Trader Goods Profile (TGP) supports UK Internal Market Scheme (UKIMS) registered traders moving goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland that are not-at-risk of moving into the European Union.
TGP stores goods information allowing traders or intermediaries to use the information to create, update and remove declarations.
- Scala 2.13.12
- Java 11
- SBT > 1.9.7
- Mongo 4.4
- Service Manager
Run this service from your console using: sbt run
Use service manager to start up supporting services: sm2 --start TGP_FE_ALL
Run this to check unit tests: sbt test
Run this to check integration tests: sbt it/test
Run this to run all tests, check code coverage, and generate a report: sbt clean coverage test it/test coverageReport
Run this to check all scala files are formatted: sbt scalafmtCheckAll
Run this to format non-test scala files: sbt scalafmt
Run this to format test scala files: sbt test:scalafmt
To run all unit and IT tests, check code coverage, and generate a report: Use sbt testAndCoverage
Before raising a PR, to run all unit and IT tests, format the code, check code coverage, and generate a report: Use sbt prePR
Before merging, to run all unit and IT tests, verify code formatting, check code coverage, and generate a report: Use sbt preMerge
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.