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File metadata and controls

59 lines (49 loc) · 3.03 KB

Syslog Receiver configuration


A config file is a plain text file in YAML format. Configuration arguments can also be specified via the command line. in case a key is in the config file and command line, the argument from the command line is taken.

config file

key: value

command line

-key value

Configuration Keys

The Syslog Receiver configuration supports the following keys. If a key is not specified the default is taken.

Key Default Description
verbose false log output to stdout
pid-file /var/run/ file in which server should write its process ID
logdecoder The address of the RSA Netwitness Log Decoder
logdecoderprotocol tcp The protocol to send the syslog. tcp or udp
listenport 5514 The port to listen for incoming syslog events
listenprotocol tcp The port to listen for incoing syslog events
workers 1 The number of workers to process incoming events
stats-enabled true enable the REST stats server
stats-hhtp-port 8081 the REST stats server port
rfc3164 see below The regex to parse RFC3164 syslog events
rfc5424 see below The regex to parse RFC5424 syslog events

The default configuration path is /etc/syslogreceiver/syslogreceiver.conf but you can change it as below:

rsa-nw-syslog-receiver -config /usr/local/etc/syslogreceiver.conf

To show version information use:

rsa-nw-syslog-receiver -version

Some words about Regex parsing

The pattern to parse RFC3164 events is:


while a RFC5424 event is parsed as:

^[1-9]\\d{0,2} (?P<time>(\\d{4}[-]\\d{2}[-]\\d{2}[T]\\d{2}[:]\\d{2}[:]\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d{1,6})?(?:[+-]\\d{2}[:]\\d{2}|Z)?)|-)\\s(?P<host>([\\w][\\w\\d\\.@-]*)|-)\\s(?P<ident>[^ ]+)\\s(?P<pid>[-0-9]+)\\s(?P<msgid>[^ ]+)\\s?(?P<extradata>(\\[(.*)\\]|[^ ]))?\\s(?P<message>.*)$

Please note that the "\" needs to be escaped using "\\".

If a custom Regex pattern is used in the config file, it is important to have 2 named groups: "" specifies the original Sender "" specifies the original messages

If the specified Regex pattern does not match, the message is forwarded as-is, with the Syslog Relay Server as the originating host.