is a lightweight javascript library of approximately 1kb for working with text masks. It was built to solve problems mainly in HTML inputs with javascript free from any other library. It was designed to solve inputs, but it is also valid when used to print texts in a simple and objective way. I guarantee a secure library covered with tests and open source!
It is very simple to use to create masks using the patterns below:
— Digits
Only numbers
— Optional digits
Indicates whether there will be a number or not
— Recursive digits
Use this pattern to create infinitely repeatable formulas
— Letters and numbers
Uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers
— Letters
Uppercase, lowercase letters
Using npm:
npm install make-mask
Using yarn:
yarn add make-mask
Using jsDelivr CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Using unpkg CDN:
<script src=""></script>
It's very simple to use!
import mask from 'make-mask'
mask('12345678', '00000-000') // => 12345-678
Type information about the function
* Returns the transformed value
* @param {string} value original value
* @param {string} mask syntax pattern
* @param {object} options options object
* @return {string} mask result
fn(value, mask[ , options])
mask('27101', '00/00/0000') // => 27/10/1
mask('271018', '00/00/0000') // => 27/10/18
mask('2710182', '00/00/0000') // => 27/10/182
mask('27101820', '00/00/0000') // => 27/10/1820
mask('203', '00:00:00') // => 20:3
mask('2039', '00:00:00') // => 20:39
mask('20392', '00:00:00') // => 20:39:2
mask('203922', '00:00:00') // => 20:39:22
mask('01310', '00000-000') // => 01310
mask('013109', '00000-000') // => 01310-9
mask('0131093', '00000-000') // => 01310-93
mask('01310930', '00000-000') // => 01310-930
const options = { reverse: true }
mask('6689', '#.##0,00', options) // => 66,89
mask('66899', '#.##0,00', options) // => 668,99
mask('668993', '#.##0,00', options) // => 6.689,93
mask('6689932', '#.##0,00', options) // => 66.899,32
const m = '(00) 0000-0000'
mask('11994132', m) // => (11) 9413-2
mask('119941325', m) // => (11) 9413-25
mask('1199413256', m) // => (11) 9413-256
mask('11994132568', m) // => (11) 9413-2568
const options = { reverse: true }
const m = '000.000.000-00'
mask('6698', m, options) // => 66-98
mask('66980', m, options) // => 669-80
mask('669809', m, options) // => 6.698-09
mask('6698090', m, options) // => 66.980-90
const options = { reverse: true }
const m = '00.000.000/0000-00'
mask('0000', m, options) // => 00-00
mask('00001', m, options) // => 000-01
mask('000016', m, options) // => 0000-16
mask('0000168', m, options) // => 0/0001-68
const m = ''
mask('255255', m) // => 255.255
mask('25525525', m) // => 255.255.25
mask('2552552552', m) // =>
mask('255255255255', m) // =>
Maybe when working with price values directly in inputs, this library is not suitable for your needs. And we recommend exploring the make-currency library!