- Add compatibility check (04b45da)
- add conventional-prs workflow (c94ecab)
- Add mosdepth rule and sort smk files in Snakefile (0fb7de6)
- Add picard_collect_multiple_metrics (c8dfc54)
- Add picard_collect_wgs_metrics rule (3cbed9b)
- Add rule picard_collect_gc_bias_metrics (594fb30)
- added release-please workflow (5021036)
- Added rule mosdepth_bed (6ac5607)
- Added rule mosdepth_bed (7e2b873)
- make compatible with latest snv_indels develop branch (54bf08e)
- Make region input for hs_metrics optional and rename (261c0d8)
- Make wgs_intervals optional for the workflow (c6ff7cf)
- New rule: fastqc (80960a7)
- New rule: hotspot_info. Rm unused refs (e5d80bc)
- New rule: samtools_stats for general qc using samtools (f01ad1e)
- New rules: picard qc stats (8ad346b)
- Print input_list (80dbcd9)
- Remove logging function (33fb902)
- Target only final output in compile�_output_list (f55e883)
- Update multiqc input with reads and flowcell (6642268)
- Use fastqc wrapper (8c4e133)
- Add missing bracket (8b10a42)
- Add pipe for log file (dd85f1d)
- added barcode (2ff4a3c)
- added barcode to fastqc and multiqc (dfc82a8)
- Added default values for memory resources (4189b81)
- added mem_mb to resources schema (1a05800)
- Added resources, changed container, rm testfiles (bf25ab5)
- change run column name to flowcell in units. (75f4ec9)
- changed singularity and config path for bed file (9d5ba40)
- changed singularity and params (8032ff9)
- Fix multiqc data dir name (3e50e26)
- good to add the function (9d119c5)
- input that is not required now have default value (fec20b1)
- input that is not required now have default value (66a481a)
- lock version of mamba and singularity (6fed76c)
- Missing info in resourse schema (0213b85)
- Move benchmark output to qc folder (33245ab)
- output directory change (661fefc)
- rename env file (74e29f4)
- resource schema memory had wrong type (bdb5b4f)
- singularity path (b21e5bd)
- sort multiqc output not in alphabetical order! (0e92f09)
- update bam location to match alignment module (06a39e3)
- use curly braces in multiqc (b4a6ccf)
- wrong brackets used (35f133a)