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Releases: hybridgroup/gocv


05 Mar 14:20
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  • build
    • install unzip before build
    • overwrite when unzipping file to install Tensorflow test model
    • use -DCPU_DISPATCH= flag for build to avoid problem with disabled AVX on Windows
    • update unzipped file when installing Tensorflow test model
  • core
    • add Compare() and CountNonZero() functions
    • add getter/setter using optional params for multi-dimensional Mat using row/col/channel
    • Add mat subtract function
    • add new toRectangle function to DRY up conversion from CRects to []image.Rectangle
    • add split subtract sum wrappers
    • Add toCPoints() helper function
    • Added Mat.CopyToWithMask() per #47
    • added Pow() method
    • BatchDistance BorderInterpolate CalcCovarMatrix CartToPolar
    • CompleteSymm ConvertScaleAbs CopyMakeBorder Dct
    • divide, multiply
    • Eigen Exp ExtractChannels
    • operations on a 3d Mat are not same as a 2d multichannel Mat
    • resolve merge conflict with duplicate Subtract() function
    • run gofmt on core tests
    • Updated type for Mat.GetUCharAt() and Mat.SetUCharAt() to reflect uint8 instead of int8
  • docs
    • update ROADMAP of completed functions in core from recent contributions
  • env
    • check loading resources
    • Add distribution detection to deps rule
    • Add needed environment variables for Linux
  • highgui
    • add some missing test coverage on WaitKey()
  • imgproc
    • Add adaptive threshold function
    • Add pyrDown and pyrUp functions
    • Expose DrawContours()
    • Expose WarpPerspective and GetPerspectiveTransform
    • implement ConvexHull() and ConvexityDefects() functions
  • opencv
    • update to OpenCV version 3.4.1


14 Feb 19:54
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  • bugfix
    • correct several errors in size parameter ordering
  • build
    • add missing opencv_face lib reference to
    • Support for non-brew installs of opencv on Darwin
  • core
    • add Channels() method to Mat
    • add ConvertTo() and NewMatFromBytes() functions
    • add Type() method to Mat
    • implement ConvertFp16() function
  • dnn
    • use correct size for blob used for Caffe/Tensorflow tests
  • docs
    • Update copyright date and Apache 2.0 license to include full text
  • examples
    • cleanup mjpeg streamer code
    • cleanup motion detector comments
    • correct use of defer in loop
    • use correct size for blob used for Caffe/Tensorflow examples
  • imgproc
    • Add cv::approxPolyDP() bindings.
    • Add cv::arcLength() bindings.
    • Add cv::matchTemplate() bindings.
    • correct comment and link for Blur function
    • correct docs for BilateralFilter()


24 Jan 13:32
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  • core
    • add ColorMapFunctions and their test
    • add Mat ToBytes
    • add Reshape and MinMaxLoc functions
    • also delete points
    • fix mistake in the norm function by taking NormType instead of int as parameter
    • SetDoubleAt func and his test
    • SetFloatAt func and his test
    • SetIntAt func and his test
    • SetSCharAt func and his test
    • SetShortAt func and his test
    • SetUCharAt fun and his test
    • use correct delete operator for array of new, eliminates a bunch of memory leaks
  • dnn
    • add support for loading Tensorflow models
    • adjust test for Caffe now that we are auto-cropping blob
    • first pass at adding Caffe support
    • go back to older function signature to avoid version conflicts with Intel CV SDK
    • properly close DNN Net class
    • use approx. value from test result to account forr windows precision differences
  • features2d
    • implement GFTTDetector, KAZE, and MSER algorithms
    • modify MSER test for Windows results
  • highgui
    • un-deprecate WaitKey function needed for CLI apps
  • imgcodec
    • add fileExt type
  • imgproc
    • add the norm wrapper and use it in test for WarpAffine and WarpAffineWithParams
    • GetRotationMatrix2D, WarpAffine and WarpAffineWithParams
    • use NormL2 in wrap affine
  • pvl
    • add support for FaceRecognizer
    • complete wrappers for all missing FaceDetector functions
    • update instructions to match R3 of Intel CV SDK
  • docs
    • add more detail about exactly which functions are not yet implememented in the modules that are marked as 'Work Started'
    • add refernece to Tensorflow example, and also suggest brew upgrade for MacOS
    • improve ROADMAP to help would-be contributors know where to get started
    • in the readme, explain compiling to a static library
    • remove many godoc warnings by improving function descriptions
    • update all OpenCV 3.3.1 references to v3.4.0
    • update CGO_LDFLAGS references to match latest requirements
    • update contribution guidelines to try to make it more inviting
  • examples
    • add Caffe classifier example
    • add Tensorflow classifier example
    • fixed closing window in examples in infinite loop
    • fixed format of the examples with gofmt
  • test
    • add helper function for test : floatEquals
    • add some attiribution from test function
    • display OpenCV version in case that test fails
    • add round function to allow for floating point accuracy differences due to GPU usage.
  • build
    • improve search for already installed OpenCV on MacOS
    • update Appveyor build to Opencv 3.4.0
    • update to Opencv 3.4.0


16 Dec 10:45
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  • core
    • correct Merge implementation
  • docs
    • change wording and formatting for roadmap
    • update roadmap for a more complete list of OpenCV functionality
    • sequence docs in README in same way as the web site, aka by OS
    • show in README that some work was done on contrib face module
  • face
    • LBPH facerecognizer bindings
  • highgui
    • complete implementation for remaining API functions
  • imgcodecs
    • add IMDecode function
  • imgproc
    • elaborate on HoughLines & HoughLinesP tests to fetch a few individual results
  • objdetect
    • add GroupRectangles function
  • xfeatures2d
    • add SIFT and SURF algorithms from OpenCV contrib
    • improve description for OpenCV contrib
    • run tests from OpenCV contrib


25 Nov 09:33
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  • core
    • Add cv::LUT binding
  • examples
    • do not try to go fullscreen, since does not work on OSX
  • features2d
    • add AKAZE algorithm
    • add BRISK algorithm
    • add FastFeatureDetector algorithm
    • implement AgastFeatureDetector algorithm
    • implement ORB algorithm
    • implement SimpleBlobDetector algorithm
  • osx
    • Fix to get the OpenCV path with "brew info".
  • highgui
    • use new Window with thread lock, and deprecate WaitKey() in favor of Window.WaitKey()
    • use Window.WaitKey() in tests
  • imgproc
    • add tests for HoughCircles
  • pvl
    • use correct Ptr referencing
  • video
    • use smart Ptr for Algorithms thanks to @alalek
    • use unsafe.Pointer for Algorithm
    • move tests to single file now that they all pass


20 Nov 15:32
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  • core
    • add TermCriteria for iterative algorithms
  • imgproc
    • add CornerSubPix() and GoodFeaturesToTrack() for corner detection
  • objdetect
    • add DetectMultiScaleWithParams() for HOGDescriptor
    • add DetectMultiScaleWithParams() to allow override of defaults for CascadeClassifier
  • video
    • add CalcOpticalFlowFarneback() for Farneback optical flow calculations
    • add CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK() for Lucas-Kanade optical flow calculations
  • videoio
    • use temp directory for Windows test compat.
  • build
    • enable Appveyor build w/cache
  • osx
    • update env path to always match installed OpenCV from Homebrew


08 Nov 20:41
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  • core
    • Added cv::mean binding with single argument
    • fix the write-strings warning
    • return temp pointer fix
  • examples
    • add counter example
    • add motion-detect command
    • correct counter
    • remove redundant cast and other small cleanup
    • set motion detect example to fullscreen
    • use MOG2 for continous motion detection, instead of simplistic first frame only
  • highgui
    • ability to better control the fullscreen window
  • imgproc
    • add BorderType param type for GaussianBlur
    • add BoundingRect() function
    • add ContourArea() function
    • add FindContours() function along with associated data types
    • add Laplacian and Scharr functions
    • add Moments() function
    • add Threshold function
  • pvl
    • add needed lib for linker missing in README
  • test
    • slightly more permissive version test
  • videoio
    • Add image compression flags for gocv.IMWrite
    • Fixed possible looping out of compression parameters length
    • Make dedicated function to run cv::imwrite with compression parameters


19 Oct 14:56
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  • docs
    • Correct Windows build location from same @jpfarias fix to gocv-site
  • core
    • Add Resize
    • Add Mat merge and Discrete Fourier Transform
    • Add CopyTo() and Normalize()
    • Implement various important Mat logical operations
  • video
    • BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 algorithm now working
    • Add BackgroundSubtractorKNN algorithm from video module
  • videoio
    • Add VideoCapture::get
  • imgproc
    • Add BilateralFilter and MedianBlur
    • Additional drawing functions implemented
    • Add HoughCircles filter
    • Implement various morphological operations
  • highgui
    • Add Trackbar support
  • objdetect
    • Add HOGDescriptor
  • build
    • Remove race from test on Travis, since it causes CGo segfault in MOG2


14 Oct 11:09
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  • Switch to use custom package import domain
  • Complete all instructions for installation use on Ubuntu/Arch Linux, OS X, and Windows 10


11 Oct 12:00
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With improved env script that covers both Ubuntu and Arch Linux.