This repository uses automated release process. The release build is triggered by pushing a release tag e.g.
git tag 0.2.0 && git push origin 0.2.0
to release version 0.2.0
The version is supplied from the
Hypertrace version plugin
that uses git history (e.g. the latest tag) to derive the version. For instance if the last
commit has a tag then the version from tag is used. If the last commit does not have a tag then
the last tag version with -SNAPSHOT
is used.
./gradlew printVersion # -Prelease - prints the next release version, it's not used at the moment.
The release CI job performs following actions:
- runs unit and smoke tests
- publishes java artifacts to maven repository
- publishes docker image
- creates GitHub release and uploads java agent to assets
Run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
and ls ~/.m2/repository/org/hypertrace/agent
to find out which
artifacts are being published.