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Honeycomb Refinery

Refinery is a trace-aware sampling proxy server for Honeycomb.

Honeycomb is built for modern software teams to see and understand how their production systems are behaving. Our goal is to give engineers the observability they need to eliminate toil and delight their users. This Helm Chart will install Refinery with the desired sampling rules passed in via a configuration file.


Install the chart with a deterministic sample rate of 1 out of every 2 traces.

helm repo add honeycomb
helm install refinery honeycomb/refinery --set rules.Samplers.__default__.DeterministicSampler.SampleRate=2


  • Helm 3.0+
  • Kubernetes 1.23+

Installing the Chart

Install Refinery with your custom chart values file

helm install refinery honeycomb/refinery --values /path/to/refinery-values.yaml

If no configuration file is passed in, Refinery will deploy with the default configuration in values.yaml.


The repository's values.yaml file contains information about all configuration options for this chart. For details on Refinery-specific configuration review the Refinery configuration docs.

NOTE: Configuration does not hot-reload and changes will recycle pods when upgrading via helm upgrade operations.

Refinery Metrics

By default the chart exposes Refinery metrics via Prometheus, but if you decide to send Refinery's runtime metrics to Honeycomb, you will need to give Refinery an API for the team you want those metrics sent to.

You can obtain your API Key by going to your Account profile page within your Honeycomb instance.

# refinery.yaml
    enabled: true
    # APIHost: # default
    # Dataset: "Refinery Metrics" # default
    # ReportingInterval: 30s # default

Configuring sampling rules

Use the Refinery documentation to learn how to configure your sampling rules. When using the operators >, >= or != make sure you indicate that they are strings by enclosing them in single quotes. For example, use '>='.

NOTE: Sampling rules are hot-reloaded and do not require pods to restart to take effect when upgrading via helm upgrade operations.

Disabling Live-Reload on Rules Changes

Depending on Kubernetes use-cases, operators may wish to disable Refinery's default live-reload behavior on rules changes and rely instead on Kubernetes to trigger a rolling pod update when the rule configmap changes.

This can be accomplished by setting

LiveReload: false

Redis Configuration

By default, a single node configuration of Redis will be installed. This configuration is not recommended for production deployments of Refinery. It is recommended that you configure and install a high available setup of Redis that can be used by this chart with the [RedisPeerManagement configuration option](A meaningful link)

Redis is used for peer discovery only, and the workloads on an existing cluster will be minimal.

Scaling Refinery

Refinery is a stateful service and is not optimized for dynamic auto-scaling. As such, we recommend provisioning refinery for your anticipated peak load.

The default configuration is to deploy 3 replicas with resource limits of 2 CPU cores, and 2Gi of memory. This configuration is capable to handle a modest sampling load and should be configured based on your expected peak load. Scaling requirements are largely based on the velocity of spans received per second, and the average number of spans per trace. Other settings such as rule complexity and trace duration timeouts will also have an effect on scaling requirements.

The primary setting that control scaling are replicaCount and resources.limits. Unless overriden, the value for resources.limits.memory will be used for config.Collection.AvailableMemory.

See Refinery: Scale and Troubleshoot for more details on how to properly scale Refinery.

Using Autoscaling

Refinery can be configured to auto-scale with load. During auto-scale events, trace sharding is recomputed, which will result in traces with missing spans being sent to Honeycomb. Traces with missing spans can happen for upto the config.TraceTimeout * 2. In order to avoid auto-scale events, it is recommended to disable scaleDown which will limit broken traces should traffic rapidly go up and down.

Autoscaling of refinery is configured using the autoscaling setting.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Refinery chart, and their default values, as defined in values.yaml.

Parameter Description Default
LiveReload If disabled, triggers a rolling restart of the cluster whenever the Rules configmap changes true
RulesConfigMapName Name of ConfigMap containing Refinery Rules ""
affinity Map of node/pod affinities {}
autoscaling.behavior Set the autoscaling behavior scaleDown.selectPolicy: disabled
autoscaling.enabled Enabled autoscaling for Refinery false
autoscaling.maxReplicas Set maximum number of replicas for Refinery 10
autoscaling.minReplicas Set minimum number of replicas for Refinery 3
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Set the target CPU utilization percentage for scaling 75
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Set the target Memory utilization percentage for scaling nil
config Refinery Configuration see Refinery Configuration
debug.enabled whether or not the -d flag should be used in the Refinery arguments to enable the debug service false
debug.port the port on which the debug service will be exposed 6060
extraCommandArgs List of extra string args to pass to refinery start command []
fullnameOverride String to fully override refinery.fullname template with a string nil
grpcIngress.annotations gRPC Ingress annotations {}
grpcIngress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource for gRPC traffic false
grpcIngress.hosts[0].host Hostname to use for gRPC Ingress refinery.local
grpcIngress.hosts[0].path Path prefix that will be used for the host /
grpcIngress.labels gRPC Ingress labels {}
grpcIngress.tls TLS hosts for gRPC Ingress []
image.pullPolicy Refinery image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Refinery image name honeycombio/refinery
image.tag Refinery image tag (leave blank to use app version) nil
imagePullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array []
ingress.annotations HTTP Ingress annotations {}
ingress.enabled Enable Ingress controller resource for HTTP traffic false
ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname to use for HTTP Ingress refinery.local
ingress.hosts[0].path Path prefix that will be used for the host /
ingress.labels HTTP Ingress labels {}
ingress.tls TLS hosts for HTTP Ingress []
nameOverride String to partially override refinery.fullname template with a string (will append the release name) nil
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
podLabels Pod labels {}
podSecurityContext Security context for pod {}
redis.affinity Map of node/pod affinities specific to the installed Redis deployment {}
redis.enabled When true, a Redis instance will be installed true
redis.image.pullPolicy Redis image pull policy IfNotPresent
redis.image.repository Redis image name redis
redis.image.tag Redis image tag 6.0.2
redis.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment specific to the installed Redis deployment {}
redis.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment specific to the installed Redis deployment []
redis.topologySpreadConstraints TopologySpreadConstraints for pod assignment specific to the installed Redis deployment []
replicaCount Number of Refinery replicas 3
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits limit: 2000m/2Gi, request: 500m/500Mi
rules Refinery sampling rules see Configuring sampling rules
secretProvider.create1 Specify whether a SecretProvider should be created false 1 Specify the name of your SecretProvider nil
secretProvider.spec 1 Specify the spec of your SecretProvider nil
securityContext Security context for container {}
service.annotations Service annotations {}
service.grpcPort Service port for data in OTLP format over gRPC 4317
service.labels Service labels {}
service.port Service port for data in Honeycomb format 80
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to be applied to ServiceAccount {}
serviceAccount.create Specify whether a ServiceAccount should be created true
serviceAccount.labels Labels to be applied to ServiceAccount {} The name of the ServiceAccount to create Generated using the refinery.fullname template
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
topologySpreadConstraints TopologySpreadConstraints for pod assignment []
  1. secretProvider functionality requires the Secrets Store CSI Driver


Upgrading from 1.19.1 or earlier

[Refinery had a 2.0 release!](link to release notes). It contains many important, but breaking, changes. As a result, the chart has also had a 2.0 release! All the breaking changes to the chart affect config and rules. In order to help convert your existing values.yaml to the new 2.0 configuration options you can use the Refinery Converter tool. This tool is able to convert your existing values.yaml to the new 2.0 style, keeping all your custom configuration intact.

Upgrading from 1.3.1 or earlier

MaxBatchSize is now configurable, set by default to its initially hardcoded value of 500. This value represents the number of events to include in a batch to be sent.

Upgrading from 1.2.0 or earlier

PeerManagement defaults are being set, including NetworkIdentifierName: eth0. This was necessary to ensure communications when DNS on K8s can be flaky at times (especially on startup). If you had set this before you may need to update to use eth0 instead as the value since the base image has also changed which controls this.

Upgrading from 1.1.1 or earlier

The default limits and replica count and memory were increased to properly represent minimum production requirements.

  • replicaCount has been increased from 2 to 3
  • resources.limits.memory has been increased from 1Gi to 2Gi
  • config.TraceTimeout has been decreased from 300s to 60s