- Fixed drawer content opacity when opening multiple times in Firefox
- Removed EXITING class when leaving a page, breaking Firefox Back button.
- Fixed some styles for drawers
- Updated link manager with vanilla js one.
- Updated reveal and loading to latest.
- Renamming pass.
- All swiper are now initialized by the same script.
- Rewrote reveal.js from scratch.
- Drawer are now h3 by default.
- Splash module reveal moved to a wrapper instead of each asset.
- Generally improved and added features to the new loading, loaded and exiting states.
- Links.js can now manage links anytime and in specified scope instead of body onload.
- Site intro on home page using site_logo and slected loader color.
- Start using 'loading', 'loaded', 'exiting' body class for loading and eventually other things.
- Fonts now use SWAP instead of FALLBACK
- Generally cleaning js.
- bumped default reveal delay from 20 to 90
- Fixed ternary operator in site-loader crashing on some browsers.
- Favicon must now be added from the theme blueprint.
- Mobile nav panel now deploy from the top instead of bottom.
- Splash height can now be set for independently for portrait and landscape.
- Fixed a typo in theme blueprint making nav panel color confusing.
- Added demo conditional site-loader (commented in code).
- Added data-duration attribute to control loader removal from template.
- Refined default reveal a bit. (less movement, more time).
- Added custom css field under Options tab for Modular pages (the pages, not the modules).
- Moved Notify z-index just under the nav so it's hidden by the menu on mobile.
- Nav-link no longer translate up on hover. Translate further down on active.
- Drawer added with new shortcode has more padding.
- .nav-link.selected class in now .nav-link.nav-link--selected.
- Fixed org_logo path.
- Fixed btn-solid shadow corner when rounded.
- Fixed meta description duplication.
- Added body modifier class based on page template and slug.
- Added custom loader color in theme and pages.
- Removed jquery in a bunch of script.
- Removed Kaltura video support.
- Removed Marquee script.
- Removed nav gb color option.
- Removed broken loader spinner.
- Removed duplicate yaml in modular page blueprint.
- Fixed janky custom reveal using fadein in firefox.
- Added new drawer shortcode.
- Deprecated old modular drawer. (set for deletion).
- Unscopped material-design icons when used in text elements. (should fix inherited text-size).
- Fixed product page js not being loaded (fix product gallery).
- Live testing BIG and HUGE font-size for portrait mode.
- Allow for font size other than small in grid-item.
- Fix video modular horizontal padding in portrait.
- Process shortcodes and markdown in grid items.
- Nav Panel theme is now separated from page bg and fg colors and is set in the config.
- Minor stylistic fixes.
- Hide meta-theme from modular.
- Extended color theme to default blueprint (default, product, article, etc).
- Added SVG site logo from theme config. This is the first step in a serie of additions leading to a fully customizable navigation (1.8).
- Improved default template top margin
- Some changes on site loader timing (little bit slower).
- Removed unuset asset from preload block.
- Added support for cvategory taxonomy on articles.
- Blockquotes now react to text context (big, huge).
- Brand new way to manage article header image and thumbnail.
- Article header image caption now supports markdown.
- Modular default role shown first.
- Added some modular header role classes, mainly to show how to do it.
- Replace broken loader image with a temporary spinner.
- Text size editor buttons (small, small, big, huge)
- Text Sizes (big, huge) only affect landscape (desktop) to prevent content duplication.
- Reduced hover effect (trslate Y) on site header links and article cards.
- Removed big bottom margin on h1.
- Fix hero modular first and last child margins when using nested shortcodes.
- The width utility classes (full, site, tight) no longer define content position (was margin h auto).
- Changed all modular to define their own width.
- Content modular now only define the content position (left, center, right). While the width must be defined using the width shortcodes.
- Fixed color nav bg default value (was white, made it transparent).
- Complete color system revamp. (breaking changes)
- Complete margin and padding for modular and utility class revamp. (breaking changes)
- Nav color can now be added trough theme config and modular page blueprints.
- Organization logo (for schema.org) can now be uploaded from theme config.
- Article reveal.
- GA script tag moved to 'after' js group.
- Canonical is now set in base and no longer use an include.
- Whitespace and line break management in multiple template.
- Debug messages for snipcart and google maps.
- Removed organization email and phone from theme config (not used anywhere).
- Better image handling for NewsArticle schema.
- Modular role var in modular partial renammed to modular_role
- Temporary fix for code tag overflowing.
- Pages using Article template now generate newsArticle schema if possible.
- Only generate Organization schema if page is home page.
- Markdown editor Breakpoint buttons.
- Use BEM for site-header CSS (all class names have been changed).
- reveal check initial delay using double bang instead of != null.
- Started overdue color variables refactor. (I did not change the frontmatter for now. I'll probably bump to 1.7 when i do it.)
- Map modular assets are loaded only if you set an api key in theme config.
- Fix margin top on article title.
- Limit reveal per modular.
- Made all buttons and links transitions snappier.
- Mobile nav as a slightly more interesting deployment.
- Made Mobile nav links way bigger.
- Improved swipersc (swiper from shortcode) and product gallery overall behavior.
- Use bold for h3
- Prevent svg from lazy loading in img partial.
- Reveal duration set to 0.5s.
- Reveal shortcode.
- Opt-in reveal animations from theme config.
- Super slow durations and delays.
- Delay and duration shorthands.
- Splash can now disable it's own content reeval (this might become a global modular thing).
- Fadein reveal.
- Matched article reveal with other pages
- All True/False toggles in blueprints ave been replaced with Yes/No so it looks more "Grav".
- Fixed Notifications blueprint YAML lint.
- Improved hr margins so it match with h2.
- Added reveal to embeded video.
- Spiced up code tags.
- Fixed embed video css scope
- Reworked grid-item classes and logic for future expansion. (You might have to re-save your grid module).
- Article cards now look more on par with product card.
- small, xsmall, big and huge font utility class now properly works.
- Grid-item now uses small text.
- Standardized grid class name between article and product collections.
- Grid default vertical align set to top.
- Removed border color from article cards since not compatible with theme colors.
- Added micro transition on article card when :active.
- Fixed grid item margins in portrait.
- Fixed grid modular class names from blueprint.
- nav__link class renammed to nav-link.
- Removed .block and .inline utility class.
- Fixed product collection left gutter.
- Added missing active styles on nav link
- Added missing reveal animation on articles
- Navigation is now a macro.
- Fixed some comments and class names.
- Fixed splash modular video playback conditions when landscape image exist.
- Fixed img template placeholder ratio.
- Some minor standardization between product and article headers.
- The end of the short lived grid padded items.
- Added a small reveal animation to splash content.
- Article image can now be set to tight or site from admin.
- Site-loader transition set to 0.1s instead of 0.2s.
- Article classes name.
- Fixed output of empty authors, image and other missing conditinals in articles.
- Article template with collection.
- More structure product collection header using page title.
- removed initial 200ms delay on reveal.
- replaced formatdate with datetime macro.
- Moved back site-loader below site-header.
- Removed the rule for removing margins on top and bottom child element in content modular (that's a experience, might come back).
- Unscoped pagination loader css.
- img partial now use proper alt
- Grid Modular can now control whether or not items are padded.
- Bumped Snipcart to 3.0.6.
- Product Collection blueprint now set collection by default and can be modified in normal mode.
- Buttons shortcodes now use the "mi" attribute to set material-icons instead of "i" making it the same as other material icons shortcodes.
- Kept legacy support for "i" attribute in button shortcodes.
- Moved notify.js to "after" js group.
- Added default reveal to video modular
- Shrunk h2 on mobile
- Changes default highlight to a nice blue.
- Better h1 margins
- Use a select field for link rel selection in theme config admin panel
- Removed bugged out and unused modular_reveal.
- Fixed buttons material icons line-height.
- Fixed transition being set to "all" on default reveal transition.
- Each marker in Map modular can now set it's own icon.
- Brand new link.js with theme config for prerender, preconnect, dns-prefetch.
- Removed option for content over video modular.
- trying a new nommenclature for theme analytics.
- Fixed drawer modular h tag since you can no longer set a title.
- Synced h1 position between default page and splash modular when aligned vtop.
- Removed Display Title option from modular.
- Default nav has it's own heigth instead of rellying on rhythm.
- Trying the addition of theme version number on theme analytics.
- Unscopped some embed (youtube and vimeo) from content.css (now in site.css).
- Some general improivements to typography (line-height, margins, etc)
- Allow for modular body_class to be used in modular
- Removed bg_image and related fields from hero. It was mostly making extending the modular awkward.
- Fixed changelog date format
- Removed demo content from the theme since it was unmaintained and might have caused some errors.
- Fixed filepicker fields not accepting images in most blueprints.
- Fixed content module default alignement value.
- Improved extendability of nav and modular role.
- trying to find a middle ground for top margins of pages between style, usability and extendability.
- Fixed ajax-form notify fg-color
- Can now set a custom google map icon in theme config.
- removed some whitespace in markup frmo splash modifiers
- splash content using tight width when aligned right horizontally no align properly
- default page and content modular now use "site" width.
- splash modular can now set content position.
- modular base template has 2 now variables for margin and padding.
- modular roles are now defined per module.
- Better notification init
- Notification can now support markdown
- Fix notification targeting homepage only or nested site.
- NEW FONT. Inter is now the single font used throughout the theme.
- Width shortcodes now support classes.
- TextSize shortcode to allow the use of xsmall, small, big and huge text size.
- Splash modular landscape and portrait media.
- Better responsive rhythm.
- Allow theme in map modular.
- Small delay added to splash media scalein animation.
- Admin panel colors and font made more "functional".
- Fixed .m-t_2 and .p-t utility class.
- Started to add different text content (small & xsmall)
- Improved text css
- Removed deprecated slow3g asset
- Removed Rhythm concept from theme blueprint
- All of product css is now packaged in a single file
- Cleaned up splash and removed huge h1 (use the size shortcode if you need it)
- synced product-collection gutters with site gutters
- un-scope strong from p tags
- Better handle of spacing when multiple buttons
- Removed "page-" from all page css files
- Buttons using btn and link shortcodes can detect if linking to current page media and act accordingly.
- js asset group "before" removed and replace by default pipeline output to prevent double js bundle.
- Notify.js moved to default pipeline position
- Use jquery from grav core to prevent duplicate.
- Small product improvements for long product names.
- Removed small product description to remove clutter on mobile device
- Product name in addtocart bar now only appear on mobile
- Notifications (using notify.js) can now be added per page or globally with local storage support. Notify.js received a small update as well.
- site-nav bg color can no longer be set from theme config
- Product collections can now be paginated
- Super basic site notifications (WIP)
- Gave the product card its own template (product-item.html.twig)
- removed custom.css to allow simple customization
- tighter blockquote and embed margins
- tightened form submit with fields
- improved product grid class name
- fix Grav debugger no loading
- fix embed width in product content
- Introduction of product collection page (WIP)
- Product "Add to cart" as a fixed component
- Product gallery height
- Admin Product price is now a text field
- General spacing improvement here and there
- Fixed lists indent
- New page css file naming scheme
- Complete revamp of the product template
- Header is now smaller on mobile
- All Swiper now use scrollbar as pagination
- Updated snipcart to 3.0.5
- Site-loader no longer use jquery fadeOut
- Removed some console logs in reveal.js
- Swiper in product and shortcode now use object fit cover.
- Brought back a better version of img partial reveal
- Allow low-rez placeholder while lazyloading and related options in admin panel
- Fixed margins in forms used in some modular
- Reduced Notification height and fixed wrapping in multiple paragraph message.
- Use new async GA script
- Added image lazyloading for all images using the img partial.
- Some js files and function name have been slightly changed. I you experience problem on a up-to-date theme. Open an issue.
- Changed delay and duration utility class names.
- Deprecated old delay and duration utility class.
- Pass on all modular to fix delay and duration class names.
- Reveal is now a transition by default instead of an animation.
- Product template now uses the "thight" width for the whole page.
- img partial no longer can set reveal.
- Fixed fullscreen mode on embeded iframes (Youtube, Vimeo, etc)
- Added simple cart product count
- site-header use site.title value instead of hardcoded one.
- Content modular now controls it's own width (site/tight).
- embed and othet content type now follow the content modular width instead of trying to define their own.
- Button shortcodes are being worked on a lot.
- btn-link and btn-solid shortcodes have been removed in favor of simpler btn and link.
- Added swiper image galery as product header
- Added a sticky buy button in product
- Allow use of css and js twig block in base
- Fixed spacing issues with theme buttons used in grid-item.
- Video embed shortcodes now support full URLs.
- Fixed spacing issues with theme buttons used in grid-item.
- Addded loading lazy attr to tracking iframe
- Bumped snipcart to 3.0.4.
- Defered 3rd party script.
- Presumed fix for site-loader placeholder width
- Theme options (colors, rhythm) as been moved out of modulars and into the master module.yaml
- Fixed burger position
- Fixed grid-item content margins irregularity
- Minor spacing fixes
- Buy btn now includes product name
- Completelly removed border-radius from theme as the result was never convincing.
- Snipcart item count commented out
- Snipcart cart icon moved to navigation partial
- Blocquote and embeds now use half rhythm in stead of defenitive values
- Started a cs pass on forms.
- Fixed notify-in animation
- Added reveal.css to allow easier reveal animation changes.
- default "revealed" animation renammed to "reveal".
- Removed all mobile nav panel customization from admin panel since site-header is ment to be inherited and built upon.
- removed condition preventing img default reveal animation.
- Reveal.js no longer add style to header
- .unrevealed and .revealed claases moved to animationa.css for now
- Default revealed animation is now fadeinfrombottom.
- All modular have been cleaned up of reveal animation.
- Fixed a bunch of whitespace in markup
- Removed a superfluoous margin at the end of content modular.
- Removed an overflow hidden in content modular causing glitched reveal animation.
- Added debug text for modular/page requiring api keys
- Replaced all multilangual demo content with non-multilangual content.
- Removed a bugged default value in theme blueprint
- Prevent some embeded iframes to overflow.
- Added demo content.
- Map modular make sure all markers are visible.
- Product must now have an ID.
- Made default theme values similar to demo site
- BREAKING! - Streamlined Material icons shortcodes.
- Removed logo from email template.
- Added Google Maps modular with support for snazzy directly in the theme blueprint and multiple markers
- Cleaned theme blueprint
- BREAKING! fixed a typo in
everywhere. This will break a lot of things. I suggest you find and replace. Figured now was the best time to do it since still no one is using the theme. - Moved rhythm at the bottom of blueprints.
is nowrhythm-header
- improved padding in markdown notices.
- BREAKING! fixed a typo in
- width-tight set to 650px
- Simplified youtube and vimeo shortcodes to youtube="id". (breaking change!)
- Content modular is now always width-site so child elements can set their own width.
- Forms used in content modular width related css moved to content.css
- Reveal animations have been moved to the content for a bunch of modular instead of the outter container.
- Page classes now follow "page__{template-name}".
- Big pass on modular class names.
- Default-header modular is no more and is replaced with content modular.
- Updated commented vars available in modular for all.
- And more!
- New
- Add noopener to external links
- Updated Snipcart and added key field is thme config
- Fixed modular having no fields in admin panel.
- Re done all buttons from scratch
- Theme options in Video modular
- Improved many modules class name
- Simplified width CSS a lot (full, site, tight).
- Some cleanup in grids
- Site header css changes (Introduced BEM)
- Site header now use "site" width instead of custom width.
- Prevent "module" base blueprint from appearing in opage option
- Removed non outputed content field from modular page
- Drawers toggle icons are acting up.
- Modular theme now use a new theme-modular partial making them all the same.
- added custom css to admin panel (it's a mess)
- Hero now support background
- Buttons use tranform for hover effects
- Grid items can now align vertically and horizontally
- Added defauult value to grids
- Browser color renammed Meta Color
- Added missing radius on product image
- fix svg in img partial
- Snipcart integration.
- Product template.
- All modules css rewitten using BEM.
- All modules are now wrapped.
- Splash module animation made snappier.
- Fixed blueprint content tab disapearing on some module.
- Grid can now set border and padding of childrens.
- Grid can control collection.
- Grid has default collection.
- Removed default styles of grid items.
- Added css for a bunch of content use-cases in grid-item.
- It's my birthday 🎂
- Empty p elements should now be hidden.
- Fixed some line break comming from embed shortcodes.
- Grid Modular using css grid (game changer).
- Material Icons shortcodes can now set font-size with the "size" attribute.
- Default border radius control in admin blueprint.
utility class for quick absolute container.
- Default header padding fix on mobile
- Added missing style.
- Sadly removed Ficelle cdn (Nobody can use it anyway).
- Use srcset for responsive image in img.html.twig.
- Stop using onanimationend in reveal.js (and never going back).
- updated breakpoint shortcodes with new portrait and landscape class. Also re-added mobile and desktop classes.
- Splash can now control object-fit and object-position from admin panel.
- Drawers now show title as an h2.
- Marquee no longer uses script and style tags. Added needed files to js and css templates.
- Removed the ability to close the marquee (Too glitchy for me, but the script is still there is you want).
utility class replaced withlandscape
- removed a bunch of commented code.
- reveal.js reverted to onAnimationEnd since slow3g no longer breaks things.
- Removed slow3g animated bg on assets(img, video) breaking some animation.
- Material Icons are now self hosted
- Marquee is now bound to local storage (for 6 hours).
- typeface.css renamed simply font.css
- Marquee has been moved to same z-index braquet as site-header
- default site-loader fade-out now set to 200ms
- Splash animation timings
- Removed overly opinionated site-loader
- Mobile nav naming scheme
- Notify color options
- Drawers and content modular now extends module
- Mobile nav toggle position
- Form inputs now use theme colors.
- All module blueprints now extend module.yaml.
- Added new rhythm-half to all modules
- Modular page blueprint cleaned up.
- Form inputs now use courier (might change soon).
- modules with videos now allow webm.
- Reveal.js now works on video elements.
- Renamed demo email confirmation.
- Header-default no longer has a breadcrumb but behaves like other modules
- Stable release!
- Added styles for form select, radio and unique checkbox.
- Content and Drawers modular now extend partials.
- Normalized whitespaces in shortcodes
- Cleaned up and date format in changelog
- Minor changes to readme
- New
- Initial Release