Quaternion array resources:
Mapping ground signal
Synthetic sidelobes model (Patricio Gallardo)
Ground pickup (PG)--call with Kevin at 10:30 am, existing jupyter notebook
Cross-talk - Max,Tran,Jake (UCSD)
Planet and/or point source simulations - Aamir, Zhilei
- Write a planet mapper based on existing noise modeling (ACT) - Marius (long term)
Long term noise fluctuations - Giuseppe
Long term gain fluctuations - Giuseppe
Quick coverage maps from TOAST ground schedules - Jason / Matthew H.
Data I/O (i.e. support your favorite data format) - Erin
Convolve/deconvolve a transfer function - Katie
Detector Time Constant Deconvolution
Misc. Readout Filtering
Fixed elevation steps in the scheduler - Jason
Gap length proportional to patch separation in scheduler
- Relaxation time from elevation changes into the scheduler.
Boresight rotation - Pedro F.
- Rotation around an arbitrary axis? In case rotation axis is slightly mis-aligned with boresight pointing?
HWP demodulation and downsampling - Maria
HWP-synchronous signal - Jack
Compare South Pole atmospheric model to BICEP/SPT data - Colin
Compare Atacama ATM sims to ACT data - Simone
Scheduler for a specific optics tube instead of the boresight pointing. - Zhilei
Correlated modes with time lags. - Zhilei
The making of flags on timestream data (detection of glitches / jumps, etc) - Katie
Making an instrumental model for S4 in TOAST - Sara
Inverse hierarchy tracking for SO+S4 (i.e. detector knows what wafer, tube,telescope, site, etc. it belongs to) - Sara
Setting up S4 instrument model hierarchy (i.e. set up the individual tubes for running)- Sara
Work on TOAST documentation - Ted
- Installing TOAST
Add the ability to map V as well as IQU - Sasha, Katie, Maria
- Generic Polarization Modulation. (ex: HWP w/ non-idealities. VPMs)
Config file integration
3g pipeline <-> TOAST pipeline integration - Sasha
Instrument model for SPT-3G (reading the dfmux bolometer properties, wiring map and housekeeping) - Sasha
- Same thing, but for BICEP array_info csv file - Colin
Explore integration of pixel space beam convolution into TOAST (connects with 3.) - Pedro F.
Support for non-constant velocity scan profiles
Support for balloon experiments
Non-healpix pixelization (WCS)