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1413 lines (1088 loc) · 58.7 KB

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1413 lines (1088 loc) · 58.7 KB




  • Units.AdjustRadian(double parameter, double reference)
  • Equations
  • Vector3Extensions.UniqueAverageWithinTolerance(this IEnumerable<Vector3> vectors, double tolerance = Vector3.EPSILON)
  • Vector3.ClosestPointOn(InfiniteLine line)
  • Plane.Intersects(Plane other, out InfiniteLine result)
  • ICurve.Intersects(ICurve curve, out List<Vector3> results)
  • InfiniteLine.ParameterAt(Vector3 pt, out double t)
  • InfiniteLine.Intersects(Plane plane, out Vector3 result)
  • InfiniteLine.Intersects(InfiniteLine other, out List<Vector3> results)
  • InfiniteLine.Intersects(Circle circle, out List<Vector3> results)
  • InfiniteLine.Intersects(Ellipse ellipse, out List<Vector3> results)
  • InfiniteLine.Intersects(BoundedCurve curve, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Circle.Normal
  • Circle.ParameterAt(Vector3 pt, out double t)
  • Circle.Intersects(Circle other, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Circle.Intersects(InfiniteLine line, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Circle.Intersects(Ellipse ellipse, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Circle.Intersects(BoundedCurve curve, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Ellipse.Normal
  • Ellipse.Circumference()
  • Ellipse.ParameterAt(Vector3 pt, out double t)
  • Ellipse.Intersects(InfiniteLine line, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Ellipse.Intersects(Circle circle, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Ellipse.Intersects(Ellipse other, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Ellipse.Intersects(BoundedCurve curve, out List<Vector3> results)
  • TrimmedCurve.PointOnDomain(Vector3 point)
  • TrimmedCurve.Intersects(InfiniteLine line, out List<Vector3> results)
  • TrimmedCurve.Intersects(Circle circle, out List<Vector3> results)
  • TrimmedCurve.Intersects(Ellipse ellipse, out List<Vector3> results)
  • TrimmedCurve.Intersects<T>(TrimmedCurve<T> curve, out List<Vector3> results) where T : ICurve
  • TrimmedCurve.Intersects(Bezier bezier, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Bezier.Intersects(InfiniteLine line, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Bezier.Intersects(Circle circle, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Bezier.Intersects(Ellipse ellipse, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Bezier.Intersects(Bezier other, out List<Vector3> results)
  • Elements.Geometry.ThickenedPolyline
  • Polygon.IntersectionLines
  • Model.ToGlTF(MemoryStream stream...)
  • Model.ToIFC(MemoryStream stream ...)
  • Model.ToJson(MemoryStream stream ...)
  • Profile.ThickenedInteriorProfile
  • Profile.ThickenedExteriorProfile
  • Profile.ThickenedEdgePolygons
  • Elements.MEP
  • GeometricElement.RepresentationInstances
  • ContentRepresentation
  • Elements.Door
  • ComponentBase.UseRepresentationInstances - an option flag to make generating fitting models faster/smaller.
  • ContentConfiguration.AllowRotatation
  • AdaptiveGrid.Clone
  • AdditionalProperties to ContentConfiguration.
  • Line.Projected(Line line)


  • Polygon.Contains3D passed wrong out Containment containment parameter in some cases.
  • Code generation supports Vector3? and Color? types.
  • IndexedPolycurve.GetSubdivisionParameters now works correctly with startSetbackDistance and endSetbackDistance parameters.
  • Polyline.Frames now works correctly with startSetbackDistance and endSetbackDistance parameters.
  • Polygon.Frames now works correctly with startSetbackDistance and endSetbackDistance parameters.
  • Polyline.TransformAt returns correct transformations when parameter on domain is provided.
  • IndexedPolycurve constructor that takes list of BoundedCurve now produces CurveIndices that share vertices and are withing index range. This means IndexedPolyline.TransformedPolyline preserves CurveIndicies on new IndexedPolyline.
  • BoundedCurve.ToPolyline now works correctly for EllipticalArc class.
  • Ray.Intersects(Topography) and Ray.Intersects(Mesh) would sometimes return a different intersection than the closest one.
  • Ray.Intersects(Topography) now considers the topography's transform.
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddEdge no longer delete edges in case where new edge partially overlaps old edges without intersections.


  • GltfExtensions.UseReferencedContentExtension is now true by default.
  • GeometricElement.Intersects method now supports multiple representations.
  • GltfExtensions.ToGlTF creates parent node for element and child nodes for representation instances.



  • ITrimmedCurve<TBasis>
  • IBoundedCurve
  • TrimmedCurve
  • BoundedCurve
  • InfiniteLine
  • IConic
  • Arc.ByThreePoints
  • Arc.Fillet
  • Ellipse
  • EllipticalArc
  • IndexedPolycurve
  • Grid1d.GetCellDomains
  • Message.Info
  • Message.Error
  • Message.Warning
  • Topography.Trimmed
  • new Topography(Topography other)
  • Topography.TopMesh()
  • UpdateElementRepresentations flag to all serialization methods


  • Polyline now inherits from BoundedCurve.
  • Polyline is now parameterized 0->length.
  • Arc now inherits from TrimmedCurve<Circle>.
  • Arc is now parameterized 0->2Pi
  • Arc now automatically corrects decreasing angle domains to be increasing, while preserving direction.
  • Line now inherits from TrimmedCurve<InfiniteLine>.
  • Line is now parameterized 0->length.
  • Bezier now inherits from BoundedCurve.
  • Polyline is now parameterized 0->length.
  • Circle is now parameterized 0->2Pi.
  • Line is now parameterized 0->length.
  • Vector3.DistanceTo(Ray ray) now returns positive infinity instead of throwing.
  • Message: removed obsolete FromLine method.
  • AdaptiveGrid: removed obsolete TryGetVertexIndex with tolerance parameter.
  • EdgeInfo: obsolete attribute is removed from HasVerticalChange property.
  • RoutingConfiguration: removed obsolete MainLayer and LayerPenalty properties.
  • Material.EmissiveFactor is now 0.0 by default.
  • Polygon.Area() now returns an unsigned area by default, accepts a bool signed parameter to preserve the previous signed behavior.


  • Using Multiple ModelTexts would sometimes result in a corrupted texture atlas, with cutoff text. This is fixed.
  • #865
  • Network: intersections are not created for some E-shape cases
  • AdaptiveGrid: adding a vertex to a grid that has no transformation no longer cause point precision loss.
  • Vector3.AreCoplanar would sometimes return false negatives.
  • Fix the polygon centroid calculation to remove collinear vertices.
  • Fix the tests for 3dCentroid testing.
  • Message created from Message.FromPoint now has Transform.Origin set exactly on original point.
  • Certain Triangle constructors would not correctly update Vertex.Triangles, this is fixed.



  • #965



  • Extrude Solid Operation supports an optional ReverseWinding parameter to purposely turn its normals inside out.
  • MappingBase and first Revit mapping class to support mapping data for a Revit Converter.
  • WeightModifier.Group
  • AdaptiveGrid.SetWeightModifiersGroupAggregator(string groupName, Func<double, double, double> groupFactorAggregator)
  • AdaptiveGrid.GetWeightModifiersGroup(string groupName)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddPolylineWeightModifier(string name, Polyline polyline, double factor, double influenceDistance, bool is2D, string group = null)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AggregateFactorMin(double a, double b)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AggregateFactorMax(double a, double b)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AggregateFactorMultiply(double a, double b)


  • Element deserialization no longer requires Name to be present — it can be omitted.
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddPlanarWeightModifier - added group parameter.
  • WeightModifier - added group parameter to constructor.
  • Changed the logic for calculating the edge modifier factor. If an edge meets the condition of several WeightModifier objects, factor aggregator function will be applied to factors of each WeightModifiers group. By default - the lowest factor of group is chosen. Finally, factors of all groups will be multiplied.



  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.ErrorMessages
  • EdgeInfo.Flags
  • Elements.Spatial.WeightModifier
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.GetWeightModifier(string name)
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.AddWeightModifier,
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.RemoveWeightModifier
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.ClearWeightModifiers,
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.AddPlaneModifier(string name, Plane plane, double factor)
  • SvgSection.SaveAsSvg, SvgSection.SaveAsPdf
  • Network.TraverseLeftWithoutLeaves()
  • Profile.Cleaned()
  • Message.FromCurve
  • RoutingHintLine.IsNearby
  • RoutingHintLine.Affects
  • SvgFaceElevation
  • Units.FeetToFeetAndFractionalInches, Units.InchesToFractionalInches
  • Line.DistanceTo(Line other)


  • Remove the BBox3 validator.
  • RoutingConfiguration.MainLayer and RoutingConfiguration.LayerPenalty are set obsolete.
  • EdgeInfo.HasVerticalChange is set obsolete.
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.RenderElements is no longer paint hint lines in two different colors. Instead regular edges are paint into three groups. Weights are included to additional properties of produced elements.
  • Removed rule exception from AdaptiveGraphRouting that prevented vertical edges turn cost being discounter.
  • Message.FromLine is set obsolete.
  • In AdaptiveGridRouting, if there are several connection points with the same cost - choose one that is closer to the trunk.
  • GLTF writing now includes an ad-hoc HYPAR_info extension which aids in mapping between GLTF content and element ids in the model.
  • AdaptiveGrid.Tolerance is not distance tolerance. Half the tolerance is used for individual coordinates snapping inside the grid.


  • Fix Obstacle.FromLine if line is vertical and start point is positioned higher than end.
  • Materials exported to glTF now have their RoughnessFactor set correctly.
  • Materials exported to glTF no longer use the KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extension, as this extension is being sunset in favor of KHR_materials_specular and KHR_materials_ior.
  • Gltfs that are merged that require additional extensions will also merge their extensions.
  • Don't try to save test models that have no name, they can interfere with each other because they want to save to the same file.
  • Fixed an issue where Grid2d.GetCells() multiple times could fail to return the correct results on subsequent calls, because changes to the axis grids were not invalidating the grid's computed cells.
  • Adding the first vertex to a mesh with merge: true would throw an exception, this is fixed.
  • Handle quotes in string literals for content catalog code generation by doubling them up.
  • Fix AdaptiveGrid.TryGetVertexIndex returning false for existing vertex if other vertex has similar X or Y coordinate.



  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVerticesWithCustomExtension(IList<Vector3> points, double extendDistance)
  • AdaptiveGrid.HintExtendDistance
  • AdaptiveGrid.SnapshotEdgesOnPlane(Plane plane, IEnumerable<Edge> edgesToCheck)
  • AdaptiveGrid.InsertSnapshot(List<(Vector3 Start, Vector3 End)> storedEdges, Transform transform, bool connect)
  • RoutingHintLine.Is2D
  • Obstacle.Orientation
  • Elements.Spatial.AdaptiveGrid.EdgeInfo
  • Elements.Spatial.AdaptiveGrid.TreeNode
  • IEnumerable<Vector3>.UniqueWithinTolerance(double tolerance = Vector3.EPSILON)
  • Plane.XY, Plane.XZ, and Plane.YZ static properties
  • Vector3.DistanceTo(Ray ray)
  • Ray.Intersects(Ray ray, out Vector3 result, out RayIntersectionResult intersectionResult, bool ignoreRayDirection = false)
  • RayIntersectionResult


  • Line.PointOnLine - added tolerance parameter.
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVertices with ConnectCutAndExtend now extends only up to HintExtendDistance distance and inserts not exttended points as is otherwise ever if they are not touching the grid.
  • Created EdgeInfo structure in AdaptiveGraphRouting instead of a value pair. Added HasVerticalChange parameter to it.
  • Moved BranchSide, RoutingVertex, RoutingConfiguration, RoutingHintLine, TreeOrder from AdaptiveGraphRouting to their own files.
  • RoutingVertex - removed Guides.
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.BuildSpanningTree functions are simplified. Also, they use only single tailPoint now.
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.BuildSpanningTree no longer require to have at least one hint line.
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.BuildSpanningTree and AdaptiveGraphRouting.BuildSimpleNetwork now return IDictionary<ulong, TreeNode>.
  • Don't log all vertex creation actions during Debug mode geometry generation.
  • Polyline.GetSubsegment changes direction of output polyline when parameters reversed
  • Line.IsCollinear - added tolerance parameter.
  • Polygon.CollinearPointsRemoved - added tolerance parameter.
  • Line.TryGetOverlap - added tolerance parameter.
  • CatalogGenerator always uses en-US culture.


  • Line.Intersects for BBox3 - better detection of line with one intersection that just touches box corner.
  • Obstacle.FromWall and Obstacle.FromLine produced wrong Points when diagonal.
  • AdaptiveGridRouting.BuildSimpleNetwork now correctly uses RoutingVertex.IsolationRadius.
  • Fix #898
  • Polyline.Intersects(Polygon polygon, out List<Polyline> sharedSegments) fix bug when odd number of intersections between polyline and polygon



  • Polygon(IList<Vector3> @vertices, bool disableValidation = false)
  • Polygon(bool disableValidation, params Vector3[] vertices)
  • Polyline(IList<Vector3> @vertices, bool disableValidation = false)
  • Polyline(bool disableValidation, params Vector3[] vertices)
  • Mesh.Intersects(Ray) (same as Ray.Intersects(Mesh))
  • Ray.NearbyPoints()
  • PointOctree<T>
  • Message class along with helper creation methods.
  • AdaptiveGrid.Obstacle.AllowOutsideBoundary property
  • AdaptiveGrid.Obstacle.Intersects(Polyline polyline, double tolerance = 1e-05) method
  • AdaptiveGrid.Obstacle.Intersects(Line line, double tolerance = 1e-05) method
  • AdaptiveGrid.Obstacle.IsInside(Vector3 point, double tolerance = 1e-05) method
  • Elements.SVG.SvgSection.CreatePlanFromFromModels(IList<Model> models, double elevation, SvgContext frontContext, SvgContext backContext, string path, bool showGrid = true, double gridHeadExtension = 2.0, double gridHeadRadius = 0.5, PlanRotation planRotation = PlanRotation.Angle, double planRotationDegrees = 0.0)
  • Polygons.U
  • Network.FindAllClosedRegions(List<Vector3> allNodeLocations)
  • Network.TraverseSmallestPlaneAngle((int currentIndex, int previousIndex, IEnumerable<int> edgeIndices) traversalData, List<Vector3> allNodeLocations, List<LocalEdge> visitedEdges, Network<T> network)
  • GeometricElement.Intersects(Plane plane, out Dictionary<Guid, List<Polygon>> intersectionPolygons, out Dictionary<Guid, List<Polygon>> beyondPolygons, out Dictionary<Guid, List<Line>> lines)


  • MeshElement constructor signature modified to be compatible with code generation.
  • Improved performance of mesh/ray intersection
  • BBox3.Extend method is public now
  • AdaptiveGrid.Boundary can be left null.
  • Obstacle properties Points, Offset, Perimeter and Transform can be modified from outside.
  • LinearDimensions now support IOverrideLinked behavior.


  • Fixed a bug where Polyline.Frames would return inconsistently-oriented transforms.
  • Obstacle.FromBox works properly with AdaptiveGrid transformation.
  • AdaptiveGrid.SubtractObstacle worked incorrectly in AdaptiveGrid.Boundary had elevation.
  • #805
  • Polyline.Intersects(Polygon polygon, out List<Polyline> sharedSegments) bug when polyline start/end is on polygon perimeter
  • GltfBufferExtensions.CombineBufferAndFixRefs bug when combining buffers from multiple gltf files.
  • Obstacle.FromWall was failing when producing a polygon.
  • Network incorrect tree building and search of intersections



  • Material now supports a DrawInFront property.
  • Model.Intersect(Plane plane, out List<Geometry.Polygon> intersectionPolygons, out List<Geometry.Polygon> beyondPolygons)
  • GeometricElement.UpdateBoundsAndCsg()
  • EdgeExtensions.Intersects(this (Vector3 from, Vector3 to) edge, Plane plane, out Vector3 result)
  • RelationToPlane enum.
  • BBox3.Intersects(Plane plane, out RelationToPlane relationToPlane)
  • BBox3.Extend(Vector3 point)
  • BBox3.Extend(params Vector3[] points)
  • TiledCeiling.GetTileCells()
  • AdaptiveGridRouting.AddRoutingFilter(RoutingFilter f)
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting.RoutingConfiguration.SupportedAngles property.
  • Default values for AdaptiveGraphRouting.RoutingConfiguration constructor.
  • Line.BestFit(IList<Vector3> points)
  • Vector3Extensions.BestFitLine(this IList<Vector3> points)
  • Polygon.FromAlignedBoundingBox2d(IEnumerable<Vector3> points, Vector3 axis, double minSideSize = 0.1)
  • Transform.RotateAboutPoint and Transform.RotatedAboutPoint convenience methods.
  • Solid.ToCSG() extension method is now an instance method on Solid.
  • DoubleToleranceComparer
  • Line.IsOnPlane() method
  • Polyline.Intersects(Line line, out List<Vector3> intersections, bool infinite = false, bool includeEnds = false) method
  • Polyline.GetParameterAt(Vector3 point) method
  • Polyline.GetSubsegment(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) method
  • Polygon.GetSharedSegments(Polyline polyline) method
  • BBox3.Offset(double amount)
  • Obstacle in Elements.Spatial.AdaptiveGrid
  • IAddVertexStrategy with Connect and ConnectWithAngle implementations in Elements.Spatial.AdaptiveGrid
  • AdaptiveGrid.Boundaries
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVertex(Vector3 point)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVertex(Vector3 point, IAddVertexStrategy strategy, bool cut = true)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddEdge(Vertex a, Vertex b, bool cut = true)
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddEdge(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, bool cut = true)


  • AdaptiveGraphRouting how recognizes edges as affected by hint line of the same direction if part of it is close enough.
  • Vector3.AreCollinear are renamed into Vector3.AreCollinearByDistance and added tolerance parameter.
  • Line.Trim - added infinite for the cases when line needs to be treated as infinite.
  • Vector3.ClosestPointOn - added infinite for the cases when line needs to be treated as infinite.
  • Elements.Geometry.Solids.Edge public constructor
  • Elements.Geometry.Solids.Vertex public constructor
  • Line.PointOnLine now uses distance to line instead of dot product.


  • Profile.Split would sometimes fail if the profile being split contained voids.
  • Line.Intersects(BBox3 box, out List<Vector> results, bool infinite = false) fix incomplete results when line misaligned with bounding box
  • Fixed a mathematical error in MercatorProjection.MetersToLatLon, which was returning longitude values that were skewed.
  • Grid2d.IsTrimmed would occasionally return true for cells that were not actually trimmed.
  • Vector3[].AreCoplanar() computed its tolerance for deviation incorrectly, this is fixed.
  • Polyline.Intersects(Line line, out List<Vector3> intersections, bool infinite = false, bool includeEnds = false) fix wrong results when infinite flag is set, fix for overlapping points when include ends is set.



  • Dimension
  • LinearDimension
  • AlignedDimension
  • ContinuousDimension
  • Vector3.AreCollinearByAngle(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, double tolerance)


  • Line.IsCollinear(Line line) would return false if lines are close to each other but not collinear
  • Vector3.AreCollinear(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) would return false if points coordinates difference is larger than Vector3.EPSILON
  • EdgeDisplaySettings for materials to control the display of lines in supported viewers (like
  • Line.GetUParameter(Vector 3) - calculate U parameter for point on line
  • Line.MergeCollinearLine(Line line) creates new line containing all four collinear vertices
  • Line.Projected(Plane plane) create new line projected onto plane
  • Profile.Split would sometimes fail if the profile being split contained voids.


  • Simplified IEnumerable<Vector3>.ToGraphicsBuffers()
  • TryToGraphicsBuffers is now public
  • Solid SweepFaceAlongCurve now has an additional parameter, profileRotation, which enables the caller to pass a profile rotation into sweep creation.



  • Mesh.Sphere(double radius, int divisions)
  • Material.EmissiveTexture
  • Material.EmissiveFactor
  • PriorityQueue
  • AdaptiveGraphRouting
  • AdaptiveGrid constructor with no parameters.
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVertexStrip(IList<Vector3> points)
  • AdaptiveGrid.CutEdge(Edge edge, Vector3 position)
  • AdaptiveGrid.ClosestVertex(Vector3 location) and AdaptiveGrid.ClosestEdge(Vector3 location)
  • AdaptiveGrid.RemoveEdge(Edge edge)


  • Remove removeCutEdges from AdaptiveGrid.SubtractBox and always remove cut parts of intersected edges.
  • GenerateUserElementTypeFromUriAsync now takes an optional excludedTypes argument.
  • Remove AdaptiveGrid reference from Edge and Vertex Move Edge.GetVertices and Edge.GetLine to AdaptiveGrid.
  • Rename AdaptiveGrid.DeleteEdge(Edge edge) into RemoveEdge and is not public.
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddEdge(ulong vertexId1, ulong vertexId2) is now public.


  • Vector3.AreCollinear(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) would return false if two points are coincident but not exactly.
  • Line.TryGetOverlap(Line line, out Line overlap) would return incorrect results due to wrong internal sorting.
  • Profile.UnionAll, Difference, Intersection, Offset no longer produce internal loops in Perimeter or Voids.



  • Solid.Union(Solid a, Transform aTransform, Solid b, Transform bTransform)
  • Solid.Union(SolidOperation a, SolidOperation b)
  • Solid.Difference(Solid a, Transform aTransform, Solid b, Transform bTransform)
  • Solid.Difference(SolidOperation a, SolidOperation b)
  • Solid.Intersection(Solid a, Transform aTransform, Solid b, Transform bTransform)
  • Solid.Intersection(SolidOperation a, SolidOperation b)
  • Solid.Intersects(Plane p, out List<Polygon> result)
  • SetClassification
  • LocalClassification
  • ModelLines
  • AdaptiveGrid.AddVertex(Vector3 point, List<Vertex> connections)
  • Color.SRGBToLinear(double c)
  • Color.LinearToSRGB(double c)
  • Line.IsCollinear(Line line)
  • Line.GetOverlap(Line line)


  • Add parameter removeCutEdges to AdaptiveGrid.SubtractBox that control if cut parts of intersected edges need to be inserted into the graph.
  • Material colors are now exported to glTF using linear color space. Conversion from sRGB to linear color space happens during glTF export.


  • Under some circumstances Bezier.Length() would return incorrect results



  • Polyline.Edges()
  • Model.ToJson(string path)
  • new Color(string hexOrName)
  • implicit conversion from string to Color


  • Fix GridLine deserialization from obsoleted values of either Line or Geometry.



  • GridLine.GetCircleTransform()
  • Network.ToModelText(List<Vector3> nodeLocations, Color color)
  • Content Elements can now use an optional disk cache when running locally for testing purposes, to speed up repeated tests or runs, by setting GltfExtensions.GltfCachePath.
  • Transform.Rotated()
  • BBox3.PointAt
  • BBox3.TransformAt
  • BBox3.UVWAtPoint
  • BBox3.XSize, BBox3.YSize, BBox3.ZSize
  • BBox3.XDomain, BBox3.YDomain, BBox3.ZDomain
  • Box type, representing an oriented 3d box.
    • Box.PointAt
    • Box.TransformAt
    • Box.UVWAtPoint
    • Box.UVWToBox
    • Box.BoxToUVW
    • Box.TransformBetween
  • ModelCurve.SetSelectable(bool selectable) can be used to disable selectability of a model curve in the Hypar UI.
  • Elements.Playground project.


  • Support non-linear gridlines by deprecating GridLine.Line and replacing it with GridLine.Curve.
  • Add use new CSG library and test it's effectiveness


  • Under some circumstances when a line originated nearly within tolerance of a polygon, Line.Trim would return the wrong result.
  • #722



  • Position.FromVectorMeters
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.IProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.ParametricProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.VectorExpression
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.ProfileFactoryBase
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.ParametricProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WTProfileType
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WTProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WTProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.LProfileType
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.LProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.LProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.MCProfileType
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.MCProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.MCProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.HSSProfileType
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.HSSProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.HSSProfileFactory
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WProfileType
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WProfile
  • Elements.Geometry.Profiles.WProfileFactory
  • Grid2d.GetTrimmedCellProfiles
  • Ceiling
  • GridLine
  • FitLine(IList<Point2d> points)
  • HalfEdgeGraph.Construct(IEnumerable<Line> lines)
  • Polyline.Project(Plane plane)
  • new Mesh(Mesh mesh)
  • new Topography(Mesh mesh, Material material, Transform transform, Guid id, string name)
  • Ray.Intersects(Mesh mesh)
  • Transform.CreateHorizontalFrameAlongCurve()


  • Change default for useReferenceOrientation when generating content catalogs.
  • Deprecate CreateOrientedAlongCurve (and add CreateHorizontalFrameAlongCurve) for clarity per #687 (Thanks @gytaco!)
  • Position.ToVectorMeters now requires a relativeToOrigin Position, so that it will actually give meaningful measurements in meters.
  • glTF generation now uses material IDs instead of names for material names, to prevent collisions.
  • Line.PointAt does not round input values near 0 or 1 anymore.
  • Polygon constructor throws error if there are less than 3 vertices provided.
  • Decrease intersection tolerance for Grid2d polygon splitting.
  • Added includeCoincidenceAtEdge parameter to Line.Trim.
  • Improved the logic of AreCollinear to utilize perpendicular distance for tolerance checks.
  • BBox3 constructor now takes an IEnumerable<Vector3> instead of a IList<Vector3> as input.
  • Vector3Extensions.Unitized no longer takes a tolerance for its zero-length check.
  • AdaptiveGrid no longer inrsect new edges with all existing edges when new region is added to the grid.



  • Identity.AddOverrideIdentity(this Element element, dynamic overrideObject)
  • GeometricElement.ModifyVertexAttributes
  • Polygon.Contains3D method for checking polygon containment in 3D.
  • WallByProfile.AddOpenings()
  • Profile.Project(Plane)


  • Wall doesn't have Height or Profile any more.
  • WallByProfile deprecates Profile and has methods/constructors to use Perimeter and Openings only.
  • Polygon.Area() will now calculate the area of a polygon in 3D.
  • WallByProfile updated constructor options and UpdateRepresentation logic.
  • Code generation includes an empty constructor for generated types.


  • WallByProfile was failing to deserialize walls without openings.



  • LineSegmentExtensions.Intersections(this IList<Line> lines)
  • Elements.Search.DistanceComparer
  • Elements.Search.DirectionComparer
  • Elements.Search.Network<T>
  • Elements.ElementProxy<T>
  • Identity.AddOverrideValue
  • ModelExtensions.AllElementsOfType<T>(this Dictionary<string, Model> models, string modelName)
  • Polygon RemoveVerticesNearCurve(Curve curve, double tolerance)


  • Identity.AddOverrideIdentity is now an extension method.
  • Profile operations throw fewer exceptions when some piece of the profile is invalid, preferring instead to return a partial result or a null.


  • Line.ExtendTo would sometimes return erroneous results if any of the trimming segments crossed the origin.




  • Support for DXF from many basic elements.
  • SetOperations.ClassifySegments2d(Polygon a, Polygon b, Func<(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, SetClassification classification), bool> filter = null)
  • SetOperations.BuildGraph(List<(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, SetClassification classification)> set, SetClassification shared)
  • RandomExtensions.NextRayInPlane(this Random random, Vector3 origin, Vector3 normal)
  • RandomExtensions.NextRay(this Random random, Vector3 origin)
  • ModelArrows
  • ModelText
  • Vector3.IsUnitized()
  • Transform.Inverted()
  • AdaptiveGrid
  • Line.Intersects(BBox3 box, out List<Vector3> results, bool infinite = false)
  • Vector3.AreCoplanar(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
  • Line.IsAlmostEqualTo(Line line)
  • ConvexHull.FromPointsInPlane(IEnumerable<Vector3> points, Vector3 normalVectorOfFrame)



  • Deduplicate catalog names during code generation.
  • Fix some issues with code generation and deserialization of Vector3 and Mesh types.
  • Fixed an issue where gLTFs would occasionally be generated with incorrect vertex normals.



  • Polyline.Split(List<Vector3> point)
  • Polygon.Split(List<Vector3> point)
  • Polygon.TrimmedTo(List<Polygon> polygons)
  • Vector3.>=
  • Vector3.<=
  • Plane.Intersects(Plane a, Plane b)
  • A handful of convenience operators and conversions:
    • implicit (double X, double Y, double Z) => Vector3
    • implicit (double X, double Y) => Vector3
    • implicit (int X, int Y, int Z) => Vector3
    • implicit (int X, int Y) => Vector3
    • implicit (double R, double G, double B, double A) => Color
    • implicit (double R, double G, double B) => Color
    • new Polygon(params Vector3[] vertices)
    • new Polyline(params Vector3[] vertices)
    • implicit SolidOperation => Representation
    • new Representation(params SolidOperation[] solidOperations)
    • Polygon.Split(params Polyline[] polylines)
    • Polygon.UnionAll(params Polygon[] polygons)
    • Polygon.Difference(params Polygon[] polygons)
    • Polygon.Union(params Polygon[] polygons)
  • Profile.Offset()
  • Overloads with maxDistance parameter for
    • Line.ExtendTo(IEnumerable<Line>)
    • Line.ExtendTo(Polyline)
    • Line.ExtendTo(Polygon)
    • Line.ExtendTo(Profile)
  • Support for DXF from many basic elements.


  • Some changes to ContentElement instance glTF serialization to allow selectability and transformability in the Hypar UI.
  • Added Symbols property to ContentElement.
  • Introduce a SkipCSGUnion flag on Representation, as a hack to get around CSG failures.


  • #616 Code generation from local files now supplies a directory path to help resolve local references.



  • Transform(Plane plane)
  • Polygon.Trimmed(Plane plane, bool flip)
  • GetSolid() method on GeometricElement that returns the Csg solid.
  • ToMesh() method on GeometricElement that return the mesh of a processed solid.
  • Polygon.ToTransform()
  • Elements.Anaysis.AnalysisImage
  • Profile.CreateFromPolygons(IEnumerable<Polygon> polygons)
  • CellComplex:
    • Cell.TraverseNeighbors(Vector3 target, double? completedRadius)
    • Edge.TraverseNeighbors(Vector3 target, double? completedRadius)
    • Face.TraverseNeighbors(Vector3 target, double? completedRadius)
    • Face.TraverseNeighbors(Vector3 target, bool? parallel, bool? includeSharedVertices, double? completedRadius)
  • Dxf creation framework with first Dxf converter.
  • new BBox3(Element element)
  • Bbox3.Corners()
  • Vector3.AreCollinear(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
  • Polygon.CollinearPointsRemoved()


  • AnalysisMesh now handles single valued analysis.
  • Polygon.Split() can now handle polygons that are not in the XY plane.
  • Leave the discriminator property during deserialization. It will go to AdditionalProperties.
  • Lamina representations can now include voids/holes.


  • Guard against missing transforms while generating CSGs.
  • Fixed a bug (#585) where CSG Booleans for certain representations (especially laminae) would fail.
  • Guard against missing transforms while generating CSGs.
  • In rare cases a Line.Intersect(Line) call would fail if there were near-duplicate vertices, this is fixed.
  • Grid1d.ClosestPosition now does a better job finding points on polyline axes.
  • Code-generated constructors now get default arguments for inherited properties.
  • IsDegenerate() method was reversed.
  • Adding content elements that contain multiple nodes used to only add the first mesh, now it adds all the nodes in the referenced glb hierarchy.
  • Transform.OfVector(Vector) is not applying translation anymore as vector doesn't have a position by definition.



  • Grid2d.IsOutside()
  • GraphicsBuffers


  • BuiltInMaterials.Dirt
  • BuiltInMaterials.Grass


  • Grid2d.IsTrimmed() now takes an optional boolean parameter treatFullyOutsideAsTrimmed
  • ConstructedSolid serializes and deserializes correctly.
  • Solid.AddFace(Polygon, Polygon[]) can take an optional third mergeVerticesAndEdges argument which will automatically reuse existing edges + vertices in the solid.
  • Adds optional tolerance parameter to Line.ExtendTo(Polygon), Line.ExtendTo(IEnumerable<Line>), Vector3.IsParallelTo(Vector3).
  • Mesh.GetBuffers now returns a GraphicsBuffers object.
  • Solid.Tessellate now returns a GraphicsBuffers object.
  • CsgExtensions.Tessellate now returns a GraphicsBuffers object.


  • Fixed a bug in ConvexHull.FromPoints when multiple X coordinates are equal.
  • Fixed a bug in Grid2d(Polygon, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) where U or V directions skew slightly when they nearly parallel with a boundary edge.



  • Elements.Spatial.CellComplex
  • Grid2d.ToModelCurves()
  • Alpha release of Hypar.Elements.Components
  • Polyline.OffsetOnSide
  • Ray.Intersects(Polygon)
  • Vector3.DistanceTo(Polygon)
  • (double Cut, double Fill) Topography.CutAndFill(Polygon perimeter, double topElevation, out Mesh cutVolume, out Mesh fillVolume, double batterAngle)
  • void Topography.Trim(Polygon perimeter)


  • ColorScale no longer bands colors but returns smooth gradient interpolation. It additionally now supports a list of values that correspond with the provided colors, allowing intentionally skewed interpolation.
  • Solids.Import is now public.
  • Polygon.Contains was modified to better handle polygons that are not on the XY plane.




  • BBox3.IsValid()
  • BBox3.IsDegenerate()
  • Elements.Light
  • Elements.PointLight
  • Elements.SpotLight
  • Identity.AddOverrideIdentity
  • Material.NormalTexture
  • Polygon.PointInternal()
  • Topography.DepthMesh
  • Topography.DepthBelowMinimumElevation
  • Topography.AbsoluteMinimumElevation
  • Material.RepeatTexture
  • BBox3.IsValid()
  • BBox3.IsDegenerate()
  • Polygon.Split(Polyline)
  • Polygon.Split(IEnumerable<Polyline> polylines)
  • Profile.Split(IEnumerable<Profile>, IEnumerable<Polyline> p)
  • Elements.Spatial.HalfEdgeGraph2d
    • .Construct()
    • .Polygonize()
  • Release helper github action


  • Elements.DirectionalLight now inherits from Elements.Light.
  • Elements.ContentCatalog now has a ReferenceConfiguration property.
  • SHSProfile
  • SHSProfileFactory
  • RHSProfile
  • RHSProfileFactory
  • Spatial.WebMercatorProjection.GetTileSizeMeters produces a much more accurate result and requires a latitude.
  • Adding glb elements to a model uses a cache rather than fetching the stream every time.
  • ProfileServer is now ProfileFactory
  • WideFlangeProfileServer is now WideFlangeProfileFactory
  • First alpha after minor release logic was fixed
  • HSSPipeProfileServer is now HSSPipeProfileFactory
  • TypeGeneratorTests weren't actually running.
  • Profile.Split(IEnumerable<Profile>, Polyline p) now uses improved logic



  • Profile.ToModelCurves()
  • Profile.Difference()
  • Profile.Intersection()
  • Profile.Split()
  • Profile.Segments()
  • Bbox3.ToModelCurves()
  • Line.ExtendTo(IEnumerable<Line>)
  • Line.ExtendTo(Polyline)
  • Line.ExtendTo(Profile)
  • Line.ExtendTo(Polygon)
  • ConvexHull.FromPoints(IEnumerable<Vector3>)
  • ConvexHull.FromPolyline(Polyline)
  • ConvexHull.FromPolylines(IEnumerable<Polyline>)
  • ConvexHull.FromProfile(Profile)
  • Polygon.FromAlignedBoundingBox2d(IEnumerable<Vector3>)
  • Grid2d(Polygon, Grid1d, Grid1d)
  • Grid2d(IEnumerable<Polygon>, Grid1d, Grid1d)
  • Grid2d(Polygon, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
  • Grid2d(IEnumerable<Polygon>, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
  • Random.NextColor() and Random.NextMaterial()
  • Validator.DisableValidationOnConstruction
  • Vector3.ComputeDefaultBasisVectors()


  • Make MeshConverter deserialization more flexible to accommodate a schema used in function input_schema.
  • Prevent the Polygon / Polyline constructors from throwing an exception on duplicate vertices, by removing duplicates automatically.
  • Make Grid1d and Grid2d serializable
  • new Transform(Vector3 origin, Vector3 xAxis, Vector3 yAxis, Vector3 zAxis) did not unitize its axes, this is fixed.
  • All solids and csgs will now have planar texture coordinates.
  • Triangles are now validated to check for 3 distinct vertex positions.


  • Fixed a bug where Polygon.UnionAll was sometimes returning null when it shouldn't (Thanks @M-Juliani !)
  • Fixed #517
  • Fixed a bug where Grid2d subcells would not split correctly with SplitAtPoint
  • Fixed #528



  • The errors parameter for Model.FromJson now has the out modifier. It no longer takes a default value.
  • Model deserialization only refreshes type cache if the forceTypeReload parameter is set to true.


  • Fixed #483 Deserialization of profiles created in UpdateRepresentation
  • Fixed #484 Failure to deserialize Model if any assembly can't be loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where updates to a Grid2d's component Grid1d axes would not propagate to the Grid2d.


  • Profile.UnionAll(...) - Create a new set of profiles, merging any overlapping profiles and preserving internal voids.
  • Polyline.SharedSegments() - Enables search for segments shared between two polylines.
  • Polyline.TransformSegment(...) - Allows transforms for individual polyline segments. May be optionally flagged as polygon and/or planar motion.



  • TypeGenerator.CoreTypeNames
  • MeshConverter
  • Implicit conversion of Curve types to ModelCurve.
  • byte[] Model.ToGlb(...)
  • Grid1d.ClosestPosition()
  • Grid1d.DivideByFixedLengthFromPoint()
  • Grid2d.GetCellNodes()


  • Removed JsonInheritanceAttribute from Element base types.
  • Sweep contstructor now takes a rotation. Transformation of the profile based on rotation happens internal to the sweep's construction.
  • Polyline are no longer required to be planar.
  • Modifies Grid1d.DivideByFixedLengthFromPosition() to be more flexible — supporting a "position" outside the grids domain.
  • Modifies Grid2d.GetCellSeparators() to support returning trimmed separators


  • TypeGenerator.GetCoreTypeNames()
  • UserElementAttribute
  • NumericProperty


  • Ray.Intersects now calls UpdateRepresentations internally for accurate intersections.
  • Fixed #470
  • Fixes a bug in Line.Trim(Polygon p) where lines that started on the polygon would not be treated as outside the polygon.
  • Fixes a bug in Grid2d.IsTrimmed() that would ignore cases where a cell was trimmed by an inner hole.



  • Hypar.Elements.Serialization.IFC - IFC serialization code has been moved to a new project.
  • Hypar.Elements.CodeGeneration - Code generation has been moved to a new project.
  • Elements.DirectionalLight - You can now create a directional light in the model which will be written to glTF using the KHR_lights_punctual extension.
  • Elements.ContentElement - This new class represents a piece of content meant to be instanced throughout a model.
    • The ContentElement is also added to the model by first checking for an available gltf, and then using a bounding box representation as a fallback.
  • Transform.Scaled() - This new method returns a scaled copy of the transform, allowing for a fluent like api.
  • Transform.Moved(...) - Return a copy of a transform moved by the specified amount.
  • Transform.Concatenated(...) - Return a copy of a transform with the specified transform concatenated with it.
  • IHasOpenings.AddOpening(...) - AddOpening provides an API which hides the internals of creating openings.
  • Opening.DepthFront & Opening.DepthBack enable the creation of openings which extrude different amounts above and below their XY plane.
  • Solid operations which have IsVoid=true now use csg operations.


  • Updated ImageSharp to 1.0.0.
  • The source code is now structured with the typical .NET project layout of /src and /test per folder.
  • Opening now has two primary constructors. The ability to create an opening with a profile has been removed. All profiles are now defined with a polygon as the perimeter.
  • Opening.Profile is now deprecated. Please use Opening.Perimeter.
  • Polygon.Normal() has been moved to the base class Polyline.Normal().


  • Fixed #313.
  • Fixed #322.
  • Fixed #342.
  • Fixed #392.
  • Fixed #407.
  • Fixed #408
  • Fixed #416.
  • Fixed #417.
  • Fixed #441



  • CodeGen was failing intermittently
  • Elements schemas with Dictionary types were failing to serialize
  • #355


  • Elements supports the Hub beta
  • CodeGen supports input_schema
  • Hypar.Revit is completely rewritten as an external application, two external commands, and an IDirectContext3D server.


  • some Tessellate method signatures are updated to allow assigning colors at the time of tessellation as Revit requires vertex colors.
  • Updates are made to the type generator to support compiling multiple types into an assembly on disk.



  • #307
  • Mesh.ComputeNormals() would fail if there were any unconnected vertices.
  • new Vertex() would ignore supplied Normals.
  • Vector3.ClosestPointOn(Line) would return points that were not on the line.
  • Line.Intersects(Line) in infinite mode would sometimes return erroneous results.
  • Vector3.AreCollinear() would return the wrong result if the first two vertices were coincident.


  • Added Plane.ClosestPoint(Vector3 p)
  • New methods for dynamic type generation in TypeGeneration, utilized by the Grasshopper plugin.
  • Line.Trim(Polygon)
  • Line.PointOnLine(Vector3 point)
  • Grid1d
    • Grid1d(Grid1d other) constructor
    • Adds IgnoreOutsideDomain flag to SplitAtOffset
    • Adds SplitAtPoint(point) and SplitAtPoints(points) methods
    • Adds internal Evaluate(t) method
    • Adds internal SpawnSubGrid(domain) method
  • Grid2d
    • Adds Grid2d(Grid2d other) constructor
    • Adds Grid2d(Grid2d other, Grid1d u, Grid1d v) constructor
    • Adds SplitAtPoint(point) and SplitAtPoints(points) methods to Grid2d
    • Adds Grid2d(Grid1d u, Grid1d v) constructor
    • Adds support for curved 1d Grid axes
    • Adds private SpawnSubGrid(Grid1d uCell, Grid1d vCell) method
  • Curve.Transformed(transform) (and related XXX.TransformedXXX() methods for child types Arc, Bezier, Line, Polyline, Polygon)


  • Updates to Elements Docs including Grasshopper + Excel.
  • Line.Intersects(Plane p) supports infinite lines
  • Line.Intersects(Line l) supports 3d line intersections
  • Line.Intersects(Line l) now has an optional flag indicating whether to include the line ends as intersections.
  • Line.PointOnLine(Point) now has an optional flag indicating whether to include points at the ends as "on" the line.
  • Grid1d / Grid2d
    • Removes "Parent/child" updating from 1d grids / 2d grids in favor of always recalculating the 2d grid every time its Cells are accessed. This may have a bit of a performance hit, but it's worth it to make 2d grid behavior easier to reason about.
    • Allows Grid2ds to support construction from Grid1ds that are not straight lines. Previously Grid1ds could support any sort of curve and Grid2ds were stuck as dumb rectangles.
  • JsonInheritanceConverter
    • Makes the Type Cache on the JsonInheritanceConverter static, and exposes a public method to refresh it. In the grasshopper context, new types may have been dynamically loaded since the JsonInheritanceConverter was initialized, so it needs to be refreshed before deserializing a model.
  • TypeGenerator
    • Enables external overriding of the Templates path, as in GH's case the Templates folder is not in the same place as the executing assembly.
    • Exposes a public, synchronous method GetSchema to get a JsonSchema from uri (wrapping GetSchemaAsync)
    • Refactors some of the internal processes of GenerateInMemoryAssemblyFromUrisAndLoadAsync:
      • GenerateCodeFromSchema() produces csharp from a schema, including generating the namespace, typename, and local excludes
      • GenerateCompilation() takes the csharp and compiles it, using a new optional flag frameworkBuild to designate whether it should load netstandard or net framework reference assemblies.
      • EmitAndLoad() generates the assembly in memory and loads it into the app domain.
    • Adds an EmitAndSave() method that generates the assembly and writes it to a .dll on disk
    • Adds a public GenerateAndSaveDllForSchema() method used by grasshopper that generates code from a schema, generates a compilation, and saves it to disk as a DLL.
    • Adds a public GetLoadedElementTypes() method used by grasshopper to list all the currently loaded element types.


  • Transform.OfXXX(xxx) curve methods have been deprecated in favor of XXX.Transformed(Transform) and XXX.TransformedXXX(Transform).




  • Curve.ToPolyline(int divisions = 10)
  • Circle.ToPolygon(int divisions = 10)
  • Transform.Move(double x, double y, double z)
  • Transform.Rotate(double angle)
  • TypeGenerator.GenerateUserElementTypesFromUrisAsync(string[] uris, string outputBaseDir, bool isUserElement = false)


  • Updated documentation to reflect the use of .NET Core 3.1.


  • Polygon.Circle(...)



  • Material.Unlit
  • Material.DoubleSided
  • Units.LengthUnit
  • Elements.MeshImportElement


  • Mesh.AddVertex(...) is now public.
  • Mesh.AddTriangle(...) is now public.


  • SolidOperation.GetSolid().


  • #262
  • Fixed an error where Transform.OfPlane(...) would not solve correctly if the plane was not at the world origin.


  • Grid2d now supports grids that are not parallel to the XY plane



  • ColorScale
  • AnalysisMesh
  • Ray.Intersects(...) for Plane, Face, Solid, and SolidOperation


  • Fix #253



  • Grid2d constructors accepting a Transform interpreted the transform incorrectly.



  • Grid1d
  • Grid2d
  • Domain1d
  • GeometricElement.IsElementDefinition
  • A drawEdges optional parameter to Model.ToGlTF(...) to enable edge rendering.
  • Polyline and Profile now implement IEquatable.
  • Polygon.Union(IList<Polygon> firstSet, IList<Polygon> secondSet)
  • Polygon.Difference(IList<Polygon> firstSet, IList<Polygon> secondSet)
  • Polygon.XOR(IList<Polygon> firstSet, IList<Polygon> secondSet)
  • Polygon.Intersection(IList<Polygon> firstSet, IList<Polygon> secondSet)


  • Vector.Normalized() is now Vector.Unitized()
  • Color.ToString() now returns a useful description


  • Fixed an error with Transform.OfVector(...) where the translation of the transform was not applied.
  • Fixed an error where Mesh.ComputeNormals(...) was not set to a unitized vector.
  • Fixed an error with BBox3's solver for Polygons



  • Contour
  • Transform.Reflect(Vector3 n)
  • ElementInstance
  • Vector3.ClosestPointOn(Line line)
  • Line.TrimTo(Line line)
  • Line.ExtendTo(Line line)
  • Line.Offset(double distance, bool flip = false)
  • Line.DivideByLengthFromCenter(double l)
  • Ray.Intersects(Ray ray, out Vector3 result, bool ignoreRayDirection)
  • Polygon.Fillet(double radius)
  • Arc.Complement()
  • Polygons.Star(double outerRadius, double innerRadius, int points)
  • Units.CardinalDirections
  • Mesh.ComputeNormals
  • Topography.AverageEdges(Topography target, Units.CardinalDirection edgeToAverage)
  • Topography.GetEdgeVertices(Units.CardinalDirection direction)
  • WebMercatorProjection


  • Fixed #125.
  • Fixed one Transform constructor whose computed axes were not unit length, causing the transform to scale.
  • Topography is now written to IFC.



  • Vector3 is now a struct.
  • Color is now a struct.
  • ProfileServer.GetProfileByName(...) is now deprecated in favor of ProfileServer.GetProfileByType(...)


  • Bezier
  • WideFlangeProfileType
  • HSSPipeProfileType
  • Curve.MinimumChordLength static property to allow the user to set the minimum chord length for subdivision of all curves for rendering.
  • Circle
  • FrameType Bezier curves can have their frames calculated using Frenet frames or "road like" frames.



  • All element types are partial classes with one part of the class generated from its JSON schema.
  • Polygon.Rectangle constructor no longer takes an origin.
  • Polygon.Clip now takes an optional additional set of holes.
  • Wall and Floor constructors no longer take collections of Openings.
    • Openings can be added using wall.Openings.Add(...).
  • Polygon now has more robust checks during construction.
    • All vertices must be coplanar.
    • Zero length segments are not allowed.
    • Self-intersecting segments are not allowed.
  • Solid, Face, Vertex, Edge, HalfEdge, and Loop are now marked internal.
  • Quaternion is now marked internal.
  • Matrix is now marked internal.
  • SolidConverter is now marked internal.
  • Elements.Serialization.IFC.ModelExtensions is now marked internal.
  • All core type property setters are now public.
  • The elevation parameter has been removed from Floor. Floor elevation is now set by passing a Transform with a Z coordinate.


  • ModelCurve - Draw curves in 3D.
  • ModelPoints - Draw collections of points in 3D.
  • Elements.Generate.TypeGenerator class.
  • /Schemas directory.
  • Optional rotation on StructuralFraming constructors.
  • Model now has Elements property which is IDictionary<Guid,Element>.
  • double Vector3.CCW(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
  • bool Line.Intersects(Line l)
  • Elements.Validators.IValidator and the Elements.Validators.Validator singleton to provide argument validation during construction of user elements.
  • Line.DivideByLength()
  • Line.DivideByCount()
  • Ray class.
  • Vector3.IsZero()


  • The empty Dynamo project.
  • ElementType, WallType, FloorType, StructuralFramingType
  • MaterialLayer
  • Transform constructor taking start and end parameters. The Transform constructor which takes an X and a Z axis should now be used.


  • Transforms are now consistently right-handed.
  • Transforms on curves are now consistently oriented with the +X axis oriented to the "right" and the +Z axis oriented along the inverse of the tangent of the curve.
  • Built in materials for displaying transforms are now red, green, and blue. Previously they were all red.
  • All classes deriving from Element now pass their id, transform, and name to the base constructor.
  • Line/plane intersections now return null if the intersection is "behind" the start of the line.
  • Beams whose setbacks total more than the length of the beam no longer fail.
  • Plane construction no longer fails when the normal vector and the origin vector are "parallel".
  • Fixed #209.
  • Topography is now serialized to JSON.
  • Built in materials now have an assigned Id.



  • Elements representing building components now return positive areas.
  • Added Area property to: Panel Space Added Volume property to:
  • Floor
  • Space Added positive area calculation to:
  • Floor
  • Mass
  • Added positive Volume calculation to:
  • StructuralFraming
  • Beam.Volume() throws an InvalidOperationException for non-linear beams.
  • Added TODO to support Volume() for all beam curves.



  • Edges are no longer written to the glTF file.
  • Large performance improvements made to glTF writing using Buffer.BlockCopy and writing buffers directly from tesselation to glTF buffer.


  • Fix #177.



  • Numerous comments were updated for clarity.
  • Numerous styling changes were made to the documentation to align with the Hypar brand.


  • Fixed an error where vertex colors were not correctly encoded in the glTF.



  • Fix #173.
  • Fix #7.



  • Element.Id is now a Guid.


  • Fix #107.
  • Fix #132.
  • Fix #137.
  • Fix #144.
  • Fix #142.



  • The Kernel singleton has been added to contain all geometry methods for creating solids.


  • Fixed an error where, when writing edges to gltf, ushort would be overflowed and wrap back to 0 causing a loop not to terminate.



  • Materials are now serialized to IFC using IfcStyledItem.


  • Fixed an error where we returned directly after processing child Elements of an IAggregateElements, before we could process the parent element.
  • Fixed writing of gltf files so that the .bin file is located adjacent to the .gltf.



  • Space elements are now serialized to IFC as IfcSpace.



  • IHasOpenings.Openings[] is now IHasOpenings.List<Opening>[].


  • Opening elements are now serialized to IFC as IfcOpeningElement.


  • Solid.Slice() has been made internal. It's not yet ready for consumers. See #103


  • Spaces are now correctly colored. See #134.


  • Added ToIfcWall() extension method to save a Wall to an IfcWall.


  • Space.Profile is set in the constructor when a Space is constructed with a profile. #132
  • Sub-elements of IAggregateElements are now added to the Model. #137


  • Added StandardWall, for walls defined along a curve. Wall continues to be for walls defined by a planar profile extruded to a height.
  • Added Polygon.L.


  • Floor constructors no longer have material parameter. Materials are now specified through the FloorType.
  • IAggregateElement is now IAggregateElements.
  • Panel now takes Polygon instead of Vector3[].



  • IGeometry3D is now ISolid.
  • ISolid (formerly IGeometry3D) now contains one solid, not an array of solids.


  • Solid.Material. Elements are now expected to implement the IMaterial interface or have an IElementType<T> which specifies a material.



  • MaterialLayer
  • StructuralFramingType - StructuralFramingType combines a Profile and a Material to define a type for framing elements.


  • IProfileProvider is now IProfile
  • IElementTypeProvider is now IElementType
  • All structural framing type constructors now take a StructuralFramingType in place of a Profile and a Material.
  • All properties serialize to JSON using camel case.
  • Many expensive properties were converted to methods.
  • A constructor has been added to WallType that takes a collection of MaterialLayer.



  • Matrix.Determinant()
  • Matrix.Inverse()
  • Transform.Invert()
  • Model.ToIFC()
  • Elements.Serialization.JSON namespace.
  • Elements.Serialization.IFC namespace.
  • Elements.Serialization.glTF namespace.


  • Wall constructor which uses a center line can now have a Transform specified.
  • Profile.ComputeTransform() now finds the first 3 non-collinear points for calculating its plane. Previously, this function would break when two of the first three vertices were co-linear.
  • Using Hypar.IFC2X3 for interaction with IFC.
  • Line.Thicken() now throws an exception when the line does not have the same elevation for both end points.
  • Model.SaveGlb() is now Model.ToGlTF().



  • The Topography class has been added.
  • Transform.OfPoint(Vector3 vector) has been added to transform a vector as a point with translation. This was previously Transform.OfVector(Vector3 vector). All sites previously using OfVector(...) are now using OfPoint(...).
  • Material.DoubleSided
  • Loop.InsertEdgeAfter()
  • Solid.Slice()
  • Model.Extensions


  • Transform.OfVector(Vector3 vector) now does proper vector transformation without translation.
  • Attempting to construct a Vector3 with NaN or Infinite arguments will throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.



  • IFC implementation has begun with Model.FromIFC(...). Support includes reading of Walls, Slabs, Spaces, Beams, and Columns. Brep booleans required for Wall and Slab openings are not yet supported and are instead converted to Polygon openings in Wall and Floor profiles.
  • The Elements.Geometry.Profiles namespace has been added. All profile servers can now be found here.
  • The Elements.Geometry.Solids namespace has been added.
  • The Frame type has been added to represent a continuous extrusion of a profile around a polygonal perimeter.
  • The ModelTest base class has been added. Inheriting from this test class enables a test to automatically write its Model to a .glb file and to serialize and deserialize to/from JSON to ensure the stability of serialization.
  • The Solid.ToGlb extension method has been added to enable serializing one Solid to glTF for testing.


  • Element identifiers are now of type long.
  • Breps have been re-implemented in the Solid class. Currently only planar trimmed faces are supported.
  • Many improvements to JSON serialization have been added, including the ability to serialize breps.
  • '{element}.AddParameter' has been renamed to '{element}.AddProperty'.
  • The Hypar.Geometry namespace is now Elements.Geometry.
  • The Hypar.Elements namespace is now Elements.


  • The IProfile interface has been removed.
  • The Extrusion class and IBrep have been replaced with the Solid class. The IGeometry interface now returns a Solid[].
  • Many uses of System.Linq have been removed.
  • Many uses of IEnumerable<T> have been replaced with T[].