-box-ordinal-group": u,
- "-moz-box-ordinal-group": u,
- "-ms-flex-order": u,
- "-webkit-order": u,
- order: u,
- }))
- : ((g = Math.floor(e / p)), (c = e - g * p)),
- m
- .css(
- "margin-" + (x.isHorizontal() ? "top" : "left"),
- 0 !== g &&
- x.params.spaceBetween &&
- x.params.spaceBetween + "px"
- )
- .attr("data-swiper-column", c)
- .attr("data-swiper-row", g);
- }
- "none" !== m.css("display") &&
- ("auto" === x.params.slidesPerView
- ? ((o = x.isHorizontal()
- ? m.outerWidth(!0)
- : m.outerHeight(!0)),
- x.params.roundLengths && (o = r(o)))
- : ((o =
- (x.size - (x.params.slidesPerView - 1) * a) /
- x.params.slidesPerView),
- x.params.roundLengths && (o = r(o)),
- x.isHorizontal()
- ? (x.slides[e].style.width = o + "px")
- : (x.slides[e].style.height = o + "px")),
- (x.slides[e].swiperSlideSize = o),
- x.slidesSizesGrid.push(o),
- x.params.centeredSlides
- ? ((t = t + o / 2 + s / 2 + a),
- 0 === s && 0 !== e && (t = t - x.size / 2 - a),
- 0 === e && (t = t - x.size / 2 - a),
- Math.abs(t) < 0.001 && (t = 0),
- i % x.params.slidesPerGroup == 0 && x.snapGrid.push(t),
- x.slidesGrid.push(t))
- : (i % x.params.slidesPerGroup == 0 && x.snapGrid.push(t),
- x.slidesGrid.push(t),
- (t = t + o + a)),
- (x.virtualSize += o + a),
- (s = o),
- i++);
- }
- x.virtualSize =
- Math.max(x.virtualSize, x.size) + x.params.slidesOffsetAfter;
- var h;
- if (
- (x.rtl &&
- x.wrongRTL &&
- ("slide" === x.params.effect ||
- "coverflow" === x.params.effect) &&
- x.wrapper.css({
- width: x.virtualSize + x.params.spaceBetween + "px",
- }),
- (x.support.flexbox && !x.params.setWrapperSize) ||
- (x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.wrapper.css({
- width: x.virtualSize + x.params.spaceBetween + "px",
- })
- : x.wrapper.css({
- height: x.virtualSize + x.params.spaceBetween + "px",
- })),
- x.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 &&
- ((x.virtualSize = (o + x.params.spaceBetween) * n),
- (x.virtualSize =
- Math.ceil(x.virtualSize / x.params.slidesPerColumn) -
- x.params.spaceBetween),
- x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.wrapper.css({
- width: x.virtualSize + x.params.spaceBetween + "px",
- })
- : x.wrapper.css({
- height: x.virtualSize + x.params.spaceBetween + "px",
- }),
- x.params.centeredSlides))
- ) {
- for (h = [], e = 0; e < x.snapGrid.length; e++)
- x.snapGrid[e] < x.virtualSize + x.snapGrid[0] &&
- h.push(x.snapGrid[e]);
- x.snapGrid = h;
- }
- if (!x.params.centeredSlides) {
- for (h = [], e = 0; e < x.snapGrid.length; e++)
- x.snapGrid[e] <= x.virtualSize - x.size &&
- h.push(x.snapGrid[e]);
- (x.snapGrid = h),
- Math.floor(x.virtualSize - x.size) -
- Math.floor(x.snapGrid[x.snapGrid.length - 1]) >
- 1 && x.snapGrid.push(x.virtualSize - x.size);
- }
- 0 === x.snapGrid.length && (x.snapGrid = [0]),
- 0 !== x.params.spaceBetween &&
- (x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.rtl
- ? x.slides.css({ marginLeft: a + "px" })
- : x.slides.css({ marginRight: a + "px" })
- : x.slides.css({ marginBottom: a + "px" })),
- x.params.watchSlidesProgress && x.updateSlidesOffset();
- }
- }),
- (x.updateSlidesOffset = function () {
- for (var e = 0; e < x.slides.length; e++)
- x.slides[e].swiperSlideOffset = x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.slides[e].offsetLeft
- : x.slides[e].offsetTop;
- }),
- (x.currentSlidesPerView = function () {
- var e,
- a,
- t = 1;
- if (x.params.centeredSlides) {
- var s,
- r = x.slides[x.activeIndex].swiperSlideSize;
- for (e = x.activeIndex + 1; e < x.slides.length; e++)
- x.slides[e] &&
- !s &&
- ((r += x.slides[e].swiperSlideSize),
- t++,
- r > x.size && (s = !0));
- for (a = x.activeIndex - 1; a >= 0; a--)
- x.slides[a] &&
- !s &&
- ((r += x.slides[a].swiperSlideSize),
- t++,
- r > x.size && (s = !0));
- } else
- for (e = x.activeIndex + 1; e < x.slides.length; e++)
- x.slidesGrid[e] - x.slidesGrid[x.activeIndex] < x.size && t++;
- return t;
- }),
- (x.updateSlidesProgress = function (e) {
- if (
- (void 0 === e && (e = x.translate || 0), 0 !== x.slides.length)
- ) {
- void 0 === x.slides[0].swiperSlideOffset &&
- x.updateSlidesOffset();
- var a = -e;
- x.rtl && (a = e),
- x.slides.removeClass(x.params.slideVisibleClass);
- for (var t = 0; t < x.slides.length; t++) {
- var s = x.slides[t],
- r =
- (a +
- (x.params.centeredSlides ? x.minTranslate() : 0) -
- s.swiperSlideOffset) /
- (s.swiperSlideSize + x.params.spaceBetween);
- if (x.params.watchSlidesVisibility) {
- var i = -(a - s.swiperSlideOffset),
- n = i + x.slidesSizesGrid[t];
- ((i >= 0 && i < x.size) ||
- (n > 0 && n <= x.size) ||
- (i <= 0 && n >= x.size)) &&
- x.slides.eq(t).addClass(x.params.slideVisibleClass);
- }
- s.progress = x.rtl ? -r : r;
- }
- }
- }),
- (x.updateProgress = function (e) {
- void 0 === e && (e = x.translate || 0);
- var a = x.maxTranslate() - x.minTranslate(),
- t = x.isBeginning,
- s = x.isEnd;
- 0 === a
- ? ((x.progress = 0), (x.isBeginning = x.isEnd = !0))
- : ((x.progress = (e - x.minTranslate()) / a),
- (x.isBeginning = x.progress <= 0),
- (x.isEnd = x.progress >= 1)),
- x.isBeginning && !t && x.emit("onReachBeginning", x),
- x.isEnd && !s && x.emit("onReachEnd", x),
- x.params.watchSlidesProgress && x.updateSlidesProgress(e),
- x.emit("onProgress", x, x.progress);
- }),
- (x.updateActiveIndex = function () {
- var e,
- a,
- t,
- s = x.rtl ? x.translate : -x.translate;
- for (a = 0; a < x.slidesGrid.length; a++)
- void 0 !== x.slidesGrid[a + 1]
- ? s >= x.slidesGrid[a] &&
- s <
- x.slidesGrid[a + 1] -
- (x.slidesGrid[a + 1] - x.slidesGrid[a]) / 2
- ? (e = a)
- : s >= x.slidesGrid[a] &&
- s < x.slidesGrid[a + 1] &&
- (e = a + 1)
- : s >= x.slidesGrid[a] && (e = a);
- x.params.normalizeSlideIndex && (e < 0 || void 0 === e) && (e = 0),
- (t = Math.floor(e / x.params.slidesPerGroup)),
- t >= x.snapGrid.length && (t = x.snapGrid.length - 1),
- e !== x.activeIndex &&
- ((x.snapIndex = t),
- (x.previousIndex = x.activeIndex),
- (x.activeIndex = e),
- x.updateClasses(),
- x.updateRealIndex());
- }),
- (x.updateRealIndex = function () {
- x.realIndex = parseInt(
- x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex).attr("data-swiper-slide-index") ||
- x.activeIndex,
- 10
- );
- }),
- (x.updateClasses = function () {
- x.slides.removeClass(
- x.params.slideActiveClass +
- " " +
- x.params.slideNextClass +
- " " +
- x.params.slidePrevClass +
- " " +
- x.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass +
- " " +
- x.params.slideDuplicateNextClass +
- " " +
- x.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass
- );
- var a = x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex);
- a.addClass(x.params.slideActiveClass),
- s.loop &&
- (a.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)
- ? x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- ":not(." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- x.realIndex +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass)
- : x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- "." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- x.realIndex +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass));
- var t = a
- .next("." + x.params.slideClass)
- .addClass(x.params.slideNextClass);
- x.params.loop &&
- 0 === t.length &&
- ((t = x.slides.eq(0)), t.addClass(x.params.slideNextClass));
- var r = a
- .prev("." + x.params.slideClass)
- .addClass(x.params.slidePrevClass);
- if (
- (x.params.loop &&
- 0 === r.length &&
- ((r = x.slides.eq(-1)), r.addClass(x.params.slidePrevClass)),
- s.loop &&
- (t.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)
- ? x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- ":not(." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateNextClass)
- : x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- "." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateNextClass),
- r.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)
- ? x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- ":not(." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- r.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass)
- : x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- "." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- r.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") +
- '"]'
- )
- .addClass(x.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass)),
- x.paginationContainer && x.paginationContainer.length > 0)
- ) {
- var i,
- n = x.params.loop
- ? Math.ceil(
- (x.slides.length - 2 * x.loopedSlides) /
- x.params.slidesPerGroup
- )
- : x.snapGrid.length;
- if (
- (x.params.loop
- ? ((i = Math.ceil(
- (x.activeIndex - x.loopedSlides) / x.params.slidesPerGroup
- )),
- i > x.slides.length - 1 - 2 * x.loopedSlides &&
- (i -= x.slides.length - 2 * x.loopedSlides),
- i > n - 1 && (i -= n),
- i < 0 &&
- "bullets" !== x.params.paginationType &&
- (i = n + i))
- : (i =
- void 0 !== x.snapIndex
- ? x.snapIndex
- : x.activeIndex || 0),
- "bullets" === x.params.paginationType &&
- x.bullets &&
- x.bullets.length > 0 &&
- (x.bullets.removeClass(x.params.bulletActiveClass),
- x.paginationContainer.length > 1
- ? x.bullets.each(function () {
- e(this).index() === i &&
- e(this).addClass(x.params.bulletActiveClass);
- })
- : x.bullets.eq(i).addClass(x.params.bulletActiveClass)),
- "fraction" === x.params.paginationType &&
- (x.paginationContainer
- .find("." + x.params.paginationCurrentClass)
- .text(i + 1),
- x.paginationContainer
- .find("." + x.params.paginationTotalClass)
- .text(n)),
- "progress" === x.params.paginationType)
- ) {
- var o = (i + 1) / n,
- l = o,
- p = 1;
- x.isHorizontal() || ((p = o), (l = 1)),
- x.paginationContainer
- .find("." + x.params.paginationProgressbarClass)
- .transform(
- "translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(" + l + ") scaleY(" + p + ")"
- )
- .transition(x.params.speed);
- }
- "custom" === x.params.paginationType &&
- x.params.paginationCustomRender &&
- (x.paginationContainer.html(
- x.params.paginationCustomRender(x, i + 1, n)
- ),
- x.emit("onPaginationRendered", x, x.paginationContainer[0]));
- }
- x.params.loop ||
- (x.params.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.isBeginning
- ? (x.prevButton.addClass(x.params.buttonDisabledClass),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.disable(x.prevButton))
- : (x.prevButton.removeClass(x.params.buttonDisabledClass),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.enable(x.prevButton))),
- x.params.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.isEnd
- ? (x.nextButton.addClass(x.params.buttonDisabledClass),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.disable(x.nextButton))
- : (x.nextButton.removeClass(x.params.buttonDisabledClass),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.enable(x.nextButton))));
- }),
- (x.updatePagination = function () {
- if (
- x.params.pagination &&
- x.paginationContainer &&
- x.paginationContainer.length > 0
- ) {
- var e = "";
- if ("bullets" === x.params.paginationType) {
- for (
- var a = x.params.loop
- ? Math.ceil(
- (x.slides.length - 2 * x.loopedSlides) /
- x.params.slidesPerGroup
- )
- : x.snapGrid.length,
- t = 0;
- t < a;
- t++
- )
- e += x.params.paginationBulletRender
- ? x.params.paginationBulletRender(
- x,
- t,
- x.params.bulletClass
- )
- : "<" +
- x.params.paginationElement +
- ' class="' +
- x.params.bulletClass +
- '">' +
- x.params.paginationElement +
- ">";
- x.paginationContainer.html(e),
- (x.bullets = x.paginationContainer.find(
- "." + x.params.bulletClass
- )),
- x.params.paginationClickable &&
- x.params.a11y &&
- x.a11y &&
- x.a11y.initPagination();
- }
- "fraction" === x.params.paginationType &&
- ((e = x.params.paginationFractionRender
- ? x.params.paginationFractionRender(
- x,
- x.params.paginationCurrentClass,
- x.params.paginationTotalClass
- )
- : ' / '),
- x.paginationContainer.html(e)),
- "progress" === x.params.paginationType &&
- ((e = x.params.paginationProgressRender
- ? x.params.paginationProgressRender(
- x,
- x.params.paginationProgressbarClass
- )
- : ''),
- x.paginationContainer.html(e)),
- "custom" !== x.params.paginationType &&
- x.emit("onPaginationRendered", x, x.paginationContainer[0]);
- }
- }),
- (x.update = function (e) {
- function a() {
- x.rtl, x.translate;
- (t = Math.min(
- Math.max(x.translate, x.maxTranslate()),
- x.minTranslate()
- )),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(t),
- x.updateActiveIndex(),
- x.updateClasses();
- }
- if (x) {
- x.updateContainerSize(),
- x.updateSlidesSize(),
- x.updateProgress(),
- x.updatePagination(),
- x.updateClasses(),
- x.params.scrollbar && x.scrollbar && x.scrollbar.set();
- var t;
- if (e) {
- x.controller &&
- x.controller.spline &&
- (x.controller.spline = void 0),
- x.params.freeMode
- ? (a(), x.params.autoHeight && x.updateAutoHeight())
- : (("auto" === x.params.slidesPerView ||
- x.params.slidesPerView > 1) &&
- x.isEnd &&
- !x.params.centeredSlides
- ? x.slideTo(x.slides.length - 1, 0, !1, !0)
- : x.slideTo(x.activeIndex, 0, !1, !0)) || a();
- } else x.params.autoHeight && x.updateAutoHeight();
- }
- }),
- (x.onResize = function (e) {
- x.params.onBeforeResize && x.params.onBeforeResize(x),
- x.params.breakpoints && x.setBreakpoint();
- var a = x.params.allowSwipeToPrev,
- t = x.params.allowSwipeToNext;
- (x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = x.params.allowSwipeToNext = !0),
- x.updateContainerSize(),
- x.updateSlidesSize(),
- ("auto" === x.params.slidesPerView || x.params.freeMode || e) &&
- x.updatePagination(),
- x.params.scrollbar && x.scrollbar && x.scrollbar.set(),
- x.controller &&
- x.controller.spline &&
- (x.controller.spline = void 0);
- var s = !1;
- if (x.params.freeMode) {
- var r = Math.min(
- Math.max(x.translate, x.maxTranslate()),
- x.minTranslate()
- );
- x.setWrapperTranslate(r),
- x.updateActiveIndex(),
- x.updateClasses(),
- x.params.autoHeight && x.updateAutoHeight();
- } else
- x.updateClasses(),
- (s =
- ("auto" === x.params.slidesPerView ||
- x.params.slidesPerView > 1) &&
- x.isEnd &&
- !x.params.centeredSlides
- ? x.slideTo(x.slides.length - 1, 0, !1, !0)
- : x.slideTo(x.activeIndex, 0, !1, !0));
- x.params.lazyLoading && !s && x.lazy && x.lazy.load(),
- (x.params.allowSwipeToPrev = a),
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext = t),
- x.params.onAfterResize && x.params.onAfterResize(x);
- }),
- (x.touchEventsDesktop = {
- start: "mousedown",
- move: "mousemove",
- end: "mouseup",
- }),
- window.navigator.pointerEnabled
- ? (x.touchEventsDesktop = {
- start: "pointerdown",
- move: "pointermove",
- end: "pointerup",
- })
- : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled &&
- (x.touchEventsDesktop = {
- start: "MSPointerDown",
- move: "MSPointerMove",
- end: "MSPointerUp",
- }),
- (x.touchEvents = {
- start:
- x.support.touch || !x.params.simulateTouch
- ? "touchstart"
- : x.touchEventsDesktop.start,
- move:
- x.support.touch || !x.params.simulateTouch
- ? "touchmove"
- : x.touchEventsDesktop.move,
- end:
- x.support.touch || !x.params.simulateTouch
- ? "touchend"
- : x.touchEventsDesktop.end,
- }),
- (window.navigator.pointerEnabled ||
- window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) &&
- ("container" === x.params.touchEventsTarget
- ? x.container
- : x.wrapper
- ).addClass("swiper-wp8-" + x.params.direction),
- (x.initEvents = function (e) {
- var a = e ? "off" : "on",
- t = e ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener",
- r =
- "container" === x.params.touchEventsTarget
- ? x.container[0]
- : x.wrapper[0],
- i = x.support.touch ? r : document,
- n = !!x.params.nested;
- if (x.browser.ie)
- r[t](x.touchEvents.start, x.onTouchStart, !1),
- i[t](x.touchEvents.move, x.onTouchMove, n),
- i[t](x.touchEvents.end, x.onTouchEnd, !1);
- else {
- if (x.support.touch) {
- var o = !(
- "touchstart" !== x.touchEvents.start ||
- !x.support.passiveListener ||
- !x.params.passiveListeners
- ) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 };
- r[t](x.touchEvents.start, x.onTouchStart, o),
- r[t](x.touchEvents.move, x.onTouchMove, n),
- r[t](x.touchEvents.end, x.onTouchEnd, o);
- }
- ((s.simulateTouch && !x.device.ios && !x.device.android) ||
- (s.simulateTouch && !x.support.touch && x.device.ios)) &&
- (r[t]("mousedown", x.onTouchStart, !1),
- document[t]("mousemove", x.onTouchMove, n),
- document[t]("mouseup", x.onTouchEnd, !1));
- }
- window[t]("resize", x.onResize),
- x.params.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.nextButton[a]("click", x.onClickNext),
- x.params.a11y &&
- x.a11y &&
- x.nextButton[a]("keydown", x.a11y.onEnterKey)),
- x.params.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.prevButton[a]("click", x.onClickPrev),
- x.params.a11y &&
- x.a11y &&
- x.prevButton[a]("keydown", x.a11y.onEnterKey)),
- x.params.pagination &&
- x.params.paginationClickable &&
- (x.paginationContainer[a](
- "click",
- "." + x.params.bulletClass,
- x.onClickIndex
- ),
- x.params.a11y &&
- x.a11y &&
- x.paginationContainer[a](
- "keydown",
- "." + x.params.bulletClass,
- x.a11y.onEnterKey
- )),
- (x.params.preventClicks || x.params.preventClicksPropagation) &&
- r[t]("click", x.preventClicks, !0);
- }),
- (x.attachEvents = function () {
- x.initEvents();
- }),
- (x.detachEvents = function () {
- x.initEvents(!0);
- }),
- (x.allowClick = !0),
- (x.preventClicks = function (e) {
- x.allowClick ||
- (x.params.preventClicks && e.preventDefault(),
- x.params.preventClicksPropagation &&
- x.animating &&
- (e.stopPropagation(), e.stopImmediatePropagation()));
- }),
- (x.onClickNext = function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(), (x.isEnd && !x.params.loop) || x.slideNext();
- }),
- (x.onClickPrev = function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(),
- (x.isBeginning && !x.params.loop) || x.slidePrev();
- }),
- (x.onClickIndex = function (a) {
- a.preventDefault();
- var t = e(this).index() * x.params.slidesPerGroup;
- x.params.loop && (t += x.loopedSlides), x.slideTo(t);
- }),
- (x.updateClickedSlide = function (a) {
- var t = n(a, "." + x.params.slideClass),
- s = !1;
- if (t)
- for (var r = 0; r < x.slides.length; r++)
- x.slides[r] === t && (s = !0);
- if (!t || !s)
- return (x.clickedSlide = void 0), void (x.clickedIndex = void 0);
- if (
- ((x.clickedSlide = t),
- (x.clickedIndex = e(t).index()),
- x.params.slideToClickedSlide &&
- void 0 !== x.clickedIndex &&
- x.clickedIndex !== x.activeIndex)
- ) {
- var i,
- o = x.clickedIndex,
- l =
- "auto" === x.params.slidesPerView
- ? x.currentSlidesPerView()
- : x.params.slidesPerView;
- if (x.params.loop) {
- if (x.animating) return;
- (i = parseInt(
- e(x.clickedSlide).attr("data-swiper-slide-index"),
- 10
- )),
- x.params.centeredSlides
- ? o < x.loopedSlides - l / 2 ||
- o > x.slides.length - x.loopedSlides + l / 2
- ? (x.fixLoop(),
- (o = x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- i +
- '"]:not(.' +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ")"
- )
- .eq(0)
- .index()),
- setTimeout(function () {
- x.slideTo(o);
- }, 0))
- : x.slideTo(o)
- : o > x.slides.length - l
- ? (x.fixLoop(),
- (o = x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- i +
- '"]:not(.' +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ")"
- )
- .eq(0)
- .index()),
- setTimeout(function () {
- x.slideTo(o);
- }, 0))
- : x.slideTo(o);
- } else x.slideTo(o);
- }
- });
- var b,
- C,
- S,
- z,
- M,
- P,
- E,
- I,
- k,
- D,
- L = "input, select, textarea, button, video",
- B = Date.now(),
- H = [];
- (x.animating = !1),
- (x.touches = {
- startX: 0,
- startY: 0,
- currentX: 0,
- currentY: 0,
- diff: 0,
- });
- var G, X;
- (x.onTouchStart = function (a) {
- if (
- (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent),
- (G = "touchstart" === a.type) || !("which" in a) || 3 !== a.which)
- ) {
- if (x.params.noSwiping && n(a, "." + x.params.noSwipingClass))
- return void (x.allowClick = !0);
- if (!x.params.swipeHandler || n(a, x.params.swipeHandler)) {
- var t = (x.touches.currentX =
- "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX),
- s = (x.touches.currentY =
- "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY);
- if (
- !(
- x.device.ios &&
- x.params.iOSEdgeSwipeDetection &&
- t <= x.params.iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold
- )
- ) {
- if (
- ((b = !0),
- (C = !1),
- (S = !0),
- (M = void 0),
- (X = void 0),
- (x.touches.startX = t),
- (x.touches.startY = s),
- (z = Date.now()),
- (x.allowClick = !0),
- x.updateContainerSize(),
- (x.swipeDirection = void 0),
- x.params.threshold > 0 && (I = !1),
- "touchstart" !== a.type)
- ) {
- var r = !0;
- e(a.target).is(L) && (r = !1),
- document.activeElement &&
- e(document.activeElement).is(L) &&
- document.activeElement.blur(),
- r && a.preventDefault();
- }
- x.emit("onTouchStart", x, a);
- }
- }
- }
- }),
- (x.onTouchMove = function (a) {
- if (
- (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent),
- !G || "mousemove" !== a.type)
- ) {
- if (a.preventedByNestedSwiper)
- return (
- (x.touches.startX =
- "touchmove" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : a.pageX),
- void (x.touches.startY =
- "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY)
- );
- if (x.params.onlyExternal)
- return (
- (x.allowClick = !1),
- void (
- b &&
- ((x.touches.startX = x.touches.currentX =
- "touchmove" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : a.pageX),
- (x.touches.startY = x.touches.currentY =
- "touchmove" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY
- : a.pageY),
- (z = Date.now()))
- )
- );
- if (G && x.params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !x.params.loop)
- if (x.isHorizontal()) {
- if (
- (x.touches.currentX < x.touches.startX &&
- x.translate <= x.maxTranslate()) ||
- (x.touches.currentX > x.touches.startX &&
- x.translate >= x.minTranslate())
- )
- return;
- } else if (
- (x.touches.currentY < x.touches.startY &&
- x.translate <= x.maxTranslate()) ||
- (x.touches.currentY > x.touches.startY &&
- x.translate >= x.minTranslate())
- )
- return;
- if (
- G &&
- document.activeElement &&
- a.target === document.activeElement &&
- e(a.target).is(L)
- )
- return (C = !0), void (x.allowClick = !1);
- if (
- (S && x.emit("onTouchMove", x, a),
- !(a.targetTouches && a.targetTouches.length > 1))
- ) {
- if (
- ((x.touches.currentX =
- "touchmove" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : a.pageX),
- (x.touches.currentY =
- "touchmove" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY
- : a.pageY),
- void 0 === M)
- ) {
- var t;
- (x.isHorizontal() &&
- x.touches.currentY === x.touches.startY) ||
- (!x.isHorizontal() && x.touches.currentX === x.touches.startX)
- ? (M = !1)
- : ((t =
- (180 *
- Math.atan2(
- Math.abs(x.touches.currentY - x.touches.startY),
- Math.abs(x.touches.currentX - x.touches.startX)
- )) /
- Math.PI),
- (M = x.isHorizontal()
- ? t > x.params.touchAngle
- : 90 - t > x.params.touchAngle));
- }
- if (
- (M && x.emit("onTouchMoveOpposite", x, a),
- void 0 === X &&
- ((x.touches.currentX === x.touches.startX &&
- x.touches.currentY === x.touches.startY) ||
- (X = !0)),
- b)
- ) {
- if (M) return void (b = !1);
- if (X) {
- (x.allowClick = !1),
- x.emit("onSliderMove", x, a),
- a.preventDefault(),
- x.params.touchMoveStopPropagation &&
- !x.params.nested &&
- a.stopPropagation(),
- C ||
- (s.loop && x.fixLoop(),
- (E = x.getWrapperTranslate()),
- x.setWrapperTransition(0),
- x.animating &&
- x.wrapper.trigger(
- "webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd"
- ),
- x.params.autoplay &&
- x.autoplaying &&
- (x.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction
- ? x.stopAutoplay()
- : x.pauseAutoplay()),
- (D = !1),
- !x.params.grabCursor ||
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext !== !0 &&
- x.params.allowSwipeToPrev !== !0) ||
- x.setGrabCursor(!0)),
- (C = !0);
- var r = (x.touches.diff = x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.touches.currentX - x.touches.startX
- : x.touches.currentY - x.touches.startY);
- (r *= x.params.touchRatio),
- x.rtl && (r = -r),
- (x.swipeDirection = r > 0 ? "prev" : "next"),
- (P = r + E);
- var i = !0;
- if (
- (r > 0 && P > x.minTranslate()
- ? ((i = !1),
- x.params.resistance &&
- (P =
- x.minTranslate() -
- 1 +
- Math.pow(
- -x.minTranslate() + E + r,
- x.params.resistanceRatio
- )))
- : r < 0 &&
- P < x.maxTranslate() &&
- ((i = !1),
- x.params.resistance &&
- (P =
- x.maxTranslate() +
- 1 -
- Math.pow(
- x.maxTranslate() - E - r,
- x.params.resistanceRatio
- ))),
- i && (a.preventedByNestedSwiper = !0),
- !x.params.allowSwipeToNext &&
- "next" === x.swipeDirection &&
- P < E &&
- (P = E),
- !x.params.allowSwipeToPrev &&
- "prev" === x.swipeDirection &&
- P > E &&
- (P = E),
- x.params.threshold > 0)
- ) {
- if (!(Math.abs(r) > x.params.threshold || I))
- return void (P = E);
- if (!I)
- return (
- (I = !0),
- (x.touches.startX = x.touches.currentX),
- (x.touches.startY = x.touches.currentY),
- (P = E),
- void (x.touches.diff = x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.touches.currentX - x.touches.startX
- : x.touches.currentY - x.touches.startY)
- );
- }
- x.params.followFinger &&
- ((x.params.freeMode || x.params.watchSlidesProgress) &&
- x.updateActiveIndex(),
- x.params.freeMode &&
- (0 === H.length &&
- H.push({
- position:
- x.touches[x.isHorizontal() ? "startX" : "startY"],
- time: z,
- }),
- H.push({
- position:
- x.touches[
- x.isHorizontal() ? "currentX" : "currentY"
- ],
- time: new window.Date().getTime(),
- })),
- x.updateProgress(P),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(P));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }),
- (x.onTouchEnd = function (a) {
- if (
- (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent),
- S && x.emit("onTouchEnd", x, a),
- (S = !1),
- b)
- ) {
- x.params.grabCursor &&
- C &&
- b &&
- (x.params.allowSwipeToNext === !0 ||
- x.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !0) &&
- x.setGrabCursor(!1);
- var t = Date.now(),
- s = t - z;
- if (
- (x.allowClick &&
- (x.updateClickedSlide(a),
- x.emit("onTap", x, a),
- s < 300 &&
- t - B > 300 &&
- (k && clearTimeout(k),
- (k = setTimeout(function () {
- x &&
- (x.params.paginationHide &&
- x.paginationContainer.length > 0 &&
- !e(a.target).hasClass(x.params.bulletClass) &&
- x.paginationContainer.toggleClass(
- x.params.paginationHiddenClass
- ),
- x.emit("onClick", x, a));
- }, 300))),
- s < 300 &&
- t - B < 300 &&
- (k && clearTimeout(k), x.emit("onDoubleTap", x, a))),
- (B = Date.now()),
- setTimeout(function () {
- x && (x.allowClick = !0);
- }, 0),
- !b ||
- !C ||
- !x.swipeDirection ||
- 0 === x.touches.diff ||
- P === E)
- )
- return void (b = C = !1);
- b = C = !1;
- var r;
- if (
- ((r = x.params.followFinger
- ? x.rtl
- ? x.translate
- : -x.translate
- : -P),
- x.params.freeMode)
- ) {
- if (r < -x.minTranslate()) return void x.slideTo(x.activeIndex);
- if (r > -x.maxTranslate())
- return void (x.slides.length < x.snapGrid.length
- ? x.slideTo(x.snapGrid.length - 1)
- : x.slideTo(x.slides.length - 1));
- if (x.params.freeModeMomentum) {
- if (H.length > 1) {
- var i = H.pop(),
- n = H.pop(),
- o = i.position - n.position,
- l = i.time - n.time;
- (x.velocity = o / l),
- (x.velocity = x.velocity / 2),
- Math.abs(x.velocity) < x.params.freeModeMinimumVelocity &&
- (x.velocity = 0),
- (l > 150 || new window.Date().getTime() - i.time > 300) &&
- (x.velocity = 0);
- } else x.velocity = 0;
- (x.velocity =
- x.velocity * x.params.freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio),
- (H.length = 0);
- var p = 1e3 * x.params.freeModeMomentumRatio,
- d = x.velocity * p,
- m = x.translate + d;
- x.rtl && (m = -m);
- var u,
- c = !1,
- g =
- 20 *
- Math.abs(x.velocity) *
- x.params.freeModeMomentumBounceRatio;
- if (m < x.maxTranslate())
- x.params.freeModeMomentumBounce
- ? (m + x.maxTranslate() < -g &&
- (m = x.maxTranslate() - g),
- (u = x.maxTranslate()),
- (c = !0),
- (D = !0))
- : (m = x.maxTranslate());
- else if (m > x.minTranslate())
- x.params.freeModeMomentumBounce
- ? (m - x.minTranslate() > g && (m = x.minTranslate() + g),
- (u = x.minTranslate()),
- (c = !0),
- (D = !0))
- : (m = x.minTranslate());
- else if (x.params.freeModeSticky) {
- var h,
- v = 0;
- for (v = 0; v < x.snapGrid.length; v += 1)
- if (x.snapGrid[v] > -m) {
- h = v;
- break;
- }
- (m =
- Math.abs(x.snapGrid[h] - m) <
- Math.abs(x.snapGrid[h - 1] - m) ||
- "next" === x.swipeDirection
- ? x.snapGrid[h]
- : x.snapGrid[h - 1]),
- x.rtl || (m = -m);
- }
- if (0 !== x.velocity)
- p = x.rtl
- ? Math.abs((-m - x.translate) / x.velocity)
- : Math.abs((m - x.translate) / x.velocity);
- else if (x.params.freeModeSticky) return void x.slideReset();
- x.params.freeModeMomentumBounce && c
- ? (x.updateProgress(u),
- x.setWrapperTransition(p),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(m),
- x.onTransitionStart(),
- (x.animating = !0),
- x.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- x &&
- D &&
- (x.emit("onMomentumBounce", x),
- x.setWrapperTransition(x.params.speed),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(u),
- x.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- x && x.onTransitionEnd();
- }));
- }))
- : x.velocity
- ? (x.updateProgress(m),
- x.setWrapperTransition(p),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(m),
- x.onTransitionStart(),
- x.animating ||
- ((x.animating = !0),
- x.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- x && x.onTransitionEnd();
- })))
- : x.updateProgress(m),
- x.updateActiveIndex();
- }
- return void (
- (!x.params.freeModeMomentum || s >= x.params.longSwipesMs) &&
- (x.updateProgress(), x.updateActiveIndex())
- );
- }
- var f,
- w = 0,
- y = x.slidesSizesGrid[0];
- for (f = 0; f < x.slidesGrid.length; f += x.params.slidesPerGroup)
- void 0 !== x.slidesGrid[f + x.params.slidesPerGroup]
- ? r >= x.slidesGrid[f] &&
- r < x.slidesGrid[f + x.params.slidesPerGroup] &&
- ((w = f),
- (y =
- x.slidesGrid[f + x.params.slidesPerGroup] -
- x.slidesGrid[f]))
- : r >= x.slidesGrid[f] &&
- ((w = f),
- (y =
- x.slidesGrid[x.slidesGrid.length - 1] -
- x.slidesGrid[x.slidesGrid.length - 2]));
- var T = (r - x.slidesGrid[w]) / y;
- if (s > x.params.longSwipesMs) {
- if (!x.params.longSwipes) return void x.slideTo(x.activeIndex);
- "next" === x.swipeDirection &&
- (T >= x.params.longSwipesRatio
- ? x.slideTo(w + x.params.slidesPerGroup)
- : x.slideTo(w)),
- "prev" === x.swipeDirection &&
- (T > 1 - x.params.longSwipesRatio
- ? x.slideTo(w + x.params.slidesPerGroup)
- : x.slideTo(w));
- } else {
- if (!x.params.shortSwipes) return void x.slideTo(x.activeIndex);
- "next" === x.swipeDirection &&
- x.slideTo(w + x.params.slidesPerGroup),
- "prev" === x.swipeDirection && x.slideTo(w);
- }
- }
- }),
- (x._slideTo = function (e, a) {
- return x.slideTo(e, a, !0, !0);
- }),
- (x.slideTo = function (e, a, t, s) {
- void 0 === t && (t = !0),
- void 0 === e && (e = 0),
- e < 0 && (e = 0),
- (x.snapIndex = Math.floor(e / x.params.slidesPerGroup)),
- x.snapIndex >= x.snapGrid.length &&
- (x.snapIndex = x.snapGrid.length - 1);
- var r = -x.snapGrid[x.snapIndex];
- if (
- (x.params.autoplay &&
- x.autoplaying &&
- (s || !x.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction
- ? x.pauseAutoplay(a)
- : x.stopAutoplay()),
- x.updateProgress(r),
- x.params.normalizeSlideIndex)
- )
- for (var i = 0; i < x.slidesGrid.length; i++)
- -Math.floor(100 * r) >= Math.floor(100 * x.slidesGrid[i]) &&
- (e = i);
- return (
- !(
- !x.params.allowSwipeToNext &&
- r < x.translate &&
- r < x.minTranslate()
- ) &&
- !(
- !x.params.allowSwipeToPrev &&
- r > x.translate &&
- r > x.maxTranslate() &&
- (x.activeIndex || 0) !== e
- ) &&
- (void 0 === a && (a = x.params.speed),
- (x.previousIndex = x.activeIndex || 0),
- (x.activeIndex = e),
- x.updateRealIndex(),
- (x.rtl && -r === x.translate) || (!x.rtl && r === x.translate)
- ? (x.params.autoHeight && x.updateAutoHeight(),
- x.updateClasses(),
- "slide" !== x.params.effect && x.setWrapperTranslate(r),
- !1)
- : (x.updateClasses(),
- x.onTransitionStart(t),
- 0 === a || x.browser.lteIE9
- ? (x.setWrapperTranslate(r),
- x.setWrapperTransition(0),
- x.onTransitionEnd(t))
- : (x.setWrapperTranslate(r),
- x.setWrapperTransition(a),
- x.animating ||
- ((x.animating = !0),
- x.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- x && x.onTransitionEnd(t);
- }))),
- !0))
- );
- }),
- (x.onTransitionStart = function (e) {
- void 0 === e && (e = !0),
- x.params.autoHeight && x.updateAutoHeight(),
- x.lazy && x.lazy.onTransitionStart(),
- e &&
- (x.emit("onTransitionStart", x),
- x.activeIndex !== x.previousIndex &&
- (x.emit("onSlideChangeStart", x),
- x.activeIndex > x.previousIndex
- ? x.emit("onSlideNextStart", x)
- : x.emit("onSlidePrevStart", x)));
- }),
- (x.onTransitionEnd = function (e) {
- (x.animating = !1),
- x.setWrapperTransition(0),
- void 0 === e && (e = !0),
- x.lazy && x.lazy.onTransitionEnd(),
- e &&
- (x.emit("onTransitionEnd", x),
- x.activeIndex !== x.previousIndex &&
- (x.emit("onSlideChangeEnd", x),
- x.activeIndex > x.previousIndex
- ? x.emit("onSlideNextEnd", x)
- : x.emit("onSlidePrevEnd", x))),
- x.params.history &&
- x.history &&
- x.history.setHistory(x.params.history, x.activeIndex),
- x.params.hashnav && x.hashnav && x.hashnav.setHash();
- }),
- (x.slideNext = function (e, a, t) {
- if (x.params.loop) {
- if (x.animating) return !1;
- x.fixLoop();
- x.container[0].clientLeft;
- return x.slideTo(
- x.activeIndex + x.params.slidesPerGroup,
- a,
- e,
- t
- );
- }
- return x.slideTo(x.activeIndex + x.params.slidesPerGroup, a, e, t);
- }),
- (x._slideNext = function (e) {
- return x.slideNext(!0, e, !0);
- }),
- (x.slidePrev = function (e, a, t) {
- if (x.params.loop) {
- if (x.animating) return !1;
- x.fixLoop();
- x.container[0].clientLeft;
- return x.slideTo(x.activeIndex - 1, a, e, t);
- }
- return x.slideTo(x.activeIndex - 1, a, e, t);
- }),
- (x._slidePrev = function (e) {
- return x.slidePrev(!0, e, !0);
- }),
- (x.slideReset = function (e, a, t) {
- return x.slideTo(x.activeIndex, a, e);
- }),
- (x.disableTouchControl = function () {
- return (x.params.onlyExternal = !0), !0;
- }),
- (x.enableTouchControl = function () {
- return (x.params.onlyExternal = !1), !0;
- }),
- (x.setWrapperTransition = function (e, a) {
- x.wrapper.transition(e),
- "slide" !== x.params.effect &&
- x.effects[x.params.effect] &&
- x.effects[x.params.effect].setTransition(e),
- x.params.parallax && x.parallax && x.parallax.setTransition(e),
- x.params.scrollbar && x.scrollbar && x.scrollbar.setTransition(e),
- x.params.control &&
- x.controller &&
- x.controller.setTransition(e, a),
- x.emit("onSetTransition", x, e);
- }),
- (x.setWrapperTranslate = function (e, a, t) {
- var s = 0,
- i = 0;
- x.isHorizontal() ? (s = x.rtl ? -e : e) : (i = e),
- x.params.roundLengths && ((s = r(s)), (i = r(i))),
- x.params.virtualTranslate ||
- (x.support.transforms3d
- ? x.wrapper.transform(
- "translate3d(" + s + "px, " + i + "px, 0px)"
- )
- : x.wrapper.transform("translate(" + s + "px, " + i + "px)")),
- (x.translate = x.isHorizontal() ? s : i);
- var n,
- o = x.maxTranslate() - x.minTranslate();
- (n = 0 === o ? 0 : (e - x.minTranslate()) / o),
- n !== x.progress && x.updateProgress(e),
- a && x.updateActiveIndex(),
- "slide" !== x.params.effect &&
- x.effects[x.params.effect] &&
- x.effects[x.params.effect].setTranslate(x.translate),
- x.params.parallax &&
- x.parallax &&
- x.parallax.setTranslate(x.translate),
- x.params.scrollbar &&
- x.scrollbar &&
- x.scrollbar.setTranslate(x.translate),
- x.params.control &&
- x.controller &&
- x.controller.setTranslate(x.translate, t),
- x.emit("onSetTranslate", x, x.translate);
- }),
- (x.getTranslate = function (e, a) {
- var t, s, r, i;
- return (
- void 0 === a && (a = "x"),
- x.params.virtualTranslate
- ? x.rtl
- ? -x.translate
- : x.translate
- : ((r = window.getComputedStyle(e, null)),
- window.WebKitCSSMatrix
- ? ((s = r.transform || r.webkitTransform),
- s.split(",").length > 6 &&
- (s = s
- .split(", ")
- .map(function (e) {
- return e.replace(",", ".");
- })
- .join(", ")),
- (i = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix("none" === s ? "" : s)))
- : ((i =
- r.MozTransform ||
- r.OTransform ||
- r.MsTransform ||
- r.msTransform ||
- r.transform ||
- r
- .getPropertyValue("transform")
- .replace("translate(", "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,")),
- (t = i.toString().split(","))),
- "x" === a &&
- (s = window.WebKitCSSMatrix
- ? i.m41
- : 16 === t.length
- ? parseFloat(t[12])
- : parseFloat(t[4])),
- "y" === a &&
- (s = window.WebKitCSSMatrix
- ? i.m42
- : 16 === t.length
- ? parseFloat(t[13])
- : parseFloat(t[5])),
- x.rtl && s && (s = -s),
- s || 0)
- );
- }),
- (x.getWrapperTranslate = function (e) {
- return (
- void 0 === e && (e = x.isHorizontal() ? "x" : "y"),
- x.getTranslate(x.wrapper[0], e)
- );
- }),
- (x.observers = []),
- (x.initObservers = function () {
- if (x.params.observeParents)
- for (var e = x.container.parents(), a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
- o(e[a]);
- o(x.container[0], { childList: !1 }),
- o(x.wrapper[0], { attributes: !1 });
- }),
- (x.disconnectObservers = function () {
- for (var e = 0; e < x.observers.length; e++)
- x.observers[e].disconnect();
- x.observers = [];
- }),
- (x.createLoop = function () {
- x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." + x.params.slideClass + "." + x.params.slideDuplicateClass
- )
- .remove();
- var a = x.wrapper.children("." + x.params.slideClass);
- "auto" !== x.params.slidesPerView ||
- x.params.loopedSlides ||
- (x.params.loopedSlides = a.length),
- (x.loopedSlides = parseInt(
- x.params.loopedSlides || x.params.slidesPerView,
- 10
- )),
- (x.loopedSlides = x.loopedSlides + x.params.loopAdditionalSlides),
- x.loopedSlides > a.length && (x.loopedSlides = a.length);
- var t,
- s = [],
- r = [];
- for (
- a.each(function (t, i) {
- var n = e(this);
- t < x.loopedSlides && r.push(i),
- t < a.length && t >= a.length - x.loopedSlides && s.push(i),
- n.attr("data-swiper-slide-index", t);
- }),
- t = 0;
- t < r.length;
- t++
- )
- x.wrapper.append(
- e(r[t].cloneNode(!0)).addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)
- );
- for (t = s.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)
- x.wrapper.prepend(
- e(s[t].cloneNode(!0)).addClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)
- );
- }),
- (x.destroyLoop = function () {
- x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." + x.params.slideClass + "." + x.params.slideDuplicateClass
- )
- .remove(),
- x.slides.removeAttr("data-swiper-slide-index");
- }),
- (x.reLoop = function (e) {
- var a = x.activeIndex - x.loopedSlides;
- x.destroyLoop(),
- x.createLoop(),
- x.updateSlidesSize(),
- e && x.slideTo(a + x.loopedSlides, 0, !1);
- }),
- (x.fixLoop = function () {
- var e;
- x.activeIndex < x.loopedSlides
- ? ((e = x.slides.length - 3 * x.loopedSlides + x.activeIndex),
- (e += x.loopedSlides),
- x.slideTo(e, 0, !1, !0))
- : (("auto" === x.params.slidesPerView &&
- x.activeIndex >= 2 * x.loopedSlides) ||
- x.activeIndex >
- x.slides.length - 2 * x.params.slidesPerView) &&
- ((e = -x.slides.length + x.activeIndex + x.loopedSlides),
- (e += x.loopedSlides),
- x.slideTo(e, 0, !1, !0));
- }),
- (x.appendSlide = function (e) {
- if (
- (x.params.loop && x.destroyLoop(),
- "object" == typeof e && e.length)
- )
- for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) e[a] && x.wrapper.append(e[a]);
- else x.wrapper.append(e);
- x.params.loop && x.createLoop(),
- (x.params.observer && x.support.observer) || x.update(!0);
- }),
- (x.prependSlide = function (e) {
- x.params.loop && x.destroyLoop();
- var a = x.activeIndex + 1;
- if ("object" == typeof e && e.length) {
- for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
- e[t] && x.wrapper.prepend(e[t]);
- a = x.activeIndex + e.length;
- } else x.wrapper.prepend(e);
- x.params.loop && x.createLoop(),
- (x.params.observer && x.support.observer) || x.update(!0),
- x.slideTo(a, 0, !1);
- }),
- (x.removeSlide = function (e) {
- x.params.loop &&
- (x.destroyLoop(),
- (x.slides = x.wrapper.children("." + x.params.slideClass)));
- var a,
- t = x.activeIndex;
- if ("object" == typeof e && e.length) {
- for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
- (a = e[s]),
- x.slides[a] && x.slides.eq(a).remove(),
- a < t && t--;
- t = Math.max(t, 0);
- } else
- (a = e),
- x.slides[a] && x.slides.eq(a).remove(),
- a < t && t--,
- (t = Math.max(t, 0));
- x.params.loop && x.createLoop(),
- (x.params.observer && x.support.observer) || x.update(!0),
- x.params.loop
- ? x.slideTo(t + x.loopedSlides, 0, !1)
- : x.slideTo(t, 0, !1);
- }),
- (x.removeAllSlides = function () {
- for (var e = [], a = 0; a < x.slides.length; a++) e.push(a);
- x.removeSlide(e);
- }),
- (x.effects = {
- fade: {
- setTranslate: function () {
- for (var e = 0; e < x.slides.length; e++) {
- var a = x.slides.eq(e),
- t = a[0].swiperSlideOffset,
- s = -t;
- x.params.virtualTranslate || (s -= x.translate);
- var r = 0;
- x.isHorizontal() || ((r = s), (s = 0));
- var i = x.params.fade.crossFade
- ? Math.max(1 - Math.abs(a[0].progress), 0)
- : 1 + Math.min(Math.max(a[0].progress, -1), 0);
- a.css({ opacity: i }).transform(
- "translate3d(" + s + "px, " + r + "px, 0px)"
- );
- }
- },
- setTransition: function (e) {
- if (
- (x.slides.transition(e), x.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== e)
- ) {
- var a = !1;
- x.slides.transitionEnd(function () {
- if (!a && x) {
- (a = !0), (x.animating = !1);
- for (
- var e = [
- "webkitTransitionEnd",
- "transitionend",
- "oTransitionEnd",
- "MSTransitionEnd",
- "msTransitionEnd",
- ],
- t = 0;
- t < e.length;
- t++
- )
- x.wrapper.trigger(e[t]);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- },
- flip: {
- setTranslate: function () {
- for (var a = 0; a < x.slides.length; a++) {
- var t = x.slides.eq(a),
- s = t[0].progress;
- x.params.flip.limitRotation &&
- (s = Math.max(Math.min(t[0].progress, 1), -1));
- var r = t[0].swiperSlideOffset,
- i = -180 * s,
- n = i,
- o = 0,
- l = -r,
- p = 0;
- if (
- (x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.rtl && (n = -n)
- : ((p = l), (l = 0), (o = -n), (n = 0)),
- (t[0].style.zIndex =
- -Math.abs(Math.round(s)) + x.slides.length),
- x.params.flip.slideShadows)
- ) {
- var d = x.isHorizontal()
- ? t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left")
- : t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"),
- m = x.isHorizontal()
- ? t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right")
- : t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom");
- 0 === d.length &&
- ((d = e(
- '
- )),
- t.append(d)),
- 0 === m.length &&
- ((m = e(
- '
- )),
- t.append(m)),
- d.length && (d[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-s, 0)),
- m.length && (m[0].style.opacity = Math.max(s, 0));
- }
- t.transform(
- "translate3d(" +
- l +
- "px, " +
- p +
- "px, 0px) rotateX(" +
- o +
- "deg) rotateY(" +
- n +
- "deg)"
- );
- }
- },
- setTransition: function (a) {
- if (
- (x.slides
- .transition(a)
- .find(
- ".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left"
- )
- .transition(a),
- x.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== a)
- ) {
- var t = !1;
- x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex).transitionEnd(function () {
- if (
- !t &&
- x &&
- e(this).hasClass(x.params.slideActiveClass)
- ) {
- (t = !0), (x.animating = !1);
- for (
- var a = [
- "webkitTransitionEnd",
- "transitionend",
- "oTransitionEnd",
- "MSTransitionEnd",
- "msTransitionEnd",
- ],
- s = 0;
- s < a.length;
- s++
- )
- x.wrapper.trigger(a[s]);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- },
- cube: {
- setTranslate: function () {
- var a,
- t = 0;
- x.params.cube.shadow &&
- (x.isHorizontal()
- ? ((a = x.wrapper.find(".swiper-cube-shadow")),
- 0 === a.length &&
- ((a = e('
- x.wrapper.append(a)),
- a.css({ height: x.width + "px" }))
- : ((a = x.container.find(".swiper-cube-shadow")),
- 0 === a.length &&
- ((a = e('
- x.container.append(a))));
- for (var s = 0; s < x.slides.length; s++) {
- var r = x.slides.eq(s),
- i = 90 * s,
- n = Math.floor(i / 360);
- x.rtl && ((i = -i), (n = Math.floor(-i / 360)));
- var o = Math.max(Math.min(r[0].progress, 1), -1),
- l = 0,
- p = 0,
- d = 0;
- s % 4 == 0
- ? ((l = 4 * -n * x.size), (d = 0))
- : (s - 1) % 4 == 0
- ? ((l = 0), (d = 4 * -n * x.size))
- : (s - 2) % 4 == 0
- ? ((l = x.size + 4 * n * x.size), (d = x.size))
- : (s - 3) % 4 == 0 &&
- ((l = -x.size), (d = 3 * x.size + 4 * x.size * n)),
- x.rtl && (l = -l),
- x.isHorizontal() || ((p = l), (l = 0));
- var m =
- "rotateX(" +
- (x.isHorizontal() ? 0 : -i) +
- "deg) rotateY(" +
- (x.isHorizontal() ? i : 0) +
- "deg) translate3d(" +
- l +
- "px, " +
- p +
- "px, " +
- d +
- "px)";
- if (
- (o <= 1 &&
- o > -1 &&
- ((t = 90 * s + 90 * o), x.rtl && (t = 90 * -s - 90 * o)),
- r.transform(m),
- x.params.cube.slideShadows)
- ) {
- var u = x.isHorizontal()
- ? r.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left")
- : r.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"),
- c = x.isHorizontal()
- ? r.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right")
- : r.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom");
- 0 === u.length &&
- ((u = e(
- '
- )),
- r.append(u)),
- 0 === c.length &&
- ((c = e(
- '
- )),
- r.append(c)),
- u.length && (u[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-o, 0)),
- c.length && (c[0].style.opacity = Math.max(o, 0));
- }
- }
- if (
- (x.wrapper.css({
- "-webkit-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + x.size / 2 + "px",
- "-moz-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + x.size / 2 + "px",
- "-ms-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + x.size / 2 + "px",
- "transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + x.size / 2 + "px",
- }),
- x.params.cube.shadow)
- )
- if (x.isHorizontal())
- a.transform(
- "translate3d(0px, " +
- (x.width / 2 + x.params.cube.shadowOffset) +
- "px, " +
- -x.width / 2 +
- "px) rotateX(90deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(" +
- x.params.cube.shadowScale +
- ")"
- );
- else {
- var g = Math.abs(t) - 90 * Math.floor(Math.abs(t) / 90),
- h =
- 1.5 -
- (Math.sin((2 * g * Math.PI) / 360) / 2 +
- Math.cos((2 * g * Math.PI) / 360) / 2),
- v = x.params.cube.shadowScale,
- f = x.params.cube.shadowScale / h,
- w = x.params.cube.shadowOffset;
- a.transform(
- "scale3d(" +
- v +
- ", 1, " +
- f +
- ") translate3d(0px, " +
- (x.height / 2 + w) +
- "px, " +
- -x.height / 2 / f +
- "px) rotateX(-90deg)"
- );
- }
- var y = x.isSafari || x.isUiWebView ? -x.size / 2 : 0;
- x.wrapper.transform(
- "translate3d(0px,0," +
- y +
- "px) rotateX(" +
- (x.isHorizontal() ? 0 : t) +
- "deg) rotateY(" +
- (x.isHorizontal() ? -t : 0) +
- "deg)"
- );
- },
- setTransition: function (e) {
- x.slides
- .transition(e)
- .find(
- ".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left"
- )
- .transition(e),
- x.params.cube.shadow &&
- !x.isHorizontal() &&
- x.container.find(".swiper-cube-shadow").transition(e);
- },
- },
- coverflow: {
- setTranslate: function () {
- for (
- var a = x.translate,
- t = x.isHorizontal() ? -a + x.width / 2 : -a + x.height / 2,
- s = x.isHorizontal()
- ? x.params.coverflow.rotate
- : -x.params.coverflow.rotate,
- r = x.params.coverflow.depth,
- i = 0,
- n = x.slides.length;
- i < n;
- i++
- ) {
- var o = x.slides.eq(i),
- l = x.slidesSizesGrid[i],
- p = o[0].swiperSlideOffset,
- d = ((t - p - l / 2) / l) * x.params.coverflow.modifier,
- m = x.isHorizontal() ? s * d : 0,
- u = x.isHorizontal() ? 0 : s * d,
- c = -r * Math.abs(d),
- g = x.isHorizontal() ? 0 : x.params.coverflow.stretch * d,
- h = x.isHorizontal() ? x.params.coverflow.stretch * d : 0;
- Math.abs(h) < 0.001 && (h = 0),
- Math.abs(g) < 0.001 && (g = 0),
- Math.abs(c) < 0.001 && (c = 0),
- Math.abs(m) < 0.001 && (m = 0),
- Math.abs(u) < 0.001 && (u = 0);
- var v =
- "translate3d(" +
- h +
- "px," +
- g +
- "px," +
- c +
- "px) rotateX(" +
- u +
- "deg) rotateY(" +
- m +
- "deg)";
- if (
- (o.transform(v),
- (o[0].style.zIndex = 1 - Math.abs(Math.round(d))),
- x.params.coverflow.slideShadows)
- ) {
- var f = x.isHorizontal()
- ? o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left")
- : o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"),
- w = x.isHorizontal()
- ? o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right")
- : o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom");
- 0 === f.length &&
- ((f = e(
- '
- )),
- o.append(f)),
- 0 === w.length &&
- ((w = e(
- '
- )),
- o.append(w)),
- f.length && (f[0].style.opacity = d > 0 ? d : 0),
- w.length && (w[0].style.opacity = -d > 0 ? -d : 0);
- }
- }
- if (x.browser.ie) {
- x.wrapper[0].style.perspectiveOrigin = t + "px 50%";
- }
- },
- setTransition: function (e) {
- x.slides
- .transition(e)
- .find(
- ".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left"
- )
- .transition(e);
- },
- },
- }),
- (x.lazy = {
- initialImageLoaded: !1,
- loadImageInSlide: function (a, t) {
- if (
- void 0 !== a &&
- (void 0 === t && (t = !0), 0 !== x.slides.length)
- ) {
- var s = x.slides.eq(a),
- r = s.find(
- "." +
- x.params.lazyLoadingClass +
- ":not(." +
- x.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass +
- "):not(." +
- x.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass +
- ")"
- );
- !s.hasClass(x.params.lazyLoadingClass) ||
- s.hasClass(x.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass) ||
- s.hasClass(x.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass) ||
- (r = r.add(s[0])),
- 0 !== r.length &&
- r.each(function () {
- var a = e(this);
- a.addClass(x.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass);
- var r = a.attr("data-background"),
- i = a.attr("data-src"),
- n = a.attr("data-srcset"),
- o = a.attr("data-sizes");
- x.loadImage(a[0], i || r, n, o, !1, function () {
- if (void 0 !== x && null !== x && x) {
- if (
- (r
- ? (a.css("background-image", 'url("' + r + '")'),
- a.removeAttr("data-background"))
- : (n &&
- (a.attr("srcset", n),
- a.removeAttr("data-srcset")),
- o &&
- (a.attr("sizes", o),
- a.removeAttr("data-sizes")),
- i &&
- (a.attr("src", i), a.removeAttr("data-src"))),
- a
- .addClass(x.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass)
- .removeClass(x.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass),
- s
- .find(
- "." +
- x.params.lazyPreloaderClass +
- ", ." +
- x.params.preloaderClass
- )
- .remove(),
- x.params.loop && t)
- ) {
- var e = s.attr("data-swiper-slide-index");
- if (s.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- var l = x.wrapper.children(
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- e +
- '"]:not(.' +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- ")"
- );
- x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(l.index(), !1);
- } else {
- var p = x.wrapper.children(
- "." +
- x.params.slideDuplicateClass +
- '[data-swiper-slide-index="' +
- e +
- '"]'
- );
- x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(p.index(), !1);
- }
- }
- x.emit("onLazyImageReady", x, s[0], a[0]);
- }
- }),
- x.emit("onLazyImageLoad", x, s[0], a[0]);
- });
- }
- },
- load: function () {
- var a,
- t = x.params.slidesPerView;
- if (
- ("auto" === t && (t = 0),
- x.lazy.initialImageLoaded || (x.lazy.initialImageLoaded = !0),
- x.params.watchSlidesVisibility)
- )
- x.wrapper
- .children("." + x.params.slideVisibleClass)
- .each(function () {
- x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(e(this).index());
- });
- else if (t > 1)
- for (a = x.activeIndex; a < x.activeIndex + t; a++)
- x.slides[a] && x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a);
- else x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(x.activeIndex);
- if (x.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNext)
- if (
- t > 1 ||
- (x.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount &&
- x.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount > 1)
- ) {
- var s = x.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount,
- r = t,
- i = Math.min(
- x.activeIndex + r + Math.max(s, r),
- x.slides.length
- ),
- n = Math.max(x.activeIndex - Math.max(r, s), 0);
- for (a = x.activeIndex + t; a < i; a++)
- x.slides[a] && x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a);
- for (a = n; a < x.activeIndex; a++)
- x.slides[a] && x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a);
- } else {
- var o = x.wrapper.children("." + x.params.slideNextClass);
- o.length > 0 && x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(o.index());
- var l = x.wrapper.children("." + x.params.slidePrevClass);
- l.length > 0 && x.lazy.loadImageInSlide(l.index());
- }
- },
- onTransitionStart: function () {
- x.params.lazyLoading &&
- (x.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart ||
- (!x.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart &&
- !x.lazy.initialImageLoaded)) &&
- x.lazy.load();
- },
- onTransitionEnd: function () {
- x.params.lazyLoading &&
- !x.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart &&
- x.lazy.load();
- },
- }),
- (x.scrollbar = {
- isTouched: !1,
- setDragPosition: function (e) {
- var a = x.scrollbar,
- t = x.isHorizontal()
- ? "touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type
- ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : e.pageX || e.clientX
- : "touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type
- ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY
- : e.pageY || e.clientY,
- s =
- t -
- a.track.offset()[x.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top"] -
- a.dragSize / 2,
- r = -x.minTranslate() * a.moveDivider,
- i = -x.maxTranslate() * a.moveDivider;
- s < r ? (s = r) : s > i && (s = i),
- (s = -s / a.moveDivider),
- x.updateProgress(s),
- x.setWrapperTranslate(s, !0);
- },
- dragStart: function (e) {
- var a = x.scrollbar;
- (a.isTouched = !0),
- e.preventDefault(),
- e.stopPropagation(),
- a.setDragPosition(e),
- clearTimeout(a.dragTimeout),
- a.track.transition(0),
- x.params.scrollbarHide && a.track.css("opacity", 1),
- x.wrapper.transition(100),
- a.drag.transition(100),
- x.emit("onScrollbarDragStart", x);
- },
- dragMove: function (e) {
- var a = x.scrollbar;
- a.isTouched &&
- (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = !1),
- a.setDragPosition(e),
- x.wrapper.transition(0),
- a.track.transition(0),
- a.drag.transition(0),
- x.emit("onScrollbarDragMove", x));
- },
- dragEnd: function (e) {
- var a = x.scrollbar;
- a.isTouched &&
- ((a.isTouched = !1),
- x.params.scrollbarHide &&
- (clearTimeout(a.dragTimeout),
- (a.dragTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
- a.track.css("opacity", 0), a.track.transition(400);
- }, 1e3))),
- x.emit("onScrollbarDragEnd", x),
- x.params.scrollbarSnapOnRelease && x.slideReset());
- },
- draggableEvents: (function () {
- return x.params.simulateTouch !== !1 || x.support.touch
- ? x.touchEvents
- : x.touchEventsDesktop;
- })(),
- enableDraggable: function () {
- var a = x.scrollbar,
- t = x.support.touch ? a.track : document;
- e(a.track).on(a.draggableEvents.start, a.dragStart),
- e(t).on(a.draggableEvents.move, a.dragMove),
- e(t).on(a.draggableEvents.end, a.dragEnd);
- },
- disableDraggable: function () {
- var a = x.scrollbar,
- t = x.support.touch ? a.track : document;
- e(a.track).off(a.draggableEvents.start, a.dragStart),
- e(t).off(a.draggableEvents.move, a.dragMove),
- e(t).off(a.draggableEvents.end, a.dragEnd);
- },
- set: function () {
- if (x.params.scrollbar) {
- var a = x.scrollbar;
- (a.track = e(x.params.scrollbar)),
- x.params.uniqueNavElements &&
- "string" == typeof x.params.scrollbar &&
- a.track.length > 1 &&
- 1 === x.container.find(x.params.scrollbar).length &&
- (a.track = x.container.find(x.params.scrollbar)),
- (a.drag = a.track.find(".swiper-scrollbar-drag")),
- 0 === a.drag.length &&
- ((a.drag = e('
- a.track.append(a.drag)),
- (a.drag[0].style.width = ""),
- (a.drag[0].style.height = ""),
- (a.trackSize = x.isHorizontal()
- ? a.track[0].offsetWidth
- : a.track[0].offsetHeight),
- (a.divider = x.size / x.virtualSize),
- (a.moveDivider = a.divider * (a.trackSize / x.size)),
- (a.dragSize = a.trackSize * a.divider),
- x.isHorizontal()
- ? (a.drag[0].style.width = a.dragSize + "px")
- : (a.drag[0].style.height = a.dragSize + "px"),
- a.divider >= 1
- ? (a.track[0].style.display = "none")
- : (a.track[0].style.display = ""),
- x.params.scrollbarHide && (a.track[0].style.opacity = 0);
- }
- },
- setTranslate: function () {
- if (x.params.scrollbar) {
- var e,
- a = x.scrollbar,
- t = (x.translate, a.dragSize);
- (e = (a.trackSize - a.dragSize) * x.progress),
- x.rtl && x.isHorizontal()
- ? ((e = -e),
- e > 0
- ? ((t = a.dragSize - e), (e = 0))
- : -e + a.dragSize > a.trackSize &&
- (t = a.trackSize + e))
- : e < 0
- ? ((t = a.dragSize + e), (e = 0))
- : e + a.dragSize > a.trackSize && (t = a.trackSize - e),
- x.isHorizontal()
- ? (x.support.transforms3d
- ? a.drag.transform("translate3d(" + e + "px, 0, 0)")
- : a.drag.transform("translateX(" + e + "px)"),
- (a.drag[0].style.width = t + "px"))
- : (x.support.transforms3d
- ? a.drag.transform("translate3d(0px, " + e + "px, 0)")
- : a.drag.transform("translateY(" + e + "px)"),
- (a.drag[0].style.height = t + "px")),
- x.params.scrollbarHide &&
- (clearTimeout(a.timeout),
- (a.track[0].style.opacity = 1),
- (a.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- (a.track[0].style.opacity = 0), a.track.transition(400);
- }, 1e3)));
- }
- },
- setTransition: function (e) {
- x.params.scrollbar && x.scrollbar.drag.transition(e);
- },
- }),
- (x.controller = {
- LinearSpline: function (e, a) {
- var t = (function () {
- var e, a, t;
- return function (s, r) {
- for (a = -1, e = s.length; e - a > 1; )
- s[(t = (e + a) >> 1)] <= r ? (a = t) : (e = t);
- return e;
- };
- })();
- (this.x = e), (this.y = a), (this.lastIndex = e.length - 1);
- var s, r;
- this.x.length;
- this.interpolate = function (e) {
- return e
- ? ((r = t(this.x, e)),
- (s = r - 1),
- ((e - this.x[s]) * (this.y[r] - this.y[s])) /
- (this.x[r] - this.x[s]) +
- this.y[s])
- : 0;
- };
- },
- getInterpolateFunction: function (e) {
- x.controller.spline ||
- (x.controller.spline = x.params.loop
- ? new x.controller.LinearSpline(x.slidesGrid, e.slidesGrid)
- : new x.controller.LinearSpline(x.snapGrid, e.snapGrid));
- },
- setTranslate: function (e, t) {
- function s(a) {
- (e =
- a.rtl && "horizontal" === a.params.direction
- ? -x.translate
- : x.translate),
- "slide" === x.params.controlBy &&
- (x.controller.getInterpolateFunction(a),
- (i = -x.controller.spline.interpolate(-e))),
- (i && "container" !== x.params.controlBy) ||
- ((r =
- (a.maxTranslate() - a.minTranslate()) /
- (x.maxTranslate() - x.minTranslate())),
- (i = (e - x.minTranslate()) * r + a.minTranslate())),
- x.params.controlInverse && (i = a.maxTranslate() - i),
- a.updateProgress(i),
- a.setWrapperTranslate(i, !1, x),
- a.updateActiveIndex();
- }
- var r,
- i,
- n = x.params.control;
- if (Array.isArray(n))
- for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
- n[o] !== t && n[o] instanceof a && s(n[o]);
- else n instanceof a && t !== n && s(n);
- },
- setTransition: function (e, t) {
- function s(a) {
- a.setWrapperTransition(e, x),
- 0 !== e &&
- (a.onTransitionStart(),
- a.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () {
- i &&
- (a.params.loop &&
- "slide" === x.params.controlBy &&
- a.fixLoop(),
- a.onTransitionEnd());
- }));
- }
- var r,
- i = x.params.control;
- if (Array.isArray(i))
- for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
- i[r] !== t && i[r] instanceof a && s(i[r]);
- else i instanceof a && t !== i && s(i);
- },
- }),
- (x.hashnav = {
- onHashCange: function (e, a) {
- var t = document.location.hash.replace("#", "");
- t !== x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") &&
- x.slideTo(
- x.wrapper
- .children(
- "." + x.params.slideClass + '[data-hash="' + t + '"]'
- )
- .index()
- );
- },
- attachEvents: function (a) {
- var t = a ? "off" : "on";
- e(window)[t]("hashchange", x.hashnav.onHashCange);
- },
- setHash: function () {
- if (x.hashnav.initialized && x.params.hashnav)
- if (
- x.params.replaceState &&
- window.history &&
- window.history.replaceState
- )
- window.history.replaceState(
- null,
- null,
- "#" + x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") || ""
- );
- else {
- var e = x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex),
- a = e.attr("data-hash") || e.attr("data-history");
- document.location.hash = a || "";
- }
- },
- init: function () {
- if (x.params.hashnav && !x.params.history) {
- x.hashnav.initialized = !0;
- var e = document.location.hash.replace("#", "");
- if (e)
- for (var a = 0, t = x.slides.length; a < t; a++) {
- var s = x.slides.eq(a),
- r = s.attr("data-hash") || s.attr("data-history");
- if (r === e && !s.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- var i = s.index();
- x.slideTo(i, 0, x.params.runCallbacksOnInit, !0);
- }
- }
- x.params.hashnavWatchState && x.hashnav.attachEvents();
- }
- },
- destroy: function () {
- x.params.hashnavWatchState && x.hashnav.attachEvents(!0);
- },
- }),
- (x.history = {
- init: function () {
- if (x.params.history) {
- if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState)
- return (x.params.history = !1), void (x.params.hashnav = !0);
- (x.history.initialized = !0),
- (this.paths = this.getPathValues()),
- (this.paths.key || this.paths.value) &&
- (this.scrollToSlide(
- 0,
- this.paths.value,
- x.params.runCallbacksOnInit
- ),
- x.params.replaceState ||
- window.addEventListener(
- "popstate",
- this.setHistoryPopState
- ));
- }
- },
- setHistoryPopState: function () {
- (x.history.paths = x.history.getPathValues()),
- x.history.scrollToSlide(
- x.params.speed,
- x.history.paths.value,
- !1
- );
- },
- getPathValues: function () {
- var e = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/"),
- a = e.length;
- return { key: e[a - 2], value: e[a - 1] };
- },
- setHistory: function (e, a) {
- if (x.history.initialized && x.params.history) {
- var t = x.slides.eq(a),
- s = this.slugify(t.attr("data-history"));
- window.location.pathname.includes(e) || (s = e + "/" + s),
- x.params.replaceState
- ? window.history.replaceState(null, null, s)
- : window.history.pushState(null, null, s);
- }
- },
- slugify: function (e) {
- return e
- .toString()
- .toLowerCase()
- .replace(/\s+/g, "-")
- .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "")
- .replace(/\-\-+/g, "-")
- .replace(/^-+/, "")
- .replace(/-+$/, "");
- },
- scrollToSlide: function (e, a, t) {
- if (a)
- for (var s = 0, r = x.slides.length; s < r; s++) {
- var i = x.slides.eq(s),
- n = this.slugify(i.attr("data-history"));
- if (n === a && !i.hasClass(x.params.slideDuplicateClass)) {
- var o = i.index();
- x.slideTo(o, e, t);
- }
- }
- else x.slideTo(0, e, t);
- },
- }),
- (x.disableKeyboardControl = function () {
- (x.params.keyboardControl = !1), e(document).off("keydown", l);
- }),
- (x.enableKeyboardControl = function () {
- (x.params.keyboardControl = !0), e(document).on("keydown", l);
- }),
- (x.mousewheel = {
- event: !1,
- lastScrollTime: new window.Date().getTime(),
- }),
- x.params.mousewheelControl &&
- (x.mousewheel.event =
- navigator.userAgent.indexOf("firefox") > -1
- ? "DOMMouseScroll"
- : (function () {
- var e = "onwheel" in document;
- if (!e) {
- var a = document.createElement("div");
- a.setAttribute("onwheel", "return;"),
- (e = "function" == typeof a.onwheel);
- }
- return (
- !e &&
- document.implementation &&
- document.implementation.hasFeature &&
- document.implementation.hasFeature("", "") !== !0 &&
- (e = document.implementation.hasFeature(
- "Events.wheel",
- "3.0"
- )),
- e
- );
- })()
- ? "wheel"
- : "mousewheel"),
- (x.disableMousewheelControl = function () {
- if (!x.mousewheel.event) return !1;
- var a = x.container;
- return (
- "container" !== x.params.mousewheelEventsTarged &&
- (a = e(x.params.mousewheelEventsTarged)),
- a.off(x.mousewheel.event, d),
- (x.params.mousewheelControl = !1),
- !0
- );
- }),
- (x.enableMousewheelControl = function () {
- if (!x.mousewheel.event) return !1;
- var a = x.container;
- return (
- "container" !== x.params.mousewheelEventsTarged &&
- (a = e(x.params.mousewheelEventsTarged)),
- a.on(x.mousewheel.event, d),
- (x.params.mousewheelControl = !0),
- !0
- );
- }),
- (x.parallax = {
- setTranslate: function () {
- x.container
- .children(
- "[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]"
- )
- .each(function () {
- m(this, x.progress);
- }),
- x.slides.each(function () {
- var a = e(this);
- a.find(
- "[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]"
- ).each(function () {
- m(this, Math.min(Math.max(a[0].progress, -1), 1));
- });
- });
- },
- setTransition: function (a) {
- void 0 === a && (a = x.params.speed),
- x.container
- .find(
- "[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]"
- )
- .each(function () {
- var t = e(this),
- s =
- parseInt(t.attr("data-swiper-parallax-duration"), 10) ||
- a;
- 0 === a && (s = 0), t.transition(s);
- });
- },
- }),
- (x.zoom = {
- scale: 1,
- currentScale: 1,
- isScaling: !1,
- gesture: {
- slide: void 0,
- slideWidth: void 0,
- slideHeight: void 0,
- image: void 0,
- imageWrap: void 0,
- zoomMax: x.params.zoomMax,
- },
- image: {
- isTouched: void 0,
- isMoved: void 0,
- currentX: void 0,
- currentY: void 0,
- minX: void 0,
- minY: void 0,
- maxX: void 0,
- maxY: void 0,
- width: void 0,
- height: void 0,
- startX: void 0,
- startY: void 0,
- touchesStart: {},
- touchesCurrent: {},
- },
- velocity: {
- x: void 0,
- y: void 0,
- prevPositionX: void 0,
- prevPositionY: void 0,
- prevTime: void 0,
- },
- getDistanceBetweenTouches: function (e) {
- if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) return 1;
- var a = e.targetTouches[0].pageX,
- t = e.targetTouches[0].pageY,
- s = e.targetTouches[1].pageX,
- r = e.targetTouches[1].pageY;
- return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s - a, 2) + Math.pow(r - t, 2));
- },
- onGestureStart: function (a) {
- var t = x.zoom;
- if (!x.support.gestures) {
- if (
- "touchstart" !== a.type ||
- ("touchstart" === a.type && a.targetTouches.length < 2)
- )
- return;
- t.gesture.scaleStart = t.getDistanceBetweenTouches(a);
- }
- if (
- !(
- (t.gesture.slide && t.gesture.slide.length) ||
- ((t.gesture.slide = e(this)),
- 0 === t.gesture.slide.length &&
- (t.gesture.slide = x.slides.eq(x.activeIndex)),
- (t.gesture.image = t.gesture.slide.find("img, svg, canvas")),
- (t.gesture.imageWrap = t.gesture.image.parent(
- "." + x.params.zoomContainerClass
- )),
- (t.gesture.zoomMax =
- t.gesture.imageWrap.attr("data-swiper-zoom") ||
- x.params.zoomMax),
- 0 !== t.gesture.imageWrap.length)
- )
- )
- return void (t.gesture.image = void 0);
- t.gesture.image.transition(0), (t.isScaling = !0);
- },
- onGestureChange: function (e) {
- var a = x.zoom;
- if (!x.support.gestures) {
- if (
- "touchmove" !== e.type ||
- ("touchmove" === e.type && e.targetTouches.length < 2)
- )
- return;
- a.gesture.scaleMove = a.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e);
- }
- a.gesture.image &&
- 0 !== a.gesture.image.length &&
- (x.support.gestures
- ? (a.scale = e.scale * a.currentScale)
- : (a.scale =
- (a.gesture.scaleMove / a.gesture.scaleStart) *
- a.currentScale),
- a.scale > a.gesture.zoomMax &&
- (a.scale =
- a.gesture.zoomMax -
- 1 +
- Math.pow(a.scale - a.gesture.zoomMax + 1, 0.5)),
- a.scale < x.params.zoomMin &&
- (a.scale =
- x.params.zoomMin +
- 1 -
- Math.pow(x.params.zoomMin - a.scale + 1, 0.5)),
- a.gesture.image.transform(
- "translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + a.scale + ")"
- ));
- },
- onGestureEnd: function (e) {
- var a = x.zoom;
- (!x.support.gestures &&
- ("touchend" !== e.type ||
- ("touchend" === e.type && e.changedTouches.length < 2))) ||
- (a.gesture.image &&
- 0 !== a.gesture.image.length &&
- ((a.scale = Math.max(
- Math.min(a.scale, a.gesture.zoomMax),
- x.params.zoomMin
- )),
- a.gesture.image
- .transition(x.params.speed)
- .transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + a.scale + ")"),
- (a.currentScale = a.scale),
- (a.isScaling = !1),
- 1 === a.scale && (a.gesture.slide = void 0)));
- },
- onTouchStart: function (e, a) {
- var t = e.zoom;
- t.gesture.image &&
- 0 !== t.gesture.image.length &&
- (t.image.isTouched ||
- ("android" === e.device.os && a.preventDefault(),
- (t.image.isTouched = !0),
- (t.image.touchesStart.x =
- "touchstart" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : a.pageX),
- (t.image.touchesStart.y =
- "touchstart" === a.type
- ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY
- : a.pageY)));
- },
- onTouchMove: function (e) {
- var a = x.zoom;
- if (
- a.gesture.image &&
- 0 !== a.gesture.image.length &&
- ((x.allowClick = !1), a.image.isTouched && a.gesture.slide)
- ) {
- a.image.isMoved ||
- ((a.image.width = a.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth),
- (a.image.height = a.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight),
- (a.image.startX =
- x.getTranslate(a.gesture.imageWrap[0], "x") || 0),
- (a.image.startY =
- x.getTranslate(a.gesture.imageWrap[0], "y") || 0),
- (a.gesture.slideWidth = a.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth),
- (a.gesture.slideHeight = a.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight),
- a.gesture.imageWrap.transition(0),
- x.rtl && (a.image.startX = -a.image.startX),
- x.rtl && (a.image.startY = -a.image.startY));
- var t = a.image.width * a.scale,
- s = a.image.height * a.scale;
- if (!(t < a.gesture.slideWidth && s < a.gesture.slideHeight)) {
- if (
- ((a.image.minX = Math.min(
- a.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - t / 2,
- 0
- )),
- (a.image.maxX = -a.image.minX),
- (a.image.minY = Math.min(
- a.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - s / 2,
- 0
- )),
- (a.image.maxY = -a.image.minY),
- (a.image.touchesCurrent.x =
- "touchmove" === e.type
- ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX
- : e.pageX),
- (a.image.touchesCurrent.y =
- "touchmove" === e.type
- ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY
- : e.pageY),
- !a.image.isMoved && !a.isScaling)
- ) {
- if (
- (x.isHorizontal() &&
- Math.floor(a.image.minX) ===
- Math.floor(a.image.startX) &&
- a.image.touchesCurrent.x < a.image.touchesStart.x) ||
- (Math.floor(a.image.maxX) ===
- Math.floor(a.image.startX) &&
- a.image.touchesCurrent.x > a.image.touchesStart.x)
- )
- return void (a.image.isTouched = !1);
- if (
- (!x.isHorizontal() &&
- Math.floor(a.image.minY) ===
- Math.floor(a.image.startY) &&
- a.image.touchesCurrent.y < a.image.touchesStart.y) ||
- (Math.floor(a.image.maxY) ===
- Math.floor(a.image.startY) &&
- a.image.touchesCurrent.y > a.image.touchesStart.y)
- )
- return void (a.image.isTouched = !1);
- }
- e.preventDefault(),
- e.stopPropagation(),
- (a.image.isMoved = !0),
- (a.image.currentX =
- a.image.touchesCurrent.x -
- a.image.touchesStart.x +
- a.image.startX),
- (a.image.currentY =
- a.image.touchesCurrent.y -
- a.image.touchesStart.y +
- a.image.startY),
- a.image.currentX < a.image.minX &&
- (a.image.currentX =
- a.image.minX +
- 1 -
- Math.pow(a.image.minX - a.image.currentX + 1, 0.8)),
- a.image.currentX > a.image.maxX &&
- (a.image.currentX =
- a.image.maxX -
- 1 +
- Math.pow(a.image.currentX - a.image.maxX + 1, 0.8)),
- a.image.currentY < a.image.minY &&
- (a.image.currentY =
- a.image.minY +
- 1 -
- Math.pow(a.image.minY - a.image.currentY + 1, 0.8)),
- a.image.currentY > a.image.maxY &&
- (a.image.currentY =
- a.image.maxY -
- 1 +
- Math.pow(a.image.currentY - a.image.maxY + 1, 0.8)),
- a.velocity.prevPositionX ||
- (a.velocity.prevPositionX = a.image.touchesCurrent.x),
- a.velocity.prevPositionY ||
- (a.velocity.prevPositionY = a.image.touchesCurrent.y),
- a.velocity.prevTime || (a.velocity.prevTime = Date.now()),
- (a.velocity.x =
- (a.image.touchesCurrent.x - a.velocity.prevPositionX) /
- (Date.now() - a.velocity.prevTime) /
- 2),
- (a.velocity.y =
- (a.image.touchesCurrent.y - a.velocity.prevPositionY) /
- (Date.now() - a.velocity.prevTime) /
- 2),
- Math.abs(
- a.image.touchesCurrent.x - a.velocity.prevPositionX
- ) < 2 && (a.velocity.x = 0),
- Math.abs(
- a.image.touchesCurrent.y - a.velocity.prevPositionY
- ) < 2 && (a.velocity.y = 0),
- (a.velocity.prevPositionX = a.image.touchesCurrent.x),
- (a.velocity.prevPositionY = a.image.touchesCurrent.y),
- (a.velocity.prevTime = Date.now()),
- a.gesture.imageWrap.transform(
- "translate3d(" +
- a.image.currentX +
- "px, " +
- a.image.currentY +
- "px,0)"
- );
- }
- }
- },
- onTouchEnd: function (e, a) {
- var t = e.zoom;
- if (t.gesture.image && 0 !== t.gesture.image.length) {
- if (!t.image.isTouched || !t.image.isMoved)
- return (t.image.isTouched = !1), void (t.image.isMoved = !1);
- (t.image.isTouched = !1), (t.image.isMoved = !1);
- var s = 300,
- r = 300,
- i = t.velocity.x * s,
- n = t.image.currentX + i,
- o = t.velocity.y * r,
- l = t.image.currentY + o;
- 0 !== t.velocity.x &&
- (s = Math.abs((n - t.image.currentX) / t.velocity.x)),
- 0 !== t.velocity.y &&
- (r = Math.abs((l - t.image.currentY) / t.velocity.y));
- var p = Math.max(s, r);
- (t.image.currentX = n), (t.image.currentY = l);
- var d = t.image.width * t.scale,
- m = t.image.height * t.scale;
- (t.image.minX = Math.min(t.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - d / 2, 0)),
- (t.image.maxX = -t.image.minX),
- (t.image.minY = Math.min(
- t.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - m / 2,
- 0
- )),
- (t.image.maxY = -t.image.minY),
- (t.image.currentX = Math.max(
- Math.min(t.image.currentX, t.image.maxX),
- t.image.minX
- )),
- (t.image.currentY = Math.max(
- Math.min(t.image.currentY, t.image.maxY),
- t.image.minY
- )),
- t.gesture.imageWrap
- .transition(p)
- .transform(
- "translate3d(" +
- t.image.currentX +
- "px, " +
- t.image.currentY +
- "px,0)"
- );
- }
- },
- onTransitionEnd: function (e) {
- var a = e.zoom;
- a.gesture.slide &&
- e.previousIndex !== e.activeIndex &&
- (a.gesture.image.transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"),
- a.gesture.imageWrap.transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"),
- (a.gesture.slide =
- a.gesture.image =
- a.gesture.imageWrap =
- void 0),
- (a.scale = a.currentScale = 1));
- },
- toggleZoom: function (a, t) {
- var s = a.zoom;
- if (
- (s.gesture.slide ||
- ((s.gesture.slide = a.clickedSlide
- ? e(a.clickedSlide)
- : a.slides.eq(a.activeIndex)),
- (s.gesture.image = s.gesture.slide.find("img, svg, canvas")),
- (s.gesture.imageWrap = s.gesture.image.parent(
- "." + a.params.zoomContainerClass
- ))),
- s.gesture.image && 0 !== s.gesture.image.length)
- ) {
- var r, i, n, o, l, p, d, m, u, c, g, h, v, f, w, y, x, T;
- void 0 === s.image.touchesStart.x && t
- ? ((r =
- "touchend" === t.type
- ? t.changedTouches[0].pageX
- : t.pageX),
- (i =
- "touchend" === t.type
- ? t.changedTouches[0].pageY
- : t.pageY))
- : ((r = s.image.touchesStart.x),
- (i = s.image.touchesStart.y)),
- s.scale && 1 !== s.scale
- ? ((s.scale = s.currentScale = 1),
- s.gesture.imageWrap
- .transition(300)
- .transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"),
- s.gesture.image
- .transition(300)
- .transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"),
- (s.gesture.slide = void 0))
- : ((s.scale = s.currentScale =
- s.gesture.imageWrap.attr("data-swiper-zoom") ||
- a.params.zoomMax),
- t
- ? ((x = s.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth),
- (T = s.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight),
- (n = s.gesture.slide.offset().left),
- (o = s.gesture.slide.offset().top),
- (l = n + x / 2 - r),
- (p = o + T / 2 - i),
- (u = s.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth),
- (c = s.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight),
- (g = u * s.scale),
- (h = c * s.scale),
- (v = Math.min(x / 2 - g / 2, 0)),
- (f = Math.min(T / 2 - h / 2, 0)),
- (w = -v),
- (y = -f),
- (d = l * s.scale),
- (m = p * s.scale),
- d < v && (d = v),
- d > w && (d = w),
- m < f && (m = f),
- m > y && (m = y))
- : ((d = 0), (m = 0)),
- s.gesture.imageWrap
- .transition(300)
- .transform("translate3d(" + d + "px, " + m + "px,0)"),
- s.gesture.image
- .transition(300)
- .transform(
- "translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + s.scale + ")"
- ));
- }
- },
- attachEvents: function (a) {
- var t = a ? "off" : "on";
- if (x.params.zoom) {
- var s =
- (x.slides,
- !(
- "touchstart" !== x.touchEvents.start ||
- !x.support.passiveListener ||
- !x.params.passiveListeners
- ) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 });
- x.support.gestures
- ? (x.slides[t]("gesturestart", x.zoom.onGestureStart, s),
- x.slides[t]("gesturechange", x.zoom.onGestureChange, s),
- x.slides[t]("gestureend", x.zoom.onGestureEnd, s))
- : "touchstart" === x.touchEvents.start &&
- (x.slides[t](x.touchEvents.start, x.zoom.onGestureStart, s),
- x.slides[t](x.touchEvents.move, x.zoom.onGestureChange, s),
- x.slides[t](x.touchEvents.end, x.zoom.onGestureEnd, s)),
- x[t]("touchStart", x.zoom.onTouchStart),
- x.slides.each(function (a, s) {
- e(s).find("." + x.params.zoomContainerClass).length > 0 &&
- e(s)[t](x.touchEvents.move, x.zoom.onTouchMove);
- }),
- x[t]("touchEnd", x.zoom.onTouchEnd),
- x[t]("transitionEnd", x.zoom.onTransitionEnd),
- x.params.zoomToggle && x.on("doubleTap", x.zoom.toggleZoom);
- }
- },
- init: function () {
- x.zoom.attachEvents();
- },
- destroy: function () {
- x.zoom.attachEvents(!0);
- },
- }),
- (x._plugins = []);
- for (var Y in x.plugins) {
- var A = x.plugins[Y](x, x.params[Y]);
- A && x._plugins.push(A);
- }
- return (
- (x.callPlugins = function (e) {
- for (var a = 0; a < x._plugins.length; a++)
- e in x._plugins[a] &&
- x._plugins[a][e](
- arguments[1],
- arguments[2],
- arguments[3],
- arguments[4],
- arguments[5]
- );
- }),
- (x.emitterEventListeners = {}),
- (x.emit = function (e) {
- x.params[e] &&
- x.params[e](
- arguments[1],
- arguments[2],
- arguments[3],
- arguments[4],
- arguments[5]
- );
- var a;
- if (x.emitterEventListeners[e])
- for (a = 0; a < x.emitterEventListeners[e].length; a++)
- x.emitterEventListeners[e][a](
- arguments[1],
- arguments[2],
- arguments[3],
- arguments[4],
- arguments[5]
- );
- x.callPlugins &&
- x.callPlugins(
- e,
- arguments[1],
- arguments[2],
- arguments[3],
- arguments[4],
- arguments[5]
- );
- }),
- (x.on = function (e, a) {
- return (
- (e = u(e)),
- x.emitterEventListeners[e] || (x.emitterEventListeners[e] = []),
- x.emitterEventListeners[e].push(a),
- x
- );
- }),
- (x.off = function (e, a) {
- var t;
- if (((e = u(e)), void 0 === a))
- return (x.emitterEventListeners[e] = []), x;
- if (
- x.emitterEventListeners[e] &&
- 0 !== x.emitterEventListeners[e].length
- ) {
- for (t = 0; t < x.emitterEventListeners[e].length; t++)
- x.emitterEventListeners[e][t] === a &&
- x.emitterEventListeners[e].splice(t, 1);
- return x;
- }
- }),
- (x.once = function (e, a) {
- e = u(e);
- var t = function () {
- a(
- arguments[0],
- arguments[1],
- arguments[2],
- arguments[3],
- arguments[4]
- ),
- x.off(e, t);
- };
- return x.on(e, t), x;
- }),
- (x.a11y = {
- makeFocusable: function (e) {
- return e.attr("tabIndex", "0"), e;
- },
- addRole: function (e, a) {
- return e.attr("role", a), e;
- },
- addLabel: function (e, a) {
- return e.attr("aria-label", a), e;
- },
- disable: function (e) {
- return e.attr("aria-disabled", !0), e;
- },
- enable: function (e) {
- return e.attr("aria-disabled", !1), e;
- },
- onEnterKey: function (a) {
- 13 === a.keyCode &&
- (e(a.target).is(x.params.nextButton)
- ? (x.onClickNext(a),
- x.isEnd
- ? x.a11y.notify(x.params.lastSlideMessage)
- : x.a11y.notify(x.params.nextSlideMessage))
- : e(a.target).is(x.params.prevButton) &&
- (x.onClickPrev(a),
- x.isBeginning
- ? x.a11y.notify(x.params.firstSlideMessage)
- : x.a11y.notify(x.params.prevSlideMessage)),
- e(a.target).is("." + x.params.bulletClass) &&
- e(a.target)[0].click());
- },
- liveRegion: e(
- '
- ),
- notify: function (e) {
- var a = x.a11y.liveRegion;
- 0 !== a.length && (a.html(""), a.html(e));
- },
- init: function () {
- x.params.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton &&
- x.nextButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.a11y.makeFocusable(x.nextButton),
- x.a11y.addRole(x.nextButton, "button"),
- x.a11y.addLabel(x.nextButton, x.params.nextSlideMessage)),
- x.params.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton &&
- x.prevButton.length > 0 &&
- (x.a11y.makeFocusable(x.prevButton),
- x.a11y.addRole(x.prevButton, "button"),
- x.a11y.addLabel(x.prevButton, x.params.prevSlideMessage)),
- e(x.container).append(x.a11y.liveRegion);
- },
- initPagination: function () {
- x.params.pagination &&
- x.params.paginationClickable &&
- x.bullets &&
- x.bullets.length &&
- x.bullets.each(function () {
- var a = e(this);
- x.a11y.makeFocusable(a),
- x.a11y.addRole(a, "button"),
- x.a11y.addLabel(
- a,
- x.params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(
- /{{index}}/,
- a.index() + 1
- )
- );
- });
- },
- destroy: function () {
- x.a11y.liveRegion &&
- x.a11y.liveRegion.length > 0 &&
- x.a11y.liveRegion.remove();
- },
- }),
- (x.init = function () {
- x.params.loop && x.createLoop(),
- x.updateContainerSize(),
- x.updateSlidesSize(),
- x.updatePagination(),
- x.params.scrollbar &&
- x.scrollbar &&
- (x.scrollbar.set(),
- x.params.scrollbarDraggable && x.scrollbar.enableDraggable()),
- "slide" !== x.params.effect &&
- x.effects[x.params.effect] &&
- (x.params.loop || x.updateProgress(),
- x.effects[x.params.effect].setTranslate()),
- x.params.loop
- ? x.slideTo(
- x.params.initialSlide + x.loopedSlides,
- 0,
- x.params.runCallbacksOnInit
- )
- : (x.slideTo(
- x.params.initialSlide,
- 0,
- x.params.runCallbacksOnInit
- ),
- 0 === x.params.initialSlide &&
- (x.parallax &&
- x.params.parallax &&
- x.parallax.setTranslate(),
- x.lazy &&
- x.params.lazyLoading &&
- (x.lazy.load(), (x.lazy.initialImageLoaded = !0)))),
- x.attachEvents(),
- x.params.observer && x.support.observer && x.initObservers(),
- x.params.preloadImages &&
- !x.params.lazyLoading &&
- x.preloadImages(),
- x.params.zoom && x.zoom && x.zoom.init(),
- x.params.autoplay && x.startAutoplay(),
- x.params.keyboardControl &&
- x.enableKeyboardControl &&
- x.enableKeyboardControl(),
- x.params.mousewheelControl &&
- x.enableMousewheelControl &&
- x.enableMousewheelControl(),
- x.params.hashnavReplaceState &&
- (x.params.replaceState = x.params.hashnavReplaceState),
- x.params.history && x.history && x.history.init(),
- x.params.hashnav && x.hashnav && x.hashnav.init(),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.init(),
- x.emit("onInit", x);
- }),
- (x.cleanupStyles = function () {
- x.container.removeClass(x.classNames.join(" ")).removeAttr("style"),
- x.wrapper.removeAttr("style"),
- x.slides &&
- x.slides.length &&
- x.slides
- .removeClass(
- [
- x.params.slideVisibleClass,
- x.params.slideActiveClass,
- x.params.slideNextClass,
- x.params.slidePrevClass,
- ].join(" ")
- )
- .removeAttr("style")
- .removeAttr("data-swiper-column")
- .removeAttr("data-swiper-row"),
- x.paginationContainer &&
- x.paginationContainer.length &&
- x.paginationContainer.removeClass(
- x.params.paginationHiddenClass
- ),
- x.bullets &&
- x.bullets.length &&
- x.bullets.removeClass(x.params.bulletActiveClass),
- x.params.prevButton &&
- e(x.params.prevButton).removeClass(
- x.params.buttonDisabledClass
- ),
- x.params.nextButton &&
- e(x.params.nextButton).removeClass(
- x.params.buttonDisabledClass
- ),
- x.params.scrollbar &&
- x.scrollbar &&
- (x.scrollbar.track &&
- x.scrollbar.track.length &&
- x.scrollbar.track.removeAttr("style"),
- x.scrollbar.drag &&
- x.scrollbar.drag.length &&
- x.scrollbar.drag.removeAttr("style"));
- }),
- (x.destroy = function (e, a) {
- x.detachEvents(),
- x.stopAutoplay(),
- x.params.scrollbar &&
- x.scrollbar &&
- x.params.scrollbarDraggable &&
- x.scrollbar.disableDraggable(),
- x.params.loop && x.destroyLoop(),
- a && x.cleanupStyles(),
- x.disconnectObservers(),
- x.params.zoom && x.zoom && x.zoom.destroy(),
- x.params.keyboardControl &&
- x.disableKeyboardControl &&
- x.disableKeyboardControl(),
- x.params.mousewheelControl &&
- x.disableMousewheelControl &&
- x.disableMousewheelControl(),
- x.params.a11y && x.a11y && x.a11y.destroy(),
- x.params.history &&
- !x.params.replaceState &&
- window.removeEventListener(
- "popstate",
- x.history.setHistoryPopState
- ),
- x.params.hashnav && x.hashnav && x.hashnav.destroy(),
- x.emit("onDestroy"),
- e !== !1 && (x = null);
- }),
- x.init(),
- x
- );
- }
- };
- a.prototype = {
- isSafari: (function () {
- var e = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- return (
- e.indexOf("safari") >= 0 &&
- e.indexOf("chrome") < 0 &&
- e.indexOf("android") < 0
- );
- })(),
- isUiWebView: /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(
- window.navigator.userAgent
- ),
- isArray: function (e) {
- return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e);
- },
- browser: {
- ie: window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled,
- ieTouch:
- (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled &&
- window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 1) ||
- (window.navigator.pointerEnabled &&
- window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1),
- lteIE9: (function () {
- var e = document.createElement("div");
- return (
- (e.innerHTML = ""),
- 1 === e.getElementsByTagName("i").length
- );
- })(),
- },
- device: (function () {
- var e = window.navigator.userAgent,
- a = e.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/),
- t = e.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
- s = e.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/),
- r = !t && e.match(/(iPhone\sOS|iOS)\s([\d_]+)/);
- return { ios: t || r || s, android: a };
- })(),
- support: {
- touch:
- (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.touch === !0) ||
- (function () {
- return !!(
- "ontouchstart" in window ||
- (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch)
- );
- })(),
- transforms3d:
- (window.Modernizr && Modernizr.csstransforms3d === !0) ||
- (function () {
- var e = document.createElement("div").style;
- return (
- "webkitPerspective" in e ||
- "MozPerspective" in e ||
- "OPerspective" in e ||
- "MsPerspective" in e ||
- "perspective" in e
- );
- })(),
- flexbox: (function () {
- for (
- var e = document.createElement("div").style,
- a =
- "alignItems webkitAlignItems webkitBoxAlign msFlexAlign mozBoxAlign webkitFlexDirection msFlexDirection mozBoxDirection mozBoxOrient webkitBoxDirection webkitBoxOrient".split(
- " "
- ),
- t = 0;
- t < a.length;
- t++
- )
- if (a[t] in e) return !0;
- })(),
- observer: (function () {
- return (
- "MutationObserver" in window || "WebkitMutationObserver" in window
- );
- })(),
- passiveListener: (function () {
- var e = !1;
- try {
- var a = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
- get: function () {
- e = !0;
- },
- });
- window.addEventListener("testPassiveListener", null, a);
- } catch (e) {}
- return e;
- })(),
- gestures: (function () {
- return "ongesturestart" in window;
- })(),
- },
- plugins: {},
- };
- for (var t = ["jQuery", "Zepto", "Dom7"], s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
- window[t[s]] &&
- (function (e) {
- e.fn.swiper = function (t) {
- var s;
- return (
- e(this).each(function () {
- var e = new a(this, t);
- s || (s = e);
- }),
- s
- );
- };
- })(window[t[s]]);
- var r;
- (r =
- "undefined" == typeof Dom7
- ? window.Dom7 || window.Zepto || window.jQuery
- : Dom7),
- r &&
- ("transitionEnd" in r.fn ||
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